
June 4, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4965 IN MEMORY OF RICHARD SYLBERT To the Congress of the United States: ticide Tolerance’’ (FRL7178–5) received on ∑ In accordance with the provisions of May 30, 2002; to the Committee on Agri- Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I rise to culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. reflect on the rich life and memory of section 13, Public Law 806, 80th Con- gress (15 U.S.C. 714k), I transmit here- EC–7282. A communication from the Prin- Richard Sylbert, an admired and tal- cipal Deputy Associate Administrator of the ented production designer, whose work with the report of the Commodity Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- made a tremendous impact on the en- Credit Corporation for the fiscal year ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- tertainment industry and on the lives ending September 30, 2000. titled ‘‘Change in Disease Status of Estonia with Regard to Rinderpest and Foot-and- of so many. GEORGE W. BUSH. THE WHITE HOUSE, June 4, 2002. Mouth Disease’’ (Doc. No. 01–041–2) received At the age of 73, Richard Sylbert died on May 31, 2002; to the Committee on Agri- f on March 23, 2002 of cancer in Woodland culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Hills, CA. Richard, through his re- MEASURE REFERRED EC–7283. A communication from the Acting markable creativity and imagination, General Counsel of the Department of De- The Committee on Armed Services fense, transmitting, a draft of proposed legis- helped bring more than 40 stories to was discharged from further consider- the screen, including ‘‘Chinatown,’’ lation relative to interest payments on stu- ation of the following measure which dent loans for service in the Armed Forces; ‘‘Dick Tracy,’’ ‘‘The Graduate’’ and was referred to the Committee on Com- to the Committee on Armed Services. ‘‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf.’’ He merce, Science, and Transportation: EC–7284. A communication from the Assist- was a true visionary. ant to the Secretary of Defense, Nuclear and S. 2546. A bill to amend title 49, United Born in Brooklyn in 1928, Sylbert Chemical and Biological Defense Programs, States Code, to establish a program for Fed- transmitting, pursuant to law, the Annual served our country in Korea and at- eral flight deck officers, and for other pur- tended the Tyler School of Art at Tem- Report on Chemical and Biological Defense poses. Program dated April 2002 and a report on the ple University before returning to his f Chemical and Biological Defense Program home state of New York. In 1954, he got for Fiscal Years 2001 through 2003; to the a job painting scenery at NBC. He MEASURE READ THE FIRST TIME Committee on Armed Services. started working on films 2 years later, The following bill was read the first EC–7285. A communication from the Under and collaborated with his twin brother time: Secretary of Defense, Acquisition and Tech- nology, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Paul as an art director for ‘‘Baby S. 2578. A bill to amend title 31 of the Doll.’’ In 1975, he became the vice presi- Independent Study of Secondary Inventory United States Code to increase the public and Parts Shortages Report; to the Com- dent in charge of production at Para- debt limit. mittee on Armed Services. mount, marking the first and only f EC–7286. A communication from the Assist- time a production designer headed pro- ant Secretary of Defense, Command, Control, duction at a major motion picture stu- EXECUTIVE AND OTHER Communications, and Intelligence, transmit- dio. After he left Paramount, the two- COMMUNICATIONS ting, pursuant to law, the Fiscal Year 2001 time Academy Award winner continued The following communications were Department of Defense Chief Information Of- ficer Annual Information Assurance Report; to work in film and television, making laid before the Senate, together with to the Committee on Armed Services. each piece of work compelling and accompanying papers, reports, and doc- EC–7287. A communication from the Dep- moving. uments, which were referred as indi- uty Secretary of Defense, transmitting, pur- I extend my deepest condolences to cated: suant to law, the Joint Medial Executive Richard’s family, friends, and all those EC–7276. A communication from the Chair- Skills Program Report; to the Committee on touched by his work. His career man of the Federal Election Commission, Armed Services. EC–7288. A communication from the Dep- spanned four decades, and was ex- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Brokerage Loans and Lines uty Secretary of Defense, transmitting, pur- tremely versatile and varied in scope. suant to law, a report relative to the Air of Credit’’ received on May 30, 2002; to the Although Richard is no longer with us, Force pursuing a multiyear contract for the Committee on Rules and Administration. his lasting contributions to entertain- C–17 aircraft to the Boeing Company and a EC–7277. A communication from the Dep- multiyear contract to the United Tech- ment are forever documented in works uty Commissioner for Education Statistics, nologies Corporation, Pratt and Whitney we will enjoy for generations to come.∑ Office of Educational Research and Improve- Aircraft Group for the engines; to the Com- ment, Department of Education, transmit- f mittee on Armed Services. ting, pursuant to law, the annual statistical MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT EC–7289. A communication from the Under report of the National Center for Education Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, transmit- Messages from the President of the Statistics for 2002; to the Committee on ting, pursuant to law, a report relative to United States were communicated to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. the Navy pursuing a multiyear contract for EC–7278. A communication from the Assist- F/A–18E/F aircraft engines for Fiscal Years the Senate by Ms. Evans, one of his ant Director, Office of General Counsel, Fed- secretaries. 2002 through 2006; to the Committee on eral Bureau of Prisons, Department of Jus- Armed Services. tice, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- f EC–7290. A communication from the Assist- port of a rule entitled ‘‘National Security; ant Secretary of the Interior, Bureau of EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED Prevention of Acts of Violence and Ter- Land Management, Department of the Inte- rorism’’ (RIN1120–AB08) received on June 3, rior, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- As in executive session the Presiding 2002; to the Committee on the Judiciary. port of a rule entitled ‘‘Locating , Recording, Officer laid before the Senate messages EC–7279. A communication from the Prin- and Maintaining Mining Claims or Sites’’ from the President of the United cipal Deputy Associate Administrator of the (RIN1004–AD52) received on May 30, 2002; to States submitting sundry nominations Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- which were referred to the appropriate ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- sources. committees. titled ‘‘Vinclozonlin; Tolerance Revocations EC–7291. A communication from the Direc- and Notice of Channels of Trade Provision (The nominations received today are tor, Office of Surface Mining, Department of Guidance’’ (FRL6835–6) received on May 30, the Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, printed at the end of the Senate pro- 2002; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nu- the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Kentucky Reg- ceedings.) trition, and Forestry. ulatory Program’’ (KY–235–FOR) received on EC–7280. A communication from the Prin- May 31, 2002; to the Committee on Energy f cipal Deputy Associate Administrator of the and Natural Resources. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COM- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- EC–7292. A communication from the Gen- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- MODITY CREDIT CORPORATION eral Counsel, Federal Energy Regulatory titled ‘‘Methyl Parathion and Ethyl Commission, transmitting pursuant to law, FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000—PM 88 Parathion; Tolerance Revocations’’ the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Standards for The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- (FRL7179–9) received on May 30 , 2002; to the Business Practices of Interstate Natural Gas fore the Senate the following message Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Pipeline’’ (Doc. No. RM96–1–019) received on from the President of the United Forestry. June 3, 2002; to the Committee on Energy EC–7281. A communication from the Prin- and Natural Resources. States, together with an accompanying cipal Deputy Associate Administrator of the EC–7293. A communication from the Assist- report; which was referred to the Com- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ant General Counsel for Regulatory Law, Of- mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- fice of Energy Efficiency and Renewable En- Forestry: titled ‘‘Cyhalofop-butyl; Time-Limited Pes- ergy, Department of Energy, transmitting, VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:13 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2002SENATE\S04JN2.REC S04JN2 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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