Index Abraham , 90 , 107 Amida , 28 , 160 Antioch - on - the - Meander , Architecture , in Basilian Ac;:Tk Saray , facades at, 65, Amisos (Samsun ), 6 battle at , 30 Rule , 77 ; rockcut , 18 , 45 66 (ill .), 69, 75; monasteries Amphilochios , bishop of Apocalypse , beasts of the , Architecture , Late Antique , at, 58, 60 Iconium , 24 , 164 83 , 181 69 , 75 Ac;:Tkel Aga Kilisesi , see Ampullae , 185 Apocalypse , Elders of the , Architecture , Muslim , 70 Peristrema Anargyroi , 157 at YTlanlr Kilise (Cat . no . Architecture , Persian , 70 Acts of St . Hieron , 19 , 80 Anastasis (Descent into 31), 107, 109 Arethas, bishop of Adam , 133 , 181 Limbo ), 122, 127, 133, 136, Apocalypse (Revelation) Caesarea , 27 Adoration of the Magi , 137, 169, 174, 181; at Ac;:Tkel of St. john the Divine , 83, Arianism , 24 , 164 127 , 177 , 198 , 199 , 224 ; at Aga Kilisesi (Cat. no . 9), 188 ; cited , 106 , 107 Armenia , 6 , 18 , 23 , 28 , 112 , Tokalr (Cat . no . 39), 217 206 ; at Karanl Tk Kilise Apocalyptic visions , 84, 120 , 140 , 151 , 186 , 202 , Aegean , 3, 5 (Cat . no . 59), 133; at 141 ; see also Christ in 203 , 218 , 225 Aesop , fables of , 155 Purenli Seki Kilisesi (Cat . Majesty; Lastjudgment ; Art , Armenian , 59 , 202 Africa , North , Late no . 33), 200; at St. Barbara Second Coming Art , Byzantine , 59, 145, Antique facades in , 69; (Cat . no . 40), 222 Apostles , Benediction of 151 , 152 , 185 , 206 , 225 trefoil chapels in, 118 Anatolia , 3, 25 , 28 , 30 , 32 , the , 127 ; at Karanlrk Kilise Art , Coptic , 59, 112, 194, Agatharchides , 18 33 , 45 , 106 , 112 , 118 , 120 , (Cat . no . 59), 153 202 Aght'amar, church of the 123 , 140 , 190 , 230 ; see Apostles , Communion of Art , Hellenistic - Roman , Holy Cross, 112 also Asia Minor the , at St. Stephen (Cat . 186 Ag Trnas, 43 Ancyra , see Ankara no . 4), 88 Art , Mozarabic , 202 Agony of Christ , 199 Andronikos , emperor , 30 Apostles, the Washing of Art , Muslim , 112 Ahmet III , sultan , 31 Ani , cathedral of , 112 the Feet of the , 122 Art , Syro -Palestinian , 186- Aisopos , 180 Ankara (Ancyra ), 32, 38 Apses , Cappadocian , 81, 95, 188 Akkale (Cilicia ), monastery Anne (Anna ), St., 115, 184; 105 , 123 , 146 ; of Tokalr Art, Visigothic , 112, 202 of , 51 church es dedicated to . Kilise (Cat . no . 39), 104; Ascension of Christ , 122 , Akritai , 25 see Kizil <;:ukur (Cat . no . of Church A , Soganlr 127 , 174 , 181 , 182 , 191 , Akritas , Digenis , 25 13) Dere , 137 194, 200, 224; at Agac; Alt T Akroenos , battle at , 25 Annunciation : 122 , 169 , Arabia , 25 Kilisesi (Cat . no . 30), 112, Aksaray, 29 175, 199, 223; at Al;:rkel Arabic Gospel of the Childhood 194; at AyvalT Kilise (Cat . Ala Kilise , see Peristrema Aga Kilisesi (Cat . no . 9), , 174 no . 16), 208; at Balkam Alacahisar , rockcut church 206; at Chapel 16, Goreme Arabs , 25 , 26 , 75 Dere chapel (Cat. no. 1), at , 119 (Cat . no . 39a), 211; at Egri Arabsun (GQI~ehir ), 38; 80 , 205 Alacahoy Uk, 5 Ta~ Kilisesi (Cat . no . 29), Kar~r Kilise (Cat . no . 61), Ashur , Parthian palace at, Alexander the Great , 6 203 ; at the triconch of 153 , 230 , 275 70 Alexandria , 186 Tagar (Cat . no . 