March 20, 1978 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7691 Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. Presi­ Senate will then proceed to take up S. NATIONAL COMMISSION ON EMPLOYMENT AND dent, I ask unanimous consent that the 2481 under a similar time agreement. UNEMPLOYMENT STATISTICS President be notified of the confirmation There will be rollcall votes throughout The following-named persons to be mem­ of the nominations. the day on those measures and on mo­ bers of the National Commission on Employ­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tions and amendments in relation to the ment and Unemployment Statistics: objection, it is so ordered. same. Bernard E. Anderson, of Pennsylvania. Upon the disposition of those two Glen G. Cain, of Wisconsin. measures, the Senate will proceed under Jack Carlson, of Maryland. Michael Harold Moskow, of Illinois. COMMITTEE MEETINGS a time limitation to consider the confer­ ence report on the redwoods bill. The Rudolph Alphonsus Oswald, of Maryland. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. Presi­ Samuel L. Popkin, of California. final votes on the two farm bills will Mitchell Sviridoff, of New York. dent, I ask unanimous consent, as i:il occur back-to-back and will occur no Joan Lawson Wills, of Virginia. legislative session, that the Consumer earlier than 4 p.m. tomorrow. So it would NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Subcommitteee of the Commerce, appear that tomorrow the Senate will Science, and Transportation Committee The following-named persons to be mem­ proceed in legislative session to dispose bers of the Board of Regents of the National be authorized to meet during the ses­ of those two farm bills and the confer­ Library of Medicine, Public Health Service, sions of the Senate on Tuesday, ence report on the redwoods, after which for the terms indicated: March 21; Wednesday, March 22; and the Senate will resume consideration of For a term expiring August 3, 1979: Thursday, March 23, to consider the Na­ the treaty. Thomas C. Chalmers, of New York. tional Vehicle Safety Act and reauthor­ Kelly M. West, of Oklahoma. ization of the Motor Vehicle Informa­ For a term expiring August 3, 1980: tion and Costs Savings Act. RECESS UNTIL 8: 40 A.M. TOMORROW Samuel Richardson Hill, Jr., o! Alabama. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Doris H. Merritt, of Indiana. objection, it is so ordered. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Cecil George Sheps, of North Carolina. if there be no further business to come For a term expiring August 3, 1981: before the Senate, I move, in accordance James Franklin Williams II, of Michigan. with the order previously entered, that Nicholas Edward Davies, of Georgia. CONCLUSION OF MORNING the Senate, as in legislative session, stand NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD BUSINESS in recess until the hour of 8: 40 a.m. James B. King, of Massachusetts, to be The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there tomorrow. Chairman of ·the National Transportation further morning business? If not, The motion was agreed to; and at 7:33 Safety Board for a term of 2 years. morning business is closed. p.m. the Senate, as in legislative session, LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION recessed until Tuesday, March 21, 1978, The following-named persons to be mem­ at 8:40 a.m. bers of the Board of Directors of the Legal Services Corpora tlon for terms expiring July PROGRAM 13, 1980: Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, CONFIRMATIONS Cecilia Denogean Esquer, of Arizona. the Senate will come in at 8:40 a.m. Steven L. Engelberg, of Maryland. tomorrow. Executive nominations confirmed by Hillary Diane Rodham, of Arkansas. the Senate March 20, 1978: Richard Allan Trudell, of California. After the prayer, the distinguished DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Josephine Marie Worthy, of Massachusetts. Senator from South Dakota (Mr. P. R. Smith, of Georgia, to be a member of The above nominations were approved sub- ABOUREZK) will be recognized for not to the Board of Directors of the Commodity ject to the nominees' commitments to res­ exceed 15 minutes, after which and no Credit Corporation. pond to requests to appear and testify be­ fore any duly constituted committee of the later than the hour of 9 a.m., the Senate U.S. TAX COURT will proceed to the consideration, as in Senate. Herbert L. Chabot, of Maryland, to be a IN THE DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE legislative 3ession, of the farm bill, H.R. judge of the U.S. Tax Court for a term of 15 6782. There is a time agreement on that years after he takes office. Diplomatic and Foreign Service nomina­ tions beginning Stephen W. Bosworth, to be bill, a limit o.f 4 · hours, which is all NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD inclusive and out of which any time for a Foreign Service officer of class 1, and end­ Elwood Thomas Driver, of Virginia, to be a ing Ronnie D. Woody, to be a Foreign serv­ amendments, motions, et cetera, would member of the National Transportation ice officer cf class 7, which nominations were come. Safety Board for the remainder of the term received by the Senate and appeared in the Upon the disposition of H.R. 6782, the expiring December 31, 1980. