MercantileEXCITINGSee section our NovemberNovemberNovember 2001 2001 2001 CowboyCowboyCowboy ChronicleChronicleChronicle(starting on pagePagePagePage 90) 111 The Cowboy Chronicle~. The Monthly Journal of the Single Action Shooting Society ® Vol. 20 No. 5 © Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. May 2007 WINTER RANGE 2007 By Parson Swede, SASS, #32104 Photos by Mr. Quigley Photography Team hoenix, AZ – On March 7th HIGHLIGHTS on pages 72 & 73 as the first vestiges of light P began to spread over the val- winner received a new ‘97-clone shot- ley of the sun and the Bradshaw gun via a generous donation by Pearl Mountains just to the north, Winter Hart, with an action job by Old Range 2007 began to come to life. Western Gun Repair, aka Squibber. Over 570 wranglers, cowboys both The Plainsman event and all of classic and modern, gunfighters, cow- the long-range events rounded out girls, B-movie enthusiasts, young the day’s activities. Nearly everyone and old all gathered from 44 differ- turned in early that night to rest up ent states, Australia, Europe, and from their travels and to be ready for Canada for the 16th annual incarna- the intense competition the next tion of this classic Cowboy Action morning would bring. Shooting™ match. The year that Thursday morning dawned had gone into planning the annual bright and clear, promising tempera- event was past, and now it was time tures in the mid to high 80’s; in other to move into the competition that words, a perfect day for shooting. All would decide the best of the best at of the early wave shooters gathered the SASS National Championship of in the huge main tent at 7AM for the Cowboy Action Shooting™. The traditional opening ceremonies and weather in Phoenix was perfect with one of the most unusual safety meet- sunshine and only a few clouds plus ings any of us had ever seen. a little wind; all right, a whole lot of Combining modern technology and wind on Sunday morning, but it was good ol’ fashioned common sense lib- short lived and soon forgotten. erally seasoned with great humor, a The promises of intense competi- video presented all of the safety rules tion, great friendships, and a rollick- fashioned after an airline safety ing good time were realized by one presentation. It was terribly creative and all who attended this year’s truly and very, very funny. Brighton Belle, outstanding match. Wednesday EZ Shot, and a cast of actual charac- morning began the warm-up stages ters produced this innovative presen- that helped get the kinks out of many tation to hoots and hollers of a body and gun. This year there were approval all around. Can’t wait to three waves of shooters, a few hun- see what they do next year. dred in all that shot four “Winter Promptly at 8AM shooters were Could it get any better? The SASS National Championship, Winter Range, released on the range to begin the was blessed with near idyllic weather throughout the competition, next three days of intense competi- SASS Cowboy Chronicle great props, loads of new targets sized and placed where they were shootable if one used their front sight, and a full complement of sutlers. tion across 12 truly remarkable Even the evening entertainment was unique. Tupelo Flash, who always (Continued on page 15) In This Issue looks great, is shown here preparing to defend the on-site Indian village. See more Winter Range 62 EMF’S 1872 COLT Range type stages.” The shotgun included flying clays and a can of blast really was a blast with a very Coke, as well as a balloon. You had to Costumes by Tuolumne Lawman on page 57 challenging shotgun stage that be there to really understand it. The 63 CIMARRON’S HENRY MILITARY RIFLE by Tuolumne Lawman 74 ALASKA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP C h C by Darlin’ Caroline r o o w 76 CALIFORNIA STATE n b HAMPIONSHIP C i o by Shenandoah 23255 La Palma Avenue c y Yorba Linda, California 92887 78 WESTMATCH l e www.sassnet.com by Elder Kate Page 2 Cowboy Chronicle May 2007 7302 E. Main St., Suite #7, Mesa, AZ 85207 800-596-0444 • (480) 218-1181 • FAX 888-528-5487 Email [email protected] www.wildwestmercantile.com May 2007 Cowboy Chronicle Page 3 Page 4 Cowboy Chronicle May 2007 May 2007 Cowboy Chronicle Page 5 The Cowboy CCONTENTSONTENTS Chronicle 1 ON THE COVER Winter Range 2007 . 