Part Four: Practice Tests I rrz Practice Test 1 Section I: Multiple-Choice Questions Time:55 Minutes 80 Questions Directions: Choose the best answer choice for the questions below. l. Four people were killed and eleven wounded Which of the following statements best at Kent State Universityin Ohio when describes the importance of the Virginia House of Burgesses? (A) protests grew violent, leading to clashes with federal troops (A) It failed miserably in establishing colo- (B) Nixon ordered all local police depart- nial rule ments to crush student anti-war protests (B) It was abolished immediately by King (C) male students fought with Iames I campus feminists (C) It set the standard for more colonial leg- (D) National Guardsmen fired into a crowd islative bodies that would follow of students at an antiwar protest (D) It established Puritanism as the official (E) students protested the admittance of a religion black student into the university (E) It controlled the economy of all English colonies The wealthiest colonists on the eve of the .t.A American Revolution were The population of the Southern United States (A) doctors and lawyers increased dramaticallybetween 1810 and 1860 due to (B) merchants (A) (C) farmers the Louisiana Purchase (B) the (D) clergymen natural birth rate of African slaves (C) (E) skilled artisans an increase in the number of imported slaves (D) Indian Removal policies (E) the advent of the Lowell System I(APIAN I Pari For rr Practice Tests 538 I or".,i." t"rir i 5. Advocates for peace such as ]ane Addams won 9. In the presidential election of 1984, Ronald a temporary victory with the Reagan (A) American entrance into (A) barely escaped losing to Walter Mondale the League of Nations (B) won the election in a landslide (B) ratification of the Tieaty of Versailles by (C) lost votes from women and youth the United States (D) struggled to maintain his hold after the (C) annexation of Hawaii Iran-Contra Scandal (D) Destroyers-for-Bases deal (E) gained a large following of African (E) signing of the Kellogg-Briand Pact American voters 6. The best example of rising sectional tensions 10. President Lyndon Johnson struggled to keep caused by westward expansion in antebellum his Great Society program afloat due to America can be seen in (A) his desire to reduce voting rights for (A) the Tieaty of Guadalupe-Hildago African Americans (B) the Bear Flag revolt (B) Congressional opposition (C) the Clayton-Bulwer Tieaty to a withdrawal from Vietnam (D) the Wilmot Proviso (C) government spending to keep missiles out of Cuba (E) the failure to annex Texas (D) increased protections of the environment 7. The Compromise of 1820 (Missouri (E) his failure to increase taxes to offset the Compromise) provided for cost of war and his programs (A) the end of slavery in the District of Columbia 11. The North American Free Trade Aqreement (B) admission of Maine as a free state (NAFTA) and Missouri as a slave state (A) stipulated that Mexico and Canada agree (C) gradual emancipation of slaves to buy goods exclusively from the United south of the 36'30' line States (D) slavery to be decided (B) set "most-favored-nation status" with by popular sovereignty China (E) the balance of power in the Senate to (C) began the development of a unified favor the South economic community like the European Union 8. War Hawks in 1810 usually hailed from (D) attempted to lift most tariffs on goods sold across the international borders of (A) the South and West the United States, Mexico, and Canada (B) New England (E) was highly praised by organized labor in (C) elite Federalist families the United States (D) Middle states. (E) the Deep South I(APtAN Part Four: Practice Tests I a* Practice Test I I 12. The debate between the Federalists and the 15. Hamilton's financial plan was designed Anti-Federalists concerning the ratification of primarilyto the Constitution mainly concerned (A) prepare the new nation for a possible (A) allegiance to European allies war with Britain (B) power of the states over power of a cen- (B) help protect the wealthy tral government (C) improve the nation's credit standing and (C) slavery in the new nation financial stability (D) judicial review (D) find ways to export more products from (E) a Bank of the United States the South (E) increase the country's industrial capacity 13. U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War was 16. By the end (A) approved by the UN Security Council ofthe seventeenth century, the rise in the African slave trade could be attributed (B) designed to root out Soviets in Asia to (C) based on decisions by Republican presi- dents (A) the number of indentured servants who had served their contracted time and (D) born from a sense of responsibility stem- were now free ming from the Truman Doctrine (B) the