Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda http://www.germanicmythology.com/FORNALDARSAGAS/HervararS... The Complete Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda Legendary Sagas of the Northland in English Translaon [HOME][ BACK] Translations of this saga are typically made from a composite form of three variant texts. The saga exists in three basic versions: R, and H, and U. Version R, thought to be closest to the original, is found in a late 14th or early 15th-century vellum manuscript [GkS 2845 4to], but the final page is missing. The H manuscript, found in Hauksbók, utilizes a version similar to R, although it is generally closer to U. Version U is known from several late paper manuscripts, especially a paper copy in Uppsala (R:715), AM 203 fol. Below, I have only provided the Old Norse text from the vellum manuscripts, R and H. For more details, see " Notes on Translation " below, as well as the translator's site. Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks The Saga of Hervor & King [R] Heidrek the Wise -and- Saga Heiðreks konúngs ens vitra [H] Translated by Around 1250 © 2005 Peter Tunstall 1. KAPÍTULI 1. Sigrlami and the Dwarves Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks, ch. 1: There was a man called Sigrlami SIGRLAMI hét konungr, er réð fyrir who ruled over Gardariki. That is Garðaríki. Hans dóttir var Eyfura, er Russia. His daughter was Eyfura allra meyja var fríðust. who was the fairest of all girls. Saga Heiðreks konúngs ens vitra ch. 2: One day as the king rode out .... Ok einn dag, er konúngr reið á hunting, he lost sight of his men. He veiðar, ok hann varðeinn sinna rode deep into the forest in pursuit manna, sá hann einn stein mikinn við of a hart but when the sun sank the sólsetr, ok þar hjá dverga tvá; following day, he still hadn’t caught konúngr vígði þá utan steins með it. He’d ridden so far into the forest, 1 of 69 19. 6. 2014 1:04 Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda http://www.germanicmythology.com/FORNALDARSAGAS/HervararS... málasaxi; þeir beiddu Ljörlausnar. he hardly knew where he was. He saw a tall stone in the sunset, and by it two dwarves. He drew his knife over them, binding them outside the Konúngr mælti: Hvat heiti þér? stone by the power of graven iron. They begged for their lives. Annar nefndist Dvalinn, en annar Dulinn. The king asked, “What are your names?” Konúngr mælti: Af því at þið eruð allra dverga hagastir, þá skulu þið One was called Dvalin, the other gera mér sverð, sem bezt kunni þið; Dulin. hjöltin ok meðalkaLlinn skal vera af gulli; þat skal svá bíta járn, sem The king said, “Since you two are klæði, ok aldri ryðr á festast; því skal the most skilled out of all the fylgja sigr í orrustum ok einvígjum, dwarves, you shall make me a hverjum er berr; sword, the best that you can. The guard and boss shall be of gold, and þetta játta þeir. Konúngr ríðr heim. the grip too. It will bite iron like En er stefnudagr kemr, þá ríðr cloth and never rust. It will bring konúngr til steinsins ; eru þá dvergar victory in battles and single úti, ok fengu konúngi sverðit, ok var combats for all who bear it.” ið fríðasta. En er Dvalinn stóð í steindurum, þá mælti hann; They agree to this. The king rides home. And when it comes to the sverð þitt, Svafrlami; verðr manns appointed day, he rides to the stone. bani hvert sinn, er brugðit er, ok með The dwarves were outside. They því skulu unnin vera 3 níðingsverk, hand him the sword and it was þat skal ok vera þinn bani. indeed splendid. But as Dvalin stood in the doorway of the stone, he said: Þá hjó konúngr sverðinu til dverganna, lupu þeir í steininn; “May your sword, Sigrlami, be a höggit kom ok í steininn, ok fal báða man’s bane each time it is drawn eggsteina, þvíat dyrnar lukust aptr á and may three vile deeds be done steininn. with that sword. It will also be [1] Konúngr kallaði sverðit TyrLing, ok death to your kin.” barr hann jamnan síðan í orrustum ok einvígjum, ok hafði jamnan sigr. Then the king swung his sword at Hervarar Saga ok Heiðreks, ch. 1 the dwarves. They sprang into the Þessi konungr hafði eignazt sverð þat rock. The sword stuck right into the af dvergum, er TyrLingr hét ok allra stone so that both edges were lost var bitrast, ok hvert sinn, er því var from sight, for the door closed brugðit, þá lýsti af svá sem af behind them in the stone. sólargeisla. Aldri mátti hann svá hafa beran, at eigi yrði hann manns bani, 2 of 69 19. 6. 