THE MAGAZINE OF SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY SPRING/SUMMER 2003 SLUSLU && MidtownMidtown By Lawrence Biondi, S.J. Saint Louis University President t’s official: After extensive research and planning, Saint The need for a dedicated research facility has become a ILouis University is moving forward on plans for two excit- necessity as external funding for SLU research has expanded ing projects — an arena and a research building. You can read significantly and successfully during the past decade. The ini- more about the details elsewhere in this issue, but I wanted to tiative for a new research building at our Health Sciences share my perspective on these monumental undertakings and Center is part of an overall $80 million investment in new what they mean for SLU. and renovated research space that will represent the largest Let’s start with the arena. This project has generated much single building project since the University’s founding in discussion over the years, especially among our Billiken faith- 1818. (For more details, see page 2.) ful. Although SLU has been eager to put the pieces in place The new research building will provide state-of-the-art for a top-notch athletic facility for some time now, funding facilities for health sciences research that directly touches lives proved to be a major obstacle. We also maintained that a while providing additional services to the community. The new arena should serve much more than our Billiken men’s facility will allow for the consolidation of laboratories scat- basketball program. tered in different locations at the Health Yes, we envision a 13,000-seat basket- Sciences Center. This unification will ball venue with a cozy atmosphere, a true strengthen the thematic areas of research college feel and a potentially exhilarating through collaborative interactions. In addi- home-court advantage. But with a new tion, the new research building will aid in arena, we are adding yet another compo- the retention of experienced biomedical nent to the overall Saint Louis University investigators, assist department chairpersons experience. This project will provide a in recruiting outstanding faculty facility that is easily accessible to our stu- researchers and enhance the development dents for commencement ceremonies and of new research and degree programs. other special engagements, thereby The building also will expand the becoming a multipurpose events center. University’s research efforts and strengthen (For more details, see page 13.) our ability to compete for important exter- We plan to construct our new facility nal funding. This, in turn, would increase near the Grand Center arts and entertain- the prestige of Saint Louis University as a ment district. As we strive to strengthen major research center and aid in the our community, a new arena will be yet recruitment of students. another beacon for Midtown. We remain Pursuit of truth and scholarly inquiry committed to creating a true “college into new and better understandings of our town” atmosphere with shops, restaurants world have been part of the Ignatian tradi- and entertainment, ultimately making tion for hundreds of years. Research is an Midtown a place where people go to live, integral part of our mission, a strong com- to socialize and to learn. ponent of our faculty endeavors and an Of course, there are direct benefits for our athletic pro- unparalleled educational tool for our students. As we move grams. A new arena will allow us to avoid scheduling conflicts forward on this important initiative, I look forward to the at Savvis Center, the current home of our men’s basketball future benefits we will reap from this important investment team, and will help us in recruiting student-athletes. in research. Finally, we believe a new arena will better cater to our fans I would like to extend my gratitude to all of those people — even those not living on campus. We came to this con- involved in both projects and invite everyone in our Saint clusion thanks to a marketing study, which also indicated that Louis University community to spread the word about these once built, an arena could provide the University with new two important developments. It is an exciting time to be part sources of revenue from premium seating, advertising and of our Saint Louis University family as our destiny of becom- sponsorship. This revenue would allow us to operate the ing the finest Catholic university in the nation continues to building without drawing on SLU tuition dollars or dipping take shape. into our endowment. This “budget neutral” concept for the arena project also is providing a model for our other major endeavor, a research building. Candidly, as excited as I am about the arena, my first and foremost priority is the research building. CONTENTS SPRING/summer 2003 On the Cover: The Continental Life Building. Its renovation is a sign of the resurgence of SLU’s neighborhood. For more on 8 Midtown