‘OrangeIs the New Black’ 1Entertainment: Everyone’s talking about this newNetflix series. Seeifyou recognizethe starsofthe showatchron.com/ orangeisnewblack Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com and chron.com | Monday, July 29,2013 | Section D xxx HoustonChronicleLife&Entertainment HoustonChronicle BOOK EVENTS TUESDAY James McBride AndreEdwin: Author will discuss and sign “Fait Accompli,”5-7 p.m., River Oaks Bookstore, 3270 Westheimer; 713520-0061or riveroaksbookstore.com. JessicaBrockmole: Author will sign and discuss “LettersFrom Skye,” 6:30 p.m., Murder By The Jhumpa Book, 2342Bissonnet; 713-524- 8597,ortoll-free 888-424-2842or Lahiri Robert Boswell George Saunders murderbooks.com. WEDNESDAY Ilona Andrews: Author will sign Daniel Alarcón and discuss the newest Kate Dan- ielsnovel, “Magic Rises,” 6:30 p.m., Murder By the Book. Gary Clark and Kathy Adams Clark: The HoustoN Chronicle’s Naturecol- umnistand photogra- Khaled Elizabeth pher,re- Hosseini Strout spectively, will discuss and sign “Enjoying Big Bend Colum National McCann Park” and “Photographing Big Bend National Park,”7p.m., Brazos Book- Anne store, 2421 Bissonnet; 713-523-0701 or brazosbookstore.com. Carson THURSDAY Linda Fairstein: Author will sign and discuss “DeathAngel,”6:30 p.m., Murder By TheBook. Mohsin Hamid FRIDAY SpaceCityCon: Three-dayevent offersauthors, artists,sci-fi, fantasy, comics, gaming, fan-group network- ing, literature, writing workshops, more. Hours: Noon-7p.m. Fri., 10 Chimamanda a.m.-7p.m. Sat. &Sun. Three-day Adichie registration: $45; $35 students; $18 ages 10-17;free9and younger. One-dayregistration startsat$20. HoustonMarriottWestchase,2900 Briarpark; spacecitycon.com. CarolynAdams: Poet will discuss her worksaspart of the First Friday Poetry Reading Series, 8:30 p.m., Inprint House, 1520 W. Main; for Courtesypy phothotos moredetails, email Robert Clark at houstonfi[email protected] [email protected]. BOOKISH SATURDAY Dos GatosPoetry: Texaspoet Anne McCrady will read from “Let- ting Myself In”and DosGatos chief Heavy-hitting authors editor ScottWiggerman will lead readingswith contributorstothe haikuand haigacollection, “Lifting the Sky,”2p.m., Brazos Bookstore, Pulitzer Prize winners among writers General admission 2421 Bissonnet; 713-523-0701or tickets brazosbookstore.com. at Margarett Root Brown Reading Series $5 general admission ticketsare sold SUNDAY in advanceonline and at the door; free By Maggie Galehouse associate director.“This is what the Word Around Town Poetry Tour: worldlookslike, and this is the world student and senior rush ticketsare Weeklong poetry marathon runs in Racism. Displacement. Trans- writers want to talk about.” availableatthe door if areading isn’t sevenvenues, featuring newpoets sold out. Readingsbegin at 7:30 p.m.; Jenene Carter,Billie Hill, SalMacias, Atlantic crossings. Relationships forged Theauthors will sitfor candid, BlancaAlanis, Rain, Gerald Cedillo, —and undone —bywar and politics. onstage interviews after their readings, doorsopen 6:45p.m. Information: inprinthouston.org. Chris Wise and others. Allshows These are shared threads among the whichgives the audience achance to see 8p.m., with featured performers. Moreinformation on Page D3. worksof11acclaimed writers, appear- what they’re reallylike. (Funny? Dour? Sunday: Bohemeo’sArt House, 708 ing in Houston as part of the Margarett Guarded?Shy?) And perhaps mostin- Telephone (Outspoken Bean). Aug. Root Brown Reading Series. credibly, the price for individual tickets 5: Inprint Houston, 1520 W. Main (Kathy Fay).Aug.6:BoomstowN Inprint, the city’sleading literary —$5—hasn’t changed since 1980. everyone cry—thatfollows ayoung Heights, 242W.19th (Jasminne nonprofit, hosts the series, which Among the big names this year is Afghan boyseparated from his sister. Mendez); Aug.7:Winston’soN launches its33rd season Aug. 26.It’sa Khaled Hosseini, appearing Sept. Twomore heavy hitters: Pulitzer Washington, 5111 Washington(Joe global guestlist, with authors from Af- 23. Bestknown for “The Kite Runner,” Prize winners Jhumpa Lahiri on Oct. B); Aug.8:Rudyard’sPub,2010 ghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria, Peru,the Hosseini will readfrom his third novel, 13 and Elizabeth Strout,Feb.24. Waugh(Marcell Murphy);Aug.9: United States and elsewhere.Mosthave “A nd the Mountains Echoed,” now Lahiri wonthe Pulitzer in 2000 for TalentoBilingue de Houston, 333 S. Jensen (Dee!Colonize); Aug.10: livedonmore than one continent. ranked No. 3onthe NewYorkTimes her debut storycollection, “Interpreter Khon’s Wine DartsCoffee Art, 2808 “So fewplaces are homogeneous any- best-seller list. It’s asprawling,poi- of Maladies.” Herfirstnovel, “The Milam (Zelene Suchilt). Informa- more,” notes Marilyn Jones, Inprint’s gnantstory—Hosseini’s booksmake SeriescontinuesonD3 tion: 713-444-0269. Maggie Galehouse TELEVISION