HAIR CARE Gill Hobbs - Mobile hairdresser. All ages Tel: 01823 480225 GALMINGTON & GAS FITTING and SERVICING by registered GAS SAFE installer. Nick Keeble and Son, 36 Highfield, Taunton. Tel 289032 COMEYTROWE NEWS ISSUEGALMINGTON NUMBER 626/ MAY 2021 & Established in 1968 KEATES - BUILDING MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS Painting & Decorating - Paths - Patios - Fencing - Slate and Tile Roofing. COMEYTROWE NEWS Telephone 01823 275971 Mobile 07939 406099 ISSUE NUMBER 627 / MAY 2021 Established in 1968 MIKE ROGERS PLUMBING Installation and Repairs, Bathrooms, Showers, Kitchens, Ball Valves, Taps, Boiler Servicing and Central Heating, GAS Safe Registered Installer. Tel: (01823) 321470 Galmington & Comeytrowe News: [email protected] Comeytrowe Parish Council: www.comeytrowe-pc.gov.uk Bishop Henderson School: www.bishophendersonschool.co.uk St Michael’s Church Hall: Church Office Tel: 332371, Monday closed, Tuesday 9-30 to 6-00, Wednesday 9-30 to 1-30, Thursday 9-30 to 1-30,Friday 9-30 to 12-30. Or by appointment. Susan Kaufman Church Administrator. The Trident Hall & Play Area: Pete Yeandle 01823 289791 Comeytrowe Community Hall: Marian Hudd, 59 Somerset Avenue TA1 5HX 07477912257 www.comeytrowecommunityhall.org Police Community Support Contacts: Lyndsay Smith, Catherine Richards and Marshall Bernhardt Advertising Rates JUNE 2021 ISSUE To be published on: Friday 28/05/2021 Small Adverts 20p per word per month Whole Page: £40 per month Articles, Adverts & Letters to be with the Half Page: £20 per month Editor by 9am Monday 17/05/2021 Quarter page: £10 per month Eighth page: £5 per month Treasurer/Editor: Mrs. P. M. Ryan 12 Berwick Close. 01823 288474 A 10% discount will be allowed on payments made for a year in advance Distribution: Mr. S. & Mrs. J. Rudd 7 Comeytrowe Rise. 01823 252604 **CASH & Cheques no longer accepted** Payments to be made by Banks Transfer only Printed by: Zeralynx 01823 251888 Please be aware that the ‘Galmington & Comeytrowe News’ accepts adverts in good faith. If you employ or use the services of those who advertise, please satisfy yourself as to their competence and certification. ’Galmington & Comeytrowe News’ accepts no liability. 36 CONTINUED FROMCONTINUED PAGE 27 FROM PAGE 27 NewsNews from from the the Pews Pews News from the Pews The charity’s “stayThe strong, charity stay steady’s “stay” classes strong, – falls stay prevention steady ” classes – falls prevention NEWS FROM THE PEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27 With Reverend Justine sessions run in conjunction with Somerset County Council and the News With from Reverend the JustinePews sessions run in conjunction with Somerset County Council and the NHS – will also be resuming and hope to have a positive impact on Easter bonnets and Easter poems outside St Michael’s Church. The charity’s “stay NHSstrong, – stay will steady also” beclasses resuming – falls prevention and hope to have a positive impact on sessionsthe strength run inand conjunction balance of withvulnerable Somerset adults. County Council and the Easter bonnets and Easter poems outside St Michael’s Church. If you would like tothe find strength out more and about balance any of Age of vulnerableUK Somerset ’adults.s Please God, this is the last issue of The Galmington and Comeytrowe News, that NHS – will also be resuming and hope to have a positive impact on Easter bonnets and Easter poems outside St Michael’s Church. theclasses, strength please and call balance If01823 you of vulnerablewould 345626 like or adults. email to find out more about any of Age UK Somerset’s goes out solely online. You know that we are all thinking this. Because it’s an indicator, a barometer of what else is going on in our community, particularly [email protected], please or call visit 01823 345626 or email If you would like to find out more about any of Age UK Somerset’s pertaining to Covid-19. Online has been an incredible benefit to us all, but we are classes,www.ageuksomerset.org.uk please call [email protected] 345626 or email or visit missing the feel of the paper, the photo on the front, the rap or clunk of the letterbox as our copy is put through the door, and the friendly face of the volunteer who [email protected] Ageing Well Manager,www.ageuksomerset.org.uk or visit posted it, through the window. www.ageuksomerset.org.ukDi Ramsay, with 88 year old yoga We are missing, face to face interactions, we want them back. We want our clubs teacher Ivy Thorne. DiFormer tragically Ageing lost her Well Manager, and our pubs, our churches and our benches back. It has been a year. A fallow year, Formerbattle with Ageing cancer Well last Manager, year. She was an but a fruitful year all the same. We have worked