Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04210-0 — The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West Volume 2 Index More Information 1191 Index Aachen (chapel), 420 advocates, 859 – 61 Aachen, Synods of (816-819), 184 , 186 – 7 , 291 , lay nobility as, 581 , 585 323 , 375 , 387 , 422 , 424 , 438 – 41 , 455 , 462 , 482 , Áed mac Bricc of Rahugh, 301 497 – 8 , 508 – 9 , 526 Ælfric of Eynsham, 511 , 513 Aaron, Bishop of Kraków, 885 Colloquy , 415 Abelard, Peter, 652 , 675 , 682 , 697 , 735 , 740 , 741 , 743 , Aelred of Rievaulx, 573 , 721 , 751 , 753 , 756 777 , 967 , 1076 Rule for a Recluse , 753 , 759 Sic et Non, 458 Æthelwold of Winchester, 426 , 507 – 17 , Abbaye- aux- Dames of Saintes (monastery), 252 – 53 534 , 539 – 40 Abbo of Fleury, 595 , 627 Agaune, Life of the Abbots of , 61 Collectio , 6 2 1 , 6 2 7 Agaune, Saint- Maurice d’ (monastery), 37 , 116 , Abraham of Kaškar, 69 181 , 244 , 248 , 292 – 3 Abraham of Pboou/ Farshut, 54 Agde, Council of (506), 750 Abraham of Quiduna, Life of, 749 , 759 Agilulf, Lombard King, 238 Adalbero of Laon, Carmen ad Rotbertum Agnes of Antioch, 889 regem , 1157 Agnes of Babenberg, 889 Acemetes (monastery), 343 – 44 Agnes of Bohemia, 893 Acta Murensia , 5 7 2 Agnes of Hereford, 907 Acts of Paul and Thecla , 43 , 99 Agnes of Meissen (or Quedlinburg), 1004 Acts of Peter , 43 Agriculture, see also property and land Acts of the Apostles , 42 animal husbandry and pastoralism, 841 – 44 Acts of Thomas , 43 in Byzantium, 354 – 56 , see also property and land Adalard of Corbie, 460 , 472 cereal production, 841 Statutes , 470 , 471 in Ireland, 910 – 11 Adalbert of Prague, 641 – 2 , see also Wojciech/ land management, 834 – 36 Vojt ě ch, missionary bishop viticulture, 845 Adam of Bremen, 496 Aibertus of Crespin, 690 , 750 Adam of Perseigne, 721 , 1078 Ailly, Pierre d’, 1188 Adela (Adala, Adula) of Bavaria, 745 Aimon of Fleury, 591 Adela of Normandy, 581 ainmchairde (soul friendship), 313 Adelaide, 412 airchinnech, 304 – 5 Adémar de Chabannes, 429, 961 Alain of Lille, 1076 Admonitio Generalis (General Instruction , 789), Alberic, hermit outside of Jerusalem, 692 452 – 53 , 458 , 459 , 461 , 716 Alberic of Metz, 1068 Admont (monastery), 570 , 575 – 77 , 711 , 721 – 22 , Albert, Bishop of Riga, 892 723 , 805 , 812 – 13 , 862 Alberzoni, Maria Pia, 1048 Adrian IV, Pope, Laudabiliter , 907 Albigensian Crusade, 725 adult converts (conversi ), 228 – 29 , 513 , 550 – 51 , Alcock, John, Spousage of a Virgin to Christ, 1129 553 , 582 , 1027 , 1029 , 1034 , see also entrance Alcuin of York, 58 , 396 , 457 – 8 , 460 ad succurrendum ; lay brothers and sisters Aldhelm of Malmesbury, 63 , 513 (conversi/ ae ) On Virginity , 5 7 2 1191 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04210-0 — The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West Volume 2 Index More Information 1192 Index Aldwyn, prior of Winchcombe Abbey, 691 – 92 Anselm of Aosta or Bec, Archbishop of Alexander II, Pope, 638 Canterbury, 229 , 702 – 3 , 719 , 761 , 902 , 971 Alexander III, Pope, 573 , 638 , 738 – 9 , 1053 Anselm of Havelberg, 777 , 1168 Alexander IV, Pope, 1053 Anselm of Laon, 704 , 706 , 1075 Alexander VI, Pope, 1179 Anselm of Lucca, 