Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82022-6 - The “I” of the Camera: Essays in Film Criticism, History, and Aesthetics: Second Edition William Rothman Index More information Index Abraham Lincoln, 27 Batkin, Norton, xxx Adam’s Rib, 5, 7, 56, 171, 173, 176, Bazin, Andre,´ 131, 285, 322, 323, 200 325, 350 Allen, Woody, 52n Beavers, Louise, 98, 100, 104, 105, American film, “Americanness” of, 268 1–10, 55–7, 146–7, 359–65, Beethoven, Ludwig van, 12 372–80 Bel Geddes, Barbara, 257 Andrews, Dana, 134 Bellamy, Ralph, 170 Anger, Kenneth, 70 Beloved Rogue, The, 80 Antonioni, Michelangelo, 325 Belton, John, 111 Apartment, The, 178–80, 185, 192, Benny, Jack, 352 193–205 Bergman, Ingrid, 226, 255, 257, 298, Apu trilogy, 358 326 Aravindan, G., 364 Berkeley, Busby, 170 Ascher, Steve, 283 Bhagavad Gita, The, 206 Astaire, Fred, 170, 193 Big Sky, The, 114, 115, 116 Astor, Mary, 69–73 Big Sleep, The, 112–4, 120, 121 Auerbach, Nina, 94–5 Birds, The, 234, 242, 257 Austen, Jane, 30 Birri, Fernando, 342 Avenging Conscience, The, 22 Birth of a Nation, The, xxix, 3, 11–16, Awful Truth, The, 5, 56, 170, 171 22, 29, 39, 78, 82, 83, 349, 362 Biskind, Peter, 7–8 Bacall, Lauren, 114, 120, 158–9, Bitzer, Billy, 24–5 161–5 Blackmail, 20, 242, 258 Baker, Carlos, 161 Block, Mitchell, 297 Ball of Fire, 113, 115, 119 Blonde Venus, 6, 55, 56, 59, 62–5, Barbary Coast, 114, 118, 121 302; role of African Americans Barnouw, Erik, 3 in, 96, 100–2, 107 Barrymore, John, 80, 84, 113, 114, Blue Angel, The, 84 120, 298 Bogart, Humphrey, 119, 120;inTo Barrymore, Lionel, 24 Have and Have Not, 158–66 Barthelmess, Richard, 24, 36, 298, Bogle, Donald, 100, 101, 104, 105, 302 106 381 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82022-6 - The “I” of the Camera: Essays in Film Criticism, History, and Aesthetics: Second Edition William Rothman Index More information 382 Index Boles, John, 91 Chen, Kaige, 362 Bordwell, David, 56 Cheng, Jihua, 362 Boudu Saved from Drowning, 132 Cherrill, Virginia, 46 Boyer, Charles, 351 Chienne, La, 131 Brault, Michel, 281 Chopra, Joyce, 296 Brennan, Walter, 119, 134, 159 Chow, Yun-Fat, 355, 356 Brenner, Gerry, 161 Chronicle of a Summer, 281 Bringing Up Baby, 5, 10, 110–5, cinema-verit´ e,´ xxi, 8, 281–97, 304–6, 119–21 314 Brocka, Lino, 364 Circus, The, 46, 48 Broken Blossoms, 12, 29, 36, 79, 302 Citizen Kane, 178 Brook, Peter, 373 City Lights, 4, 46–54, 193 Brooks, Louise, 114–15 Cixous, Hel´ ene,` 375 Brooks, Peter, 58, 75, 87, 258, 372, Clark, Paul, xxix 373 Coen, Joel and Ethan, 201 Brown, Joe E., 180, 189, 192 Colbert, Claudette, 5, 72, 106, 108 Brown, Karl, 23, 24, 25 Collinge, Patricia, 108 Browne, Nick, 148, 153, 154 Collins, Joan, 117 Bunuel,˜ Luis, 351 comedy of remarriage, 5–8, 82, 94, Burch, Noel,¨ 56 95, 106, 139, 140, 157, 171–6; Burr, Raymond, 257 relationship to Billy Wilder films, Buscombe, Edward, 141, 142, 143, 177–9, 191, 200, 204, 205;to 144 cinema-verit´ e,´ 285;toTale of Winter, 335–8;toThe Goddess, Cahiers du cinema´ , 323, 325 56, 57, 66; to Hitchcock films, Camille, 6, 96, 302 271–7; see also melodrama of the Capote, Truman, 290 unknown woman; Stanley Cavell Capra, Frank, 72, 169, 170, 177, Conversation Piece, 302 334 