BIODIVERSITY AND ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT REPORT to inform the EIA for the proposed Makhathini Sugar Cane Project’s Agricultural Components, Jozini Local Municipality KZN272 APPENDIX 1: A DETAILED LIST OF RED DATA PLANT SPECIES FOUND WITHIN THE PROJECT AREA AND ITS 10KM BUFFER Medicinal GROUP FAMILY TAXONNAME COMMON NAME SA Red data bk status Endemic Protected Use EKZNW Biodiversity Database - Predicted 29% Climber CUCURBITACEAE Momordica foetida Least Concern Not endemic to SA Climber ANNONACEAE Monanthotaxis caffra Dwaba-berry Least Concern Not endemic to SA Climber VITACEAE Rhoicissus digitata Baboon Grape Least Concern Not endemic to SA Graminoids Cymbopogon excavatus Not Evaluated Not endemic to SA Herb ASPHODELACEAE Aloe vanbalenii6 Van Balen's aloe Least Concern Endemic Herb ORCHIDACEA Ansellia africana7 Leopard Orchid Lower RisK Not endemic to SA Yes Herb PEDALIACEAE Ceratotheca triloba African Foxglove Least Concern Not endemic to SA Herb AMARYLLIDACEAE Crinum acaule Near Threatened Not endemic to SA Yes Herb CUCURBITACEAE Cucumis metuliferus Horned Cucumber Least Concern Not endemic to SA Herb CARYOPHYLLACEAE Dianthus zeyheri zeyheri African Carnation Not Evaluated Not endemic to SA Herb DIOSCOREACEAE Dioscorea sylvatica sub. sylvatica Elephant's Foot Lower RisK (near threatened) Not endemic to SA Yes Herb ORCHIDACEAE Eulophia petersii Vulnerable Not endemic to SA Yes Herb ASTERACEAE Helichrysum woodii Rare Endemic Herb LAMIACEAE Hemizygia ramosa8 Data Deficient Not endemic to SA Herb VERBENACEAE Lippia javanica Least Concern Not endemic to SA Herb LYTHRACEAE Nesaea wardii9 Vulnerable Not endemic to SA Herb APOCYNACEAE Pachycarpus lebomboensis10 Rare Endemic Herb RUBIACEAE Pentanisia prunelloides prunelloides Wild Verbena Least Concern Not endemic to SA Herb ORCHIDACEAE Polystachya zuluensis11 Data Deficient Endemic Yes Shrub MALPIGHIACEAE Acridocarpus natalitius var. natalitius Moth-fruit Not Evaluated Not endemic to SA Shrub CAPPARACEAE Capparis brassii Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub CAPPARACEAE Capparis tomentosa Woolly Caper Bush Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub CELASTRACEAE Maytenus undata KoKo Tree Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub ANACARDIACEAE Protorhus longifolia Purple Currant Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub LAMIACEAE Tetradenia riparia Ginger-bush Least Concern Not endemic to SA Tree FABACEAE Acacia xanthophloea Fever tree Least Concern Not endemic to SA Tree EBENACEAE Diospyros glandulifera Least Concern Endemic 6 EKZNW Priority Species - Nice to monitor and report on 7 Ibid. 8 Lebombo Mountains and MKuze Game Reserve 9 Fewer than five Known locations are potentially threatened by wetland destruction. Endemic to Maputaland. 10 Southern Lebombo and Ubombo Mountains from Jozini to MKuze. 11 Lebombo Mountains. Zunckel Ecological & Environmental Services Page 71 BIODIVERSITY AND ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT REPORT to inform the EIA for the proposed Makhathini Sugar Cane Project’s Agricultural Components, Jozini Local Municipality KZN272 Medicinal GROUP FAMILY TAXONNAME COMMON NAME SA Red data bk status Endemic Protected Use EKZNW Biodiversity Database - Predicted 29% Tree MALVACEAE Dombeya rotundifolia var. rotundifolia Wild Pear Least Concern Not endemic to SA Tree MELIACEAE Ekebergia capensis Cape Ash Least Concern Not endemic to SA Tree ZAMIACEAE Encephalartos ngoyanus12 Vulnerable Endemic Yes Tree ZAMIACEAE Encephalartos senticosus13 Vulnerable Endemic Yes Tree ZAMIACEAE Encephalartos villosus Least Concern Endemic Yes Tree EBENACEAE Euclea divinorum Wild Ebony Least Concern Not endemic to SA Tree MORACEAE Ficus sur Broom Cluster Fig Least Concern Not endemic to SA Tree BIGNONIACEAE Kigelia africana Least Concern Not endemic to SA Tree FABACEAE Millettia sutherlandii Giant Umzimbeet Least Concern Endemic: EC & KZN Tree FABACEAE Newtonia hildebrandtii var. hildebrandtii Lebombo Wattle Lower RisK Endemic Tree CELASTRACEAE Pseudosalacia streyi14 Pondo RocK Lemon Endangered Not endemic to SA Tree PTAEROXYLACEAE Ptaeroxylon obliquum Sneezewood Least Concern Not endemic to SA Tree MYRSINACEAE Rapanea melanophloeos Cape Beech Declining Not endemic to SA Tree ARALIACEAE Seemannaralia gerrardii Wild Maple Least Concern Endemic: EC, KZN, Limpopo, Mpumalanga Tree SAPOTACEAE Sideroxylon inerme inerme White MilKwood Least Concern Not endemic to SA Tree APOCYNACEAE Tabernaemontana elegans Toad Tree Least Concern Not endemic to SA Tree MELIACEAE Turraea obtusifolia Lesser HoneysucKle Tree Least Concern Not endemic to SA Tree RUTACEAE Vepris lanceolata White Ironwood Least Concern Not endemic to SA Tree CANELLACEAE Warburgia salutaris15 Fever Tree Endangered Not endemic to SA Medicinal GROUP FAMILY TAXONNAME COMMON NAME SA Red data bk status Endemic Protected Use Field Survey 33% Climber VITACEAE Cissus quadrangularis Cactus Vine, Edible-stemmed Vine Least Concern Not endemic to SA