ACTA AGROBOTANICA Vol. 65 (4), 2012: 29–38 DOI: 10.5586/aa.2012.019 EVALUATION OF Deutzia x carnea (Lem.) Rehd. AS A FOOD SOURCE TO URBAN BEES Marzena Masierowska University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Department of Botany, Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Received: 01.07.2012 Abstract tion means a change in the availability of refuges and This 3-year study examined the flowering phenology, to- nesting places as well as in the quality and quantity tal floral display, nectar and pollen production as well as bee vi- of food plants. However, a city can be a very impor- sitation to the ornamental shrub Deutzia x carnea (Lem.) Rehd. tant habitat for diverse bee species (Eremeeva and D. x carnea bloomed from early June until the middle Sushchev, 2005; Banaszak-Cibicka and of July. The total flower display reached 47927 flowers per Ż michorski, 2012), including managed honey plant. The number of developed flowers strongly depended on bees. Moreover, plant species richness often incre- weather conditions before and during the flowering period and ases in urban areas compared to more natural habitats fluctuated significantly during the years of study. The flower of (Grimm et al. 2008), so urban sites are thought to D. x carnea lived 5 days and the persistence of an inflorescence be potential resources for nectar- and pollen-foraging was 11 days. insects (Acar et al. 2007; Denisow, 2011). In Nectar productivity per 10 flowers differed significan- particular, the presence of garden plants can help su- tly between the years of study and ranged between 15.7 and stain all insect pollinators on which plants depend for 40.14 mg. Mean sugar content in nectar was 39.7%. The total their pollination. The newly-planted urban parks and sugar mass in nectar per 10 flowers averaged 9.91 mg (range: 3.81 – 18.91 mg). Pollen mass per 10 flowers was 16.89 mg. The gardens are now more often designated for bees and estimated sugar and pollen productivity per plant was 36.8 g and have potential to attract these insects if diverse floral 40 g, respectively. resources are provided throughout the growing se- Among bees (Apoidea), honey bees were principal vi- ason (Comba et al. 1999; Tommasi et al. 2004; sitors on Deutzia flowers. The peak of daily activity of honey Dijkstra and Kwak, 2007; Wojcik et al. 2008; bees and bumblebees occurred between 11.00 and 15.00 hrs, Sperling and Lortie, 2010). Especially, honey whereas the presence of other wild bees was noted in the mor- bees can profit from them. ning and in the late afternoon. All bees gathered mainly nectar, The attractiveness of plants for bees is determi- but pollen collectors were also noted. The mean daily visiting ned by (a) the size of reward (nectar and/or pollen), rate was 0.0809 visits per flower × min-1. and (b) the occurrence of mass flowering. Among The use of this shrub in gardens and parks should be plants grown in urban landscapes, various ornamen- encouraged in order to enrich food pasture for urban Apoidea. tal shrubs, including some deutzias, are thought to be However, its cultivation is limited to areas of mild climate and valuable food sources for bees (Gozdalik, 1976; adequate water supply. Mountain et al. 1981; Riccardelli d’Albo- r e , 1991; Larsson and Shuel, 1992; Masie- Key words: Deutzia x carnea, flowering, nectar, pollen, urban rowska, 1999, 2006; Lipiń ski, 2010). Deutzias bees are deciduous or rarely evergreen shrubs indigenous to temperate regions of Asia and mountainous regions INTRODUCTION of Central America. They were introduced to Europe in the nineteenth century (Zaikonnikova, 1966) Bees are important plant pollinators, both in the and various species and cultivars are recommended as natural environment and in anthropogenic habitats, standard ornamental shrubs for landscaping in tempe- e.g. cultivated crops or urban sites. For bees, urbaniza- rate zones (Krüssmann, 1977; Rehder, 1997, 30 Marzena Masierowska Bugał a et al. 1984), useful for foundation planting rived soil in the Botanical Garden of the Maria Skło- or as a part of a shrub border. Their decorative value dowska-Curie University, Lublin, Poland (N – 51o09’, derives from their beautiful and numerous flowers. E – 22o27’). Deutzia x carnea, a hybrid between The estimation of deutzias as food sources for D. gracilis and D. sieboldiana, is a shrub to 1m high insects is limited to few species and cultivars. In Ita- with brown bracts and ovate to oblong-ovate, 3–5 cm ly Riccardelli d’Albore (1991) estimated long leaves. Flowers are nearly 2 cm across, white in- honey production of D. scabra as 400 kg × ha-1. In side and pink outside. Sepals are deltoid, purplish; sta- Poland, Gozdalik (1976) found that one flower of mens about as long as the style, the filaments with short D. x magnifica, D. rosea and D. scabra