doi: 10.2143/AWE.12.0.2994454 AWE 12 (2013) 295-302 TRAPEZONAI IN THE SANCTUARY OF PLUTO AND KORE AT ACHARACA * MARIJANA RICL Abstract This article studies a recently published honorary inscription from the city of Nysa in Caria, honour- ing one Clodia Cognita for her piety and for the many valuable offerings she donated to the sanctuary of Pluto and Kore in the village of Acharaca on the territory of Nysa. The decree contains an express prohibition to the trapezonai to take her dedications out of the sanctuary. An attempt is made to address the issue of the type of activities the trapezonai were engaged in Nysa and elsewhere. In Epigraphica Aanatolica 43,1 F. Ertugrul and H. Malay published an inscription engraved on a marble cylindrical altar (height 1.11 m, diameter 0.78 m; letter height 0.012 m) that originally stood in the pronaos of the temple of Pluto and Kore at Acharaca (east of modern Salavatlı)2 in the territory of ancient Nysa, situated on the southern slope of Mt Messogis (modern Aydın Dagları) north of the Maeander river (near modern Sultanhisar).3 It is housed in the Aydın Museum (Inv. no. 6326). The altar has mouldings on its top and bot- tom and is encircled by relief garlands with bands hanging from them. A large piece from its upper part is missing. Ninety lines of text are arranged in five columns, the first four inscribed below the garlands, between the bands hanging from them, the fifth one above the garland to the left of the first column: Eîsangeilántwn | toÕ te grammaté|wv kaì t¬n t±v póle|wv stratjg¬n |5 ∂dozen t±i boul±i, str|atjg¬n gnÉmjÇ kaì gra|mmatéwv toÕ dßmou | Kúrou toÕ Kúrou newtérou· | êpeì Klwdía AΔlou qugátjr |10 Kógnita, gun® dè Poplíou Oû|jdíou Djmádou, swfrosúnjÇ | kaì âret±Ç diaférousa eûsebés|tata diákeitai pròv toùv qeoùv | ™m¬n kaì to⁄v âpò t±v îdíav túxjv |15 âpárgmasin kosme⁄ tò ïeròn kaì xru|so⁄v ânaqßmasin kaì qalassíoiv, | * Work on this paper was undertaken within the framework of the project ‘Etnicidad helénica y pervivencia indígena en un territorio de frontera cultural: La Anatolia grecorromana’, Principal Inves- tigator, María Paz de Hoz, Universidad de Salamanca; convocatoria de proyectos de investigación fundamental no orientada 2011 del Plan Nacional, Ministerio Cienca e Innovación. 1 Ertugrul and Malay 2010. 2 On the shrine, cf. Strabo 14. 1. 44 C649–650; Welles 1934, nos. 9, 43, 64; Radet, 1890, 232–33, no. 4 (a decision of [o]ï katoikoÕntev tà ïerà ˆAkárak[a] to honour a boularches, protos archon and agonothetes). It stood ca. 3 km west of Nysa. According to the remains in situ, the temple is peripteral, in the Doric order, with six by twelve columns. It is probably Hellenistic, although Roman capitals found in the foundations indicate reconstruction. In addition to the temple, ancient walls and fortifications are visible, and the remains of a bridge in the direction of Nysa. 3 Selected bibliography on Nysa and Acharaca: von Diest 1913; Robert 1977; Cohen 1996, 259–90; Idil 1999; Kadıoglu 1999; 2001; 2006; Kadıoglu and von Rummel 2003; Idil and Kadıoglu 2005; Bonnechere 2007; Beckmann 2008. 996073_AWE_12_14_Ricl.indd6073_AWE_12_14_Ricl.indd 295295 224/10/134/10/13 111:401:40 296 M. RICL üfés[tj] kaì to⁄v ãlloiv poikílwv | p¢sin, oûqèn p[ar]aleípousa t¬n eîv | teim®n kaì qeosébjan, ™ dè boul® diá |20 te t®n ãlljn aût±v âret®n kaì dià | t®n eîv toùv qeoùv âréskjan âpodéxe|taí te tà geinómena kaì díkaion ™ge⁄tai | mene⁄n aûtà âeì kaì mjqèn t¬n üpò | t±v Klwdíav to⁄v qeo⁄v feroménwn üpò |25 t¬n trapehwn¬n êkféres|qai, ÿna kaì aût® katalambá|njÇ tà par ˆ ëat±v ânatiqeména | kaì to⁄v ãlloiv taÕta keíme|na protrop®n êmpoi±Ç toÕ toùv |30 qeoùv kosme⁄n· dedóxqai t±i | boul±Ç êpjÇn±sqaí te kaì tetei|m±sqai Klwdían AΔ≤l≥ou quga|téra Kógnitan diá te t®n | îdían aût±v eûsébjan kaì |35 swfrosúnjn kaì dià t®n toÕ | ândròv aût±v âret®n kaì | e˝nai aût®n ên âpodox±Ç t±Ç | megístjÇ parà t±i pólei kaì | mjdèn êkféresqai t¬n üpò |40 t±v Klwdíav ânatiqemé|nwn to⁄v qeo⁄v Æ t¬n té|knwn aût±v Æ toÕ ândróv, | âllà tò mèn kaq ˆ ∏tov üpo|logjq±nai tàv âzíav t¬n |45 ênpeiptóntwn eîv toùv | trapehÉnav, âpò dè toÕ nÕn | e˝nai tàv práseiv t¬n trape|h¬n xwrìv t¬[n ü]pò t±v Klw|díav Æ t¬[n tékn]wn aût±v Æ toÕ |50 ândròv eîsferoménwn to⁄v qe|o⁄v kaì êpì toÕto diengu¢sqai | tàv Önáv, kån m® prosgrácjÇ dé | tiv ta⁄v diengußsesin katà | toÕto tò cßfisma, tàv práseiv |55 kuríav e˝nai· tón te marmárinon | bwmò[n] Ωn kateskeúaken ™ Klw|día to⁄v qeo⁄v âtel± teq±nai | ên tópwi t¬i kaqßkonti toÕ | pronáou genoménjv