Profit 16: 107-120, 37 Figs., 2 Tab.; Stuttgart 1999 Ammonite Biostratigraphy from the Planula and Platynota Zones in the Lugar Section (External Subbetic, Southern Spain) J.E. CARACUEL, JAEN, F. OLORIZ& F. J. RODRI'GUEZ-TOVAR, GRANADA* Abstract The analysis of the precise record of ammonites in the Lugar section (Murcia, southern Spain) provides reliable data to apply the biochronostratigraphic interpretation of the Planula and Platynota Zones in ammonitico rosso and related facies outcropping in the eastern Subbetic Zone of the Betic Cordillera. The ranges of Subnebrodites planula (HEHL in Zieten, 1830), Sutneria galar (OPPEL) and Sutneria platynota (REINECKE) permit the identification of the Planula and Galar Subzones of the Planula Zone, as well as the recognition of the Platynota Zone. The subdivision of the Planula Zone in standard subzones is approached, but future research is necessary to precise correctable subdivisions within the Platynota Zone. Stratigraphic condensation and, probably, hiatuses make difficult the conclusive evaluation of the ammonite ranges in terms of the completeness of the stratigraphic record determining that zonal subdivision at Ihe level of ammonite biohorizon are limited and preliminary. Two new ammonite species, Nebrodites passendorferiiforme n. sp. and Orthosphinctes (Ardescia) betica n. sp. show potential significance for biochronostratigraphic interpretations. 1 INTRODUCTION fordian and Kimmeridgian deposits preserved in variably marly and calcareous ammonitico rosso and related facies, which are rich in ammonite re- In the Mediterranean Tethys s.str., which em- mains. In the province of Murcia, Caracuel et al. braced epioceanic environments during the Middle (1998, 1999) revisited ammonite biostratigraphy and Late Jurassic, the precise ammonite biostrati- in the Lugar section in the Sierra de Lugar and pro- graphy from both the Planula and Platynota Zones, posed this section to be a reference section for the uppermost Oxfordian and/or lowermost Kimme- Oxfordian in the External Subbetic. In this section, ridgian, is limited since depositional conditions we analysed precise ammonite ranges throughout dominantly caused hiatuses in more or less con- the Planula and Platynota Zones on the basis of a densed and red nodular limestones ranging between continuous sampling of 10-20 cm thick samples marly and calcareous ammonitico rosso. Ammonite (Figs. 1-2). assemblages in Sequeiros (1974), Fulop (1976), Sapunov (1979), Sequeiros & Oloriz (1979), Sarti (1988a, 1993), Fozy (1993a, b) clearly show this 2 THE LUGAR SECTION situation. The Subbetic Zone (Betic Cordillera) and the Sierra Norte in Mallorca (Balearic Archipelago) The section investigated at the eastern part of show some of the most favourable European am- Sierra de Lugar (UTM 30SXH592309 in the topo- monitico rosso sections with ammonitiferous graphic sheet of Fortuna: 892) can be reached from Planula and/or Platynota Zones (Barthel et at., the village of Fortuna by the road between Sierra 1966; Behmel, 1970; Sequeiros, 1974; Checa & de Lugar and Sierra de La Pila (Fig. 1). Oxfordian Sequeiros, 1990; Oloriz et at., 1998, Caracuel et deposits at the Lugar section are 9.65m thick and at., 1999). In the Betic Cordillera, the eastern Ex- made of varying marly and calcareous ammonitico ternal Subbetic showing the comparatively proxi- rosso (Fig. 2). Bedding appearance in the outcrop is mal (landwards) range of epioceanic swells offers due, mainly, to diagenetic imprint, but minor dis- favourable sections with comparatively thick Ox- continuities can be recognised. The Oxfordian suc- * Addresses of the authors: J.E. Caracuel, Depto. Ingenieria Cartografica, Geodesica y Fotogrametrfa. Escuela Politecnica Superior, Univ. Jaen, 23071 Jaen, Spain, e-mail: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Federico Oloriz Saez, Francisco Javier Rodriguez-Tovar, Depto. Estratigraffa y Paleontologi'a, Fac. Ciencias, Univ. Granada. 18002, Granada, Spain, e-mail: [email protected] -- [email protected] 108 'licanteiflpy^ W ^ < •Murcia I | Iberian im^TK a / Peninsula./ . Mediterranean Sea I'VO Iberian Meseta Alboran Domain •• Volcanic rocks Trough Flysch Units [V\1 External Prebetic E553 Internal Prebetic 1 Intermediate Units External Subbetic •i Middle Subbetic l-"::rl Internal Subbetic to Murcia 15Km to Murcia 15Km Fig. 1: Geological sketch and location of the Lugar section (eastern External Subbetic). cession overlies a ferruginized hardground with Mn The Platynota section is a 1.50m thick strati- nodules ("snuff-boxes") and abundant reworked graphic interval with increasing upward carbonate ammonites and belemnites (Upper Callovian). The content (horizons 785-795 to 920-935). From uppermost Oxfordian or lowermost Kimmeridgian bottom to top, red-nodular marly limestones