Houstonwoman wins ‘Hell’s Kitchen,’ ready to takeonLas Vegas By SydKearney of $250,000. “Itwas likewinning for asec- “I felt likeIwas waking up ond time,” Witt said of Thurs- from averylong dream,” said day’swatch party,whichwas Ja’nel Witt, the morning after held in the pub. “Itwas great shewas revealed as the winner seeing Chef Ramsayagain.” of Season 11 of “Hell’s Kitchen,” Witt spentthe spring and the Foxreality cooking competi- summer in Houston, hosting tion. watchparties at clubs, plug- Witt spokefrom Las Vegas, ging “Hell’s Kitchen”onlocal where she, friends, family, television and radio showsand castmates and celebrity chef working periodicallyinthe Gordon Ramsayhad gathered kitchen at Kiran’s.And never to watchThursday’sseason once did sheevencrack asmile finale. when quizzed about the series’ Theprize for besting 19 other outcome. chefs, including fellowfinalist “Mypoker face will serve Mary Poehnelt, is the head-chef me well in Vegas,” Witt said, position at Gordon RamsayPub laughing. FoxBroadcasting &Grill at Caesar’s Palace.The In Thursday’sfinale,Witt HoustonchefJa’nelWitt, center, bested26-year-old Mary Poehnelt to claim thewin in Season 11 of jobcomes with an annual salary Chef continuesonD2 “Hell’sKitchen,” thereality cookingcompetition that starscelebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, right. xxx Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com and chron.com | Monday, July 29,2013 | D3 STAR Series features authors from across the globe SeriesfrompageD1 Margarett Root BrownReading Series 2013-14 Namesake,”was made Aug.26: Robert Boswell and JamesMcBride,HobbyCenter into afilm. In Houston, forthe Performing Arts, 800 Bagby she’ll readfrom “The Sept. 23: Khaled Hosseini, Wortham TheaterCenter,501 Lowland,” her forth- Texas coming novelabout two Oct. 13: JhumpaLahiri, Wortham TheaterCenter Indian brothers. Nov. 18: Chimamanda NgoziAdichie &Colum McCann, Alley “Olive Kitteridge,”a Theatre, 615Texas novelin13stories, earned Jan. 27: George Saunders, AlleyTheatre Strout her Pulitzer in Feb.24: Elizabeth Strout, Wortham TheaterCenter 2009.She followedthat March 24: Daniel Alarcónand Mohsin Hamid,Stude Concert with “The Burgess Boys” Hall, RiceUniversity this spring,abook about April 28: Anne Carson, HobbyCenter forthe Performing Arts coming home.Brothers Jimand BobBurgess are called back to Maine by Season tickets fantastic wealth in Asia. their sister,whose son TheMargarett Root Brown Thefinal author of the is involved in aracially Reading Seriesisnamed season is poet Anne Car- chargedincident. forone of the founding son,who’ll readApril 28 As in seasons past, directors of the Brown from her recentcollection, there are “weird lovely Foundation, the lead “red doc>.” echoes” between some underwriter.With $175 According to Levy,Car- of the featured books, season tickets, availableat son breaksall the rules. says RichLevy, Inprint’s inprinthouston.org, ticket Trained as aclassicist, she executive director. holdersreceive: doesn’t write traditional Both “The Good Lord »Reserved seating at each narrative poetry. Instead, Bird”byJames McBride venue “she takes classical refer- (appearing Aug. 26) »Bookssignedfirstinthe ences and bringsthem and “TransAtlantic” by book-signing line into contemporarytimes,” Colum McCann (Nov. »AsignedcopyofJhumpa he says. 18)feature 19th-century Lahiri’s forthcoming novel, “G”isthe main char- abolitionistand social “The Lowland” acter of “red doc>,” short reformer FrederickDoug- »Two reserved-section for Geryon, amythical lass. guest passes creature.Here is Carson McBride’ssatire fol- »Freeparking at the Alley describing the landscape lows ayoung boywho Theatrefor tworeadings “G”sees: joins John Brown’s CROWSASBIG as crusade againstslavery. barns/ rave overhead. Still/ To stay alive the boymust up earlier than usual, his driving north.Night is a/ pass —asagirl. morning beginning with slit allday is white./Panels McCann’s novelfea- the smell of brownies of tornplanet loom/and tures three distinct story in the oven, adripping line up one behindthe/ other arcs, one of whichfollows spatula in his mouth, and to the faredge of/whateyes Douglass on his 1845 tour an uncertain feeling in his cansee. of Britain. gut thathewas about to ForMcCann, an Irish do something devastat- maggie.galehouse@chron. writer whowon the ingly stupid.” com National Book Award George Saunders, for “Let the GreatWorld master of the short story, Spin,” appearing in Texas will appear Jan. 27.Saun- is abit of ahomecoming. ders writes howlingly Decadesago,hetaught odd, funnysatire with oc- wilderness survival in casional tender spots. He Brenham and finished his earned national acclaim B.A. in Englishand his- and aplace on best-seller toryatthe University of lists for his latestcollec- Texas at Austin. tion, “Tenth
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