Academic Journal of Science, CD-ROM. ISSN: 2165-6282 :: 07(02):253–268 (2017) MICROBIOLOGICAL AND SENSORY EVALUATIONS OF SELECTED PRODUCTS (GARRI, FUFU, FLOUR AND TAPIOCA) FROM WHITE AND YELLOW CASSAVA VARIETIES E.N. Onyeneke and N.C. Ohazurike Imo State University C.N. Ubbaonu Federal University of Technology Cassava also called yuca, Mogo, Manihot, mandiola and Kamoteng kotiox, a woody shrub of the euporbiaceae (spurge family), ( Manihot esculenta crantz ) is a tropical staple crop grown for its tuberous starch roots (Westby, 2002). Cassava ( Manihot escutenta) root is the most perishable of all the root and tuber crops and should never be eaten raw as the root composes of small quantities of cyanogenic glycosides (Okaka, 2004).Cassava roots generally deteriorate very quickly soon after harvest (Onwueme, 2008).Most spoilage organisms are soil or air born spores from field, harvesting and packing machinery (Frazier and West Hoff, 1991).Two cassava varieties TMS98/0505(white) and TMS05/0473 (yellow) were processed into four different products (garri, fufu, flour and tapioca) each and the microbiological and sensory evaluations of these products were evaluated. Study aimed at efficient and appropriate handling of products to promote the totality of the period within which the product is expected to retain its acceptable characteristic quality under normal condition before consumption. Methodolody : Products were analysed for organoleptic properties in wet/fresh conditions using 5point hedonic scale and randomly selected panelists to ascertain the sensory qualities, also samples were cultured for 48hr microbiological examination. Results- showed that microorganisms identified and isolated from samples include; Enterobacterspp, Staphylococcus spp, Klebsiells spp, bacillus, Lactobacillus, protuse vulgaris, Micrococcus spp for bacteria Identification while the fungi identified includes penicillum spp, Aspergillus spp, Rhizopus spp , Mucor spp . The total microbial count ranged from 9.0x10 2 cfug- 1 for white cassava Fufu mash (sample 1) to 4.8x102 cfug- 1 in white cassava Flour (sample 5).The samples showed combined positivity and negativity to the morphological, microscopic and biochemical test processes for bacteria and fungi. The sensory properties evaluation had values of result ranging from 6.3± 1.2 to 2.61±1.2 with yellow cassava garri (sample 4) having the highest value while yellow cassava fufu mash (sample 2) had the lowest value and differing significantly (p>0.05) texture ranged from 6.1 ± 1.7 to 4.07 ± 1.8 .However, overall acceptability ranged from 6.31 ± 1.8 to 4.10 ± 1.2 for tapioca (sample 8) and yellow cassava flour (sample 6) respectively. The overall acceptability showed significant difference at (p>0.05) among all other samples. Cassava products have appreciable level of microbial load. And both the white and yellow varieties are similar as they showed no much difference in their microbial content. Cassava products has significant level of microbial load hence there is need for proper sanitary condition during 253 254 Microbiological and Sensory Evaluations of Selected Products ... processing to avoid health risk among its consumers, especially garri forms the basic staple food in Nigeria and some African countries Keywords: Yellow and White cassava products, Microbiological assay, Sensory properties. Introduction Cassava also called yuca, Mogo, Manihot, mandiola and Kamoteng kotiox, a woody shrub of the euporbiaceae (spurge family), native of South America, Cassava ( Manihot esculenta crantz ) is a tropical crop grown for its tuberous starch roots (Westby, 2002). Every part of the plant can be utilized, but the starch roots are by far the most commonly used (Westby, 2002). Cassava (Manihot esculenta crantz) roots is the most perishable of all the root and tuber crops (Okaka, 2004). One of the advantages cassava has over other starch crops is the variety of uses to which the roots can be put (Nweke et al ., 2002).Apart from being a staple food for humans especially in Africa, it also has an excellent potential use as livestock feed, and in textile; plywood, proper, brewing, chemical and pharmaceutical industries (Nweke et al., 2002). The white cassava (Manihot dulcis) (Nwocha) specie and yellow ( Manihot escunlenta , (TMS 01/1368/ or UMUCASS 36), are two distinct cassava types. The yellow cassava is a similar to the white cassava, but it has a yellow flesh inside the root, which is generally white in ordinary varieties (Egesi, 2011). Traditionally, cassava processing methods in use in Africa probably originated from tropical America, particularly northeastern Brazil and may have been adapted from indigenous processing method (Kormawa and Akinde,2003).The processing methods includes peeling, steaming, slicing, soaking or