Cooper, Gary, 119, 298 Carmichael, Hoagy, 159 Cotten, Joseph, 255 Carroll, Leo G., 244, 255 Coyote, Wile E., 351 Casablanca, 183, 297 Crime of M. Lange, The, 133 Cassavetes, John, 197 Crisis: Behind a Presidential Cavell, Stanley, xiii, xiv, xxvii, 2, 5, 6, Commitment, 286, 287 9, 10, 56–7, 82, 94–6, 99–100, Crisp, Donald, 24 139, 221, 271–3, 275–8, 285, Cronkite, Walter, 286 292, 326–7, 334–8, 359, 360, Crosland, Alan, 80 368, 374, 377, 378; see also Cukor, George, 177 comedy of remarriage; Cumberbatch, Guy, 348 melodrama of the unknown Curtis, Tony, 188, 192 woman; philosophy Chandler, Raymond, 180 Dalio, Marcel, 163 Chaplin, Charles, xx, 1, 4, 13, 193, Dall, John, 258 194, 198, 220, 298; and City Dasgupta, Chidananda, 364 Lights, 44–54 Davis, Bette, 6, 96, 374 Chatterjee, Gayatri, 371 Death in Venice, 298–303 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82022-6 - The “I” of the Camera: Essays in Film Criticism, History, and Aesthetics: Second Edition William Rothman Index More information Index 383 Delon, Alain, 302 Fifth Generation (of Chinese DeMille, Cecil B., 169, 170, 186 directors), 362, 363, 370 DeMott, Joel, 283 film criticism, xv, xvii, xxi–xxv, 9, 10, DeNiro, Robert, 355 99, 171, 270–4; relation to film Derrida, Jacques, 367 theory, 321–4, 346, 364–7, Descartes, Rene, xv 375–8 Dial “M” for Murder, 252 film noir, 173, 174, 177, 178, 180 Diamond, I. A. L., 200 film theory, xii, xv, xvi, 359; apparatus Diaries 1971–76, 283, 284 theories, xv, 350, 353; auteurism, Dickinson, Angie, 114 270–1, 321; feminist theory, 63, Dietrich, Marlene, 6, 100, 101, 147, 176, 375–80 238, 298, 302, 330; and Ruan Flaherty, Robert, 282, 284, 352 Lingyu, 58–64. Fleming, Victor, 67 Dinner at Eight, 68, 84, 85 Fonda, Henry, 196, 256, 336 Dissanayake, Wimal, xxix Ford, John, 8, 13, 139, 141–56, 170, Doll’s House, A, 5 177, 204 Donat, Robert, 254 Foster, Barry, 261 Double Indemnity, 7, 75, 76, 83, 177, Frege, Gottlob, xiii 178, 180–5, 190, 192 French Cancan, 122, 135–8, 220 Douglas, Kirk, 116 Frenzy, 255, 261 Dream Street, 27 Freud, Sigmund, 59, 335, 351, 369 Dressler, Marie, 84–5 Drew, Robert, 281 Gabin, Jean, 85–6, 135–8 Dreyer, Carl, 13, 19, 84, 326, 355 Gable, Clark, 67–73 Drunkard’s Reformation, The, 13, 15, Gallagher, Tag, 141, 142, 146, 148, 326, 327 154, 156 Dunne, Irene, 5, 102, 103, 172 Gandhi, Mahatma, 361 Dutt, Guru, 362 Garbo, Greta, 6, 179, 298, 302 Gardner, Robert, 282 Easy Virtue, 242 Gaslight, 6, 96, 297, 351 Eisenstein, Sergei, 13, 350, 353 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 111, 113, El Dorado, 115, 116 114, 115, 117, 120, 121, 179 Elena´ et les Hommes, 122, 137, 220 Gertrud, 84 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, films Ghatak, Ritwik, 362 inheritance of philosophical Gilda, xiii perspective of, xv, 2, 5, 10, 55, Girl in Every Port, A, 102, 114, 115 139, 170, 172, 177, 205, 240, Gish, Lillian, 3, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 279, 338, 347, 357, 359, 360, 34–6, 62, 83, 179, 298, 302 361, 368, 377 Godard, Jean-Luc, 325, 326 Goddess, The, xi, 55–66 Family Portrait Sittings, xxi, xxxi, Golden Coach, The, 122, 135, 218, 304–20 220 Fargo, 201 Goldwyn, Samuel, 118, 119, 120 femme fatale, 177, 