For local candle Your complete guide to this Shabbos, 30 Kislev - lighting times visit week's halachos and minhagim. Friday, 6 Teves, 5779 Chabad.org/Candles Menorah Lighting on Erev Shabbos • Say Yaaleh Viyavo and Ve’al Hanissim during • If possible, daven Minchah earlier in the afternoon, Shemoneh Esrei. See below, “Hosafos,” for the before lighting the menorah.1 However, if it is late, laws that apply if you forgot to say Yaaleh Viyavo or if there is no minyan for Minchah at an earlier or Ve’al Hanissim when davening. time, daven Minchah after lighting the menorah.2 • When bentching after the Shabbos meals, add • The menorah is lit first, followed by the Shabbos Ve’al Hanissim, Retzei and Yaaleh Viyavo. See candles.3 below, “Hosafos,” for the laws that apply if you • When lighting the menorah, make sure to add forgot to say Ve’al Hanissim or Yaaleh Viyavo enough oil to burn at least a half hour after tzeis when bentching. hakochavim. If using candles, use candles large • When bentching, also say the Harachaman for enough to burn for this amount of time. Shabbos and the one for Rosh Chodesh. • There is no need to remain near the lights this • When saying a Berachah Acharonah Mei’ein evening.4 Shalosh (e.g., Al Hamichyah), add the additions • The menorah and the chair upon which it is lying for Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh. (However, there remain muktzah throughout Shabbos, even after is no need to repeat the berachah if they were 7 the lights have burned out.5 If you will need to omitted.) move the chair on Shabbos, a Rov should be consulted. Shacharis • After Shemoneh Esrei, the whole Hallel is recited, followed by Kaddish Shalem. For more on Hallel, see below, “Hosafos.” • Hallel is followed by Shir Shel Yom and Barchi Shabbos Nafshi. Parshas Mikeitz, 30 Kislev | Sixth day of Chanukah, first day of Rosh Chodesh Teves, Krias Hatorah 5779 6 • Three Sifrei Torah are removed from the aron Thing to do kodesh. From the first Sefer Torah, six aliyos are read in Parshas Mikeitz. (The sixth aliyah continues until the end of the parshah.) The second Sefer Torah is then placed next to the first one. This is 1 ספר-המנהגים ע' 71, ראה שם הטעמים לזה. followed by hagbah and gelilah of the first Sefer 2 קיצור של"ה הל' חנוכה, וא"ר ר"ס תרע"ט. וכן נהג הרבי אחרי שנת תשמ"ח, כאשר חזר מן ה'אוהל' סמוך לשקיעה: .Torah הדליק נר חנוכה, נר שבת, ואחר-כך התפלל מנחה בציבור. 3 ספר המנהגים ע' 71. • From the second Sefer Torah, Uveyom hashabbos 4 ספר המנהגים ע' 71. .(is read for the seventh aliyah (Bamidbar 28:9–15 5 ראה שו"ע אדה"ז סי' רעט ס"א. 6 בש"פ מקץ, שבת חנוכה תשמ"ב, לאחר השיחה הראשונה, אמר הרבי "שבת ָזאגט מען ניט ]=בשבת אין אומרים[ "הנרות הללו'" )נשמט מההנחה בלה"ק, אך נמצא בהנחות הת' מהתוועדות זו(, ומאז לא שרו זאת עוד בבית-חיינו בשבת. אבל מזמרים את סיומו "על ניסיך...", כפי שהחל הרבי פעמים רבות, כמו בשבת חנוכה תנש"א ותשנ"ב )ראה 7 מג"א סי' רח סקי"ח. 'בית חיינו' משבתות אלה(. The third Sefer Torah is then placed next to the Chodesh to finish the kapitel over the course of second one, and Chatzi Kaddish is recited. This the year.13 is followed by hagbah and gelilah of the second • Motzoei Shabbos Sefer Torah. • In shul, the menorah is lit after the Kaddish • From the third Sefer Torah, Bayom Hashishi is read Shalem following Shemoneh Esrei and before for Maftir (Bamidbar 7:42–47). This is followed by Aleinu.14 hagbah and gelilah of the third Sefer Torah. • In shuls where havdalah is made, the menorah is • For the haftorah, Rani Vesimchi is read (Zecharyah lit first, followed by (Aleinu and) havdalah.15 2:14–4:7). This is followed by the first and last • If the one lighting the menorah forgot to say Atah possuk of the haftorah of Rosh Chodesh, as well Chonantanu during Maariv, he should say Boruch as the first and last possuk of the haftorah of hamavdil bein kodesh lechol before lighting. Machar Chodesh (I Shmuel 20:18, 20:42).8 • At home, the menorah is lit after havdalah and • When saying the first and last possuk of the before saying Veyitein Lecha.16 haftorah of Rosh Chodesh, say the pessukim of Ko amar Hashem (Yeshayahu 66:1), Vehayah midei chodesh (ibid. 66:23), Veyatz’u vera’u (ibid. 66:24), and again Vehayah midei chodesh (ibid. 66:23).9 Sunday 1 Teves 5779 | Seventh day of Chanukah, Second day of Rosh Chodesh Teves Musaf • Do not say Av Harachamim. Thing to do • Say Atah Yatzarta (instead of the regular Tikanta Shabbos). See below, “Hosafos,” for the laws