The People of Lawmaking in Florida 1822 - 2019 Jose R. Oliva, Speaker February 2019 Edition i ii Introduction "The People of Lawmaking in Florida" strives to be an accessible guide for current and historical membership of the Florida House of Representatives and the Florida Senate. The book is updated to reflect the biennial elections of new members to the Florida House of Representatives and the Florida Senate. For the use and benefit of all citizens, copies of "The People of Lawmaking in Florida" will also be deposited in Florida public libraries. How to use this guide Only regular and organization sessions are noted, with the following exceptions: 1) if the first session served is other than a regular session; 2) if the last session served is other than a regular session and occurs in the succeeding year; and 3) if a session other than regular is at the beginning or end of a time gap in a succession of terms. For example: Brown, J. R. House, Seminole, 1962 (ex), 1963, 1965, 1966 (org), 1967, 1968 (spec) This indicates that Representative Brown's first legislative service was in the Extraordinary Session in November 1962 and that his last service was in the Special Session in June 1968. He served in the Regular Sessions of 1963, 1965, and 1967 and in the Organization Session of 1966. Sessions other than regular: (adj) adjourned* (ex) extra or extraordinary* (org) organization (spec) special *This terminology has been used to indicate sessions other than the Regular Session but in essence is synonymous with what we refer to today (2019) as a Special Session. * * * * * iii Political parties as a cohesive force in Florida date from the organization of the Jeffersonian Republican Democratic Party at St. Joseph on January 11, 1839. The organization of this party caused its opponents to similarly band together in a group known as the Whig Party. By 1845, when Florida entered the Union, the Jeffersonian Republican Democratic Party trimmed its title to the Democratic Party. By 1852, the Whigs had gravitated to two other parties: the Southern Rights Whigs to the Democratic and the remaining Whigs to the American, or Know Nothing, Party. In the crucial year 1860, they shifted again, to the Constitutional Union Party. The resurgence of party politics after the Civil War saw two national parties, the Republican and the Democratic. In Florida, the question of white supremacy attracted dissidents from both parties to a new Independent Party, which won 12 of the 32 Senate seats and 23 of the 88 House seats in the 1884 Legislature. After that election, the status quo was restored to the Democratic and Republican parties with a few deviations. Populists captured a few legislative seats in 1890. Sidney J. Catts, while professing to be a Democrat, won the governorship on the Prohibition ticket in 1916. On other ballots, there have been Socialist, Progressive, Communist, and Dixiecrat candidates. Of those, at least one Socialist, A. J. Pettigrew, won election to the House from Manatee County for the 1907 Session. In sum, the party labels used herein must be taken in the terminology of the time. The following abbreviations are used: (Dem)—Democratic (Rep)—Republican (Pop)—Populist (Soc)—Socialist (Const Union)—Constitutional Unionist (Ind)—Independent (Cons)—Conservative iv Your help solicited This book is updated to include the