Buried ancestral drainage between Lakes Erie and Ontario JEAN-JACQUES FLINT Department of Geological Sciences, Brock University, St Catharines, Ontario, Canada L2S 3A1 J. LOLCAMA Interra Technology Inc., 6850 Austin Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78731 ABSTRACT system. The only other known buried channel extending from Lake Erie to Ontario is the Erigan channel, first identified and named by Spencer The bedrock topography for the eastern Niagara Peninsula of (1907). Spencer also recognized the presence of several other bedrock Ontario and for adjacent areas of New York was reconstructed using valleys in the Niagara Peninsula that he interpreted as tributaries to the more than 7,600 well records and geophysical data. This topography Erigan. Spencer's reconstruction of the bedrock topography was based on reveals an elaborate system of buried channels dominated by three a limited number of well records, and as a result, many aspects of the main passageways connecting Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. These buried topography have remained unsolved. For example, no outlets into channels are the Erigan, Crystal Beach, and St. Davids. The Erigan, Lake Ontario were identified for the Erigan, and no connections between with a depth near 150 ft below Lake Erie water level, precludes the the tributary valleys and the Erigan channel were demonstrated. Conse- existence of a lake in the Erie basin. North of the Niagara Escarpment, quently, some investigators (Flint, 1971; Horberg and Anderson, 1950) the Erigan channel bifurcates into three outlets that extend into Lake considered the Dundas buried gorge, at the western end of Lake Ontario, Ontario. The extensive widths and differences in elevation of the to represent the route for the Lake Erie drainage. This path was initially outlet valleys suggest that the Erigan channel was active at least three proposed by Spencer (1907) but later abandoned in favor of the Erigan times. Elevations in two of the outlets indicate that water levels in the channel, which he considered to represent the outlet for the Lake Erie ancestral Lake Ontario were similar to those of the present-day lake. watershed during preglacial time. A more northern route was proposed by The third outlet requires water levels at least 30 ft lower than present Spencer (1907) for the drainage of the Upper Great Lakes through the conditions. Laurentian River valley between Georgian Bay and the north shore of The Crystal Beach channel originates west of Buffalo and trends Lake Ontario (Fig. 1). north along part of the present-day course of the Niagara River. At Over the past few decades, extensive data have become available, and Niagara Falls, it changes to a southwesterly direction to join the Eri- detailed bedrock surveys of areas within the Niagara Peninsula have been gan channel near its southern end. The Crystal Beach system received published. To date, however, no over-all re-evaluation of the buried bed- inflow from Lake Erie through at least 4 inlets with bed elevations rock topography has been undertaken. The purpose of this investigation is only 10-30 ft below the present Lake Erie water level. This suggests to produce a bedrock topographic map using as much of the available data the existence of an ancestral Lake Erie similar to present-day as possible and to re-examine the significance of the buried Erigan system conditions. and its implications for the drainage history of the Great Lakes. Limited retreat in the waterfall of the Erigan channel indicates that during the active period of the Crystal Beach and Erigan drainage PREVIOUS WORK systems, only the Lake Erie watershed emptied through the Niagara Peninsula. The Upper Great Lakes may have drained through the Reconstruction by Spencer (1907) of the bedrock valleys in the buried Laurentian valley between Georgian Bay and Lake Ontario. Niagara Peninsula is shown in Figure 2. In terms of the Erigan drainage Drainage of the Upper Great Lakes through the Niagara Penin- system, Hughes (1970) identified a north-south bedrock depression ex- sula may have first occurred through the St. Davids buried channel. tending to Lake Ontario from the base of the Niagara Escarpment where The limited retreat of the St. Davids waterfall suggests a history of the Erigan channel exits. She attributed its origin to glacial scouring, only a few thousand years. Its channel above the Niagara Escarpment however. This bedrock low, as well as one to the east and another possible probably occupied part of the bedrock depression formed by the Crys- one to the west, was identified by Lolcama (1980). They were interpreted tal Beach drainage system, but at a higher elevation. as outlets for the Erigan channel. Bedrock maps of Feenstra (1981a, 1981b, 1981c, 1981d) also showed a valley to the west and the north- INTRODUCTION south bedrock low but did not indicate the presence of an outlet to the east. The gorge of the St. Davids buried channel, extending from the The drainage of the