St. Bridget University Parish October 11, 2020 Mass Schedule Phase I Reopening Special Schedule Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM Sunday: 11:00 AM Weekdays Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM No Tuesday Mass Holy Days 7:00 PM Vigil, 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM Confessions Saturday from 3:00 to 3:30 PM at the Parish Offices. Office Hours Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Closed Friday Pastor Rev. John A. Rossi Deacons Joseph W. Loungo, Retired Samuel Soto Special Mass in Honor of Kevin C. Heil, J.D. St. Gerard Majella to Celebrate Life Aaron Smith Do you know someone who is trying to conceive? Let Campus Minister Rebekah Hardy them know of this special Mass in honor of St. Gerard Majella, the patron saint of mothers, babies and those PREP CRE Sr. Janice Novak trying to conceive. Business Manager Renee Mirenda Admin. Assistant Maryann Friedberg The Mass to Celebrate New Life in honor of St. Gerard will take place on Friday, October 16 at 9:00 AM . Secretaries Kathleen Capitanio Kathie Graham Those attending will be able to venerate a relic of St. Gerard and receive a blessed medal and a prayer card. Music Director Florence Murtha St. Gerard is known as a "wonderworker" for the abun- dance of miracles attributed to him. Maintenance Charlie Graham Mass Intentions, Prayers & Sacraments PRAYER LIST Saturday October 10 4:30 PM Carol Harwood r/b Florence Murtha Lynda Bancroft, Julia Bastian, Jerry Boylan, Pauline Brigandi, Thomas Carey, Dana Sunday October 11 Carothers, Vincent Bristow, Sandy Carnuccio, Msgr. John Clarke, Mort Cohen, Marie Corvac- 11:00 AM Lorraine Madden r/b Tom & Donna Gallia chioli, Carl Costello, Mari Hermana de Leti, Bill King r/b the Capitanio family Pasquale DiDonato, Frances Field, Janet Fuhrer, Anthony Brida, Sr. Thomas Genovese, baby Dominick Grays, Susan Grim, Dana Guidera, Vincent Guidera, Jr., Billy r/b Nick & Betty DeStefano Hadik, Janine Hee, Kathleen Heil, Marcus Jones, Al Pezzuto r/b Peggy & John Smith Lisa & Michael Juliand, Deanna & Anthony Ken- Julia Cotilus r/b family nedy, Denise Hughes King, Faith McCabe, Linda Marzucco, Gilda Mitchell, Nicholas Mitcho, Sonia Monday October 12 Morales, Gerald Morgan, Margaret Morse, Pat Mulutzie, Al Paciocco, Mary & Fabio Palacio, 9:00 AM Carl Grassi r/b Maria & Fred Riegel Maritva Perrault, Mary “Vicky” Petrillo, toddler Layla Tuesday October 13 PruettPaulson, Carmen Quituna, toddler No Mass Cataleya Rivera, Joel Rivera, Victor Rodriquez, Cathie Seas, Janeen Seddons, Wilfredo Soto, Wednesday October 14 Ann Marie Todd, Linda Triffo, Bill Van Dusen and Elsa Vasquez. 9:00 AM Charles Cabo, Jr. If you wish, you may receive the Sacrament of Thursday October 15 Anointing of the Sick. Contact the Parish Cen- 9:00 AM Marcella Dugan r/b Eileen Kosmaczewski ter at 8568812753 to make an appointment with the priest. Friday October 16 St. Gerard Mass We pray for the safety and the Lord’s 9:00 AM Fran Flamma r/b John & Lisa protection of our men and women in the military, especially Colonel Eric Baus; Major Matthew Lisa, USAF; Ensign William Stephens, Saturday October 17 USCG; Sean Patrick Stailey, USN and Luke Wible, USMC. 4:30 PM Mae & John Nolan r/b Florence Roberts PRAYER CHAIN: Do you or someone you Sunday October 18 know need the blessing of prayer? That’s why 11:00 AM Laura Jean Coates r/b Joe Viola & children the St. Bridget Prayer Chain is here for you. Peter Konrad, Sr. Please contact Annadora Shipley, Coordinator, at 8565890334, and prayers will begin for r/b Nick & Betty DeStefano you. Joseph Herrschaft r/b Nick & Betty DeStefano Mary Anne Kelly Sanctuary Candle Sponsorship r/b Diane & Bill Franklin and family The sanctuary candle is the red candle behind the altar, next to the tabernacle. It continuously remains lit to remind us of Jesus’ true presence in the Eucharist and His constant presence with us. The sanctuary candle is available for sponsor- WEDDING BANNS ship for a donation of $10.00. You may designate your offering in honor of a special person, in For the third time between thanksgiving for a blessing, or in memory of a Felix Rosas and loved one. Lidia Martinez, Please contact the Parish Center to make both of Saint Bridget. your request and donation. St. Gerard Majella Feast Day: October 16 St. Gerard Majella was born in Muro Lucano, Italy, on April 6, 1726, into a humble family. From his parents he learned the love of prayer and sacrifice. When his father died, Gerard, being the only son, had to provide for his family by working as a tailor. At the age of 14 he sought to enter the Capuchin friary but was rejected because of his poor health. After a