Federal Aviation Administration, DOT Pt. 93 Section 5. Deviation Authority Approval tification occurred on or before April 9, 1997, that are equipped with an automatic altitude The Administrator may authorize an air- control system with flight management/per- craft operator to deviate from the require- formance system inputs. ments of §§ 91.180 or 91.706 for a specific flight (3) An altitude alert system that signals an in RVSM airspace if— alert when the altitude displayed to the (a) The operator submits a request in a flightcrew deviates from the selected alti- time and manner acceptable to the Adminis- tude by more than— trator; and (i) ±300 feet for aircraft for which applica- (b) At the time of filing the flight plan for tion for type certification was made on or that flight, ATC determines that the aircraft before April 9, 1997; or may be provided appropriate separation and (ii) ±200 feet for aircraft for which applica- that the flight will not interfere with, or im- tion for type certification is made after pose a burden on, RVSM operations. April 9, 1997. Section 6. Reporting Altitude-Keeping Errors (4) A TCAS II that meets TSO C–119b (Version 7.0), or a later version, if equipped Each operator shall report to the Adminis- with TCAS II, unless otherwise authorized trator each event in which the operator’s by the Administrator. aircraft has exhibited the following altitude- (5) Unless authorized by ATC or the foreign keeping performance: country where the aircraft is operated, an (a) Total vertical error of 300 feet or more; ADS–B Out system that meets the equip- (b) Altimetry system error of 245 feet or ment performance requirements of § 91.227 of more; or this part. The aircraft must have its height- (c) Assigned altitude deviation of 300 feet keeping performance monitored in a form or more. and manner acceptable to the Administrator. (b) The altimetry system error (ASE) of Section 7. Removal or Amendment of Authority the aircraft does not exceed 200 feet when op- The Administrator may prohibit or re- erating in RVSM airspace. strict an operator from conducting oper- [Doc. No. 28870, 62 FR 17487, Apr. 9, 1997, as ations in RVSM airspace, if the Adminis- amended by Amdt. 91–261, 65 FR 5942, Feb. 7, trator determines that the operator is not 2000; Amdt. 91–271, 66 FR 63895, Dec. 10, 2001; complying, or is unable to comply, with this Amdt. 91–274, 68 FR 54584, Sept. 17, 2003; appendix or subpart H of this part. Examples Amdt. 91–276, 68 FR 70133, Dec. 17, 2003; Dock- of reasons for amendment, revocation, or re- et FAA–2015–1746, Amdt. 91–342, 81 FR 47017, striction include, but are not limited to, an July 20, 2016; Docket FAA–2016–9154, Amdt. operator’s: 91–348, 82 FR 39664, Aug. 22, 2017; FAA-2017- (a) Committing one or more altitude-keep- 0782, Amdt. No. 91-354, 83 FR 65492, Dec. 21, ing errors in RVSM airspace; 2018] (b) Failing to make an effective and timely response to identify and correct an altitude- keeping error; or PART 93—SPECIAL AIR TRAFFIC (c) Failing to report an altitude-keeping RULES error. SPECIAL FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATION NO. Section 8. Airspace Designation 60 [NOTE] RVSM may be applied in all ICAO Flight Information Regions (FIRs). Subpart A—General Section 9. Aircraft Equipped With Automatic Sec. Dependent Surveillance—Broadcast Out 93.1 Applicability. An operator is authorized to conduct flight Subparts B–C [Reserved] in airspace in which RVSM is applied pro- vided: Subpart D—Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal (a) The aircraft is equipped with the fol- Area lowing: (1) Two operational independent altitude 93.51 Applicability. measurement systems. 93.53 Description of area. (2) At least one automatic altitude control 93.55 Subdivision of Terminal Area. system that controls the aircraft altitude— 93.57 General rules: All segments. (i) Within a tolerance band of ±65 feet 93.59 General rules: International segment. about an acquired altitude when the aircraft 93.61 General rules: Lake Hood segment. is operated in straight and level flight under 93.63 General rules: Merrill segment. nonturbulent, nongust conditions; or 93.65 General rules: Elmendorf segment. (ii) Within a tolerance band of ±130 feet 93.67 General rules: Bryant segment. under nonturbulent, nongust conditions for 93.68 General rules: Seward Highway seg- aircraft for which application for type cer- ment. 873 VerDate Sep<11>2014 13:36 May 19, 2021 Jkt 253047 PO 00000 Frm 00883 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\14\14V2.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Pt. 93 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–21 Edition) 93.69 Special requirements, Lake Campbell 93.177 Operations in the Special Air Traffic and Sixmile Lake Airports. Rule Area. Subpart E—Flight Restrictions in the Vicinity Subparts P–R [Reserved] of Niagara Falls, New York Subpart S—Allocation of Commuter and 93.71 General operating procedures. Air Carrier IFR Operations at High Den- sity Traffic Airports Subpart F—Valparaiso, Florida, Terminal Area 93.211 Applicability. 