54), 115; Arch , circumscribed by a Asia , 5 Ali , prophet , 30 at YTlanl TKilise (Cat . no . triangle, 69; diaphragm, Asia Minor , 3 , 5 , 6 , 28 , 30 , Ali Dag (Mount Didymos ), 31), 200 60 , 69 , 99 ; horseshoe , 53 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 77 , 82 , 106 , 186 , 24, 30 Anthony , disciple of St. 70 187 , 190 , 203 ; see a /50 Ali~ar, 5 Simeon , 48 Archaic style church es, see Anatolia Alpaslan, 29 Anthony , St., 7 Church es, Cappadocian Aspendos , Late Antique Amasya, 29 Antioch , 6, 48 , 106 , 120 , architects , Cappadocian , facades at , 69 ambo, 82, 233 160 , 186 , 187 45 , 93 , 95 , 126 , 136 Assyrians , 5 288 Index Asterios , bishop of Amasia , Basil I, emperor , 27 , 166 , Book of Childhood (Armenian church es in , 27 , 28 , 43 , 45 , 90 , 162 224 ), 198, 202 75 , 76 - 141 ; rockcut Athens , Byzantinechurches Basil II , emperor , 56 , 123 , Book of James (Protoevangelion houses in , 23 ; rockcut at , 126 210 , 223 ), 174, 178, towns in , 19 , 25 , 38 ; visits Athos , Mount , 133 ; Lavra Basil (Giagoupes ), emir , 198, 223; cited , 199; illustrated to , 38 ; Western travelers Monastery , 140 30 , 153 manuscripts of , in , 32 ; see also Architects , Auxentios , 7 Basileias , 24 184- 185; quoted , 175, 176 Cappadocian ; Monasteries Ayn Karem , 183 Basilian Rule , 8 , 51 , 56 - 57 , Boyal ! Dere (Kemerli ,Cappadocian ; Painters , AynalT Kilise , see Monasteries 77 Dere ), chapel at, 150 Cappadocian , etc . , Cappadocian ; Basilicas Basilicas , 233 ; three - aisled , Bronte (Sicily ), 18 (: arrkli Kilise , see Goreme 76, 95- at AynalT Kilise , Bulgaria, 145 Catalonia , Romanesque AyvalT Kilise , see GUIIU 60, at Cappadocia (general Burial of Christ , 174 , 180 ; art of , 226 , 227 Dere ), 77, 79, 80, 94, 105, at see also Deposition of Cathedra , 233 ; in Ha <; li AyvalT Kay , church at (Cat . Selime , 59, at Syria , 82, at Christ ; Entombment of Kilise (Cat . no . 5), 82, 83; no . 48), 226, 227, 272 Thalin (Armenia ), 140; Christ ; Women at the in St. john the Baptist , aisleless (or one -aisled ), Tomb (:avu ~in , 76, 81 Baghdad , 26 77, 79- at Cappadocia , Byzantine art , see Art , ByzantineCatherine , Cappadocian Balkam Dere , chapel at 77 , 94 , 95 , 105 , 120 , 140 , donor , 154 (Cat . no . 1), 80, 205, 262; 211 Byzantine empire , 23, 28, Catherine , St ., 154 chapel with St. Basil cycle , Bassianos , 153 30 , 47 , 187 (:avu ~in , 37 (ill .), 47; 164 - 166 Batal el Ghazi , Seld el , 25 Byzantium , 25, 27, 145, 209, church es at - Great Balli Kilise , see Peristrema Bathystrokos , abbot , 154 227 , 230 ; see also Constantinople Pigeon house (Cat . no . Ball Tk Kilise , see Soganl T Bawit , necropolis of , 194 38), 28, 147, 160- 161, 210- Dere Belis Trma , facade at , 65 211, 212- 213 (ill .), 216, Balthasar , see Magi Bell , Gertrude L., 5, 51 218, 269; St. john the Baptist Baptism of Christ , 122, 127, Belli Kilise, see Soganl T Caesarea , 3, 6 , 7 , 27 , 29 , 34 , , 70, 72- 74 (ill .), 75- 76, 174 , 179 , 190 , 193 , 216 Dere 58 , 164 , 208 ; see also 79 , 80 , 81 , 82 , 205 , 261 ; Bardas, Cappadocian Benedict , St ., 8 Kayseri minarets at , 35 ; town of , donor , 154 Berlin Museum , 70 Caltabelotta (Sicily ), 18 70 Bardas (Phokas ), 210 Bethlehem , 176 , 182 ; monastery Calvary , 127 Cemil , near ; monastery of Barlaam , St ., 162 of the Poimnion Cambazli Kilise , see Orta - the Archangelos, see Basil, St., the Great , bishop at , 183 ; star of , 132 ; Journey hisar Monasteries , Cappado - of Caesarea , 3, 7, 8, 24 , 30 , to Bethlehem , 127 , Canavar Kilise, see Soganli Clan; St. Stephen (Cat . Dere 47 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 99 , 120 , 205 , 176 , 178 no . 