Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases By Roget, Peter Mark English A Doctrine Publishing Corporation Digital Book 493 This book is indexed by ISYS Web Indexing system to allow the reader find any word or number within the document. AND PHRASES*** These files were assembled by L. John Old, Napier University, Edinburgh, #22). ROGET'S THESAURUS OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES Notes on the automatically-generated Index to Roget's Thesaurus, 1911 edition. Introduction A true Roget's Thesaurus (as opposed to an alphabetically-listed synonym dictionary) is composed of three parts: - a hierarchical classification structure (hierarchy or "Synopsis of Categories"); - a body, which lists the Categories (whose titles are sometimes referred to as "head words" or "headings"), under which are found the groups of semantically- or conceptually-related words and phrases (also called synonyms or entries); - and an Index that lists the entries alphabetically (along with the Category titles and numbers under which the entry may be found in the body). This document contains the complete Index to the 1911 (American) edition. It was generated from the entries (synonyms, phrases and word lists) contained in the Gutenburg/MICRA free E- text thesaurus 14a (plain text version). It is larger than the original 1911 Roget's Thesaurus Index, containing all text entries (i.e. excluding numbers, special characters and parenthetical information) up to 25 characters long (91,000+ entries). Index Entries This Index lacks the intelligence found in the original hand-edited Index, where common-sense aggregations occur. For example A B C and A.B.C. are found under a single Index entry in the original Index. Also, phrases are here listed alphabetically rather than "semantically." For example, in the original Index under the Index entry home there are phrases such as be at -, at - with, bring Ð to ("be at home," "at home with," " bring home to"). In this automatically-generated Index be at home is instead listed after the entry be at cross purposes with and before the entries be at home in, and be at home with; while bring home to is listed after bring i.e. none are listed under home. This Index includes archaic and obsolete words; foreign terms; Latin quotations; and many other such entries that the average thesaurus-user would never need, and were not included in the original Index. Foreign characters such as umlaut, circumflex, grave or acute may be found to encoded using ASCII characters e.g. flambee, b=ete noire. A look-up for these codes is not provided. Pages: There are 565 pages in this document (including this page) in four-column format (one column in the plain text file). The 1911 Roget's Thesaurus (large print edition) begins at page 351 and ends at page 653 (302 pages) in four-column format. Header Page: I have included the original Roget's header page to the Index (with its explanatory note) for completeness. However the information it gives is not accurate for this automatically- generated Index i.e., for words or phrases that are both an Index entry Doctrine Publishing Corporation Digital Book Page 1 493 and one of the Category names ("headings") listed beneath it, the reference number is not printed in bold-face type. L John Old Napier University Edinburgh March 2003 INDEX N.B. The numbers refer to the headings under which the words or phrases occur. When the same word or phrase may be used in various senses, several headings under which it, or its synonyms, will be found, according to those meanings, are indicated by the words printed in Italics. These words in Italics are not intended to explain the meaning of the word or phrase to which they are annexed, but only to assist in the required reference. When a number or word of reference is placed within parentheses, the actual word or phrase will not be found under the heading referred to, although it may sometimes be useful to consult the category thus indicated. When the word given in the Index is itself the title or heading of the category, the number of reference is printed in bold-face type, thus: abode 186. (Note to readers utililizing the plain .txt file: the formatting described here is available only in RTF or other non-plain text versions of this eBook.) A A 1 a being a blue moon a bright thought a can of worms a catalectin a century a certain number a chip off the old block a coup sur a crowd is not company a cup too low a dagger of the mind a Daniel come to judgment a day after the fair a dead letter a deal a discretion a dog's obeyed in office a face untaught to feign a fair field and no favor a far cry to a few a fig for a fine frenzy a fond a fortiori a full a gauche a gentleman and a scholar a good hand at a good turn a good way off a great way off a hundred a la francaise