short time as the domestic servant of the bishop of Lacedo- nia, he returned to tailoring but earned a minimal income. In April 1749, after attending a Redemptorist mission in Muro, Gerard succeeded in getting himself ac- cepted by the congregation. Following a trial period and a year of novitiate in the house at Deliceto, he professed religious vows on July 16, 1752. Gerard was noted for his observance of the Redemptorist rule and collecting money for the material needs of the community. His presence to people who were weighed down by poverty and illiteracy was a sign of hope to them. Gerard had great empathy and testified to trust in the love and the compassion of God. During his five years as a lay brother in the congregation Gerard was remarkable for his apostolic zeal, patience in sickness, love for the poor, deep humility in the face of false accusations, heroic obedience, spirit of penance, and constancy in prayer. He wrote numerous letters of spiritual direction. The Lord favored him with many spiritual gifts, including prophecy, the ability to read people’s hearts, and the gifts of miracles. He died at Materdomini on October 16, 1755. Gerard was canonized by St. Pius X on December 11, 1904. He is invoked as a patron of mothers, espe- cially in time of pregnancy. Couples hoping to conceive a child also seek St. Gerard’s intercession. The shrine of St. Gerard Majella is at the basilica in Materdomini, Italy. Biography © 2020 The Redemptorists (redemptorists.net). All Rights Reserved. Biography © 2020 The Redemptorists (redemptorists.net). All Rights Reserved. Prayer to St. Gerard San Gerardo, St. Gerard, Tú adoraste a Jesús como Señor de la Vida. You worshiped Jesus as the Lord of Life. Hoy te pido que reces por esta mi intención especial I ask you today to pray (Mencione su intención aquí.) For my special intention. Preséntale a Jesús (Mention your intention here.) a todos aquellos que quieren concebir un hijo, Lift up to Jesus a todas aquellas que tienen embarazos difíciles, All those who seek to conceive a child, a todos aquellos que han perdido un hijo, All those having difficult pregnancies, y a aquellos que con amor le presentan All who have suffered the loss of a child, sus hijos a Dios. And all who lovingly lift up their children to God. Reza para que todos nosotros, Pray that all of us, Al interesarnos por las madres, los By caring for mothers, fathers, and children padres, y los niños born and unborn nacidos y no nacidos May build a Culture of Life, edifiquemos la Cultura de la Vida In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. En Nombre de Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amén. TwentyEighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Reading 1 IS 25:610A Gospel MT 22:114 OR 22:110 On this mountain the LORD of hosts will provide for all Jesus again in reply spoke to the chief priests and peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines, juicy, elders of the peoplein parables, saying,"The king- rich food and pure, choice wines. dom of heaven may be likened to a king who gave a On this mountain he will destroy the veil that veils all wedding feast for his son. He dispatched his serv- peoples, the web that is woven over all nations; ants to summon the invited guests to the feast, but he will destroy death forever. The Lord GOD will wipe they refused to come. A second time he sent other away the tears from every face; the reproach of his servants, saying, ‘Tell those invited: “Behold, I have people he will remove from the whole earth; for the prepared my banquet, my calves and fattened cattle LORD has spoken. On that day it will be said: "Behold are killed, and everything is ready; come to the our God, to whom we looked to save us! This is the feast.”’ Some ignored the invitation and went LORD for whom we looked; away, one to his farm, another to his busi- let us rejoice and be glad that he has saved us!" ness. The rest laid hold of his servants, For the hand of the LORD will rest on this mountain. mistreated them, and killed them. The king was enraged and sent his troops, destroyed those mur- Responsorial Psalm PS 23:13A, 3B4, 5, 6 derers, and burned their city. Then he said to his R. (6cd)I shall live in the house of the Lord all the servants, 'The feast is ready, but those who were days of my life. invited were not worthy to come. Go out, there- The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. In verdant fore, into the main roads and invite to the feast pastures he gives me repose; beside restful waters he whomever you find.’ The servants went out into the leads me; he refreshes my soul.
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