St. Louis, see page 8. A Grand Plan UNIVERSITAS Saint Louis University’s neighborhood Volume 29, No. 2 is undergoing a Renaissance. Editor Laura Geiser (A&S ’90, Grad ’92) Assistant Editor Chris Waldvogel Intern Billy Brennan Contributors 14 Marie Dilg (Soc Ser ’94) Katie Hanson (A&S ’02) Jesuit Treasures Matt Shaw Bob Woodruff Take a peek at the newest exhibit Photo Credits at the Saint Louis University David Altman, 6 Bill Barrett, 7 Museum of Art. Steve Dolan, 25 Kevin Lowder, 4, 14-17, 20-21 Kristen Peterson, 3 John Vieth, 9, 11, 12 James Visser, cover, 9, 10 Design AKA Design Inc. Art Direction: Richie Murphy 18 Design: Stacy Lanier Are You What You Eat? UNIVERSITAS is published quarterly by Saint Louis University. Opinions SLU nutritionists share their tips expressed in UNIVERSITAS are those of the individual authors and not neces- for healthy living. sarily those of the University adminis- tration. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs are welcome but will be returned only if accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Letters to the editor must be signed, and letters not intended for publica- tion should indicate that fact. The editor reserves the right to edit all items. Please address all mail to UNIVERSITAS, DuBourg Hall 39, 221 N. Grand, St. Louis, MO 63103. We accept e-mail at [email protected] and fax submissions at (314) 977-2249. Address fax submissions to Editor, UNIVERSITAS. Postmaster: Send address changes to UNIVERSITAS, Saint Louis University, 221 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63103. 2 World Wide Web address: www.slu.edu/pr/universitas.html UNIVERSITAS is printed by Universal 23 32 Printing Co. and mailed by Accurate Business Mailers Inc. Worldwide circulation: 109,325 ININ MEMORIAMMEMORIAM 28 ALUMNIALUMNI notesnotes 30 © 2003, Saint Louis University. All rights reserved. 2 provost. The appointment follows a nationwide search. Weixlmann was appointed dean of SLU’s College of Arts and Sciences in March 2001. Research building Louis University: Where Prior to that appointment, he slated for Health Knowledge Touches Lives.” was dean of the College of “An opportunity exists Arts and Sciences at Indiana Sciences Center for a donor to make a State University. As provost, Weixlmann is aint Louis University’s major gift and name the the University’s chief acade- board of trustees has building,” said Don S mic officer and also oversees authorized the SLU adminis- Whelan, vice president information technology and tration to proceed with the for development and student development. “Very Weixlmann design and site selection University relations. few universities evidence the for a new research cen- “We are actively depth of commitment to or edited five books and pub- ter at the Health pursuing this.” learning, research and service lished 50 articles and book Sciences Center, part of outreach that can be seen chapters, mostly on American an $80 million invest- today at Saint Louis and African-American literary ment in new and reno- University,” Weixlmann said. topics. He earned a master’s vated research space. This “I am extremely pleased to degree and doctorate from is the largest single build- assume a key leadership role Kansas State University. ing project since the in moving forward the A committee has been University’s found- exceptional team of faculty, formed to begin the search ing in 1818. students, administrators, staff, process for a new dean of the Last spring, University alumni and friends working College of Arts and Sciences, President Lawrence Biondi, collaboratively to make SLU Weixlmann’s previous posi- S.J., identified the new Weixlmann America’s finest Catholic uni- tion. Mike May, S.J., (A&S research center as his top pri- named provost versity, and indeed, America’s ’81) has served as interim ority. The building has been aint Louis University has a finest university, period.” dean of the college since last in the planning stages for sev- new provost, but the per- Weixlmann’s familiarity June. The chairman of the eral years. S son assuming the post is not with Jesuit education began at department of mathematics Dr. Joseph Weixlmann, new to the job. Dr. Joseph an early age. He attended a and mathematical computer who as provost is the Weixlmann — who served as Jesuit high school and col- science, May is expected to University’s chief academic interim provost since replac- lege, Canisius High School continue in his role as interim officer, said SLU has several ing Dr. Sandra Johnson in and Canisius College, both in dean through the upcoming areas of emphasis on its May 2002 — has been named Buffalo, N.Y. He has written academic year. research agenda, including biodefense, infectious dis- eases, virology, cardiovascu- lar, cancer and liver disease. “This initiative is critical to our success in attracting top- notch researchers and to compete for external fund- ing,” Weixlmann said.
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