Shacharis, Krias Hatorah, and Musaf that apply if you said Tikanta Shabbos. • Say Yaaleh Viyavo in Shemoneh Esrei (in addition to Ve’al Hanissim). Rest of the Day • After Shemoneh Esrei, the whole Hallel is recited, • The Rebbe encouraged arranging farbrengens followed by Ve’Avraham Zakein and Kaddish (in shul10) on Rosh Chodesh.11 Shalem. Next, say Shir Shel Yom and Barchi • During Minchah, omit Tzidkas’cha. Nafshi. • The Frierdiker Rebbe cites an “ancient custom” • This is followed by krias hatorah. Two Sifrei Torah to study another possuk from the kapitel are removed from the aron kodesh. From the first corresponding to one’s age each Rosh Chodesh, Sefer Torah, three aliyos are read in the parshah along with Rashi’s explanation (and additional of Rosh Chodesh, instead of the regular four (the commentaries).12 For Tehillim with Rashi, visit first aliyah begins with Vayedaber and continues www.chabad.org/16222. until revi’is hahin, combining what is usually two • If there are less than twelve pesukim in your aliyos). This is followed by hagbah and gelilah of kapitel (or less than thirteen in a leap year), when the first Sefer Torah. (Chatzi Kaddish is not said you finish the kapitel, learn it a second time. If before hagbah.) there are more than twelve (or thirteen) pesukim • From the second Sefer Torah, Bayom hashvi’i in your kapitel, study enough pesukim each Rosh is read (Bamidbar 7:48–53), followed by Chatzi Kaddish, hagbah and gelilah. 8 לקוטי-שיחות כרך לה, עמ' 187 ואילך. 9 לקוטי-שיחות כרך לה, עמ' 191 הערה 34. 13 שם. 10 היום יום ל' ניסן. וראה סה"ש תש"נ שבהערה הבאה. 14 כך נהגו במניין של כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו. 11 ספר-השיחות ה'תש"נ ח"ב עמ' 539. וראה אג"ק כ"ק אדמו"ר מהוריי"צ ח"ז עמ' שכד, עיי"ש. תורת מנחם כרך 15 ספר-המנהגים ע' 71. ח, עמ' 178. 16 ספר-המנהגים ע' 71. 12 ספר-המנהגים עמ' 36. • Next, say Ashrei and Uva Letzion. The chazzan concludes Uva Letzion quietly, and the Sifrei Torah are returned to the aron kodesh. Monday • Next, remove Rashi’s tefillin, don Rabbeinu 2 Teves, 5779 | ighth day of Chanukah, Zos Tam’s tefillin, and say Shema, Kadesh li Chanukah chol bechor, and the Sheish Zechiros. After Thing to do removing Rabbeinu Tam’s tefillin, say the Musaf of Rosh Chodesh. The chazzan should recite a • The third aliyah begins with Bayom hateshi’i, and chapter of Tehillim before saying the Chatzi continues until the words ken asah es hamenorah Kaddish that precedes Musaf.17 (Bamidbar 7:60–8:4). • If you are wearing tefillin when the minyan • The Rebbe would often instruct that the menorah reaches Kesser, cover the shel rosh when that had been lit in shul on Zos Chanukah should responding.18 not be extinguished, allowing the lights to continue burning even once Chanukah is over.23 Bentching • If there is a cloudy forecast for many of the • It is a mitzvah to increase in today’s meal in following evenings, Kiddush Levanah may be honor of (Chanukah and) Rosh Chodesh.19 recited as early as three days after the molad (i.e., • Say Yaaleh Viyavo and the Harachaman for starting from Monday night after 10:29 p.m.).24 Rosh Chodesh (in addition to Ve’al Hanissim). Additionally, replace the word Magdil (in the possuk Magdil yeshuos malko) with Migdol. After Chanukah • When saying a Berachah Acharonah Mei’ein • As mentioned in last week’s Luach, when Shalosh (e.g., Al Hamichyah), add the addition preparing the menorah, it is recommended to for Rosh Chodesh. (However, there is no need to have in mind that you are only designating for repeat the berachah if it was omitted.)20 the mitzvah what is needed to burn until a half hour after tzeis hakochavim. This way, you will be allowed to throw out the leftover oil, wicks, and/ Minhagei Rosh Chodesh or wax.25 • It is customary for women to refrain from • If you did not have this in mind, burn the leftovers performing certain types of work on Rosh in a fire prepared for this purpose.26 The remaining Chodesh (see note).21 oil in the bottle, however, may be used for other • It is customary to refrain from taking a haircut and purposes.27 cutting nails on Rosh Chodesh.22 • Someone who did not give (enough) Chanukah gelt over the course of Chanukah should make up for it as close to Chanukah as possible.28 17 אג"ק ח"כ עמ' רפג. 18 'מאסף לכל המחנות' סי' כה סוף ס"ק קלו, ובלקט-הקמח החדש שם ס"ק קה. 19 שו"ע או"ח סי' תיט. 23 יומן תשכ"ה אות קס )וכן בכו"כ שנים(.
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