a la mode a la parisienne a la sourdine a la tartufe a length of time a little at a time a little bird told me a little bit a long time a long time ago a long way off a long while a man among men a million a myriad a nonillion a number a number of times a outrance a plague upon! a post master a prey to a prey to grief a prey to melancholy a priori fact a priori reasoning a quadrillion a quantity a quicksand of deceit a Roland for an Oliver a sadder and a wiser man a schoolboy's tale a se a short time ago a shot in the locker a show of a slave to a soul as white as heaven a span a stitch in time a stranger to a thousand a thousand and one a thousand times no a tort et a travers a truce to! a wash a wee bit a wilderness of sweets a word and a blow a word to the wise a world of A$ A,B,C,D,E,F A. B. A.B.C. A.C. A.D. a.m. A.R. A.U.C. ab extra ab intra abacist aback abacus Abaddon abaft abalienate abalienation abandon abandon all hope abandon the hope of abandoned abandonment abase abased abasement abash abashed abate abatement abatement of differences abatis abatjour abattis abattoir abba abbacy abbatial abbatical abbatis abbe abbess abbey abbot abbreviate abbreviation abbreviature ABC abdal abdicant abdicate abdication abditory abdomen abdominal abdominoscope abdominoscopy abdominous abduce abducent abduct abductee abduction abductive abductor abecedarian abecedary aberdevine aberrant aberration abet abettor abeyance abeyant abhor abhorrence abhorrent abide abide by abide by arbitration abide with abigail ability abiogenesis abito abject abject fear abjection abjectness abjunction abjuration abjure abjurement abkari ablation ablaze able able seaman able-bodied ablegate ableness ablepsia ablepsy ablude ablution Doctrine Publishing Corporation Digital Book Page 2 493 abnegation abnormal abnormal mind abnormality abnormalize abnormity abnormous aboard abode abode of love abode of the blessed abodement aboding aboideau abolish abolishment abolition abolitionist Abolitionist Party abolitionize abominable abominate abomination abord aboriginal aborigines abort abortion abortive abortive attempt abortive efforts abound abounding about about it and about it about to about to be above above all above all praise above board above comprehension above ground above par above price above suspicion above the mark above water aboveboard abovementioned above-mentioned above-said abovestairs abra abracadabra abrade abrasion abreast abreption abridge abridged abridger abridgment abroach abroad abrogate abrogated abrogation abrupt abruption abruptly abruptness abscess abscind abscission abscond absence absence d'esprit absence of aid absence of elasticity absence of intellect absence of light absence of mind absence of motive absence of preparation absence of rule absence of smell absence of solidity absence of time absence of voice absent absent oneself absentee absenteeism absentminded absent-mindedly absinthe absolute absolute establishment absolute interest absolutely absoluteness absolution absolutism absolve absonant absonous absorb absorb the attention absorb the mind absorb the soul absorb the thoughts absorbed absorbent absorbing absorption absorption of mind abstain abstain from doing abstain from voting abstainer abstemious abstemiousness abstention absterge abstergent abstersion abstersive abstinence abstinence from action abstinent abstract abstract application abstract attention abstract idea abstract oneself abstract study abstract thought abstracted abstractedly abstractedness abstraction abstraction contemplation abstruse absurd absurd story absurdity absurdness Abuna abundance abundant abundantly abuse abuse like a pickpocket abuse of language abuse of terms abusive abut on abutment abuttal abutter aby abysm abysmal abyss academic academical academician academist academy acanthus acari=atre acarpous accede accelerate acceleration accelerometer accension accent accentuate accentuation accept accepta acceptable acceptance acceptation accepted fact accepted principle access accessible accession accessory accessory after the fact acciaccatura accidence accident accidental accidentally accidentalness accipient accipitres acclaim acclamate acclamation acclimatization acclimatize acclivity accloy accolade accommodate accommodate differences accommodate matters accommodate oneself to accommodate with accommodating accommodation accommodation train accompaniment accompanist accompany accompanying accomplice accomplish accomplished accomplishment accomplishments accompts! accord accord with accordance accordant according as according to according to Cocker according to custom according to Gunter according to Hoyle according to law according to regulation according to routine according to rule according to the occasion
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