steeping, fermentation, pounding, toasting, pressing, drying and milling. These traditional methods give low product yield which are also of low quality. Rapid urbanization in tropical Africa increase mobility in both rural and urban areas and the changing roles and states of woman have resulted in an unprecedented demand for convenient food.Added to these factors is the high cost of fuel for cooking in urban areas. Therefore, cassava processing and utilization technologies for the future should be able to improve traditional methods and develop low cost equipment with energy consumptions. Improved processing and utilization technologies should address issues related to farmers (producers) and consumers demands (particularly urban needs in future) and also economic factors and nutritional values knowledge of current traditional processing and utilization methods id its present urban patterns of consumption and changing urban needs will guide future strategies for cassava processing and utilization. According to food cultures, environmental factors such as availability of water and fuel, the cassava varieties used and the type of processing equipment and technology available (Olapade, et al. 2014) Fermentation of cassava consists of two distinct methods aerobic and anaerobic (Uzuegbu and Eke, 2001). Aerobic fermentation involves the peeling and slicing of cassava roots and surface drying for 1-2 hours and then heaped together, covered with straw or leaves and left to ferment for 3-4 days. The fermented moldy pieces are sun-dried after the mold has been scraped out. The processed and dried pieces (called “Mokopa” in Uganda) are then milled into flour which is prepared into a “fufu” called “kowan” in Uganda.The growth of mold on the root pieces increases the protein content of the final product three to eight folds (Sanni et al., 2010). This fermentation methods is also very popular in other parts of East Africa such as Tanzania, Rwanda and Zaire.For “Lafun” production in Nigeria. Peeled or unpeeled cassava tubers are immersed in a stream or stationary water (near a stream) or in an earthenware and fermented untilthe roots becomes soft. The peels are manually removed and the white tubers recovered pure, then washed sieved and pounded. The micro- organisms involved in “lafun” production includes; pichia enyehis, Candida tropicalis, geotricum Candida and Rhoditorula spp, Aspergiccus niger and penicilliun spp, lenconostoc spp and corynum bacterium spp (Oyewole et al .,1996). Microbial contamination of food and food products has been a serious threat to human health. Since micro- organisms differ widely in their optimal temperature for growth there are induced changes in nutritional E.N. Onyeneke et al. 255 quality and acceptable of the food product, (Schewan, 1997)has been reported that moisture content in food products supports the growth of microbes and generally, bacteria require more moisture than yeast and yeast more yeast than mould (Uzuegbu and Eke, 2001). The microbial spoilage of the food material should not be viewed as sinister plot on the part of micro-organism to deliberately deny us our food but instead as the normal function of these micro-organisms in the total ecology of all live organisms’ determination. A number of investigations have reported instances in which bacteria were found in various part of health plants (roots) particularly the storage organs (Frazier and West Hoff, 1991).Most spoilage organisms are soil or air born spores from field, harvesting and packing machinery. According to source findings, It has been shown that yellow cassava tuber contains more nutrients, Beta-carotene, Vit .C than other varieties of cassava. There is also need to investigate handling methods of cassava products and its-consumption as it is a health risk due to microbial load so as not to undermine its consumable qualities. The sensory perception is largely affected by personal preferences which in turn are a result of many factors from the sociological to the unique individual. For example, genetics, age, party experiences with food, culture, tradition and customs, the environment in which the food is consumed, and physiological reaction will all affect a consumer’s sensory experience (Iwe, 2002). However, Onwueme (2008) confirmed that manufacturers have to provide consumers with innovative options and new twists on favourite brands in order to succeed in this sensory-driven culture. Study therefore aimed at efficient and appropriate handling of products to promote the totality of the period within which the product is expected to retain its acceptable characteristics quality under normal condition before consumption. Literature Review Cassava ( manihot esculenta crantz) is a tropical crop
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