3246 Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Norfolk. County of Edinburgh or Mid-Lothian. 1st or VPestern Regiment of Norfolk Militia. Edinburgh or Mid-Lothian Regiment of Militia. Redmond Stanislaus Bead, Gent., to be Lieu- James Pringle, Gent., to be Ensign, vice Stark, tenant. Dated loth August, 1855. appointed to the 15th Regiment of Foot, by purchase. Dated 21st August, 1855. 2nd or Eastern Regiment of Norfolk Militia. Andrew Murray, Gent., to be Ensign, vice Currie, Charles Henry Snell, Gent., to be Lieutenant. deceased. Dated 21st August, 1855. Dated 15th August, 1855. Charles Frederick Allen, Gent., to be Ensign. Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the Dated 15th August, 1855. County of Middlesex. 1st or Royal East Middlesex Regiment of Militia. Commissions signed by the Lord "Lieutenant of the Joseph Philips, Esq., late Captain 12th Royal Tower Hamlets. Lancers, to be Captain, vice Thomson, appointed Queen's Own Light Infantry Regiment of Tower Adjutant. Dated 18th August, 1855. - Hamlets Militia. 4th or Royal South Middlesex Regiment of Militia. Daniel Williams, Gent., to be Lieutenant, vice Sandell, resigned. Dated 24th August, 1855. Ensign Charles Ferdinand Rutherford to be Lieu- Edward James Walker, Gent., to be Lieutenant, tenant, vice Walter, appointed to the Turkish vice Andrews, resigned. Dated 24th August, Cavalry. Dated 18th August, 1855. 1855. 5th or Royal Elthorne Light Infantry Regiment Bichard James Lamb Gybbon Monypenny to be of Middlesex Militia'. Ensign, vice Voules, promoted. Dated 24th August, 1855. Christian Halson, Gent., to be Ensign, vice Ross, John William Mighells Van Heythuysen to be promoted. Dated 18th August, 1855. Ensign, vice Neilson, promoted. Dated 24th Hugh Massy Ryves, Gent/, to be Ensign. Dated August, 1855. 18th August, 1855, Edward Lawson Thompson to be Ensign. Dated 24th August, 1855. William Hyland to be Ensign. Dated 24th . August, 1855. TREASURY WARRANT. WHEREAS by an Act, passed in the fourth Commission signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the year of the reign of Her present Majesty, intituled County of Stafford. " An Act for the regulation of the duties of 2nd Regiment of King's Own Staffordshire Militia. c< postage," power is given to the Postmaster- Arthur Cashel Bulkeley, Gent., to be Ensign. General to remit any of the rates of British postage Dated 15th August, 1855. for 'the time being, payable by law, on the trans- mission of post letters, newspapers, or other printed papers, to such extent as the Lords of the Commission signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the Treasury shall from time to time direct; and power North Riding of Yorkshire. is also given to the Commissioners of Her Majesty's North York Rifle Regiment of Militia. Treasury from time to time, by Warrant, under Major John Morton Jeffery, late of Her Majesty's their hands, to alter and fix any of the rates of 98th Regiment of Foot, to be Major, vice British or inland postage, payable by law, on the Hudson, .retired. Dated 24th August, 1855. transmission by the post of foreign or colonial letters or newspapers, or any other printed papers, Commission signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the and to subject the 'sam'e to rates of postage accord- County of Wigtown. ing to the weight thereof, and a scale of weight to The Galloway Rifles. be contained in such Warrant. And whereas, by six several Warrants of the William Frederick Brown GustaveFergusson, Esq., Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, bearing to be Captain, vice Charles Warner Dunbar date respectively the 17th day of May, 1854, the Thomson, Esq., resigned. Dated 22nd August, 16th day of October, 1854, the 9th day of January, 1855. 1855, the 29th day of March, 1855, the 19th day of May, 1855, and the 29th day of June, 1855, Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the certain reduced rates of postage were authorised County of Lanark. to be charged and taken for and in respect of the 1st Royal Lanarkshire Militia. several letters therein respectively mentioned, Edgeworth Horrocks, Gent., to be Lieutenant, posted in or addressed to any part of the United vice Tennent, resigned. Dated 23rd August, Kingdom, and sent from or to the several persons 1855. therein respectively mentioned, being persons employed in the several military, naval, or trans- 2nd Royal Lanarkshire Militia. port services under Her Majesty, respectively men- Ensign Adam Eddington to be Lieutenant. Dated tioned in the said several Warrants, and trans- 20th August, 1855. mitted by the post between any place in the United Ensign Andrew Smith to be Lieutenant, vice Kingdom and the several places therein respectively M'Call, resigned. Dated 21st August, 1855. mentioned, such places being respectively Turkey Robert Pollock, Gent., to be Ensign. Dated 20th or the Black Sea, or any port or place in Turkey August, 1855. or tlie Black Sea, the kingdom of Greece, or any James Begg, Gent., to be Ensign. Dated 21st port or place in Greece, the Baltic Sea, or the August, 1855. adjacent