' '.~ A*X the ^ • /•: BSD BANK SECTION and Bvnoaadlnt X<nrnM Bold VMotessly and WIthwrt 1 RED BANK REGIS ONE VOLUME LXI, NO. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1938. PAGES 1 TO 12; Sickles Files Rumson Fair For Make Plans For Francis Nary Scots Finish Shrewsbury School Woman's Club Fair At Fair Haven New.Fire House Takes Place On Preparations To Re-Open Sept. 12 Raid Restaurant, Mrs. Alexander Pepln, chairman'of Fred C. England, principal, has an- the fair to be held for the benefit of nounced that the Shrewsbury schoo For Mayoralty Opens Tonight the Red Bank Woman's, club on the Rumson Council For Labor Day will re-open for the 1938-1939 school clubhouse grounds "Friday and' Sat- year Monday morning,-September-12, Mayor Minton to Retire Oceanic Hook and Lad- urday, September 16 and IT, called a at 8:45 o'clock. * Arrest Owner for meeting of the fancy work booth Tribute to Lewis Wilson Good Weather Is Only All new pupils, accompanied by a — Republican Contest* der Holding Three-Day committee at tbe clubhouse Tuesday, parent or a guardian, will register In Mrs. Benjamin Crate U In charge of r—Ilsley Is Named Fire Factor Now Needed to the auditorium Monday morning, for County Committee Event—Will Award Car one seetlon of tbe booth ,and Mrs. Guarantee Success September 12, from 8 to 10 o'clock. Leon de la Reussllle Is In charge of Chairman Pre-prlmary children may enroll In Liquor Violations another section, which baa for dis- the reception grade on the above Mayor Augustus M. Minton and Oceanic book and ladder company position a handmade patch quilt. -.-' Francis Nary was appointed and Everything necessary for the/ suc- date, or before October 1, If they be- Councilman Seely B. TuthlU of Fair of Rumson it all'set for the annual Many articles were donated for the sworn In as a member of the Rum- cesa of the Scottish games and cele- come five years of age on or before Haven will not seek re-election In fair which will be held tonight, to- fair by club members at the meet- son borough council at the regular bration at the Sylvan forum at Holm- October S. After October 1 no child Columbus Ball Albert Leone, Proprietor November. Both have served a num- morrow night and Saturday night ing. Others present were Mrs. J. meeting last Thursday night, and del next Monday has been provided who becomes five years of age, who At Elks Home ber, of years as members of the mu- The fair will be held on the corner Smith, president of the club; Mrs. after his induction he took the seat for except good behavior on the part has not attended public or private of Paradise Restaurant!; nicipal governing body, Mr. TuthlU of River road and Washington street Clinton WUher, co-chairman of the at the council table formerly occu- of the weather man and those In school elsewhere In New Jersey, or holding, the'important post as chair- The firemen want this year's fair t pied' by his late father, Frank J. any other state, may enroll In the Preparations are well under way ; fair, Mrs. H. C. Mecklem, 3d., Mrs- charge are hopeful that the same Nabbed on Two Count* man Of the finance committee. The go over-big for a special reason. Hermann Aaendorf, Mrs. Frank War- Nary. Mayor James C. Auchincldss good fortune which has always been reception grade of the school. for the annual Columbus Day ball mayor has retired from tbe political They .have plans drawn for a new ner, Mrs. H. M. Seeley,'Mr». Charles appointed the new councilman as a true in this respect In the past will Parents are advised to bring birth which the Garabaldi society of Red —Held for Grand Jury ' arena In favor of Councilman Arthur fire house and they expect to begin Meeker, Mrs. H. M. Wellbacher, Mrs. member of the police, fire and roads again be In evidence Labor day. At certificates when registering pre-prl- Bank will hold Tuesday, October 11, B, Sickles, who filed lait week for construction work shortly, and all the Cornelius Aller, Mtss Elizabeth Scow- and Incineration committee. The one o'clock In the afternoon the_ant. mary children. Alt new pupils In the at the Elks home. A silver loving the Republican nomination tor proceeds•; from the fair will go to- crpft and Miss Lillian Flannery. , mayor named Councilman Robert G. otHBr rades on(l lo el ht cup will be given as a waltz prize nual memorial program will be .heIdf[ fr ~ 8 . Inclusive and there will be other awards. Peter mayor. Like Mr. Minton and Mr. Tut- ward the cost of building the fire Ilsley chairman of the fire commit- wit••"h Dr- . Arthu- -- r Hunter— , formerly-of —should bring their school records, blll. Mr. Sickles Is a veteran" 015: th« bouse. tee, a post held by the late Mr. Nary. Galatro and his orchestra will