Ll-i-iJ t BarPRINTED AND PUBLISHEeD BY UNIVERSITFactY OF SURREY UNION. s FRIDAY 25th JUNE PHEW ! IIUHAT A ISSUE 263 Silly season starts ! During this week, a strange abundance of fences began to spring up in the ampitheatre. Seemingly overnight .they grew out of the flower beds and surround -ed the footpaths, LEFT: Rumours were rife. Could this be a plot by the terrified people of Guildford to slowly fence in and finally eradicate the mafioso-style students at Surrey? RIGHT; But no, all is revealed. The Free Fest cosndttee gambol happily behind their self-created Stag Hill Staglag 8 fenca. Question:- has the sun affected their brains or are they natur- ally inane? Spot the Loonie! DOESNT ANYONE CARE ? Last week, I wrote an article in Bare the moment, I am in the middle of my BELOW: Àttempte at croquet outside the Facts about the proposed rent for next year. Presidential Report which contains several Sports Hall. Could this be a particle recommendations that I think will improve mechanics seminar? In it, I said that a paper would be brought to theG.M. this week. On tuesday,we had the Union.. .but they cannot be put into the AGM, which was just quorate. On öiis operation without you being present to Thursday we had an EGM to discuss the constitute a quorum. Everyone complains rent paper, and äiere were 37 people there. about the Lower Bar: the plans for improv- A quorum of 50 and 1900 of you who are ement are awaiting approval. If you want a going to be affected by the level of rent for better bar service then make ai effort so next year. I always thought that the level that it can be done. of rent was of great concern to students... There are some veiy important where is that concern now ? 7 It only needs decisions to be made that will effect the 2.6% of the people living on site to make a operation of the lAiion.. .these must be quorum, yet no one turns up. It's not the made now. If we could have 1 hour of your attitude to say that everyone else will go so time in the G. M. on Tuesday, we could why should I bother. It's your Union and get these things sorted out. If you want your rent that is at stake. things to be better then come along and give your backing to Mary and myself. It'll This year, Nfery and I have worked to only take a small amount of time next improve the fecilities in operation in iJie Tuesday and L.Th. D is lovely and cool'!'! Union, for the benefit of the students. At >K>.i" uluB. Meeting for all skiers and ATHLETIC AND CROSS-COUNTRY CLUB SOCIAT.. those interested, Wednesday 30th. UGOpni Wednesday 30th June, Manor House. Every- in the Card Room. AQi for election of one associated with the clubs are invit- next year's officers. ed to partake in this end of term fest- RIDING CLUB.Important meeting. Tuesday ivity. Transport to Manor House will be 29th June. Room 102, 1.00 pm. All inter- provided from Senate steps between 7.00 ested in being on the Riding Club Comn- pm Md 7,30 pm for those who cannot make ittee, please attend. their own way_ to Manor House. (If you are Mt entitled to unemploy- ment benefit) They will then post you VICE PEESIDEWT a reclaim form, which you should fill ^ and return to them. Your Supp.Ben. Glrocheques will then automatically- ifon^ owing to the Thlvereity - ^ive in the post - as long as you keep signing on weekly. to students (matrAH a ibr thoae yibo haven't on (a; 'Ihere are still some final year before mum students who owe the University some After you've been to theUB8, go to the money. Ihie to an Ordinance Ruling of DHSS to arrange a tijne for an intervie last June, this means they will not with them, you will need details of get their degree until they have paid rent paid, savings you possess etc. LOWER BAR the outstanding debts. Any problemi] please see me. The plans for the proposed alterations At the Senate Meeting on July IJ-üi are shown elsewhere in this edition. the degree results will be ratified A quick note ; The idea is to give a bar that is -so if you are planning to go to the to those signijig on at easier (and cheaper) to operate, and liegree Ceremony on July 17th, tnaVo hoiflii - make siara you sign on at your more attractive to drink in. Have a sure yoxir debts are paidi local IB Offlcs on the 5TRST MY 07 look at the plans and see me if you There are also a large number of 123 fAC. (i.e. Mon.Sth July) or you have any questions. 