% w ape we have as an an- chor of the soul, both sure and stedfast." Hebrews 6:19. 1.111U111111111{111111111111111 A Worizer's Prayer er, we, who possess Thy truth for this day, ray that Thou -wilt make that truth possess us. elp:us to realize fully that we can knock on doors, But that only Thou canst open hearts. ake us to know that, although we may bring the gospel o the people, It is Thou who must bring the people To accept the gospeL Keep this thought ever before us, That we may be able to drive the truth home to minds, But only Thou canst drive it home to hearts; That we must sow the seed, But only Thou canst give it life and growth. As we earnestly strive To exhort and edify and convince, Help us, 0 Lord, always to remember That" "Thoumust convict. Father, give us the grace to point the lost and dying To the gateway of life, And help them always to see That only Thou canst open the gate d light them through. Father, as we point men to the road to heaven, Help them to place their hands Into the hand of the only Guide Who can lead the way. —Thomas A. Davis Official Journal of the Ministerial Association of Seventh-day Adventists VOLUME XXXIV OCTOBER, 1961 No. 10 Editor IN THIS ISSUE ROY ALLAN ANDERSON EDITORIAL Associate Editor ANDREW C. FEARING The Privilege of Stewardship R. A. Anderson 4 ARTICLES Managing Editor HARRY W. LOWE The Minister and Culture G. T. Anderson 7 Tithing in the New Testament C. G. Tuland 10 The New English Bible: A Preliminary Critique Assistant Editors A. P. Salom 13 E. EARL CLEVELAND The Problem of Retirement J. J. Short 16 WALTER SCHUBERT A Veteran in Active Retirement Mrs, H. L. Roberts 17 The Wonderful Charis of God T. K. Ludgate 18 Our Forgotten Brothers W. H. Bergherm 21 Copy Editor The Significance of Baptism A. R. Fraser 26 J. INA WHITE REGULAR FEATURES Consulting Editors Some Books I Can Recommend S. S. Hiten 9 Evangelism: REUBEN R. FIGUHR, WALTER R. BEACH, Progress at the New Gallery Centre, London EDWARD HEPPENSTALL, LOUISE C. K. Lacey 24 KLEUSER, W. B. Ocus, H. L. RUDY The Bible Course and the Soul-winning Campaign S. Japas 28 Youth Can Win Souls! L. M. Nelson 30' Art Editor Pastor—Shepherding the Flock: T. K. MARTIN The Pastor and the Sabbath School ___ M. T. Reiber 31 Maintaining a Successful Christian Experience Circulation Manager C. T. Richards 32 Music in Worship: WALTER SCHUBERT The Minister's Ally J. P. U. McLeod 34 E. EARL CLEVELAND, Assistant Bible Instructor: Our Friends the Congregationalists L. C. Kleuser 37 Overseas Contributors Shepherdess: Candles in the Night—No. 3 L. C. Kleuser 40 GEORGE BURNSIDE Australia Books for Your Library 42 ER1VIN BERNER Central Europe News 44 J. R. SPANGLER Far East Pulpit—Pointers for Preachers H. J. WESTPHAL Inter-America WAYNE E. OLSON Middle East POEMS Northern Europe ODD Joimaz, A Worker's Prayer 2 ENOCH OLIVEIRA South America If the Heart Is Right 8 S. G. MAXWELL Southern Africa J. F. ASHLOCK Southern Asia G. CUPERTINO Southern Europe Our Cover The children of God are in the midst of a stormy world today, but by faith they can he safely anchored to the Rock, Christ Jesus. Editorial Office: 6840 Eastern Avenue, NW. Washington, D.C. "Will your anchor hold in the storm of life, When the clouds unfold their wings of strife? Printed and published monthly for the Min- When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain, isterial Association of Seventh-day Adventists Will your anchor drift, or firm remain?" by the Review and Herald Publishing Associa- tion, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. $4.00 a —PRISCILLA J. OWENS. year; 40c a copy. Add 25c for yearly subscrip- May we be "grounded firm and deep in the Saviour's love!" tions to countries requiring extra postage. Second-class postage paid at Washington, D.C. Cover Picture: Henry Boller OCTOBER, 1961 3 The Privilege of Stewardship TEWARDSHIP in the a broader sense when he speaks of ministers S Christian church has an as "stewards of the mysteries of God" (1 interesting history. Our Lord Cor. 4:1), or "trustees of the secrets of and the apostle Paul both God" (Phillips' translation). And among give it a primary place. Dr. these divine secrets is that of stewardship. George Salstrand, in his arti- An important characteristic of a steward cle "Facing Stewardship Prob- is that he, as a man, be "found faithful" lems," published in Chris- (1 Cor. 4:2). As ministers in God's church tianity Today, July 17, deals with the ques- we are held accountable for the spiritual tion of preaching and promoting this doc- development of His people. But while our trine. The word itself comes from the