Product Information Sheet Anti-Human HLA-DR-174Yb Catalog #: 3174001B Clone: L243 Package Size: 100 tests Isotype: Mouse IgG2a Storage: Store product at 4°C. Do not freeze. Formulation: Antibody stabilizer with 0.05% Sodium Azide Cross Reactivity: Cynomolgus Monkey, Rhesus, Chimpanzee, Olive Baboon, Squirrel Monkey, African Green Technical Information Validation: Each lot of conjugated antibody is quality control tested by CyTOF® analysis of stained cells using the appropriate positive and negative cell staining and/or activation controls. 6 Recommended Usage: The suggested use is 1 µl for up to 3 X 10 live cells in 100 µl. It is recommended that the antibody be titrated for optimal performance for each of the desired applications. H um an PBM C s stained w ith 174Yb anti-H LA-D R (L243) and 147Sm anti-C D 20 (2H 7). Total viable cells are displayed in the analysis. Description HLA-DR or human leukocyte antigen DR is an MHC class II cell surface receptor that is a cell surface glycoprotein. HLA-DR is expressed on B cells, activated T cells, monocytes/macrophages, dendritic cells, and other non-professional antigen presenting cells (APCs). HLA-DR is critical for efficient antigen presentation to CD4+ T cells. References Bandura, D . R ., et al. M ass C ytom etry: Technique for R eal Tim e Single C ell M ultitarget Im m unoassay Based on Inductively C oupled Plasm a Tim e-of-Flight M ass Spectrom etry. Analytical C hem istry 81:6813-6822, 2009. Bendall, S.C , et al. Single-C ell M ass C ytom etry of D ifferential Im m une and D rug R esponses Across a H um an H em atopoietic C ontinuum . Science 6 M ay 2011: 687-696. Bodenm iller, B. et al. State Based Profiling of Sm all M olecule R egulators by C ell-M ultiplexed M ass C ytom etry. N ature Biotechnology 30: 858. N ew ell, E.W ., et al. C ytom etry by Tim e-of-Flight Show s C om binatorial C ytokine Expression and Virus-Specific C ell N iches w ithin a C ontim uum of C D 8+ T C ell Phenotypes. Im m unity 36 January 2012: 142-152. Ornatsky, O. I., et al. H ighly m ultiparam etric analysis by m ass cytom etry. J Im m unol M ethods 361 (1-2):1-20, 2010. Contact Information: Sales: [email protected] | Support: [email protected] www.DVSsciences.com | For assistance by phone: 855-DVS-CYTO Thi s produc t i s i ntended for Res earc h Us e Onl y . Thi s produc t i s not i ntended for therapeuti c or di agnos ti c purpos es i n humans or ani mal s . Thi s produc t c ontai ns anti bodi es manufac tured by and s ol d under l i c ens e from B i oLegend and l i c ens ees thereof. © 2011 DV S S c i enc es Inc . The trademark s menti oned herei n are the property of DV S S c i enc es Inc . or thei r res pec ti v e owners . DV S S c i enc es Inc . produc ts are warranted to meet s tated produc t s pec i fi c ati ons and to c onform to l abel des c ri pti ons when us ed and s tored properl y . Unl es s otherwi s e s tated, thi s warranty i s l i mi ted to 6 months from date of s al es for produc ts us ed, handl ed and s tored ac c ordi ng to DV S S c i enc es , Inc . i ns truc ti ons . DV S S c i enc es , Inc . s ol e l i abi l i ty for the produc t i s l i mi ted to repl ac ement of the produc t or refund of the purc has e pri c e. P roduc t may not be res ol d, modi fi ed for res al e or us ed to manufac ture c ommerc i al produc ts wi thout pri or wri tten approv al from DV S S c i enc es Inc . .
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