NISTIR 7196 Chemicals in Arctic Seabirds: I. Annotated Bibliography Stacy S. Vander Pol Rebecca S. Pugh Paul R. Becker U.S. Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory Hollings Marine Laboratory Charleston, SC 29412 NISTIR 7196 Chemicals in Arctic Seabirds: I. Annotated Bibliography Stacy S. Vander Pol Rebecca S. Pugh Paul R. Becker U.S. Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory Hollings Marine Laboratory Charleston, SC 29412 January 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...........................................................................................................iii DISCLAIMER ...............................................................................................................................iii BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................ 1 BREAKDOWN OF REFERENCES ............................................................................................ 10 Number of references.............................................................................................................. 10 Publications............................................................................................................................. 11 Authors.................................................................................................................................... 11 Geography............................................................................................................................... 11 Tissues..................................................................................................................................... 14 Chemicals................................................................................................................................ 15 Other Keywords...................................................................................................................... 17 FUTURE WORK.......................................................................................................................... 18 Suggestions for future research............................................................................................... 18 Expansion of ASCDAB .......................................................................................................... 18 LITERATURE CITED ................................................................................................................. 18 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 18 TABLE OF TABLES TABLE 1. Arctic Seabird Species ................................................................................................. 2 TABLE 2. Additional Bird Species Found in References ............................................................. 3 TABLE 3. References Written in Languages Other Than English.............................................. 11 TABLE 4. Locations of Studies................................................................................................... 12 TABLE 5. Tissue Types Examined for Chemicals...................................................................... 14 TABLE 6. Chemicals Reported ................................................................................................... 15 ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are very grateful for the tremendous assistance provided by Bev Baker (Marine Resources Library) in obtaining copies of most of the references. DISCLAIMER Certain commercial equipment or instruments are identified in this paper to specify adequately the experimental procedures. Such identification does not imply recommendations or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology nor does it imply that the equipment or instruments are the best available for the purpose. iii BACKGROUND Due to the amount of time seabirds spend in the air or on land, humans may associate with seabirds more than any other marine organism. While only 9 of the 156 existing families of birds are considered to be seabirds (Ainley, 1980), seabirds play a major role in the marine ecosystem. The purpose of the work resulting in this report was to compare literature values of chemical concentrations in the 39 species of Arctic seabirds that live or breed in Alaska (see Table 1). Although these species served as the basis for the literature search, the papers also contained 326 other bird species with chemical values (Table 2). All of these additional species are also indexed in this annotated bibliography. Chemical data from literature tables for the 39 Alaskan seabird species are currently being entered into the Arctic Seabird Chemical Database and Annotated Bibliography (ASCDAB) for a comprehensive review. The review and chemical data of the ASCDAB will be available in the future. While the literature search and review was intended to be comprehensive, it is possible that references were overlooked or mistakes were made in entering the data. If you have any references you would like to contribute to the final database or would like to correct any information, please contact the authors. Copies of this report and electronic copies of the bibliography (Pro-Cite 5.0 for Windows or text document) may be obtained by contacting: Stacy S. Vander Pol, NIST – Charleston, Hollings Marine Laboratory, 331 Ft. Johnson Rd., Charleston, SC 29412. Telephone: 843-762-8994; Fax: 843-762-8742; E-mail: [email protected] 1 Table 1. Arctic seabird species for which chemical data are entered in the database. The number of references for each species that are included in the annotated bibliography are listed. When multiple names are used for the same species, the name in bold was chosen for inclusion in the bibliography. The list was compiled from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (2001) and AMAP (1998; identified with *). Scientific Name Common Name # of References Aethia cristatella crested auklet 1 Aethia or Cyclorrhynchus psittacula parakeet auklet 2 Aethia pusilla least auklet 1 Aethia pygmaea whiskered auklets 0 Brachyramphus brevirostris Kittlitz's murrelet 1 Brachyramphus marmoratus marbled murrelet 6 Cepphus columba pigeon guillemot 12 Cepphus or Uria grylle black guillemot 41 Cerorhinca monocerata rhinoceros auklet 16 Fratercula cirrhata tufted puffin 9 Fratercula corniculata horned puffin 5 Fulmarus glacialis northern fulmar 50 Larus argentatus herring gull 183 Larus canus common or mew gull 25 Larus glaucescens glaucous-winged gull 18 Larus hyperboreus glaucous gull 52 Larus philadelphia Bonaparte's gull 7 Larus sabini Sabine's gull 2 Oceanodroma furcata fork-tailed storm petrel 9 Oceanodroma leucorhoa Leach's storm-petrel 23 Phalacrocorax aristotelis* European shag* 25 Phalacrocorax auritus double-crested cormorant 76 Phalacrocorax pelagicus pelagic cormorant 12 Phalacrocorax penicillatus Brandt's cormorant 8 Phalacrocorax urile red-faced cormorant 5 Polysticta stelleri* Steller's eider* 3 Ptychoramphus aleuticus Cassin's auklet 6 Rissa brevirostris red-legged kittiwake 1 Rissa tridactyla black-legged kittiwake 68 Somateria mollissima* common eider* 62 Somateria spectabilis* king eider* 16 Stercorarius longicaudus long-tailed jaeger or skua 4 Stercorarius parasiticus Arctic skua or parasitic jaeger 9 Stercorarius pomarinus pomarine jaeger or skua 7 Sterna aleutica Aleutian tern 1 Sterna paradisaea Arctic tern 22 Synthliboramphus antiquus ancient murrelet 10 Uria aalge common murre or guillemot 99 Uria lomvia thick-billed murre or Brünnich's guillemot 52 2 Table 2. Additional bird species found in the Arctic seabird references. The number of references included in the annotated bibliography are listed. When multiple names are used for the same species, text in bold was chosen for inclusion in the bibliography. Scientific Name Common Name # of References Accipiter cooperii Cooper’s hawk 1 Accipiter gentilis northern goshawk 1 Accipiter nisus sparrowhawk 1 Accipiter striatus sharp-shinned hawk 3 Actitis macularia spotted sandpiper 4 Aechmophorus occidentalis western grebe 5 Agelaius phoeniceus red-winged blackbird 4 Aix sponsa wood duck 2 Alca torda razorbill 26 Alcedo atthis kingfisher 1 Alectoris graeca chukar 2 Alle or Plautus alle little auk or dovekie 19 Anas acuta northern pintail 9 Anas americana American wigeon 6 Anas clypeata shoveler or northern shoveler 5 Anas crecca common or green-winged teal 7 Anas discors blue-winged teal 3 Anas penelope Eurasian or European wigeon 1 Anas platyrhynchos mallard or pekin duck 21 Anas poecilorhyncha spot-billed duck 1 Anas rubripes American black duck 4 Anas strepera gadwall 5 Anous tenuirostris black, lesser or white-capped noddy 1 Anser albifrons white-fronted goose 2 Anser anser goose 1 Anser fabalis bean goose 1 Aphriza virgata surfbird 1 Aquila chrysaetos golden eagle 1 Ardea or Casmerodius alba great egret 2 Ardea cinerea grey heron 9 Ardea herodias great blue heron 13 Arenaria melanocephala black turnstone 1 Asio otus long-eared owl 1 Asio flammeus short-eared owl 1 Athene or Speotyto cunicularia burrowing owl 2 Aythya affinis lesser scaup 5 Aythya americana redhead duck 2 Aythya collaris ring-necked duck 4 Aythya ferina pochard 2 Aythya fuligula tufted duck 4 Aythya marila
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