CENSUS OF INDIA- 1971 ORISSA SERIES -16 PART VI-C SURVEY REPORT ON VILLAGE RANGA~ATIA (MAYVRBHANJ DISTRICT) S.K. SWAIN Deputy DiTector of Census Operations, Orissa CO NT K;>';TS Pages FOREWORD (xv) PREFACE (xvii) VILLAGE AT A GLANCE (xix) CHAPTER-] : INTRODllCTION 1-16 Introducing the village-Location- The neighbourhood-Physical features·­ Nature of terrains-Soil type-climate-·--Frequcncy of vagaries--- Famine of- 1907-Drought of 1954 and 1955-Transport and communications Demo­ graphic trcnd-Level of development- Rcasons for Re-study- Settlement pattern -Distribution of source of water-Administrative Institutions-The role of community projccts-Welfare institutions-Educational Tnstitutions-Flora and Fauna-Change during the decade and reasons ascribed. for the same- Ethnic composition and settlement- General feel of thc v~l]lage_ CHAPTER-2 : SOCIAL, DEMOGRAPHIC AND VITAL STATISTICS 17-46 Population growth- Increase in tilC number of HOllseholds--Average household size Decadal variation-Literate and its rate - Main workers-Work participa­ tion-Age, Sex and marital status -Age at marriage-Population control measu­ rc~ : attitllde and practice-. Indigenous and local lreatJr.cnt-Migration_ CHAPTER 3 : ECONOMY 47-82 Economic resources- Land use pattern -Water tax- -Yield ratc-New types of skill and man power-Tools and inlplements-Distribution of households by nature of right over land-Agriculturc- -Nature of soil-Cropping pattern·-Agri­ cultural operations--Harvesting-Nawajam or Nua Khia--Crops production, consumption and marketing-Primary and secondary occupations--Occupational mobility-Occupation, occupational depth and diversity- Type of occupatioll­ Sex-wise division of lubour--Animal Husbandry- ·Cattle discases- Trade and Commerce--fndustry-Source of Income-Expenditure-lndebtedness-Financing sources. CHAPTER-4 : SOCIAL A~D CULTURAL LIFE 83-110 Housing-House type - House construction problems- ·Procedure of constllc­ tion -Dress and ornaments· -Hair dressing-Tattooing of Khada-Household goods: lJtensiJ--Consumer goods-Furniture-Food and Drinks-Frequency of meals-Household composition-Life cycle·-Pregnancy Restrictions and prohi­ bitions -Birth-Marriage Marriage"day-Types of marriage- Marriage payments -Role of service communities or special functionaries - Death-Religion. Leisure and Recreation: Religioll- Leisure and recreation-lnfluencial and. prestigious persons in the village. sources of their power and prestige-- Runge of contact with outside world_ CHAPTER-5 : CONCLUSIO~ 111-112 Conclusion ( iii) MAPS AND PHOTOGRAPHS MAPS: Facing Page 1. Map showing location of village, Rangamatia 2. Map 011 Rangamatia -its environs PHOTOGRAPHS: I . A road side view 4 . 2. Quenching their thirst: the school children at the Hand- Pump Stand. 8 3. A Grocerer's Stall 8 4. Office of LAMPS (Large Sized Agricultural Multipurpose Society). 10 5. Inner view of the Yubak Sangh Hut where the College going boys are 12 allowed to stay as boarders without any payment. 6. An outsid.; view of the Angan Badi, a newly formed institution for providing pre-school education to the children ahd to ensure welfare of the parturient women. 12 7. A Bhumij relaxing outside his dwellings 14 8. The Brahmin Priest performing routioned Monday Puja at Balukeswar Tample. 16 9. A BI1Umij old woman. 16 10. On their march: the Girl students of Rangamatia H.E. School. 22 ] 1. The Kids preparing for the march. 22 12. The Proud Bhumij father with one of his four Graduate sons and the daughter in hw. 22 13. A Bhumij having'Post Graduate degree. 22 14. PJimary Health Centre (P.R.C.), Rangamatia. 42 15. The labourers collecting seedlings from the bed for transplantation. 56 16. Seedlings being taken to the field for transplantation. 56 17. A cyle repairer at work. 70 18. Sale Cauter of Grain Golla. 80 19. An inside view of a Bhumij-house- : household utensils and usables. 90 20. Enjoying "Pakhala" or Watered rice-An inside view_of a Bhumij hOllse. 94 (iv) APPENDIX-I-SURVEY TA.BLES : LIST OF TABLES - __.. __- ~--~--~-- ._---- Table No. Title Pages Distribution of population by Age, Sex and relationship to head of Household where the Head is Male--1973 Survey. 114-115 2 Distribution of population by Age, Sex and Relationship to Head of Household where Head is Female - 1973 survey. 116 3 Distribution of Household and Population by Religioll/Caste/Tribe/Community and Sex -1 973 survey. 117 4 Ditsribution of Household by distance of place of Birth of Head of Household- 1973 survey. 118 5 Distribution of Households by number of members and Age of Head of House­ hold-1973 survey. 119 6 Distribution of Household by number of members and by migration status and last residence of Head of household-19 7 3 survey. 120 7 Distribution of Households by number of members and migration status of Head of Households and last residence and duration of stay of any member of the Household who has stayed the longest in present rcsidence-19 7 3 survey. 