SAN RAMON VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Board rt Meetin g ** PLEÄSE"r NOTE""!"f"8*I?rlBoard DAY AND TIME CHANGE** Members of the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District Board of Directors who cannot attend this meeting in person will.participate in the regular board meeting through teleconferencing pursuant to Government Code Section 54953 Tuesdav. Sentember 29.2015- 2:00 n.m. Chris Campbell, Director - Gordon Dakin, Director - H' Jay Kerr, Direclor - Donald Parker Director - Matthett J. Director t ^tMISSION STATEMENT¡ In the our tradition, ve strive excellence, ser'¡,ing all vilh honor and conrpassion. Lahsina Hi 96761. Phone number: 808-667-7242 Meetins location S.R.V.F.P.D. Administrative Offices - Boardroom 1500 Boltinger Canyon Road, San Ramon, CA 94583 AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ATION OF'OUORUM ND CONF'IRMATION OF AGF:,NDA 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Any person may address the District Board on any subject pertaining to District business, which is not listed on the agenda. This comment is provided by the Ralph M. Brown Open Meeting Act (Government Code $ 54950 et seq.) and may be limited to three (3) minutes for any person addressing the Board. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and submit it to the District Clerk. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent calendar items are considered routine and are acted upon by the Board with a single action. Members of the audience wishing to provide public input may request that the Board remove the item from the Consent Calendar. Comments may be limited to three (3) minutes. 5.1 Approve the salaries, payroll taxes and retirement contributions for the month of August 2015,in the amount of $3,610,466.85. Board Agenda September 29,2015 Page 2 of 4 5.2 Approve the demand register for the period of August 7,2015 through September 18,2015, in thç amount of 52,323,515.94. 5.3 Approve of Board minutes from the July 20, 2015 Regular Board meeting' 5.4 Approve payment in the amount of 534,93 4.28 to Diamond Bill Review, Inc. for Worker's Compensation claims. 5.5 Personnel Actions: L Approve staffls recommendation to award a merit salary increase to Captain Paramedic John Archuletta, to Step 5; effective October 1,2015- 2. Approve staffls recommendation concluding the probationary period of Fi refi ghter/ Param ed ic Mark Mi rchandani ; effective October 7 4, 20 1 5 . 6. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS/PIIESENTATIONS/GENEIL{L BUSINESS 6.1 Recognize Captain Mark Anderson for 30 years of dedicated service, effective October 1,2015. 6.2 Recognize Captain David Atkin for 30 years of dedicated service, effective October 1,2015. 6.3 Proclamation in Recognition of Fire Prevention Week October 4 - 10,2015 1. OLD BUSINESS 7.1 Authorize staff to purchase a Nimble SAN from ExtraTeam in an amount not to exceed 543,176.43. Funds are allocated in the Annual Budget Fiscal Year 2015- 2016. 7.2 Monthly update on communications center consolidation Project t.J Authorize staff to pay the East Bay Regional Communications System Authority (EBRCSA) operating payment in the amount of $79,800' This is a budgeted expense for FY 2015-2016. 