biennial elections of new members to the Florida House of Representatives and the Florida Senate. If you are aware of information that we have been unable to identify from existing materials your assistance in clarifying such ambiguities is always appreciated. For example, determining whether the "Wm." Smith recorded historically by the Clerk as spelled one way is the same person as "William" Smith representing the same county 10 years later. Compiled and published by Office of the Clerk Jeff Takacs Florida House of Representatives 513 The Capitol 402 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300 v vi The People of Lawmaking in Florida 1822 – 2019 Officers and Members of the Florida Legislature - A - Adams, J. Frank (Dem) Abbott, William S. (Dem) House, Calhoun, 1937, 1939 House, Volusia, 1873 Senate, 25th dist., 1941, 1943 Abercrombie, James Adams, J. Morris, Jr. (Dem) Senate, 1st dist., 1860, 1861, 1862, House, Highlands, 1962 (ex), 1963, 1863, 1864, 1865 1965, 1966 (ex) Abernethy, Benjamin C. (Dem) Adams, John (Dem) House, Orange, 1907 House, 94th dist., 1976 (elected 3-9- 1976), 1976 (org), 1977, 1978 Abrams, Michael I. ꞋꞋMikeꞋꞋ (Dem) House, 101st dist., 1982 (org), 1983, Adams, Purl G. (Dem) 1984, 1984 (org), 1985, 1986, 1986 House, Okaloosa, 1923 (org), 1987, 1988, 1988 (org), 1989, Senate, 1st dist., 1929, 1931 1990, 1990 (org), 1991, 1992 House, 105th dist., 1992 (org), 1993, Adams, Robert Stanley (Dem) 1994, 1994 (spec) Senate, 30th dist., 1935, 1937, 1939, 1941 Abruzzo, Joseph (Dem) House, 85th dist., 2008 (org), 2009, Adams, Robert Watkins 2010, 2010 (org), 2011, 2012 Senate, 11th dist., 1871, 1872 Senate, 25th dist., 2012 (org), 2013, 2014, 2014 (org), 2015, 2016 Adams, Sandra ꞋꞋSandyꞋꞋ (Rep) House, 81st dist., 2016 (org), 2017, House, 33rd dist., 2002 (org), 2003, 2018 2004, 2004 (org), 2005, 2006, 2006 (org), 2007, 2008, 2008 (org), 2009, Acosta, St. Elmo W. ꞋꞋChicꞋꞋ (Dem) 2010 House, Duval, 1913, 1941 U.S. House of Representatives, 2011-2013 Acree, Columbus S. (Dem) House, Osceola, 1909, 1911, 1912 Adams, Thomas Burton ꞋꞋTom,ꞋꞋ Jr. (ex), 1923 (Dem) Senate, 29th dist., 1957, 1959 Adair, J. R. Secretary of State, 1961-1971 Senate, Sergeant at Arms, 1915 Lieutenant Governor, 1971-1975 Adams, Frank (Dem) Adkins, Andrew Zenas (Dem) Senate, 30th dist., 1895, 1897, 1899- Senate, 15th dist., 1909, 1911, 1913, President, 1901, 1903-President, 1915 1905, 1907 Adkins, James Calhoun, Sr. (Dem) Adams, Hamilton Seagrave (Dem) House, Alachua, 1913, 1915 House, Volusia, 1885 1 The People of Lawmaking in Florida 1822 – 2019 Adkins, Janet H. (Rep) Alden, George J. (Rep) House, 12th dist., 2008 (org), 2009, Constitutional Convention, 2010, 2010 (org), 2011, 2012 Escambia-Santa Rosa, 1868 House, 11th dist., 2012 (org), 2013, Senate, 1st dist., 1868 2014, 2014 (org), 2015, 2016 Secretary of State, 1868 Adkison, LeRoy Alderman, Sidney Smith Senate, Sergeant at Arms, 1951, Secession Convention, Jackson, 1953, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1861 1965, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1971 Aldrich, Louis (Dem) Ahern, Larry (Rep) House, Alachua, 1846, 1847 House, 51st dist., 2010 (org), 2011, Senate, 15th dist., 1848 2012 House, 66th dist., 2012 (org), 2013, Alexander, A. H. 2014, 2014 (org), 2015, 2016, 2016 House, Volusia, 1871, 1872 (org), 2017, 2018 Alexander, Amos