pro- Also Fined $100 for Edinburgh, 8cotlandrand W. Warren transfer_gards, report cards, etc. counoll and also has been chairman A resolution eulogizing the late Although it is not an entrance re- vide music. Barbour as the speakers. Rev. W. C. Dr. M. P. Colio Is chairman of the ' of severirimportant comniltteei;pne Eight Drivers Councilman Lewis T. Wilson,, who Colby of Rumson will be master of quirement, It Is strongly recom- of which is "the fire'committee. Mr. died Tuesday of last week, was In- mended that all children, before en- committee. The other members are Ordinance Violation ceremonies. Joseph TrlmboU secretary, Joseph Sickles', term as councilman expires troduced by Councilman James P. The memorial program follows: tering school, bo Immunized for this year aldnjr, with Mr. Tutblll's, Answer Charges Bruce. It was read by Mayor Auch- diphtheria and vaccinated for small- Palmlerl . and Domenlco Nannln and he also planned to retire from incloss, and afterward the borough Lord Lovat'i Lament -.: pox. treasurers, Antonio Sovlero, Dr. An- Red Bank police, assisted by Cameron Pipe Band of Montclalr thonv Perrolta, Domenlco Garruto, the council but his friends, including At Shrewsbury officials and citizens in the room Invocation Rev. W. C. Colby, p. D. Jersey alcoholic beverage control Mayor Minton and other leaders in stood and with bowed heads qb-. "OH "Hundredth" :...... Audience Emlllo Orlllo, Nllnzlo Ranlerl and agents, raided the Paradise.restaur- the Republican ranks, prevailed upon served a minute of silence out of re- AddHK, "The Scot In the United Misses Anna- Luoloo.no, Louise Mon- ant on Shrewsbury avenue Tuesday Statee" Hon. W. Warren Barbour Turkey Supper dlello. Connie Barasso, Jenna Gam- him-to run for mayor.. Campaign Against Reck* spect for the deceased "councilman. Baritone Solo, "The Loit Chord" and arrested the proprietor, Albert • •• Mr; Sickles will1 have nooppoalUon The,.resolution j>f sympathy (s, as bacorta, Margaret Fuccl,.,Mary and Lso -on twt o chargeh s of'violation, in the primary and It Is not likely lest Driyers arid Speed- follows: •" Soprano Solo,' "The Old ttuKffed Cross... Tickets Limited Anna FerriiT Elizabeth Figaro, Pfiyl- of liquor laws. • Mra. Jean Rose lls Figaro, Elizabeth Blzzaro, Ann that be will be opposed at the gen- Although the hearts of^hose left to Arraigned before Recorder John eral election, no one having filed tor er* Is Continued Addren, "The Scottish Heritage" DoFalco and Grace DeMarla. V. Crowell In police court, Leone mourn may be heavy, there Is some- Dr. Arthur Hunter Big Affair Planned A group of the older members of the mayoralty nomination -on the thing glorious in the passing of a use- Tenor Solo, "My Aln Countree" for was held under bail of |1,000 for tbsj Democratic ticket Republicans who ful life. The loss 1B made easier to George Easdale Brotherhood Feast the society are arranging for a play action of the grand jury on a charg* filed for councilman are S. Burrltt Eight out-of-town drivers appeared bear by the knowledge of the joy Benediction ..: Rev. W. O. Colby, D. D. to be given Wednesday, October 12, before Recorder Elmer C, Walnrlght "The Star Spans-led Banner" .... Audience of violation of the state laws in sell- Boynton and H." Lynnwood Minton and happiness which such a life In the River street school. of Shrewsbury Thursday to answer. brpught'to many, and the sadness of In the evening at 7 o'clock-, a free Ing liquor without a license and wal and Democrats who -ailed -for- those charges made against them by Po- death Is lightened:"One of the out-" entertainment will be given under Everything Is "all set".for the.big fined 1100 under provisions of a bor- offices are John F, Wagner, present llceman Otto Herden. The campaign' "tamllng characteristics of Lewis T. the direction of the Scots of Mon- dinner meeting of The Brotherhood ough ordinance. Leone posted bond, fire chief, and Harry J. Herold. Ab- Wilson was his willingness to do mouth county. Parents have been of the First Presbyterian church to and paid the fine. ram C. Dlxon filed on thei R»puW against speeders-and reckless driver* things forother people.: He was first be held Monday night, September 12 East Keansburg was ordered after many complaints Especially "Invited to be present with The raiding party was headed by jean ticket for justice of the' peace elected a member of the borough in the social hall of the church on Deputy Chief Harold Davlson and had been filed by borough residents'. council In 1820—more than eighteen their children. The bagpipe band for the" unexpired term of Charles which wins first prize In the field day Reckless place.
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