low cost of African slaves as com- (E) officially declared.a war by the Gulf of pared to white servants Tonkin resolution (C) revolts. in Haiti and the Dominican Republic t4. In the 1950s, the recording industry (D) the decline in the plantation economy experienced massive growth because of (E) the rise of cotton as a cash crop (A) crooners such as Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby 17. Large numbers of Mexican immigrants were (B) Holll.wood musicals forced to return home during the (C) the advent of FM radio (A) 1860s (D) transistor radios (B) 1880s (E) rock and roll (C) 1910s (D) 1930s (E) 1960s I(APLAN rests 540 | ;:li;:'*ilice i8. The Great Awakening had all of the following 2t. United States' foreign policy in the years effects on American colonial society EXCEPT following World War II sought to (A) increased respect for traditional (A) cool down tensions between the United ministers States and the Soviet Union (B) construction of universities (B) contain communism where it currently to train clergy existed (C) establi'shment of new Protestant sects (C) appease Stalin by giving into small (D) greater emotion in church services demands (E) common religious experiences in various (D) provoke the Soviets into limited war colonies situations (E) negotiate for the eventual Soviet take over of Eastern Europe 19. The Puritans believed that their purpose in the colonies was to 22. "I have the honor to state that I have carefully (A) become an example of faith for the world considered, in communication with my to see colleagues, the proposal . that a declaration (B) create a democracy that would model should be made by foreign powers claiming ancient Greece "spheres of interest" in China as to their (C) abide by the rules of the Church of intentions in regard to the treatment of foreign England trade and interest therein." (D) earn riches to send back to the mother -British Foreign Minister, 1899 country The statement above was prompted by the (E) forge an alliance with natives in order to (A) issuance of the Open Door Policy gain power for England (B) annexation of the Philippines by the United States 20. In response to the Great Depression, Franklin (C) U.S. involvement in the Boxer Rebellion D. Roosevelt's initial policy for the agricultural (D) restatement of the Monroe Doctrine sector aimed to (E) signing of the Ostend Manifesto (A) keep agricultural goods priced low to encourage consumer purchase 23. The approval by California voters in 1994 of (B) paying stimulate farm production by for Proposition 187 signaled new equipment (A) public outrage over high property taxes (C) encourage farmers to destroy their crops in order to increase prices (B) concern of Californians to provide med- ical care for the poor (D) artificially stabilize prices with price ceil- ings and floors (C) underlying tensions between whites and immigrants in the state (E) cut federal aid to farmers in the Dust Bowl (D) a desire to provide all immigrants with state services (E) the necessity of reforming urban ghettos to calm racial tensions ry9 Part Four: Practice Tests | ,*, Practice Test I I 24. As a result of heary debts left from the French 27. Laissezfaire economic policies of the late- and Indian War, Parliament decided to nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries encouraged (A) remove all British military posts in the colonies (A) high tariffs (B) hand Canada and Louisiana to the (B) powerful labor unions French (C) tighter monetary policy (C) shift their attention to a war with the (D) horizontal and vertical integration Netherlands (E) fair trade and labor practices (D) force the colonists to pay for the protec- tion they had been provided 28. (E) remove heavy tariffs on imported goods The Carter administration faced its greatest to stimulate the economy policy challenges in the realm of (A) energyconservation 25. Which of the following statements best (B) social programs describes the reaction ofthe Kennedy (C) economic issues administration to the Freedom Rides? (D) Latin American affairs (A) It tried to remain noncommittal as (E) relations between Egypt and Israel the vote on the Civil Rights Act was approaching. 29. The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 was the (B) Kennedy risked his political career by result of public pressure inspired by authorizing the use of force against violators of the Fifteenth Amendment. (A) the Sherman Anti-Tiust Act (C) At the urging of his brother Robert, (B) the Wagner Act President Kennedy finally sent federal (C) How the Other Half Lites troops to end the violence. (D) food poisoning of American soldiers in (D) It denounced the freedom rides as a Cuba publicity stunt and asked for them to (E) The |ungle stop.
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