produced da- teeth. Flowers are arranged in loose, upright panicles. ily from 0.5 to 2.8 mg of nectar with a sugar content Observations on flowering biology necessary 12 to 68% and that the mean total sugar amount in nec- for estimating the nectar and pollen flow were conduc- tar per 10 flowers always exceeded 3 mg. According ted during the 3-year study. The study on the phenolo- to Masierowska (1999, 2006), the mean amounts gy of flowering was carried out at the species level as of sugars secreted in nectar throughout a lifetime by well as at the inflorescence and flower levels (Dafni, 10 flowers of D. discolor, D. gracilis, D. x magnifica, 1992). Flowering onset and length of blooming period D. purpurascens, D. scabra and its cultivars as well were recorded. The length of flowering of a single as D. schneideriana ranged from 8.32 to 18.7 mg. The inflorescence was determined, too. Floral persistence nectar was highly concentrated – from 22.9 to 48.8%, was counted as the days from the opening to the fall on average. She also found that pollen production in of all petals. The total number of flowers per plant was those deutzias was similar and reached 17.8 mg/10 determined by counting the number of inflorescences flowers. Gozdalik (1976) described D. scabra, that developed during the flowering period on each D. x magnifica and D. rosea as sources of pollen for plant and the mean number of flowers in an inflore- visiting insects. According to Mountain et al. (1981), scence for a particular shrub. D. scabra and D. x kalmifolia supplied honey bees only with pollen. Floral nectaries Both in natural and urban habitats, Deutzia Investigations of the structure of the nectaries in flowers attract numerous insect visitors from the Hy- deutzia flowers were conducted using LM and SEM. In menoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera orders. Among glycerol-mounted slides hand-cut from fresh material, them, bees are the most common (Inoue et al. 1990; the diameter as well as the thickness of the secretory Kato et al. 1990; Riccardelli d’Albore, ring were measured (n = 50) using light microscopy 1991; Larsson and Shuel, 1992; Watanabe, (LM). For SEM, the nectaries were fixed in buffered 1998; Masierowska, 1999, 2006; Tai and Iti- 4% glutaraldehyde for 4 hours, washed, dehydrated in n o , 2000, Pan et al. 2010). an ethanol sequence and then transferred into aceto- Deutzias usually do not grow well when planted ne. Next, the samples were dried in CO2 at the critical in regions of harsh climate, especially with low rain- point and coated with gold using a CS Sputter Coater. falls. However, Deutzia x carnea (Lem.) Rehd. has The surface of the secretory ring was examined under been reported as a relative winter hardy shrub, immune a BS 340 Tesla scanning electron microscope. to diseases and resistant to drought as well as to pollu- Floral reward measure tions by dust and smoke (M alyugin, 1990). The aim of this study was: (1) to examine flo- To determine nectar productivity, flower buds wering phenology and blooming abundance of this ta- were isolated in the field and nectar secreted througho- xon in urban garden conditions; (2) to investigate its ut the lifetime of an individual flower was collected in floral rewards available to visiting insects; and (3) to 2003–2005 seasons. Nectar amount (in mg) was gathe- monitor the activity and spectrum of bees collecting red and measured using Jabłoński’s pipettes. A total of these rewards. The primary purpose of this investiga- 25 samples were collected during this study. Each sam- tion was to determine if D. x carnea is a valuable so- ple contained nectar from 5 to 10 flowers. Nectar sugar urce of high quality food for visiting insects, equal to content (% wt/wt) was measured with an Abbe refracto- previously investigated deutzias, and thus can enrich meter. Then, nectar amount and sugar content of nectar bee pasture in urban landscape. were used to calculate the total sugar amount (in mg) secreted in nectar per 10 flowers. The nectar productivi- MATERIALS AND METHODS ty was expressed as grams of secreted sugars per plant. The pollen mass available to insects was deter- Study site, plant species mined by the ether method (Warakomska, 1972). and its flowering biology Six samples of 100 mature anthers were collected The present study was conducted on four in- each year. Pollen production was expressed in mg per dividuals of Deutzia x carnea growing on a loess-de- 100 anthers = 10 flowers and in g per plant. Evaluation of Deutzia x carnea (Lem.) Rehd. as a food source to urban bees 31 Insect visitation ason on the number of flowers formed per inflorescen- Throughout the peak blooming period, bee fo- ce as well as on the number of inflorescences per plant raging activity on D.
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