AFF2019_Booklet_cover_04_path.pdf 1 25/9/2019 9:52 PM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 前言 FOREWORD 自2004年起,香港亞洲電影節堅持為影迷及觀眾帶 Ever since 2004, the Hong Kong Asian Film Festival has 來一個可以大飽眼福的盛會。到了第16屆,我們意 persisted in offering a fun and fulfilling feast for cinephiles 識到電影節正要面對一個關鍵時刻:在這個非常時 and casual film-goers alike. Now into its 16th edition, 期,我們為甚麼還堅持電影可以娛樂、提升和啟發理 however, we find ourselves at a critical juncture: in such extraordinary times, why hold forth this ideal that cinema 想?在這烽煙四起的年代,為甚麼還要搞電影節? could amuse, elevate and inspire? Why fiddle with festivals when the world out there crashes and burns? 在這種時候,最21世紀的反應就是請教網絡大神。 所以我們在Google搜尋「16 和電影」,而向虛擬車 At moments like this, the inevitable 21st century reaction is 公求籤的結果如下: to consult the stars. So off we go and google “16 and film”, and the virtual coffee grounds left us with: - 16毫米菲林,粗糙的質感深受勇於冒險的電影 - 16mm, the grainy film stock much beloved by audacious 人歡迎,象徵實驗精神,或能拍出不加修飾的真實寫 filmmakers, and symbolic of the desire to experiment, or to 照。 provide a grittier portrayal of real life; - Sixteen Films,英國社會現實主義導演堅盧治 - Sixteen Films, the company behind nearly all the films 的製作公司,出產了他過去二十年大部分作品。在電 by British social-realist auteur Ken Loach during the past 影界中,風骨不折的表表者,作品體恤貧苦大眾、無 two decades, and an outfit synonymous with a “cinema of integrity” that’s unfailingly empathetic for the poor and 權無勢的社群。 powerless; and - 每秒16格,人眼能感知播放個體畫面為連貫的 - 16 frames per second, the minimum rate in which the 最低幀率。由早期默片手搖驅動的器材,到今時今日 human eye would perceive a continuous projection of 最先進的數碼攝影機,都依賴這個原理。 individual frames as the depiction of motion. It’s something that drives both early silent films (made with all those hand- 雖然以上三者看似截然不同,但它們某程度上都呼應 cranked machines) with, incredibly, some state-of-the-art 了香港亞洲電影節一直以來的主旨。我們一直都希望 digital cameras today. 能夠成為獨立電影人的平台,同時亦想藉 這些為無 着 While seemingly wildly disparate, these three things 聲吶喊的電影,為觀眾帶來娛樂。 somehow echo what the Hong Kong Asian Film Festival has always been about. We’ve always wanted to serve as a 電影節的另一個目標,是將資深和新晉的電影人聚首 platform for independent-minded filmmakers; we’ve always 一堂,期待能透過映後座談和主題講座,如今年的 wanted to entertain audiences with films that amplify the 「香港電影論壇」,建立觀眾和電影工作者之間的 voices of the voiceless. 聯繫。 The festival also aims to bring veteran and young filmmakers together, and for audiences to connect with them through 當然,最重要的是電影和世界的關係。正如新浪潮祖 meet-the-audience sessions and thematic talks, such as the 師尚盧高達曾 :「電影是每秒24格的真相。」藉 Hong Kong Film Forum we will host this year. 今年電影節的每一部電影——不論是香港年輕導演説 的新片、伊朗大師拉穌羅夫的得獎經典、或是柬埔寨着 Most importantly, however, is the connection between the moving image and the world. As that old maverick Jean-Luc 60年代的滄海遺珠,我們希望就人們過去的生活以 Godard once said, cinema is 24 frames of truth per second. 及我們現在的日常,提供一些見證。 With each of the films present at our festival this year – be it a new film from a young Hong Kong filmmaker, an award- 希望這些電影能振奮大家的士氣,雖然我們身陷困 winning classic from Iranian auteur Mohammad Rassoulof, or 境,但仍能抬起頭來,遙望遠方的曙光。 a lost gem from Cambodia in the 1960s – we hope to provide some kind of testimony about how people used to live, and how we actually live now. Let’s hope these films could help to reinvigorate us all: we might be lying in the gutter, but we are certainly looking at the stars. 贊助及鳴謝 SPONSORS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Presenter: In Association With: Festival Partners: Official Water: Official Tea House: Festival Supporters: R Paper Sponsor: Advertising Partner: Official TV Partner: Special Thanks: Media Partners: 「當我遇到低潮或對自己有懷疑的時候,我會 回想當初為甚麼要這樣做,為甚麼要這個工 作,毌忘初心很重要。