1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--SENATE 4851 3004. Also, petition of Alma Sanders, of struggling for the maintenance of justice terial at Government-owned esta·blishments; McL<mth Methodist Church, and 51 others, and human liberty. Let Thy Divine and for other purposes; asking for legislation which will provide the compassion be with the suffering, the S. 2469. An act for the- relief of William best protection for the men in our Army ·and Edward Fleming; Navy against the influence of vice and alco­ sorrowing, and the dying in all lands and S. 2470. An act for the relief of Eileen Col­ holic liquors; to the Committee on Military with the homeless refugees driven forth lins Treacy; · Affairs. by cruelty and oppression. S. 2490. An act to amend th Coast Guard 3005. By Mr. McGREGOR: Petition of Edna Strengthen and protect all those who, Auxiliary antl Reserve Act of 1941 (Public M. Souers, of New Philadelphia, and several at home or abroad, are serving this Law, 8, 77th Cong.), as amended by section hundred residents of Central Ohio, urging country or our Allies, that they may be 10 of th.e act entitled "An act to amend and the enactment. of legislation prohibiting the preserved evermore in all perils. clarify certain acts pertaining to the Coast diversion of grains, useful for foods so neces­ Guard, and for other purposes," approved sary to the maintenance of health standards Hasten the advent of a righteous and July 11, 1941 (Public Law, 166, 77th Cong.); of our Nation and of our Allies, for the manu­ lasting peace and the establishment of and facture of liquors which are deleterious to Thy kingdom. Then, to Thy name shall S. J. Res. 24. Joint resolution for the relief' physical and mental well-being; to the Com­ be the glory and the honor, through of W. K. Richardson. mittee on Military Affairs. Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 3006. By Mr.- MARTIN of Iowa: Petition The message also announced that the of Mrs. A. W. Hinderman and other citizens THE JOURNAL House had passed the following bills of of Louisa and Washington Counties, Iowa, · On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by the Senate, each with an amendment, in urging the passage of Senate bill 860, pro­ unanimous consent, the reading of the which it requested the concurrence of viding for the suppression of vice· in the Journal of the proceedings of Monday, the Senate: vicinity of military camps and naval estab­ lishments; to the Committee on Military June 1, 1942, was dispensed with, and the S. 2048. An act for the relief of Lt. William Affairs. Journal was approved. Stewart Walker; and 3007. By Mr. MICHENER: Petition signed MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT S. 2427. An act to amend the act relating by Kathryn E. Otjera, of West Toledo, Ohio, to preventing the publication of Inventions. and 14 other residents of Monroe County, Messages in writing from the President in the national interest, and for other pur­ Mich., urging the enactment of Senate bill of the United States were communicated poses. 860; to the COmmittee on Military Affairs. to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his The message further announced that 3008. Also, petition forwarded by Mrs. J. M. secretaries. Schultz, of LaSalle, Mich., and signed by 51 the House had passed the bill <S. 2309) other residents of Monroe County, Mich.; MESSAGE FROM TH.E HOUSE for the relief of the First National Bank, urging enactment of Senate · bill 860 as a A message from the House of Repre­ of Huntsville, Tex., with amendments, in contribution to a wholesome defense· pro­ sentatives, ·by Mr. Calloway, one of its which it requested the concurrence of the gram; to the Committee on Military Affairs. reading clerks, announced that the House Senate. · 3009. By Mr. WILLIAM T. PHEIFFER: Pe­ The message also announced that the tition of Thomas W. Lengel and 49 other resi­ had .Passed without amendment the fol­ dents of the Sixteenth Congressional District lowing bills and joint resolution of the House had agreed to the amendments of and numerous other residents of the city of Senate: the Senate to the bill <H. R. 4845) to New York, favoring legislation providing for S. 221. An act conferring jurisdiction upon increase the rate of pension to World a national lottery and to provide funds for the Court of Claims of the United States to War veterans from $30 to $40 per month, use by the relief associations of the Army hear, determine, and render judgment upon to grant such rate at age 65, and for other and Navy; to the Committee on Ways and the claims of the Beacon Oyster Co., the purposes. Means. • Point Wharf Oyster