2014 1:04 Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda http://www.germanicmythology.com/FORNALDARSAGAS/HervararS... ok með vörmu blóði skyldi hann jafnan slíðra. En ekki var þat kvikt, Sigrlami kept that sword and called hvárki menn né kvikvendi, er lifa it TyrLing. It was the sharpest of mætti til annars dags, ef sár fekk af swords and each time it was drawn honum, hvárt sem var meira eða it shone like a sunbeam. Never could minna. Aldri hafði hann brugðizt í it be bared without killing a man, höggi eða staðar numit, fyrr en hann and with warm blood it would kom í jörð, ok sá maðr, er hann bar í always be sheathed. And nothing, orrostu, mundi sigr fá, ef honum var not human nor animal, could live a vegit. Þetta sverð er frægt í öllum day if they got a wound from it, no fornsögum. matter how great or small. It never failed to strike, nor did it stop till it hit the earth, and any man who bore it in battle would have victory if he used it. The king bore it in battles and single combats and had victory every time. That sword is famous in all the old sagas. 2. KAPÍTULI 2. Of Arngrim and his Sons Saga Heiðreks konúngs ens vitra ch. 2: There was a man called Arngrim. He Arngrímr var þá í víking í austrveg um was a famous viking. He journeyed Bjarmland.; hann herjaði í ríki Sigrlama east to Gardariki and stayed a while konúngs, ok átti orrustu við hann, ok with King Sigrlami and became the áttust þeir vápnaskipti við, ok hjó general of his army, to get both konúngr til hans; Arngrímr kom fyri sik lands and subjects, for the king was skildinum, ok tók af skjaldarsporðinn, ok nam sverðit í jörðu staðar. Þá hjó now old. Arngrim became such a Arngrímr af konúngi höndina, ok féll þá great chief now, the king gave him niðr TyrLingr; Arngrímr þreif sverðit his daughter in marriage and TyrLing, ok hjó með konúnginn fyrst, ok appointed him to the highest síðan marga aðra; position in his realm. He gave him the sword TyrLing. Then the king tók hann herfáng mikit, ok Llutti settled down and nothing more is brott með sér Eyfuru, konúngsdóttur, told of him. ok Llutti hann hana heim til bús síns í Arngrim went north with his wife Bólm; hann átti með henni tólf syni: Eyfura to his family estate and Angantýr var elds2, þá Hervaðr, þá settled on the island of Bolm. They Hjörvarðr, Sæmingr ok Rani, Brami, had twelve sons. The oldest and Barri, Reifnir, Tindr ok Búi, ok tvá most famous was Angantyr, the Haddingjar, ok unnu þeir báðir eins second Hjorvard, the third Hervard, verk, þvíat þeir voru tvíburar ok the fourth Hrani, then Brami, Barri, yngstir; en Angantýr vann tveggja Reifnir, Tind, Saeming and Bui and verk, hann var ok höfði hærri, enn 3 of 69 19. 6. 2014 1:04 Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda http://www.germanicmythology.com/FORNALDARSAGAS/HervararS... aðrir menn; allir voru þeir berserkir, the two Haddings, who had between ok umfram aðra menn at aLli ok them only as much strength as one áræði; en þóat þeir færi færi í hernað, of the others, because they were þá voru þeir aldri Lleiri á skipi, enn twins, and because they were the tólf bræðr. Þeir fóru víða um lönd at youngest. But Angantyr had the herja, ok voru mjök sigrsælir, ok urðu strength of two. They were all of inir frægustu. them berserks, such strong and great Lighters that they would never travel except as a band of twelve. And they were never in a battle they didn’t win. Because of this they became famous in all the lands and there wasn’t a king who did not give them what they wanted. 3. Heitstrenging 3. Hjorvard’s Oathtaking Hervarar Saga ok Heiðreks, ch. 2: It was Yule Eve, the time for men to Þat var tíðenda eitthvert sinn make solemn vows at the ceremony jólaaptan, at menn skyldu heit of the bragarfull, or chief’s cup, as is strengja at bragarfulli, sem siðr er til. the custom. Then Arngrim’s sons Þá strengdu heit Arngríms synir. made vows. Hjorvard took this oath, Hjörvarðr strengdi þess heit, at hann that he would have the daughter of skyldi eiga dóttur Ingjalds Ingjald king of the Swedes, the girl Svíakonungs, þá mey, er fræg var um who was famed through all lands öll lönd at fegrð ok atgervi, eða enga for beauty and skill, or else he konu ella. would have no other woman. That same spring, the twelve Þat sama vár gera þeir bræðr ferð brothers make their way and they sína tólf ok koma til Uppsala ok come to Uppsala and walk before ganga fyrir konungs borð, ok þar sat the kings table, and there sat his dóttir hans hjá honum. Þá segir daughter beside him.
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