185 Gold Rush, The, 198 feminist theory; see film theory Gould, Timothy, 275–9 Fields, W. C., 62 Grand Illusion, The, 85–6, 163, 208 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82022-6 - The “I” of the Camera: Essays in Film Criticism, History, and Aesthetics: Second Edition William Rothman Index More information 384 Index Grant, Cary, 5, 10, 63, 94; 172, 190, Hitchcock thriller, 272, 378; role of 192, 204; 255, 257, 277, 288, villains in, 254–63 298, 302, 334; in Howard Holden, William, 186 Hawks films, 110, 112, 114–7, Home Sweet Home, 22 119–21;inNorth by Northwest, Hopkins, Miriam, 72, 114, 119 241–53 House of Darkness, A, 15 Grapes of Wrath, The, 157 Hovey, Richard, 161 Great Dictator, The, 53, 193 How Green Was My Valley, 147, 157 Greed, 4 Howitt, Dennis, 348 Grierson, John, 284 Hurst, Fannie, 104 Griffith, David Wark, xx, xxix, 1, 3–5, Huston, Walter, 24 9, 11–16, 17–28, 29–43, 62, 78, 82, 83, 87, 88, 168, 169, 170, I Was a Male War Bride, 114, 116 220, 282, 288, 289, 295, 303, Ibsen, Henrik, 5 326, 327, 349, 350 Ikiru, 360 Guzzetti, Alfred, 304–20 Imitation of Life, 92, 104–8, 268, 269 improvisation, 289, 297 Happy Mother’s Day, A, 296–7 In Cold Blood, 290 Harlow, Jean, 67–73 Intolerance, 21 Harron, Robert, 17, 24, 29, 31 Irigaray, Luce, 375 Haskell, Molly, 110 Irma la Douce, 193 Hawks, Howard, xx, 8, 72, 110–21, It Happened One Night, 4, 8, 56, 72, 158–66, 170, 177, 179, 324 106, 170, 171, 177, 334 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 2, 3 It’s a Wonderful Life, 172–4, 234 Haydn, Franz Joseph, 12 Ivens, Joris, 284, 304 Haye, Helen, 256 Hayworth, Rita, xiii, 116, 121 James, Henry, 2 Heche, Anne, 263, 264, 265 Jannings, Emil, 84 Hecht, Ben, 118 Jazz Singer, The, 102, 178 Hedren, Tippi, 181, 257 Jin, Xie, 61 Heidegger, Martin, xv, 368, 369 Jones, Allan, 103 Hemingway, Ernest, 158–63, 165–6 Ju Dou, 363 Hepburn, Katharine, 5, 10, 110, 112, Judith of Bethulia, xxix, 11, 17–28 120, 121, 147, 173, 176, 204, 288, 298, 302 Kant, Immanuel, 334, 361 Hessling, Catherine, 131 Kaplan, E. Ann, 372 His Girl Friday, 5, 79, 80, 114, 119, Kapoor, Raj, 362 120, 121 Keane, Marian, xxvii, 10n, 80n, 221, Hitchcock, Alfred, xxix, xx, xxii, 8, 231, 237 13, 20, 74, 76–84, 108, 111–3, Keaton, Buster, 44–6, 53, 145, 179, 116, 121, 135, 132, 143, 154, 231 178–82, 196, 200, 204, 216, 324, Kelly, Gene, 193 328, 336, 338, 350, 353, 381; Kennedy, John F., 287, 288, 351 authorship of, 265, 268–80; and King, Martin Luther, 361 North by Northwest, 241–53; Kreines, Jeff, 283 and Vertigo, 221–40 Krishnaswamy, S., 3 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82022-6 - The “I” of the Camera: Essays in Film Criticism, History, and Aesthetics: Second Edition William Rothman Index More information Index 385 Kristeva,´ Julia, 374 Madame Bovary, 6 Krupa, Gene, 119 Mahabarata, The, 373 Kurosawa, Akira, 359, 360 Maltese Falcon, The, 70 Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The, Lacan, Jacques, xv, 271, 367, 372, 141 375 Mangano, Sylvana, 302 Lady Eve, The, 5, 76, 89, 171, 185, Manhattan, 52n 335, 336 Mann, Thomas, 298–303 Lancaster, Burt, 302 Man’s Favorite Sport?, 110, 115 Land of the
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