625 , 741 Alexander Nequam, 1076 Anskar (missionary priest), 489 – 90 , 492 , 495 , Alexander of Christ Church, Canterbury, 719 496 , 498 Alexios I Komnenos, Byzantine Emperor, 350 – 4 Ansteus of Saint-Arnould, 331 – 32 Alferius, saint, 411 anthropomorphites, 137 – 8 Alfons Lopez, 832 Anthusa of Mantinea, 345 Alfred the Great, King of England, 506 Antiphonary of Bangor , 123 , 279 , 295 Alix of Mâcon, 845 antiphons and antiphonaries, 123 , 294 – 95 , Alpirsbach (monastery), 1177 423 – 24 altars, 1006 – 1012 , 1008f. 54.1 Antony of Egypt, 2 , 4 , 20 , 23 – 5 , 32 , 137 , 641 , 686 , Altenberg (monastery of Premonstratensian see also Athanasius, Life of Antony women), 814 , 1011 , 1018 , 1023 Aphraates, 56 Altenhohenau (monastery), 978 apocalyptic theology, 703 – 5 Altmann, Bishop of Passau, 773 Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles , 42 – 3 , 99 Amadeus, Bishop of Lausanne, 721 Apophthegmata patrum , 25 , 43 , 64 , 101 , 114 , 116 , 159 , Amalarius of Metz, 125 , 419 , 421 168 , 169 – 70 Amand, saint, 490 apostolic life, historiography of, 662 – 63 Life of St Amand , 74 9 Aquinas, Thomas, 698 , 1086 Amatus of Remiremont, 294 Ardo Smaragdus, Vita Benedicti Anianensis , Ambrose of Milan, 45 , 58 , 123 , 147 , 166 , 214 , 217 , 442 , 443 570 , 699 , 701 Arianism, 133 De virginibus , 269 aristocracy, see nobility, lay Ambrosian office hymns, 959 , 1014 Armagh, 300 – 1 , 305 Ambrosius Autpertus, 526 , 527 Arnaud Amaury, Abbot of Cîteaux, 1078 Amicie de Montfort, 1048 , 1049 Arno of Reichersberg, 777 Ammonius, hermit, 104 Arnobius the Younger, 124 Amos, Thomas, 714 , 717 Arnold I of Ardres, 860 Amun, hermit, 104 , 567 Arnold, Ellen F, 817 Anastasius Bibliothecarius, 633 Arnould of Saint- Médard, 750 Anastasius of Venice, 637 Arnulf of Villers- en- Brabant, 1032 anchorites, as term, 747 – 48 , see also reclusion Arnulf, Abbot of Saint- Martin of Troarn, 720 and recluses Arnulf, Count of Flanders, 606 Ancren Riwle , 751 , 753 , 761 ascetics and asceticism, see house ascetics and Andechs (monastery), 994 asceticism Andenna, Cristina, 776 Arrouaise, Saint-Nicholas of (house of regular Andrea, Archbishop of Acerenza, 1047 canons), 772 , 773 , 904 , 906 Andreas Grecus, 638 Asella, saint, 216 , 221 Andreas of Fontevraud, Life of Robert of Aston, Mick, 828 Arbrissel , 674 , 742 Athanasius of Alexandria, 63 , 100 , 130 – 31 , 132 , Andrew I, King of Hungary, 896 , 897 144 , 147 Andrew of Saint-Victor, 676 evidence of female asceticism in, 7 , 101 Angenendt, Arnold, 283 heresy issues in, 132 Angilbert (Engelbert) of Fulda, 531 Life of Antony , 7 , 41 , 44 , 60 , 101 , 132 , 144 – 5 , Anglo-Saxon England, see England 147 – 8 , 159 , 391 , 631 Aniane (monastery), 247 – 48 prominence and translations of, 43 , 60 , 63 , animal husbandry, 841 – 44 144 – 45 , 147 – 50 , 158 – 59 Anna, prophet, 215 in traditional historiography, 24 Anna of Bohemia, 893 – 94 Athanasius the Athonite, 347 – 48 , 352 Annales Regni Francorum , 438 Athassel (priory), 916 Annales School, 1142 Attaliate, Michael, 349 – 50 Annegray (monastery), 250 Attigny, prayer association, 285 Ansegisus of Fontenelle, 326 , 549 Aubin, Hermann, 1142 1192 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-04210-0 — The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West Volume 2 Index More Information 1193 Index Augustine of Canterbury, 504 , 507 – 8 rules of, 19 , 24 , 54 – 55 , 83 , 116 , 124 , 150 – 1 , 166 , Augustine of Hippo 168 – 69 on Antony and ascetic life, 147 – 48 in traditional narrative of monastic history, ascetic terminology, use of, 166 2 , 4 , 43 on corrupt monks, 30 – 31 Asketikon , 5 4 – 5 5 , 5 74 on hierarchical Church, 214 – 15 Basil the Younger, 639 influence on Anselm of Bec, 702 basilical monasteries, 86 – 87 , 526 – 27 , 529 – 30 on intercessory prayer, 282 – 83 , 294 Bateson, Mary, 563 – 64 on manual labor, 260 – 1 Baudonivia, Life of Radegund , 61 monastic communities of, 85 , 86 Baudri of Dol, 674 , 689 Pelagius vs, 140 – 41 Baugulf of Fulda, 533 on religious women, 7 Baury, Ghislain, 840 rule(s) of, 2 , 7 , 163 – 4 , , 166–7, 170 , 174 , 269 , 672 , Beach, Alison, 722 , 1058 , 1152 766 , 767 , 768 , 771 – 72 , 867 , 1048 bearded brothers, see lay brothers and sisters sermons of, 713 (conversi/ ae ) theology of, 28 , 190 , 699 , 701 , 707 – 8 Bec (monastery), 229 , 736 in traditional narrative of monastic history, Becket, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1 – 4 , 2f1.1 724 , 879 Cassiciacum Dialogues , 155 – 56 Bective Abbey, 910 De cura pro mortuis gerenda , 733 Bede, 195 – 6 , 456 , 487 , 505 , 508 , 530 , 701 , 713 , 716 De opere monachorum , 30 – 31 , 135 , 261 Ecclesiastical History of the English People , 58 , Soliloquia , 5 1 5 4 8 5 , 5 0 2 – 3 , 6 9 1 – 9 2 Augustinian canons and canonesses, 1 – 4 , 642 , beehive monasteries, 92 867 , 905 – 7 , 910 , 915 – 16 beguines, 1045 – 1046 , 161 – 8 Augustinian hermits, 800 Béla III, King of Hungary, 889 Aula Regis (monastery), 887 Belting, Hans, 1000 Aurelianus of Arles, 35 , 122 , 176 , 181 Benedict XII, Pope, 948 , 1081 – 1082 , 1087 , 1173 Regula ad monachos , 170 , 176 , 178 – 79 , 182 , 189 , Benedict, missionary monk in Poland, 885 267 , 419 Benedict of Aniane, 768 Regula ad virgines , 178 – 79 , 267 , as educational architect, 454 7 2 9 – 3 0 hagiography on, 442 , 443 Ausonius of Bordeaux, 156 – 57 impact on monastic historiography, 19 – 20 , Austin, John L., 711 , 757 162 – 3 , 167 – 8 , 172 , 174 , 182 , 188 , 367 , 387 Avitus of Vienne, 58 memorial liturgy by, 284 Awgen (Eugenios), 69 prominence in Carolingian reform Azecho of Worms, 741 narrative, 163 , 184 – 7 , 441 – 43 Codex Regularum , 162 – 63 , 167 , 180 , 190 , 443 Babenberg family, 889 Concordia Regularum , 162 – 63 , 188 , 197 , 443 Baily, Lisa Kaaren, 713 Benedict Biscop, 530 Baldwin, Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds, 877 Benedict of Nursia, 2 , 89 – 90 , 284 , 317 – 18 , 387 , Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury, 725 400 , 450 , 714 , 730 , 1167 , 1175 , see also RB (Rule Balthild, Merovingian queen, 289 of St. Benedict ) Bangor (monastery), 279 , 904 Benedict of Saint-Germain at Auxerre, 691 Barbara Gonzaga of Mantua, 1146 Benedictine, as term, 5 Barcelona, Council of (540), 198 Benignus, Bishop of Armagh, 301 Barking Abbey, 967 , 973 Berengar of Tours, 702 La Barre (monastery), 1033 Berman,
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