first responsibility is that of building up Greek oikonomia from which we get our the church spiritually, this growth is defi- English word "economy." The dictionary nitely related to faithfulness in service and gives a number of definitions of this word, even in finance. such as "the orderly arrangement and In last month's MINISTRY we dealt with management of the affairs of a community, the history of tithing. We noticed that not estate or establishment"; "thrifty and care- only the worshipers of the living God but ful administration; management without also the pagan peoples followed the defi- loss or waste; as, a housekeeper accustomed nite principle of tithing for the upkeep of to economy," et cetera. their temple worship. The system of tith- Sometimes the word economy is associ- ing was clearly understood by the early ated with carefulness in expenditure. In Christians, as is evident from the New Tes- any form of stewardship, finance of neces- tament Scriptures as well as from the con- sity has a part. But stewardship is much temporary sources. But like many other broader than financial management and great truths of the gospel, this was trampled economy. Anciently, a steward was con- under unholy feet. And in the place of sys- nected with a king or a noble. Sometimes tematic tithes and offerings came the he was a slave elevated to this important whole black train of corruption, such as position, as was the case with Joseph in the selling of indulgences and relics, as the house of Potiphar. Later he became the well as the introduction of worldly amuse- steward in the house of Pharaoh, and as ments and entertainments—all in the name such was in charge of all the land of Egypt. of religion and all for the support of the Abraham also had a steward named Eliezer church. Against such practices the Reform- into whose hands all the goods of his mas- ers voiced their protests; but even two ter were placed. centuries later there was still much to be In three of our Lord's parables the im- desired in the way of a true system of portance of stewardship is stressed. Each church support. of these has to do largely with the care of With the rise of the Advent Movement household matters. Paul uses the word in came the clear call to come out of Babylon 4 THE MINISTRY and separate from ungodliness. This led the lunch. He is a sincere Christian, and to en- pioneers of our movement to study God's large the spirit of fellowship he had also method for the support of His work. There invited the pastor of his own church—the were numerous discussions. Then in 1859, largest in that city. We were happy to a two-day Bible class was conducted by meet this good man, and our conversation J. N. Andrews, the denomination's "theo- was genial. This influential minister logian," as he was called by James White. seemed eager to discover the way we Ad- This "resulted in the conviction and de- ventists conduct our work; how we are or- cision that the 'tithing system' was still the ganized, et cetera. Then in friendly tone Lord's plan for sustaining the gospel min- he asked, "Brother, what would you say is istry. It was first called 'Systematic Benevo- the secret of the success of your denomina- lence of the Tithing Principle.' "—Mis- tional program?" It was not easy, of course, sionary Magazine, 1901, p. 267. to give a complete answer, but we cau- In that same year (1859) Ellen G. White tiously suggested that it could be the whole- wrote: hearted acceptance by the total member- The plan of systematic benevolence is pleasing ship of the responsibility for the carrying to God. .. God is leading His people in the plan of of the gospel to all the world. We reminded systematic benevolence, and this is one of the very him that written right into our very name points to which God is bringing up His people is our belief in the imminent return of which will cut the closest with some.—Testimonies, Jesus. And it was the Master who said that vol. 1, pp. 190, 191. when this gospel has been preached to all the world He will come in glory. Our While the complete plan of tithing had friend became thoughtful, then ventured, not been perfected, yet two years later, in "Your church follows the principle of tith- 1861, the messenger of the Lord spoke out ing, does it not?" definitely on this point: "Yes," we replied. "We believe it is God's Some have not come up and united in the plan plan for the support of His work." of systematic benevolence, excusing themselves be- "You teach this not only as an ideal but cause they were not free from debt.
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