M. (Dem) Airth, Alfred T. (Dem) House, Leon, 1845 House, Suwannee, 1929 Alexander, Edward I., Sr. Akerman, Alex, Jr. (Rep) House, Madison, 1877, 1879, 1885 House, Orange, 1947, 1948 (ex) Alexander, J. S. ꞋꞋRedꞋꞋ (Dem) Akridge, William G. ꞋꞋBillꞋꞋ (Dem) House, Liberty, 1953, 1955, 1957, House, Brevard, 1951, 1953 1957 (ex) Alba, Peter Alexander, James Evans Legislative Council, 1st dist., 1826, House, Volusia, 1893, 1909 1828-President Senate, 28th dist., 1917 Albright, George (Rep) Alexander, JD (Rep) House, 25th dist., 1988 (org), 1989, House, 66th dist., 1998 (elected 3-10- 1990, 1990 (org), 1991, 1992 1998), 1998 (org), 1999, 2000, House, 24th dist., 1992 (org), 1993, 2000 (org), 2001, 2002 1994, 1994 (org), 1995, 1996, 1996 Senate, 17th dist., 2002 (org), 2003, (org), 1997, 1998, 1998 (org), 1999, 2004, 2004 (org), 2005, 2006, 2006 2000 (org), 2007, 2008, 2008 (org), 2009, 2010, 2010 (org), 2011, 2012 Albritton, Ben (Rep) House, 66th dist., 2010 (org), 2011, Alexander, Ramon (Dem) 2012 House, 8th dist., 2016 (org), 2017, House, 56th dist., 2012 (org), 2013, 2018, 2018 (org) 2014, 2014 (org), 2015, 2016, 2016 (org), 2017, 2018 Alexander, Wright (Dem) Senate, 26th dist., 2018 (org) House, Wakulla, 1947, 1948 (ex) Albury, William D. Alford, A. J. (Dem) House, Dade, 1889 (ex), 1889 Senate, 5th dist., 1905, 1907 Albury, William V. (Dem) House, Monroe, 1929, 1931, 1933 2 The People of Lawmaking in Florida 1822 – 2019 Alford, C. L. (Claude) (Dem) Allen, Wyatt C. House, Jackson, 1937 Legislative Council (House), Duval, Senate, 4th dist., 1947, 1949 1842 (absent) Alford, Hansford R. Alligood, Bob (Dem) House, Columbia, 1856 House, Orange, 1965 House, Orange-Osceola, 1966 (org), Allen, Benjamin F. (Whig-Unionist) 1967 (ex) House, Leon, 1850, 1862 Secretary of State, 1863-1868 Allison, Abraham Kurkindolle (Dem) Legislative Council (House), Allen, Bob (Rep) Gadsden, 1845 House, 32nd dist., 2000 (org), 2001, House, Gadsden, 1845, 1847, 1852- 2002, 2002 (org), 2003, 2004, 2004 Speaker (org), 2005, 2006, 2006 (org), 2007 Acting Governor, 9-16-1853 to (resigned 2-26-2008) 10-3-1853 Secession Convention, Franklin, Allen, Dewey D. (Dem) 1861 House, Levy, 1941, 1949 Senate, 7th dist., 1862, 1863, 1864- President Allen, E. A. Acting Governor, 4-1-1865 to House, Hernando, 1871, 1872 5-19-1865 Allison, C. E. L. Allen, Frank M. (Dem) House, Gadsden, 1864 House, Bay, 1955, 1956 (spec) Allison, Robert F. Allen, George W. House, Suwannee, 1883 Senate, 24th dist., 1885 (absent), 1879, 1881, 1883 Allsworth, Emerson (Dem) House, Broward, 1959, 1961, 1963, Allen, Joseph B. ꞋꞋJoe,ꞋꞋ Jr. (Dem) 1965, 1966 (ex) House, 120th dist., 1976 (org), 1977, 1978, 1978 (org), 1979, 1980, 1980 Aloupis, Vance Arthur, Jr. (Rep) (org), 1981, 1982, 1982 (org), 1983, House, 115th dist., 2018 (org) 1984 (absent), 1984 (org), 1985, 1986 Altman, Thad (Rep) House, 30th dist., 2003 (elected 3-25- Allen, Richard C. 2003), 2004, 2004 (org), 2005, Constitutional Convention, Calhoun, 2006, 2006 (org), 2007, 2008 1838 Senate, 24th dist., 2008 (org), 2009, 2010, 2010 (org), 2011, 2012 Allen, Stephen Grover, Sr. (Dem) Senate, 16th dist., 2012 (org), 2013, House, Santa Rosa, 1925 2014, 2014 (org), 2015, 2016 House, 52nd dist., 2016 (org), 2017, Allen, Tom W. (Dem) 2018, 2018 (org) House, Suwannee, 1939 Altman, William L.
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