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD on February 10, 1978. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A LOVELY PARK THAT DOUBLES AS summer of 1976, the long-awaited Indian center of the town by using Indian Bend FLOOD CONTROL Bend Wash flood control project was Wash. Because of this wash, property completed. This project was the culmi­ damage was kept to a minimum, and nation of cooperation between the State, there was only minor disruption in the HON. JOHN J. RHODES local Scottsdale government, and Army life of the city. I would like to submit OF ARIZONA Corps of Engineers. It marked the first for the RECORD an article from the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES project of its kind where the Army Corps Christian Science Monitor which de­ Monday, March 20, 1978 combined recreational pa~ks. lakes, and scribes the way the Indian Bend Wash other structures with flood control dams project worked, and the letter of con­ e Mr. RHODES. Mr. Speaker, as you and dikes. The city of Scottsdale alone gratulations to me from the mayor of are no doubt aware Arizona has recently contributed over $7 million to the con­ Scottsdale, William C. Jenkins, which been ravaged by the worst floods in the struction of this project. highlights the successful flood control State's modern history. The damage to The results of this project have borne aspects of the wash. property is running into the millions of out the careful planning and hard work Hopefully, this disaster will point out dollars, and there has been a tragic loss that went into it. While the southern the necessity of moving forward as ex­ of life and destruction of 1--roperty in the half of Phoenix was ravaged by uncon­ peditiously as possible with the con­ once tranquil "Valley of the Sun." trollable water spilled through the nor­ struction of Orme Dam as part of the There is, however, one element of mally dry Salt River bed, the city of central Arizona project, so the city of solace that the residents of Scottsdale, Scottsdale to the north was able to con­ Phoenix will be able to plan and provide Ariz., can take from this disaster. In the trol the waters that ran through the for a similar flood control project which Statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor will be identified by the use of a "bullet" symbol, i.e., • 7692 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 20, 1978 has already been named the Rio Salado, ScOTTSDALE, ARIZ., March 8, 1978. equitable participation by U.S. and to minimize the ravages of any flooding Hon. JOHN RHODES, Canadian pilots in the required services House of Representatives, that might occur in the future. Washington, D.C. to oceangoing vessels in U.S. and Cana­ The article follows: DEAR JOHN: I wanted to write and thank dian waters. A LOVELY PARK THAT DOUBLES you for your help on the Indian Bend Wash. While mates of U.S. interlake vessels AS FLOOD CONTROL As you know, the flood control aspects of are licensed as "First Class Pilots," and the Wash were tested during the past week. this is the only license issued to lake (By David F. Salisbury) It worked beautifully! vessel deck officers other than a master's Los ANGELEs.-Southwest cities faced with Whlle Scottsdale residents were inconven­ license, the prerequisite to status as a the aftermath of this winter's severe flooding ienced by the flooding, the areas protected U.S. registered pilot to enable service would do well to consider the example of by the Indian Bend Wash were virtually un­ Scottsdale, Arizona. scathed by the flooding. under the Pilotage Act of 1960 to ocean­ In 1972, floodwaters churned out of Indian The Council and I recognize the hard work going vessels is an unlimited master's Bend Wash, swamping 1,600 homes, cutting you've done on the project and want to again license. Because of this requirement Scottsdale in half, and costing the city $10 say thanks! there is a chronic shortage of qualified million in damages. But this year, despite a Sincerely, applicants which, under the federally similar deluge, damage has been minimal. WILLIAM 0. JENKINS, mandated system, causes concern for The difference? A 7Y2-mlle greenbelt that Mayor.e the future safety of navigation in this doubles as a recreation area and as a gra.ss­ region. Mates usually sail for 10 years llned splllway designed to protect the city before obtaining a master's license and from rushing floodwaters.
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