7.4 Update on new Fire Station 32 Board Agenda September 29,2015 Page 3 of4 8. NEW BUSINBSS 8.1 Open Public Hearing to introduce and conduct the first reading of Proposed Ordinance No. 32; an Ordinance of the San Ratnon Valley Fire Protection District Repealing Ordinance No. 31 and setting forth purchasing and contracting procedures and authorities. 8.2 Consider authorizing the District to enter into a Master Equity Lease Agreement with Enterprise Fleet Management. 8.3 Consider authorizing the District to enter into a contract with Zoll Medical Corporation for the purchase of five Zoll AutoPulse devices' 9. CORRESPONI) F'OR POS STRI,II ROARD ACTION AND/OR REVIEW 10. MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORTS FOR AUGUST 2015 10.1 Operations Division-Deputy Chief Phares Operations Report of monthly activities. 10.2 EMS/Logistics - Deputy Chief Krause EMS/Logistics Report of monthly activities. 10.3 Fire Prevention - Division Chief. Fire Marshal Kiefer Fire Prevention Repoft of monthly activities. 10.4 Administrative Services - Financial Consultant Ken Campo a). Monthly Finance Activities/Reports b). Monthly Human Resources Activities/Reports 10.5 Fire Chief - Chief Mever Verbal repoft on monthly meetings, seminars, committee meetings, and other District related activities. 11. GOOD OF THE ORDER 12. CLOSED SESSION 12.1 Possible exposure to litigation (three matters) pursuant to Government Code $54956.9(d)(2). Facts and circumstances that might result in litigation need not be disclosed. Board Agenda September 29,2015 Page 4 of4 13. RETURN TO PEN SNSSION 14. RBPORT UPON RT,TURN FROM CLOSED SESSION lif annlicablel 15. ADJOURNMENT TO THB NEXT BOARD MEBTING SCHEDULED F'OR WEDNBSDAY. OCTOBBR 28. 2015 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE BOARDROOM. Prepared by: Donna Maxwell, District Clerk Agendaposted on September24,20l5 at the Distict's AdminisüationBuilding, Fire Stations 30, 31,32,33,34,35,36,37, 38 and 39 and the San Rannn Fire Ptotection Disl¡'icl's vebsite al t,ho require special accommoddtions to occess, attend and/or participate in Dislricl board meetings due lo a disabilily, including but nol Ìimiled lo American Sign Languoge interprelers. assistiye listening det,ices, lransportation to and from the meeting sile or other accontmodations, ma)¡ be requested by calling (925) 838-6661 no later than 72 hours in advance ofthe scheduled meeling time. In compliance vilh Goternment Code Section 5495 7.5, non-exempt vritings thot are distributed to a mojori\t or all of the Board in adtattce of a meeting, ma¡, be t'iev,ed al Ì 500 Bollinger Canyon Road,sanRamon,Californiaoratlhescheduledmeeting. Inoddition,ifyoul'ouldlikeacopyofanyrecordrelaledloanitemonlheagenda,please contact lhe District Clerk at 838-6661 COI{SEI\T ITEMS San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District Salaries, Payroll Taxes & Retirement Contributions For the Month of: August 2015 Department # Reg Employees Gross Wages Payroll Taxes Ret¡rement Total % ofTotal GL Acct Number (5110,5115,5120) (s140) (slso) Board of Directors 3 623.04 55.09 678.t3 0.02% Fire Chief 2 28,709.70 409.39 20,t23.09 49,242.L8 L.36% Personnel 2 L5,543.L4 329.4L 4,948.20 20,820.75 0.58% Finance 3 25,275.92 360.01 9,047.29 34,683.22 0.96% Fire Prevention 10 rLz,L35.97 1,816.81 55,287.53 t69,240.3L 4.69% Technologv 