waters, or any port or place in the Baltic Thomas Carter Thompson, Gent., to be Ensign. or the adjacent waters, the White Sea, or the Dated 22nd August, 1855. adjacent waters, or any port or place in the White John Edward Thompson, Gent., to be Ensign. Sea, or the adjacent waters, and Heligoland, such Dated 23rd August, 1855. letters being sent and conveyed by the several 3247 routes in the said Warrants also respectively NAVAL PRIZE MONET. mentioned. And whereas it is expedient that such reduced Department of the Accountant- General rates of postage should be extended to all such of the Navy, Admiralty, Somerset letters mentioned in the said six several Warrants, House, August 23, 1855. and addressed to or sent by or from the said several NOTICE is hereby given to all persons inter- persons therein respectively mentioned, if sent ested therein, that preparations are now making between any of the 'British colonies through the for the intended distribution of proceeds arising United Kingdom and the said places in the said from the Russian schooner Volga, captured on the Warrants respectively mentioned, in addition to the 19th June, 1854, by Her Majesty's ships Miranda rates of postage chargeable by law for the convey- and Eurydice. ance of such letters between the United Kingdom Agents or other persons having any just and and the said colonies respectively in the manner legal demand, unliquidated, against the said pro- hereinafter mentioned. ceeds are required to transmit the particulars of Now we, the Commissioners of Her Majesty's any such demand to the Registrar of the High Treasury, in exercise of the power or authority in Court of Admiralty, in order that the same may us for such purpose vested in and by the said re- be examined, taxed and allowed by that officer, cited Act, and of all other powers enabling us in and paid under the sanction of the Judge of the this behalf, do by this Warrant, under the hands said Court. of two of us the said Commissioners by the Agents and all other persons holding powers of authority of the statute in that case made and attorney, prize orders, assignments or other instru- provided, order, direct, and* declare, as follows: ments, by virtue of which they may be legally 1. That all letters addressed to or sent by or entitled to claim the share belonging to any captor, from the said several persons mentioned in the are requested, with as little delay as possible, to said six several Warrants hereinbefore recited transmit the same, accompanied by the usual docu- respectively, and authorized to be sent by the post ments, to the Prize Branch of the Department of according to the regulations therein contained, the "Accountant -General of the Navy, Admiralty, shall and may be sent and transmitted by the post, Somerset House." between any of the British Colonies through the Due notice will be given, by future advertise- United Kingdom, and the said several places in ments in the London Gazette, of the date proposed the said six several Warrants respectively men- for the commencement of distribution ; and, at the tioned and enumerated, and conveyed by the same time, the amount of an individual's share in several routes therein respectively specified, the respective classes will be announced. charged and chargeable with the same rates of postage according to the weight and scales of NAVAL PRIZE MONEY. weight thereof respectively, and under and subject Department of the Accountant- General to the same conditions, regulations and restrictions of the Navy, Admiralty, Somerset- in all respects as are contained and mentioned in, House, August 23, 1855. and by the said six several Warrants respectively, NOTICE is hereby given, to all persons inter- according to the respective places to or from which ested therein, that preparations are now making the same shall be so addressed, for and in respect for the intended distribution of proceeds arising of the conveyance thereof, between the United from the under-mentioned prizes, captured on the Kingdom, and the said several places respectively; 24th August, 1854, by Her Majesty's ship and also charged and chargeable in addition Miranda. thereto, with such rates of postage according to Russian brigantine Dwina. the weight and scales of weight of such letters Schooner Bogmoja Nadeschda. respectively, as are by law chargeable and payable Agents or other persons having any just and for the transmission thereof by the post, between legal demand, unliquidated, against the said pro- the United Kingdom and such British Colonies ceeds, are required to transmit the particulars of respectively, for and in respect of the conveyance any such demand to the Registrar of the High thereof between the United Kingdom and the said Court of Admiralty, in order that the same may British Colonies respectively, through the United be examined, taxed, and allowed by that Oflicer, Kingdom; and that the rates of postage hereby and paid under the sanction of the Judge of the imposed shall be charged and taken in lieu of any said Court.
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