Planula Zone was identified within a marly am- evolving to slightly nodular rhythmic limestones monitico rosso stretch (Caracuel et al., 1999) just characterise the Platynota section. Microfacies are underlying transitional deposits from marly to cal- similar to those in the Planula Zone, although they careous ammonitico rosso and then grey and more are more bioclastic (wackestones rich in Globo- or less nodular limestones. These deposits yielded chaetes) in the upper part, where intense colonisa- the almost continuous record of the index species tion by large Thalassinoides maker's organisms Sutneria platynota (REINECKE), which permits the was widespread in some horizons. identification of the Lower Kimmeridgian Platynota Zone. Upper in the section, the remainder Kimme- ridgian and Tithonian can be recognised by ammon- 3 AMMONITE ASSEMBLAGES ites. The Planula section is made of 1.60 m of red- Horizon 640-655: Holcophylloceras mediterraneum nodular marly ammonitico rosso (horizons 640-655 (NEUMAYR), Sowerbyceras sp. A, Sowerb. sp. C, to 775-785). They are mudstones and wackestones Taramelliceras (Taramelliceras) sp. gr. costatum showing Globochaetes as dominant bioclast, along (QUENSTEDT), Taram. (Metahaploceras) wenzeli with Protoglobigerina, thin-shelled bivalves, (OPPEL), Passendorferia (Enayites) sp. gr. rozaki Saccocoma and radiolaria. Chondrites-type burrows MELENDEZ, Subnebrodites planula (HEHL in Zieten, dominate rather than Planolites although three 1830), Orthosphinctes (Praeataxioceras) sp., decimetre-thick calcareous horizons show intense Orthosph. (Orthosphinctes) sp. gr. mogosensis burrowing by Thalassinoides maker's organisms. (CHOFFAT). Except for the composition in ammonite Horizon 495-520b: Taramelliceras (Metahaplo- assemblages, no other significant difference was ceras) sp. cf. pseudowenzeii (WEGELE), Passen- recognisable in microfacies and in preservation of dorferia (Enayites) wierzbowskii MELENDEZ. macrofossils with respect to the underlying Oxfor- Horizon 680-695: Sowerbyceras sp. C, Lytoceras dian deposits. polyanchomenum (GEMMELLARO in Favre, 1876), 1 09 Fig. 2: Lugar section. Lithological column, stratigraphic distribution of selected ammonite species and biochronostratigraphy (O/K = uppermost Oxfordian or lowermost Kimmeridgian; Bimam. = Bimammatum). Taramelliceras (Metahaploceras) sp. gr. falcula Taram. (Metahaploceras) wenzeli (OPPEL), Sut- (QUENSTEDT), Benetticeras benettii CHECA, neria galar (OPPEL). Passendorferia (Enayites) wierzbowskii MELEN- Horizon 755-770: Sowerbyceras tortisulcatum DEZ, Subnebrodites planula (HEHL in Zieten, (D'ORBIGNY), Sowerb. sp. C, Lytoceras orsinii 1830), Subneb. laxevolutum (FONTANNES), (GEMMELLARO in Favre, 1875), Taramelliceras Subneb. minutum (DIETERICH), Subneb. schroederi (Strebliticeras) sp. gr. externodosum (DORN), (WEGELE), Subneb. n. sp. A. Glochiceras (Coryceras) microdomum (OPPEL), Horizon 520-535b: Taramelliceras (Metahaplo- Sutneria galar (OPPEL), Subnebrodites laxevolu- ceras) sp. cf. kobyi quenstedti (H...LDER) - tum (FONTANNES), Subneb. minutum (DIETERICH), wegelei SCHAIRER, Clambites (Clambites) clam- Subneb. sp. gr. proteron (NITZOPOULOS), Subneb. bus (OPPEL), Pseudowaagenia micropla (OPPEL), n. sp. A, Orthosphinctes (Orthosphinctes) poiy- Passendorferia (Enayites) wierzbowskii MELEN- gyratus (REINECKE). DEZ, Sutneria sp. gr. galar (OPPEL). Horizon 775-785: Calliphylioceras manfredi (OP- Horizon 720-735: Calliphylioceras manfredi (OP- PEL), Holcophylioceras mediterraneum (NEU- PEL), Sowerbyceras sp. C, Taramelliceras MAYR), Sowerbyceras tortisulcatum (D'OR- (Strebliticeras) sp. gr. externodosum (DORN), BIGNY), Sowerb. sp. C, Lytoceras polyancho- menum (GEMMELLARO in Favre, 1876), Lyt. 110 orsinii (GEMMELLARO in Favre, 1875), Taramel- & SCHAIRER, Aspidoceras sp. gr. binodum (OP- liceras (Metahaploceras) kobyi quenstedti PEL) - sesquinodosum (FONTANNES in Dumortier (HOLDER), Taram. (Metahaploceras) sp. gr. kobyi & Fontannes, 1876), Aspidoceras or Physodo- (CHOFFAT), Taram. (Metahaploceras) sp. aff. ceras sp., Sutneria platynota (REINECKE), Sutn. subnereus (WEGELE), Aspidoceras binodum (OP- (?) sp, Orthosphinctes (Ardescia) sp. cf. proin- PEL), Aspid. sesquinodosum (FONTANNES in conditus (WEGELE). Dumortier and Fontannes, 1876), Physodoceras Horizon 835-855: Sowerbyceras sp. A, Sowerb. aitenense (D'ORBIGNY), Benetticeras benettii sp. C, Taramelliceras (Metahaploceras) sp. aff. CHECA, Sutneria galar (OPPEL), Sutn. sp. aff. kobyi wegelei SCHAIRER, Barthelia subbetica galar (OPPEL), Subnebrodites iaxevolutum (FON- OLTRIZ & SCHAIRER, Aspidoceras sesquinodosum TANNES), Orthosphinctes (Orthosphinctes) sp. cf. (FONTANNES in Dumortier and Fontannes, 1876), polygyratus morph. colubrinus (REINECKE in Physodoceras wolfi (NEUMAYR),
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