Co., and B. J. Rooks & The message further announced that 3010. By Mr. ROLPH: Resolution of the Son; · the House had agreed to the amendment batters union, Local No. 31, United Hatters, S. 244. An act for the relief of the San Cap and Millinery Workers' International of the Senate to the joint resolution <H. Francisco Mountain Scenic Boulevard Co.; J. Res. 315) to authorize the Secretary Union, San Francisco, Calif., relative to House S. 1044. An act for the relief of L. H. Good­ bill 6486, a bill to increase the salaries of man; of Agriculture to provide Federal meat certain postal employees; to the Committee S. 1648. An act conferring jurisdiction upon inspection during the present war emer­ on the Post Office and Post Roads. the United States District Court for the Dis­ gency in respect of meat-packing estab­ 3011 By the SPEAKER: Petition of the trict of Oregon to hear, determine, and render lishments engaged in intrastate com­ Pine Street Methodist Church of Williams­ judgment upon the claim of the Shaver For­ merce only, in order to facilitate the port, Pa., petitioning consideration of their warding Co., of Portland, Oreg.; purchase of meat and meat food products resolution with reference to Senate bill 860; S. 1732. An act for the relief of Max Miller to the Committee on Military Affairs. by Federal agencies, and for other pur­ J~,nd Vera Caroline Miller, and others; · poses. S. 1756. An act for the relief of Franklin Benjamin McNew; The message also announced that the S. 1820. An act for the relief of Jerry Mc­ House had agreed to the report of the Kinley Thompson; committee of conference on the disagree­ SENATE S. 2037. An act for the relief of Edgar B. ing votes of the two Houses on the Dunlap; amendment of the House to the bill <S. THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1942 S. 2069. An act for the relief of the 'Quimby­ 2250) to mobilize the productive facili­ Ryan Engineering Sales Co., Inc.; ties of small business in the interests of The Reverend Howard S. Wilkinson, S. 2103. An act to amend section 125 ot the D. D., rector, St. Thomas' Church, Wash­ National Defense Act of June 3, 1916 (39 Stat. successful prosecution of the war, and ington, D. C., offered the following 216), as amended, so as to authorize citizens for other purposes. prayer: of foreign countries who are graduates of Air The message further announced that Corps advanced flying schools and Air Corps the House had agreed to the report of the 0 Eternal God, through whose mighty service schools to wear aviation badges; committee of conference on the disagree­ power our fathers won their liberties of S. 2235. An act for the relief of Harriett ing votes of the two Houses ·on the old, while we offer our petitions for the Boswell, guardian of Betty Fisher; amendments of the Senate to the bill President and the people of this land, S. 2251. An act for the relief of Charles <H. R. 6802) making appropriations for that they may always be mindful of Thy Brauch; S. 2278. Ari act for the relief of Bob Sam­ the legislative branch of the Govern­ favor and glad to do Thy will, we beseech pley; ment for the :fiscal year ending June 30, Thee especially to hear us in behalf of S. 2318. An act for the relief of Primo 1943, and for other purposes, and that these Thy servants, Members of the Giordanengo and Angie Giordanengo; the House had receded from its disagree­ United States Senate. Direct them in all S. 2354. An act for the relief of Mr. and ment to the amendment of the Senate their deliberations and in every action, Mrs. George M. Legg and Loetta Trainer; No. 34 to the bill, and concurred therein. to the advancement of Thy glory and S. 2451. An act for the relief of Anthony W. The message also announced that the the welfare of this country. Give them Livingston; House had passed the following bills and vision to see and courage to do whatever S. 2452. An act to provide for the advance­ ment on the retired list of certain otficers of joint resolutions, in which it requested may be right in this time of national and the United States Coast Guard and the Coast the concurrence of the Senate: world crisis. and Geodetic Survey; H. R. 180. An act to confer jurisdiction Overrule the forces of tyranny and S. 2453. An act to authorize the obligation upon the United States District Court for uphold, we pray Thee, those who are of funds of the Coast Guard :for work or ma- the Eastern District of Virginia to hear. LXXXVill--306 :t852 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE · JUNE 4 determine, .and render judgment upon the H . R. 6629. An act for the relief of the H.
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