而我確實曾經有過懷疑, 但當經歷了很多事情後,我有種不知道哪裡來 的信心,可能是來自上天的,致使我知道我一 定可以做得到,而我現在就是懷著這份堅持去 走我的路。」 第16屆香港亞洲電影節大使 陳家樂 PRE-FESTIVAL SCREENINGS 前 哨 活 義筆容辭 動 MAL-MO-E: THE SECRET MISSION 要消滅一個文化,必先消滅其語言。1940年代,在日本 佔領朝鮮半島期間,本土文化被日本帝國打壓,韓語正日 漸消亡。文盲金判洙失業淪落為小偷,竟遇上韓語學會代 表柳正煥,又陰差陽錯成為學會員工。首次學懂閱讀文字 的判洙,開始了解為甚麼有人會排除萬難去守護自己的母 語。在日本帝國無孔不入的陰霾下,正煥與判洙一夥人日 夜奔波,編撰出首本屬於朝鮮人的韓語辭典,對抗要把他 們文化抹除淨盡的力量。《逆權司機》編劇嚴柔那首次執 起導筒,自編自導,繼續以電影向歷史中面對強權不屈不 撓的無名英雄致敬。 TIME/ *9/10 7:20PM BC VENUE In the early 1940s when the Korean language was banned from schools and at risk of disappearing, two men of very different backgrounds set out to publish a Korean dictionary. Ryu Jung-hwan, an academic from a wealthy 韓國 South Korea / 2019 / 135 min / 韓語對白,中英文字幕 pro-Japanese family, is secretly compiling a dictionary In Korean with Chinese and English subtitles at the Korean Language Society. Folksy ex-convict Kim 導演 Dir: 嚴柔那 Eom Yu-na Pan-su can’t read or write, but his street smarts may be 演員 Cast: 柳海 Yoo Hae-jin, 尹 相 Yoon Kye-sang just what’s needed to get the job done – if the Japanese 眞 启 colonial government doesn’t get to them first. A Taxi Driver screenwriter Eom Yu-na makes her directorial debut with this uncommon story of resistance that balances history, heroics, heart and humor to illustrate the great significance of language to a people and a nation. 03 犯罪現場 A WITNESS OUT OF THE BLUE 當鸚鵡成為唯一的目擊證人時,兇案究竟要如何破解?一名珠寶 劫匪伏屍工廈單位內,所有贓物不翼而飛,警方斷定是群匪分贓 不均,當中嫌疑最大的莫非為匪幫首領汪新元。警官葉守正率領 一眾警員展開調查,確定此案與三個月前的「利新珠寶劫案」有 關。怎料其他劫匪相繼遇害,林法樑逐漸發現案中案......而能夠 解開「誰是兇手」這道謎題的,就只有當日在犯罪現場目擊兇案 的唯一「證人」:一隻會說話的鸚鵡。 A jewelry shop robber is found dead in a flat and all the loot has gone missing. The police suspect that Sean Wong, the leader of the armed robbery gang, murdered his partner over the loot. As TIME/ *18/10 7:30PM BC more people connected to the robbery get killed, Sean embarks VENUE on a raging mission of his own to fend the police off and find the real culprit. The key to solving the mystery? A talking parrot at Pre-festival screenings the crime scene. Produced by Derek Yee, writer-director Fung 香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / 90 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 Chih-chiang’s engrossing and explosive whodunnit thriller is In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles packed with high-octane action and surprising turns that keep 導演 Dir: 馮志強 Fung Chih-chiang you guessing up until the very end. 演員 Cast: 古天樂 Louis Koo, 張繼聰 Louis Cheung, 姜皓文 Philip Keung, 宣萱 Jessica Hsuan, 顏卓靈 Cherry Ngan 開 開幕電影 幕 電 影 04 TIME/ *29/10 7:35PM PP 獅子山上 VENUE *29/10 9:55PM PP *4/11 7:30PM PE LION ROCK 香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / ~100 min / 真人真事改編。世界排名第八的攀石運動員黎志偉,因車禍而半身不遂,生 粵語對白,中英文字幕 命迎來巨變。怎料,重傷後的志偉發現自己因意外而獲得異能—從他人身上 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 看到代表其真面目的「動物」!自此,他在動物世界飽覽眾生相,走進一段 奇幻復康旅程。從各動物的人生百態中,他逐漸由無法接受事實到放下過去 導演 Dir: 的成就光環,為了所愛的家人和證明自已,他堅持坐著輪椅也要攀上獅子山 梁國斌 Nick Leung 演員 Cast: 上,活出新的自己。《死開 啦》導演梁國斌再次執導,拍出不屈不撓的香 啲 林德信 Alex Lam, 港精神。 