Climber VITACEAE Cissus rotundifolia Bushveld Grape Least Concern Not endemic to SA Climber COMBRETACEAE Combretum microphyllum Least Concern Not endemic to SA Herb ASPHODELACEAE Aloe parvibracteata Least Concern Not endemic to SA Herb AMARYLLIDACEAE Ammocharis coranica Berg Lily Least Concern Not endemic to SA Yes Herb ASTERACEAE Berkheya zeyheri Least Concern Not endemic to SA Herb COMMELINACEAE Commelina erecta Least Concern Not endemic to SA Herb AMARYLLIDACEAE Crinum bulbispermum Orange River Lily Declining Not endemic to SA Yes Herb ACANTHACEAE Crossandra zuluensis Zulu Crossandra Least Concern Not endemic to SA Herb MESEMBRYANTHEMACEAE Delosperma caespitosum Least Concern Endemic to EC & KZN Herb ORCHIDACEAE Eulophia angolensis Vlei Orchid Least Concern Not endemic to SA Yes 12 EKZNW Priority Species - Nice to monitor and report on 13 Ibid. 14 Ibid. A rare tree found in only a small area within Pondoland (EOO 500 Km²), where it occurs in isolated clumps within a highly specialized habitat 15 There was been at least a 50% decline in the South African population due to excessive harvesting of bark for traditional medicine, especially in KwaZulu-Natal. Zunckel Ecological & Environmental Services Page 72 BIODIVERSITY AND ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT REPORT to inform the EIA for the proposed Makhathini Sugar Cane Project’s Agricultural Components, Jozini Local Municipality KZN272 Medicinal GROUP FAMILY TAXONNAME COMMON NAME SA Red data bk status Endemic Protected Use Field Survey 33% Herb AMARANTHACEAE Hermbstaedtia odorata Least Concern Not endemic to SA Herb MALVACEAE Hibiscus meyeri Least Concern Not endemic to SA Herb CRASSULACEAE Kalanchoe lanceolata Least Concern Not endemic to SA Herb HYACINTHACEAE Ledebouria apertiflora Common Squill Least Concern Not endemic to SA Herb HYACINTHACEAE Ledebouria revoluta Least Concern Not endemic to SA Herb EUPHORBIACEAE Monadenium lugardiae Monadenium Least Concern Not endemic to SA Herb ASTERACEAE Parthenium hysterophorus Naturalised Exotic Not endemic to SA Herb LAMIACEAE Plectranthus sp. Herb DRACAENACEAE Sansevieria hyacinthoides Mother-in-law's-tongue Least Concern Not endemic to SA Herb URTICACEAE Urtica urens Annual Stinging Nettle, Bush Naturalised Exotic Not endemic to SA Stinging Nettle Shrub FABACEAE Acacia luederitzii Bastard Umbrella Thorn Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub FABACEAE Acacia senegal Three-hook Thorn Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub APOCYNACEAE Acokanthera oppositifolia Bushman's Poison Bush, Common Least Concern Not endemic to SA Poison-bush Shrub LORANTHACEAE Agelanthus natalitius Mistletoe Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub SALVADORACEAE Azima tetracantha Bee-sting Bush Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub APOCYNACEAE Carissa bispinosa Num-num, Small Amatungulu Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub RUBIACEAE Catunaregam spinosa Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub ASTERACEAE Chromolaena odorata Triffid Weed Naturalised Exotic Not endemic to SA Shrub EBENACEAE Euclea divinorum Magic Guarri Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub EBENACEAE Euclea schimperi Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia grandicornis subsp. Cow's horn euphorbia Least Concern Not endemic to SA grandocornis Shrub MALVACEAE Grewia bicolor Bastard Brandybush, Bastard Raisin Least Concern Not endemic to SA Bush Shrub MALVACEAE Grewia caffra Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub MALVACEAE Grewia flava Brandybush, Wild Currant, Wild Least Concern Not endemic to SA Raisin Shrub MALVACEAE Grewia flavescens DonKey Berry Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub CELASTRACEAE Gymnosporia buxifolia Common SpiKe-thorn Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub CELASTRACEAE Gymnosporia heterophyla Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub CELASTRACEAE Gymnosporia senegalensis Confetti Tree, Red Spike-thorn Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub CELASTRACEAE Gymnosporia undata KoKo Tree Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub VERBENACEAE Lantana Lantana, TicK Berry Naturalised Exotic Not endemic to SA Shrub MORACEAE Maclura africana African Osage Orange, Thorny Least Concern Not endemic to SA Mulberry Shrub CAPPARACEAE Maerua juncea Bush-cherry Least Concern Not endemic to SA Shrub FABACEAE Mundulea sericea CorK bush Least Concern Not endemic to SA Zunckel Ecological & Environmental Services Page 73 BIODIVERSITY AND ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT REPORT to inform the EIA for the proposed Makhathini Sugar Cane Project’s Agricultural Components, Jozini Local Municipality KZN272 Medicinal GROUP FAMILY TAXONNAME COMMON NAME SA Red data bk status Endemic Protected Use Field Survey 33% Shrub OLEACEAE Olea europaea subsp. africana Coast Assegai, Ironwood, Wild Olive Least Concern
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