out how much we need each other; Diinspirational Ramsay, with leader, 88 year whoDi old madeRamsay, yoga a huge with 88 year old yoga or even, dare I say it, how much we may like our own company. teacherdifference Ivy toThorne. the wellbeing Di tragicallyteacher of many Ivylost older Thorne.her Di tragically lost her We’re eager and a tad fearful at the same time to see the world around about us, as battlepeople with in Somersetcancer last”. year.battle She with was canceran last year. She was an we continue our journey through spring. That which is beginning to grow, shall inspirational leader, whoinspirational made a huge leader, who made a huge continue, be that the Otter Kits by the river, the veg in the patches and allotments difference to the wellbeing of many older and, or indeed our children. people in Somerset”. difference to the wellbeing of many older We’re eager and a tad fearful to get back to what we know or to face the world in a people in Somerset ”. new way, this time last year we were bedding into lockdown, now some of us are creeping out, whilst others run. We have come to Easter in our Churches cycle. It still feels like that first Easter to me, the new world awaits, and whilst eager to get out, I like those first followers of Jesus am eager and a tad fearful too. Some of our worship shall be out and about, like a community litter pick in pairs and covid safe, on Good Friday, the Easter Story QR codes (not NHS track and trace) around and about the school fence and the church, to do in your own time; and some shall be in our homes and online, A great Easter Bake Off: details on Facebook and on the book stall. Your Community Newsletter Your Community Newsletter Needs you! Needs you! We shall gather Your Community Newsletter again soon, and may Please note that the deadline for articles Please note that the deadline for articles it be a celebration. and advertisementsNeeds you! is 9am on the 16th and advertisements is 9am on the 16th But for now, Like April for inclusion in May’s issue. Easter, like nature Please ItemsnoteApril that forsent inclusion the after deadline the in Maydeadline for’ sarticles issue. Your Community Newsletter we are about to step and advertisementsItemswill notsent be after is included. 9am the on deadline the 16th back out there April for inclusionwill not bein Mayincluded.’s issue. Needs you! together into a new ArticlesItems and sent adverts after sentthe deadlinewell before the Articles and adverts sent well before the day, so let’s be deadline arewill assured not be ofincluded. a place in thePlease G&C note that the deadline for articles deadline are assured of a place in the G&C gentle with one News. Thank you for your help with this.and advertisements is 9am on the 16th another,Easter bonnets ‘the eager and’ Easter poems ArticlesNews. and Thank adverts you for sent your well help before with the this. April for inclusion in May’s issue. andoutside ‘the tadSt Michael’s fearful’. Church deadlineThe email are address assured for of thea place G & inC NEWSthe G&C is: Much love, News.The Thank [email protected] youaddress for your for the help G with& C NEWS this. is:Items sent after the deadline Rev’d Justine [email protected] will not be included. Otter Prints - Photo by Alasdair Shaw The email address for the G & C NEWS is: 2 35 2 31 [email protected] Articles and adverts sent well before the 2 deadline 35 are assured of a place in the G&C 2 News. Thank you for your help with this. The email address for the G & C NEWS is: [email protected] 2 35 Garden Home Lee. J. Priddle ✓ Decking ✓ Door/frame Take care of your mind this May Property ✓ Fencing replacements ✓ This month marks Mental Health Awareness Week, from 10 to 16 May. As Maintenance ✓ Trellis Studwork we recover from the pandemic, during which so many people have faced ✓ Pergolas ✓ Flooring emotional challenges, mental health awareness seems incredibly perti- ✓ Patios ✓ Ceilings nent. It may be that you’ve personally experienced challenges with your own mental health over the last year, or you may know family, friends or ✓ Paths ✓ Coving colleagues who’ve been struggling. ✓ Roof repairs TAKE CARE OF YOUR Qualified Carpenter ✓ Stone and (Over 25 Years Experience) Chipping ✓ Guttering MIND THIS MAY At Christians Against Poverty (CAP), many of our clients come to us with a ✓ Fascias variety of struggles. This ranges from needing debt help to support with ✓ Mobile: 07940 928939 Offering quality Interior/ finding a new job or budgeting advice. Often through getting CAP’s help improvements in exterior This monthpeople marks report Mental an Health improvement Awareness in their Week, mental from health 10 to 16 and May.
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