êpigraf±v |60 êp ˆ aûtoÕ ∞n ån aût® proair±tai, | êf ˆ oœ4 kaì tóde tò cßfisma ânagra|f±nai· êze⁄nai dè aût±Ç kaì t¬n ân|ateqeiménwn Æ ânateqjsomé|nwn üp ˆ aût±v Æ t¬n téknwn aû|65t±v Æ toÕ ândròv ∏kaston êpì | toÕ bwmoÕ xarázai kaì êpigrácai | ºtiv aût¬n ânatéqeiken –· | ânateq±nai dè aût±v kaì eîkóna | grapt®n ên ºplwç êpixrúswç ên t¬ç |70 na¬ç toÕ Ploútwnov kaì t±v Kórjv | êf ˆ ¯v kaì genésqai êpigraf®n ºti |“ö d±mov kaì ™ boul® êteímjsen | Klwdían AΔlou qugatéra | Kógnitan âret±v ∏neka ka[ì] |75 swfrosúnjv kaì t±v eîv | toùv qeoùv teim±v". | vac | Díou – e´· | próedroi· Tauréav Puqí|wnov, ˆAr≤t≥[emíd] wrov |80 Xairéou, ˆApollÉniov | ˆApollwníou. | [s]tratjgoí· ¨Ierokl±v, | Menekrátjv, ˆAlézandrov | [ö?]5 grammateúv· |85 xrusía tà ânateq[én]|ta Kórji üpò Klwdía[v]· | perímurton, | ênÉdia diáluqa, | peritraxßlion |90 diáluqon. My translation: The secretary and the generals of the city having introduced the motion, it was resolved by the Council, in accordance with the proposal made by generals and secretary of the people, Kyros Junior, son of Kyros: since Clodia Cognita, daughter of Aulus and wife of Publius Vedius Demades, excelling in soundness of mind and excellence, shows utmost reverence to our gods and adorns the sanctuary with firstlings from her own fortune and gold votive offerings and oth- ers of genuine purple dye, and she also aided in all the other circumstances in a variety of ways, neglecting nothing appropriate to worship and proper respect to gods, the Council in return, on account of her excellence in general and of her devotion to the gods in particular, commends her deeds and deems it just that they remain everlasting and that none of the gifts offered by Clodia to the gods be carried out (of the sanctuary) by the trapezonai, so that she herself finds her dedications (upon arrival) and the others get inspired by these objects to adorn the gods in their turn; it was decreed by the Council to commend publicly and to honour Clodia Cognita, daugh- ter of Aulus, for her own piety and soundness of mind and for her husband’s excellence, and to hold her in the highest esteem in our city; moreover, that none of the objects dedicated to the gods by Clodia or her children or her husband be carried out, but that, on the one hand, this 4 Oï by mistake in ed. pr. 5 The editors print ö but I was not able to discern the letter in question on the photograph of the stone. 996073_AWE_12_14_Ricl.indd6073_AWE_12_14_Ricl.indd 296296 224/10/134/10/13 111:401:40 TRAPEZONAI IN THE SANCTUARY OF PLUTO AND KORE AT ACHARACA 297 year the values of those falling within the province of the trapezonai be deducted, and, on the other hand, from now on the contracts of the tables be drawn up without the objects dedicated to the gods by Clodia or her children or her husband, and that security for the contracts be accepted under this condition, and that, if no one adds anything in writing to the securities, in accordance with this decree, the contracts be valid; place the unfinished marble altar that Clodia constructed for the gods in the fitting place of the pronaos after an inscription of her choice has been engraved on it, and inscribe on it this decree as well; be it allowed to her to inscribe on the altar each object already dedicated or that will be dedicated by her or her children or the husband, and to add who made the dedication; dedicate also a painted image of her on a gilded shield in the temple of Pluto and Kore and place on it the following inscription: ‘The People and the Council honoured Clodia Cognita, daughter of Aulus, for her excellence and soundness of mind and her worship of the gods’. On the 5th of Dios. Presiding officers: Taureas, son of Pythion, Artemidoros, son of Chaireas, Apollonios, son of Apollonios; generals: Hierokles, Menekrates, secretary Alexander. Golden objects dedicated to Kore by Clodia: a perimyrton, earrings set with precious stones, neckpiece set with precious stones.6 6 The first editors’ translation: ‘On the motion of the secretary and the Commanders of the city, it was thus resolved by the Council, the proposal having been made by the Commanders and secretary of the people, Kyros the younger, son of Kyros: As Clodia Cognita, daughter of Aulus, wife of Publius Vedius Demades, (she) who is outstanding in temperance and goodness, is piously disposed towards our gods and, with the firstlings from her own fortune, adorns the sanctuary and promised (sc.
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