2 25,264.99 677.r9 7,247.34 33,189.52 0.92% Facilities L 7,345.4L L72.99 2,237.L2 9,755.52 0.27% Fire Suppression 115 t,992,556.72 27,757.93 L,003,605.67 3,023,920.32 83.7s% Communication Center 10 LO4,347.5t L,736.83 32,560.65 L38,644.99 3.84% Fleet 2 1-5,toL.tz 2L7.L7 5,4L7.92 20,736.2L os7% Training L 6,t43.87 87.29 2,204.27 8,435.43 o.23% EMS 3 39,734.64 742.78 32,O73.OL 72,550.43 2.OL% Rescue LO,L59.2L 6,831.16 L6,990.37 o.47% HazMat 6,937.38 4,642.09 LL,579.47 o.32% TOTALS 154 2,389,878.62 34,362.89 L,186,225.34 3,610,466.85 LOO.OO% SAN RAÑ,ION VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT CheckiVoucher Register From 8l'712015 Through 911812015 Check Check D Pa¡'ee Check Arnount Transaction Description 213337 8/28/2015 3SOUTH ssO 00 20/20 BioResponse Kits 213392 91412015 ABACUS PRODUCTS INC 1,001 08 Emergenc¡, Pl an Workslreets-4th Grade Curicululn 213463 9t11t2015 ACCENT 119 00 Ambulance Refund 213236 8114/2015 ACE AUTO REPAIR AND T]RE CE 159 95 Front Alignment-Unit 705 8t14/2015 ACE AUTO REPAIR AND TIRE CE ) ¿t< 11 Routine Preventive Service-Unit 327 811412015 ACE AUTO REPAIR AND TIRE CE 132 00 Safety Check and Service-Unrt 341 2 I 3338 8t28t2015 ACE AUTO REPAIR AND TIRE CE 99 95 Alignrrent on Ambulance-Unit 708 8/28/2015 ACE AUTO REPA]R AND TIRE CE 99 95 Alignment-Unit 706 812812015 ACE AUTO REPAIRAND TIRE CE 99 95 Alignment-Unit 708 8t28t2015 ACE AUTO REPAIR AND TIRE CE 838 s6 Check Engine/Neu, Fuel Pump/Filters/Fuel Pump Re 213393 9t4t2015 ACE AUTO REPAIR AND TIRE CE 622 06 Maintenance Service-Unit 300 91412015 ACE AUTO REPAIR AND TIRE CE 869 60 Repairs-Unit 326 9/4/2015 ACE AUTO REPAIR AND TIRE CE 106 22 Repairs-Unit 395 9t4t2015 ACE AUTO REPAIR AND TIRE CE 1,223 tl Repairs-Unit 396 213464 9/1 1/2015 AD CLUB 1,952 07 Recruitment Advertisi ng-OA Il 213339 8t28t2015 AIR EXCHANGE INC 2,r00 00 Annual Service-Maìntenance on District Wide Plymr 81281201s AIR EXCHANGE INC 61 85 Ptl,movent Sewice Call-lnstall Stomp Clamp-Stn 39 8/28/201s AIR EXCHANGE INC 2,97s 07 Repl acement Part s/Annual Service-Plymovent Systel 213516 91181201s AIR LIQUIDE HEALTHCARE AM 50 60 Oxygen Tank Cylinders (l 1) - 8/15/15 9il81201s AIR LIQUIDE HEALTHCARE AM 58 68 Oxygen Tank Cylinders (6) - 8/l 5/1 5 213394 9t4t20ts AIRGAS NORTHERN CA AND NE 1,520 08 Lincoln Welder/lVelding W ire-Tower Project 9/4t2015 AIRGAS NORTHERN CA AND NE 26 26 Welding Wire-Tower Project 2135)1 9ñ8t201s AIRGAS NORTHERN CA AND NE 4s2 87 Metal Cutting Saw/Spare Blades 213465 9t1v2015 ALAMO ACE HARDWARE 20s 01 Deep Root Watering Wands (6) 9/l\/2015 ALAMO ACE HARDWARE s85 Murphy Oil/Soap-Stn 33 9t1v2015 ALAMO ACE HARDWARE |224 New Garbage Cans/Marker for Recycle Bin-Stn 32 9t11t2015 ALAMO ACE HARDWARE 878 Parts for Air Compressor-Traìning Site 213466 9/11/201 5 ALERT-ALL CORP 4,231 50 Jr Firefi ghter Stjck-On Badges/Fire Hats/Shields 9^1t2015 ALERT-ALL CORP I,066 02 Pencils/Oven Sticker/Home Safety DVD/Safety Sma 213340 8t28t201s ALL PRO PROPERTY MAINTENA 450 00 Repair Mechanical Rolling System on Sþlight Bìin< 8/28/201s ALL PRO PROPERTY MAINTENA 200 00 Replace Skyl ight Blind Tabs-FP 213341 8t28t2015 ALL STAR FIRE EQUIPMENT INC 2.628 0s Hoolrgan Tool (1O)-Update Forcible Entry Tools 213395 9t4/2015 AMERICAN CAPITAL ENT ]NC 300 00 FP
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