6 FROM THE EDITOR Submitting Material To The Cowboy Chronicle . Editorial Staff 8 FROM THE DESK OF THE GENERAL Live and Let Live! . Tex Editor-in-Chief 10-22 NRA Honors Cowgirl . Ladies Tea & Resting Room Débuts At Founders Ranch . Cat Ballou NEWS Editor Time To Ready Your Costumes For The 26th END of TRAIL . Chiz 16 CAT’S CORNER Managing Editor Advertising Director 18 CHIZ BIZ What’s Goin’ On . Adobe Illustrator Layout & Design 26 POLITICAL Climate Change And Extinction Are Nature’s Ways . Mac Daddy Graphic Design 27 LETTERS Comments From SASS Members . Donna Oakley Advertising Administrator 28-37 ARTICLES William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody . Silver Screen Saloon Show . Contributing Writers Bob Boze Bell, Capt. George Baylor, Cinnamon Lucy, Col. Dan, 38-51 GUNS & GEAR Billy The Kid Breaks Out! . Cowboy Trap Gun . Timely Fashion Cree Vicar Dave, Ellsworth T. Kincaid, Holy Terror, Winter Range SASS National Mounted Shooting Championship . Ioway, Joe Fasthorse Harrill, 58 MOUNTED Juaquin Malone, Madd Mike, Mr. Quigley, Nubbins Colt, 60 HISTORY This Month In History . Little Known Famous People . Purdy Gear, Sierrita Slim, Swift Montana Smith, Tuolumne Lawman TM 61 REVIEWS-BOOKS Gun Digest . Hollywood And The O.K. Corral . The Cowboy Chronicle is published by The Wild Bunch, Board of Directors of The Single Action Shooting 62, 63 REVIEWS-PRODUCTS EMF’s 1872 Open Top In .45 Colt! . Society. For advertising information and rates, administrative and editorial offices contact: 68, 69 TRAIL MARKER Chronicle Administrator 23255 La Palma Avenue ON THE RANGE What’s Goin’ On In Your Town? . Yorba Linda, California 92887 74- 714-694-1800 FAX: 714-694-1813 68, 69 END of TRAIL 2007 . email: [email protected] http://www.sassnet.com PROFILES Yosemite Valley Sam, SASS #73791 . The Shooter’s Persona . The Cowboy Chronicle (ISSN 15399877) 71- is published Monthly by the Single Action Shooting Society, 23255 La Palma 90-96 MERCANTILE Nice SASS Collectibles . Avenue, Yorba Linda, California 92887. Periodicals Postage is Paid at ANAHEIM, CA and additional mailing offices (USPS 97- CLASSIFIED #020-591). POSTMASTER: Send ad- dress changes to The Cowboy Chronicle, 23255 La Palma Avenue, Yorba Linda, 101- SHOOTING SCHEDULES (MONTHLY)-(ANNUAL) California 92887. DISCLAIMER - The Single Action Shooting Society does not guarantee, 107 SASS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION warranty or endorse any product or service advertised in this newspaper. SASS does business at the National Championships—Winter Range. SASS® Trademarks The publisher also does not guarantee Coyote Calhoun, The Judge, and Hipshot listen as another cowboy the safety or effectiveness of any prod- SASS®, Single Action Shooting Society®, explains what he’s thinking and what SASS ought to be thinking! uct or service illustrated. The distribution END of TRAIL®, EOT®, of some products/services may be ille- The SASS booth is a TM gal in some areas, and we do not great place to visit The Cowboy Chronicle , TM assume responsibility thereof. State and with Headquarters Cowboy Action Shooting , local laws must be investigated by the staff and discuss CASTM, purchaser prior to purchase or use or current SASS issues. The World Championship of products/services. TM Topics of one sort or Cowboy Action Shooting , WARNING: Neither the author nor The another filled the air Bow-legged Cowboy Design, and the Cowboy Chronicle can accept any as a near-continuous Rocking Horse Design responsibility for accidents or diffe- ring results obtained using reloading stream of cowboys and are all trademarks of girls dropped by. data. Variation in handloading tech- Most of the discussions The Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. niques, components, and firearms were quite lively … the Any use or reproduction of these marks will make results vary. Have a compe- without the express written permission tent gunsmith check your firearms SASS booth was an before firing. exciting place to be! of SASS is strictly prohibited. Page 6 Cowboy Chronicle May 2007 SUBMITTING MATERIAL TO The Cowboy Chronicle By Tex, SASS #4 rect English and sometimes helping Text is clean (no streaks, dropouts, mark focus the writer’s words to better The easiest way to submit text is throughs, or hand annotations, and explain the subject being addressed. via e-mail (address to Donna@sass the like), but this represents addition- Although the endeavor is largely a net.com or [email protected] atten- al processing steps and slows down labor of love, it is much like going to tion “Tex”). Embed the text in the the production process. school … the homework just never body of the e-mail message and There are still a few souls that Tex, SASS #4 ends. Attending matches, going on attach a Microsoft Word file of the don’t use computers and can only ~SASS Hall of Fame Inductee~ vacation, taking on special projects … text to the message as well. This way, submit handwritten material. These no matter what goes on in one’s life, there are two chances of being able to letters and submittals will be read, irtually everything printed in the next issue is always only days retrieve the text. The attached word but only in the most rare cases will The Cowboy Chronicle is submit- away, requiring a laptop permanently processing file must be a Microsoft they be processed for publication.
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