朱鑑然 Kevin Chu, 袁澧林 Angela Yuen, 衛詩雅 Michelle Wai In 2011, Lai Chi-wai – one of the top rock climbers in Asia – lost everything when a motorcycle accident took away his ability to walk. Rather than succumbing to his fate, Lai found his own way of scaling those dizzying peaks again. With his second feature, Nick Leung offers a remarkable change of pace, eschewing the macabre humour of his debut Get Outta Here for an inspiring and touching tale about how a human being overcomes Opening Films adversity. Featuring a career-best performance from Alex Lam as the wheelchair-bound athlete, this incredible fact-based story is a rousing tribute to Hong Kong’s never-say-die spirit. OPENING FILMS 開 幕 電 影 TIME/ *29/10 7:25PM PP 05 再見UFO VENUE *29/10 9:50PM PP *6/11 7:20PM PE CIAO, UFO 香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / ~115 min / 你還記得心中的UFO嗎?三個同住在華富 屋 仔,童年更在香港最積 邨的 邨 粵語對白,中英文字幕 極向上的90年代渡過,迷醉在哥哥張國榮的歌聲中,竟還在一個晚上遇見 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles UFO!最美好的年代,卻也隨著巨星殞落終結。長大後三人各散東西,迷 失在社會森林裡:一個努力搵食、賺錢向上流,一個胸無大志、視嫁人為人 導演 Dir: 生目標,一個百病纏身、不敢奢談夢想,只是仍念念不忘小時候一同目睹的 梁 堅 Patrick Leung 栢 演員 Cast: UFO。一個婚禮令三人重新聚首,但找回當初的夢想還有可能嗎?徐天佑、 徐天佑 Tsui Tien-you, 黃又南、蔡卓妍再度合作,青澀不再演技更見成熟,加上一眾小演員純真演 黃又南 Wong You-nam, 繹,為香港一路走來跌宕起伏的時代作見證。 蔡卓妍 Charlene Choi, 梁雍婷 Rachel Leung, 吳肇軒 Ng Siu-hin, Wah Fu Estate in Aberdeen is the home of many urban legends, but few were 衛詩雅 Michelle Wai as outlandish as the one that happened in the 1980s: One night, residents turned their heads to the sky and saw a giant UFO hovering above them for five minutes. No one else could prove or explain the odd phenomenon, but it becomes the pivotal event for three young people in this long-awaited Opening Films return to form for director Patrick Leung (La Brassiere, Simply Actors). This charming sci-fi comedy also marks the reunion of Tsui Tien-you, Wong You- nam and Charlene Choi, who co-starred in 2002 teen comedy hit Summer Breeze of Love. 閉 閉幕電影 幕 電 影 06 TIME/ *17/11 5:40PM MM 金都 VENUE *17/11 7:50PM MM MY PRINCE EDWARD 香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / 91 min / 一反典型愛情電影套路,反思婚姻、幸福和自由的意義。三十出頭的女子 粵語對白,中英文字幕 在太子金都商場的婚紗店工作,在這裡結識了婚禮攝影師男友,拍拖七年, In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 人人都認為他是她的白馬王子,男友的幼稚和癡纏卻令她卻步。直到男友求 婚,她才想起自己十年前為了賺快錢,和一個陌生中國男子「假結婚」,幫 導演 Dir: 助他來港定居,十年來一直未離婚。婚禮的繁瑣令她煩擾不堪,她一邊尋找 黃綺琳 Norris Wong 演員 Cast: 「老公」辦理離婚,一邊嘗試隱瞞未來老公,但紙包不住火,一直逃避的 鄧麗欣 Stephy Tang, 她,終於要面對自己的未來。電視劇《瑪嘉烈與大衛系列-綠豆》編劇黃綺 朱 康 Chu Pak-hong, 栢 琳首次執導電影,細膩刻畫女性面對婚姻的種種掙扎,加上鄧麗欣反璞歸真 鮑起靜 Paw Hee-ching, 金楷杰 Jin Kaijie, 的演繹,定能引起無數共鳴。 林二汶 Eman Lam, 許素瑩 Hui So-ying, 岑珈其 Kaki Sham My Prince Edward is set in Golden Plaza, a shopping mall in Hong Kong best known for bridal shops and cheap wedding supplies. Fong is a clerk at one such bridal shop. She has been with Edward, the owner of a wedding 電影發展基金 photography shop in the same mall, for seven years. Everyone sees Edward Closing Films 「首部劇情電影計劃」 as Fong’s Prince Charming, destined to head to the altar. The problem is 得獎作品 that Fong must first sort out the sham marriage that she was paid to take First Feature Film Initiative, Film Development Fund part in years ago before she can get married for real. CLOSING FILMS 閉 幕 電 影 TIME/ *6/11 7:20PM PP VENUE *6/11 9:50PM PP *21/11 7:30PM MM TIME/ *17/11 5:50PM MM 07 BABY 復仇記 VENUE *17/11 7:45PM MM THE SECRET DIARY OF A MOM TO BE 香港 Hong Kong / 2019 / 90 min / 尤家敏的人生是所有港女的最終目標:身為高薪厚職的名牌PR阿姐,又靚 粵語對白,中英文字幕 又叻又識享受人生,有老公錫又有共識:二人世界,BB免談。怎料一天BB In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 突然降臨,家敏從前沒想過的責任如海嘯襲來,工作、家庭、愛情通通被這 個未出世的小魔怪攪得天翻地覆,一早想好的理想人生計劃一下子被打亂! 導演 Dir: 在香港地兼顧事業與家庭殊不簡單,要為人父母更是能人所不能,曾執導 陸以心 Luk Yee-sum 演員 Cast: 《同班同學》的陸以心,以這齣喜劇笑談女強人的笑與淚,輕鬆面對生活中 陳靜 Dada Chan, 那些未能預計的二三事。 朱鑑然 Kevin Chu 余安安 Candice Yu, 張繼聰 Louis Cheung Carmen is a talented public relations manager of a major brand.
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