93.213 Definitions and general provisions. 93.80 Applicability. 93.215 Initial allocation of slots. 93.81 Applicability and description of area. 93.217 Allocation of slots for international 93.83 Aircraft operations. operations and applicable limitations. 93.218 Slots for transborder service to and Subpart G—Special Flight Rules in the from Canada. Vicinity of Los Angeles International Airport 93.219 Allocation of slots for essential air service operations and applicable limita- 93.91 Applicability. tions. 93.93 Description of area. 93.221 Transfer of slots. 93.95 General operating procedures. 93.223 Slot withdrawal. 93.97 Operations in the SFRA. 93.224 Return of slots. 93.225 Lottery of available slots. Subpart H—Mandatory Use of the New 93.226 Allocation of slots in low-demand pe- York North Shore Helicopter Route riods. 93.227 Slot use and loss. 93.101 Applicability 93.103 Helicopter operations. Subpart T—Ronald Reagan Washington Subpart I [Reserved] National Airport Traffic Rules 93.251 Applicability. Subpart J—Lorain County Regional Airport 93.253 Nonstop operations. Traffic Rule Subpart U—Special Flight Rules in the Vi- 93.117 Applicability. 93.119 Aircraft operations. cinity of Grand Canyon National Park, AZ Subpart K—High Density Traffic Airports 93.301 Applicability. 93.121 Applicability. 93.303 Definitions. 93.123 High density traffic airports. 93.305 Flight-free zones and flight corridors. 93.125 Arrival or departure reservation. 93.307 Minimum flight altitudes. 93.129 Additional operations. 93.309 General operating procedures. 93.130 Suspension of allocations. 93.311 Minimum terrain clearance. 93.133 Exceptions. 93.313 Communications. 93.315 Requirements for commercial Special Subpart L [Reserved] Flight Rules Area operations. 93.316 [Reserved] Subpart M—Ketchikan International Airport 93.317 Commercial Special Flight Rules Traffic Rule Area operation curfew. 93.319 Commercial air tour limitations. 93.151 Applicability. 93.321 Transfer and termination of alloca- 93.152 Description of area. tions. 93.153 Communications. 93.323 [Reserved] 93.155 Aircraft operations. 93.325 Quarterly reporting. APPENDIX TO SUBPART U OF PART 93—SPECIAL Subpart N—Pearson Field (Vancouver, WA) FLIGHT RULES IN THE VICINITY OF THE Airport Traffic Rule GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK, AZ APPENDIX A TO SUBPART U OF PART 93— 93.161 Applicability. GCNP QUIET AIRCRAFT TECHNOLOGY DES- 93.162 Description of area. IGNATION 93.163 Aircraft operations. Subpart V—Washington, DC Metropolitan Subpart O—Special Flight Rules in the Area Special Flight Rules Area Vicinity of Luke AFB, AZ 93.331 Purpose and applicability of this sub- 93.175 Applicability. part. 93.176 Description of area. 93.333 Failure to comply with this subpart. 874 VerDate Sep<11>2014 13:36 May 19, 2021 Jkt 253047 PO 00000 Frm 00884 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\14\14V2.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 93.53 93.335 Definitions. § 93.53 Description of area. 93.337 Requirements for operating in the DC SFRA. The Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal 93.339 Requirements for operating in the DC Area is designated as that airspace ex- SFRA, including the DC FRZ. tending upward from the surface to the 93.341 Aircraft operations in the DC FRZ. upper limit of each of the segments de- 93.343 Requirements for aircraft operations scribed in § 93.55. It is bounded by a line to or from College Park Airport, Poto- mac Airfield, or Washington Executive/ beginning at Point MacKenzie, extend- Hyde Field Airport. ing westerly along the bank of Knik 93.345 VFR outbound procedures for fringe Arm to a point intersecting the 350° airports. bearing from the Anchorage Inter- national ATCT; thence north to inter- Subpart W—New York Class B Airspace cept the 5.2-mile arc centered on the Hudson River and East River Exclusion geographical center of Anchorage, Special Flight Rules Area Alaska, ATCT; thence counter- 93.350 Definitions. clockwise along that arc to its inter- 93.351 General requirements for operating in section with a line bearing 180° from the East River and/or Hudson River Ex- the intersection of the new Seward clusions. Highway and International Airport 93.352 Hudson River Exclusion specific oper- Road; thence due north to O’Malley ating procedures. 93.353 East River Exclusion specific oper- Road; thence east along O’Malley Road ating procedures. to its intersection with Lake Otis Parkway; thence northerly along Lake AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g), 40103, 40106, 40109, 40113, 44502, 44514, 44701, 44715, Otis Parkway to its intersection with 44719, 46301. Abbott Road; thence east along Abbott Road to its intersection with Abbott SPECIAL FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATION Loop Road; thence north to its inter- NO.
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