4), 88, 89 (ill .), 216 ; church es dedicated Betrayal (Kiss) of Judas, Capitals , sixth -century , 75 90 , 262 to , see Elevra ; cited , 162 ; 127 , 179 , 180 Cappadocia, 24, 29, 33, 34, Chairete , 191 pictorial cycles dealing Bezirhane , monastery of 35 , 230 ; Arab raids in , 25 ; Chalcedon , Council of , 19 ; with , 99, 164-167; portraits St. Theodore, see Monasteries hermitages in , 47; landscape memorial of St. Euphemia of, 99; quoted , 3, 7, , Cappadocian of , 9- 17; Muslim at , 90 , 162 8 , 51 , 58 , 91 , 107 Binbirkilise , 82 , 118 presence in , 26 ; name of , Chantre , Ernest , 32 Basil, son of Michael , Cap - Bithynia , 6 5; relation to Constantinople Childhood Gospel of padocian donor , 153 Black Sea , 3, 9 , 29 , 121 , 123 ; rockcut Thomas , 174 289 Index Childhood of Christ , 87 ; 112 ; Thalin , 140 church of Kauleas , 224 ; Daniel in the Lion ' s Den , pictorial cycles of , 123, Church es, Cappadocian : fall of , 30, 145; Great Palace 198 163 , 168 , 169 , 174 , 175 - 178 , Archaic , 84 - 87 , 169 - 193 ; of , 216, 224; Hagia Daphni , 136; church at, 181 , 183 , 184 , 185 , 191 , country , 77 ; cruciform , Irene (St. Irene ), 82, 88; 126 , 133 , 136 , 207 , 225 , 227 193 , 198 - 199 , 200 , 206 , 106 - 113 , 120 ; masonry , Hagia Sophia , 75, 76, 99, David, king, 133, 156, 181 210, 223; see also Adoration 23 , 43 , 77 , 112 ; monastic , 189, 193, 224; Holy Apostles Degile, monastery at, 51 of the Magi; Annunciation 53, 56; parish , 56; triconch , , 106, 207; illuminated Deisis , 127 , 195 , 224 ; at ; Flight into Egypt; 114 - 120 , 137 ; with transverse manuscripts at, 190, 218; AyvalT Kay (Cat . no . 48), Flight of Elizabeth; Journey vault , 95 - 106 , 120 ; murals of , 190 , 223 ; Nea 226 ; at Karanl Tk Kilise to Bethlehem; Massacre see also Basilicas ; Cappa - (New Church ), 224; processions( Cat . no . 59), 153; at of the Innocents; docia , rockcut church es at, 176; Sts. Serg- Purenli Seki Kilisesi (Cat . Murder of Zacchariah ; in; Cross- in -Square ius and Bacchus , 76 ; St . no . 33), 195; at the triconch Nativity ; Presentation in church es, Cappadocian Theodore (Kilise Cami ), of Tagar (Cat . no . the Temple Church es, Coptic , 80 126 54), 115 China , 18 Church es, Mesopotamian , Constantinople, Council Delphi , 136 Chios , Nea Moni , 225 , 226 , see Mesopotamia in Trullo , 56 Demotike , 151 227 Cilicia , 27 , 33 , 51 , 210 Corinth , 6 Demre , see Myra Chreste , 7 Cilician Gates , 6 Cormack , R., 211 , 216 Deposition of Christ , 174, Christ in Majesty , 93, 181, Cimitile , church of St . Felix , Cosmas Indicopleustes , 180 , 208 188 , 189 , 224 ; at Ac;:Tkel 118 Christian Topography of , Derekay , valley of , 60 Aga Kilisesi (Cat . no . 9), Colobium , 185 , 205 163 Descent from the Cross , 206 ; in the church of the <;:omlek <;:i Kilisesi , Gelveri Cross, the , 88, 90, 99 (crux 122 Three Crosses (Cat . no . (Cat . no . 10), 264 gemmata ), 106, 107, 146, Descent into Limbo , see 8), 84, 85- 86 (ill .), 91; in Commagene , church of 192 ; see also Crucifixion Anastasis Hac;:11Kilise (Cat . no . 5), Surp Hagop , 105 Cross - in - square church es , Diakonikon , 104 , 233 82- 83, 91; at KTITc;:Jar Conant , K .
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