Upper Great Lakes is now channeled through the Whirlpool on the Niagara River to the town of St. Davids, was recognized Niagara River, which originated -12,500 yr ago (Lewis, 1969; Calkin and as early as 1841 by Lyell (1845). Forrester (1926) established the presence Brett, 1978). Prior to this, the St. Davids buried channel that extends from of a buried channel below the escarpment from the town of St. Davids to the Whirlpool section of the Niagara River to Lake Ontario may have the Niagara River. More recently, Hobson and Terasmae (1969) showed served as a passageway during the Sangamon Interglacial (Hobson and that the main outlet extends due north from St. Davids to Lake Ontario, Terasmae, 1969). With a gorge approximately one-half the length of the whereas the bedrock channel outlined by Forrester was possibly a smaller Niagara gorge, it is difficult to explain its existence for a longer period than branch. Hobson and Terasmae (1969) also obtained a 14C date of 22,800 that of the Niagara River unless a limited discharge passed through this yr B.P. for organic material present in the sediments of the St. Davids Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 97, p. 75-84, 6 figs., January 1985. 75 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/97/1/75/3445151/i0016-7606-97-1-75.pdf by guest on 26 September 2021 76 FLINT AND LOLCAMA Figure 1. Regional drainage pattern (after Spencer, 1907). gorge. They interpreted this as evidence that the gorge was partly exposed oriented almost perpendicular to the Erigan channel and located west of during the middle Wisconsin but probably formed during the Sangamon the town of St. Johns West (Fig. 3). Interglacial. Reconstruction of the St. Davids channel above the Niagara The well and borehole data in New York State were obtained from Escarpment has been less successful. Kindle and Taylor (1913) suggested the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1952, 1973), the New York State that a bedrock low, extending from Niagara Falls, New York, to the Department of Transportation in Buffalo, the Buffalo Sewer Authority Whirlpool, may have been eroded by a river in the St. Davids channel. (Calkin and others, 1978), the New York State Power Authority, and the Upstream, from Niagara Falls to Lake Erie, the location of the St. Davids town or city engineers for Niagara Falls, Wheatfield, Tonawancla, and drainage system remains unknown. North Tonawanda. Ground-water well data were obtained from a number In addition to these investigations, Sanford (1954, 1956), Owen of private drilling companies and from Johnston (1964) and La Sala, Jr. (1972), and Hobson and Gagne (1975) published maps on the bedrock (1968). Well data were also provided by P. Calkin (State University of topography of selected areas in the Niagara Peninsula. Feenstra (1981a, New York at Buffalo). 1981b, 1981c, 198Id), on the basis of data to 1975, published a series of A total of -7,600 wells to bedrock, drilled before 1982, were col- maps for the entire Niagara Peninsula. A useful review of bedrock topog- lected. Wells that did not reach bedrock were ignored, unless the y indi- raphy maps of the: Niagara Peninsula was compiled by Karrow (1973). cated depths greater than those of surrounding wells that reached bedrock. In order to detect possible inaccuracies, various checks were performed, SOURCE OF THE DATA including field identification of—5% of the wells. The bedrock topography reconstructed at 20-ft contour intervals is shown in Figure 4. It should be The data used in this investigation were obtained mainly from exist- noted that the reliability in the topography is proportional to the well ing published records of oil and gas wells, ground-water wells, geotechni- density. This is easily observed in certain areas of New York where few cal boreholes, ancl geophysical data to 1982. In addition, a gravity survey data were available, resulting in a coarser drainage texture that is more was conducted spxifically for this project. Locations of the data are shown apparent than real. in Figure 3. The oil and gas well data in Ontario were obtained from the Canada GEOLOGY AND GENERAL BEDROCK TOPOGRAPHY Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, and the ground-water well data were provided by Environment Ontario. Geotechnical borehole data General were obtained from the Canada Seaway Authority, the Ministry of Trans- portation and Communication, and the Engineering Department of the The over-all bedrock topography shown in Figure 4 generally reflects city of St. Catharines. the north-south succession of lithologic units present in the Niagara Penin- Owing to the lack of borehole information where the Erigan channel sula. This succession is best exemplified by the east-west orientation of the crossed the Niagara Escarpment, a gravity survey was conducted to locate Niagara Escarpment and to a lesser extent by the Onondaga Escarpment the position of the buried waterfall.
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