1st year students who have not n-iy lose some payment. RENT collected thier £3 rent rebate. This The paper stating-our case for rent is is fiom the beginning of this teim available in the Union office if you vdien some first years were inoorrectly want to read it. I hope that ity^ran billed. Please collect your £3 ft^ be discussed at Tuesday's (31, if not the Cashiers Office' in Senate. then the rent for next year vil^ be decided (yet agaia) without any Union Policy on the matter. ' WASHING-UP • To put the Matter straight. The maintenance department is responsible for buildings and services, the Ground staff for watering trees, and its the cleaning department who wash down the walls. Recent letter writers take Welfare Handbook ajid Learn to Stud note! Booklet Both publications are progressing satisfactorily - and I'm happy to say that both are being paid for out of University funds, Ehe Leam to Study Booklet is being People wanting rooms : helpers paid for by the Teaching and Learning etc. .please leave • note in the Ifethods Committee, and the Welfare Free Festival P/H. for P-'ilette. Handbook is being paid ftom the People who can take posters ST Ylce Chancellor's Discretionary Pimd. home please colletM them from Tbursc/ay Duly Could It be that » discretion is the the reception desk. St. John's better part of welfare' (groani) Ambulance will be here on the Both will be distributed to 1st year day-collections will be made in at 8'OOpn students next October, but there will advance .please donate generously. be copies available for continuing Anyone wishing to have a stall, year students (free of ohargel) from please contact the market managers the Tfioion Heceptlon Desk, Exhibitions -contact Stuart. People needed lo help with the 5. Social Security for th^. mimmo^ typing and putting the programme together next week-please contact ?1IUENURT ft S Many of you will still be reeling from the coa^llcatlons of the Easter Dave. People needed to help routine! Well devious have been distribute Pre -Progra mmes on at work and It would be very much Saturday-coatact Dave or Steve. appreciated If those of you vho are Any info, see enteta inm ents staying in Guildford and want to sign noticeboard or contact Steve, on can do so by the following systemj- ALL CORESPONDANCE VIA FREE FEST P/H (UNION). The Unemployment Benefit Office in Onslow House will be flooded out on Monday July 5th by students from elsewhere returning home to sign on. So IT Signing on at UBQ for tbil. of Surr- ey Students you dont have to it's Surname Initial Tlipe Tues 6 July A - L 9-12noon not compulsory Wed 7 July M - Z pg^f Arts Sec. We apologise for recent references % times in Bare Facts to -feintenance Dept. Please could ail Chairpeople, secretaries, The UBO will process your claim dated being responsible for washing down Presidents, or what ever, who are at Monday July 5th so you won't lose out bulldincs. We understand that the Dept. ly sibling on a day later and you concerned was the Cleaning Dept. present running an Arts Society, please won't (hopefully) have to queue up leave a note in the Arts Sec. P/H as to for ages either. They will also give who they are - where they can be contacted you your weekly signing on time. in the vacation (i.e. address and telephone number). This is so that Arts can be pade 11) Supplementary Benefits a going concern as soon as possible next If you have siffied on in Guildford term. over the last year, there will be no need for an interview with the DIES Sam Ashton. (si^ of relief all round) The UBO will pass your claim over, to the DHSB so MUCH FÜR GOOD, CLEAN FUN LAST NIGHT, AS A RESULT OF THE GBIERAL GOODWILL, HAPPINESS AND RELIEF GENERATED BY POST-EXAM EUPHORIA AN ITOMPTU EXHIBITION BY THE ,MUSIC DEPARTMENT WS HEU IN Tl£ AMPHITfOTRE. W SEVERAL HUNDRED PEOPLE TI€RE WERE ENJOYING TfEmVES IN TIE EVENIfJG WARMTH TO TIE SOUND OF SOTE "LOW-KEY JAZZ", AND ACCQfPANYING im WITH mCE AND SONG. SUDDENLY APPEARED CERTAIN MERS OF SECURITY AND AT^ UNIDENTIFIED MEMBER OF STAF PRONOUNCING THE ILLEGALITY OF THE FmCTION, THREATENING POLICE ACTION AGAINST THE PLAYERS, AND GENERALLY SPOILING THE BEST, mST SPONTANEOUS EVENING Miti HAS HAPPENED AT THIS UNIVERSITY DÜRING LI VING STLDENT WE VDUU) LIKE TO fWE A STRONG POINT THAT IT WAS ONLY THE GOOD NATÜRED MOOD OF THE mJORITY OF STUDENTS TfERE THAT PREVPiTED A VERY NASTY INCIDENT. ALTHOUai IT IS ADMISSIBIE THAT CERTAIN POOR B -DS STILL HAVE Om TO TAKE, TIE NOISE GENERATED WAS NO LOUDER THAN A HI-FI AT REASONABLE VOLUTE IN THE ROCH NEXT DOOR.
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