121 8 Distribution of Hou-schold b:[ type and educational level of Head of Household -1973 survey. 122 9 Distribution of household by tpye and marital status of Head of Household- 1973 survey. 123 10 Number of persons by Age, Sex and study in educational institution by schedule castes, scheduled b'il5es and others-19 7 3 survey. 124-125 f 11 Distribution of Population by Age, Sex, and cducationallevel-1973 survey. 126-127 12 Distribution of population by Broad Age Group, Sex, Religion, Caste or Tribe or Communtity and eduea tional level-19 7 3 survery. 128-129 13 Distribution of Castes/Tribes by Average educational score per head (Age 5 +-)- 1973 Survey. 130 14 Distribution of Households by occupation of Head of Household and average educational seore-1973 survey. 1 3 1 15 Distribution of Households by Caste/Tribe/Community of Head of Household and Average educational score-1973 survey. 132 16 Distribution of Households by type and average educational score-19 7 3 survey. 133 17 Distribution of Households by migration status by place of last residence of Head of Households and average educational score-197 3 survey. 134 (v) (vi) Table No. Title 18 Distance of place of birth of Head of Household. From the village and average per head education!tl score-1973 survey. 135 19 Knowledge of subsidiary language and educational score-1973 survey. 136-137 20 Distribution of student by course level/class and ag,e~ 1973 survey 139 21 Distri-bution of workers and non-workers by migration status with referenc to last residence, broad age group and sex- 1973 survey. 140-141 'ZZ' Workels and Non-Workers by Mother Tongue, Sex and Edu~ational lcvel-1973 survey. 142-145 23 Employment status of workers by religion-1973 survey. 146-147 24 Employment status of wOlkers by caste/tribe or community - }97 3 survey. 148-149 _25 Occupation and distance from place of work-197 3 survey. 151 26 Number of workers seeking emplopment by nature of occupation and by employ­ ment statllS of present work-1973 sun:ey. 152-153 27 Number of workers seeking employment by nature of establishment and age group ~1973 survey. 154-155 28 Household Default consistency by sex in enrolling children in school as related to educational level caste or tribe or community of Head of Household (If both male and fema e children o' school going age are not enrolled in school it may be termed as default consistency-19 73 survey. 156 29 Household Default in-consistency by sex in enrolling children in school as related to educational level and caste or tribe or community to Head of Household (If all male children of school going"di'e cmolled in school but not female children it may be termed as dcfatrlt in consistency 1973 survey. 157 30 Reason for non-enrollment of children in school by occupation of head of house­ hold--1973 survey. 158-15 C) 31 Age at marriage as r'elated to distan..:e of place of birth from the village-1973 sUTvey. 160-161 32 Households whose close family members are staying outside by religion and castel tribe/community and state of origion~of head of househo1d-19 7 3 survey. 162 33 Households whose close famBy members are staying gutside by religion and caste or tribe or community and place of last residence of Head of Household-1973 survey. 162 34 Households whose family memb~ are staying outside by religion and caste/tribe community and whose head of 110\Jsenold6 are in occupa-tional category N.C.O.- 2 digit-1973 survey. 163 35 Particulars of 1iiamily members staying outside by occupation of Head of House­ holds and nature of relation-with Head of HOllsehold-197 3 survey. 163 ( vii) ----------- Table No. Title Pages - ----------_----- 36 Particulars of family members staying outside by age and relation to Head of 164 Houschold-1973 survey. 37 Particulars of family members staying out side by educational level and relation to Head of Household-l \) 7 3 survey. 165 38 Particulars of Non-workers family member who are st'tying outside by nature of activity and relationship to Head of Household-l 9 7 3 survey. 166 39 Particulars of family members staying outside by nature of occupation (N.C.O.-2 dight code) and relationship with Head of Household-1973 survey. 166 40 Number of family members staying outside by marital statlls and relation to Head of Household-1973 survey. 167 41 Households classified by place of last residence of Head of Household and per capita floor space-l 9 7 3 survey. 168 42 HOllsehold classified by duration of stay of Head of Household in present residence and per capita floor space-l 973 survey. 169 43 Household classified by occupation of Head of Household and per capita floor spac~-l 973 survey. 170-171 44 Nature of right time and last of construction and valuation of house related to rEligion/caste/tribe and occupation of Head of Household-1973 survey.
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