Your guideStarting to Rogers Business Phone, Internet & Digital TV Up GUIDE BUSINESS BUSINESS PHONE Calling Features 02 Call Hunting Distinctive Ring Simultaneous Ring Call Forwarding Enhanced Call Forwarding Voicemail 04 Getting Started Multi-Mailbox Message Centre Voicemail Broadcast Business Online Manager Getting Started 06 Call Screening Call Forwarding Ring Settings Contacts BUSINESS INTERNET Getting Started Plans 12 Online Protection Applications BUSINESS TELEVISION Getting Started Quick Start Features 16 Restart Quick Tips Using Your PVR HD TV and Digital Music Business TV Advanced Tips Call Rogers Live Agent at 1 866 727-2141 NEED HELP? to speak to a dedicated business consultant, or visit rogers.com/business GOOD TO LOOKING Call Forwarding KNOW FOR MORE Calling Features Stay connected with your business phone – wherever you are – with call forwarding. Set calls to be forwarded to your mobile phone or another land line. FEATURES? Rogers Business Phone – a building block of a successful business. ACTIVATE CALL FORWARDING DEacTIVATE CALL FORWARDING Business Phone customers can add more features 1 Dial *72. 1 Dial *73. TIP including Call Trace, Call 2 Dial the 10-digit phone number 2 Listen for two beeps, Screen, Call Display – While voicemail Remote call Call Hunting you’d like your calls forwarded to. then hang up. forwarding as well as Call Display Say goodbye to busy signals with this handy 3 If someone answers your allows you to Blocking. Here are some and call waiting TIP activate this feature. When your pilot line is in use, call, remain on the line for other features: incoming calls route to the next available line feature from Call hunting five seconds or longer till call any phone. CALL WaITING: Lets you are well-known subscribers in your hunt group, reducing the chance of forwarding is activated. know when someone’s a caller getting a busy signal. You can even can’t order call forwarding on trying to ring through; features, Rogers set the hunt group sequence, specifying the 4 Confirm activation by redialling phone lines in the *72. If you hear a busy signal, answer it, or let it go to order of lines to reroute calls. hunt group, as voicemail. Business Phone this hampers the it’s working. hunting sequence. THREE-WaY CALLING: offers much more. Voicemail can Nothing says “business” only be ordered like a conference call. on the pilot line. Enhanced Call Forwarding Easily set up three-way Rather than forwarding all calls to one number, enhanced call forwarding calls with this feature. allows you to forward calls to several numbers based on answer type. CALL TRANSFER: Send BUSY CALLS NO ANSWER CALLS calls to another line with the press of a button. Distinctive Ring Simultaneous Forward calls to another number when When there’s no one to TIP How can you tell if the incoming the line is busy: answer a call, forward it to another number. call is for you, for your partner or Ring 1 Dial *90 and listen for the Manage if it’s a fax? Answer: by adding You’re on the line when an calling confirmation tone. 1 Dial *92 and listen features the distinctive ring calling feature. important call comes through. for the confirmation online, any 2 Enter 10-digit forward-to number. Add up to two additional rings to Rather than routing to voicemail tone. time you your main phone ring by adding or to a busy signal, simultaneous 3 If someone answers after you dial, want, with 2 Enter 10-digit Business virtual phone numbers, each with ring allows the call to ring on remain on the line for at least five forward-to number. Online its own ringtone. (up to) four phone lines in your seconds. Manager office. That way, someone is sure 3 Follow Steps 3 and 4 (see p.6). Distinctive ring doesn’t 4 If the line is busy or there’s no to answer it right away. outlined at left. NOTE allow simultaneous answer, redial *90, then redial the incoming or outgoing calls; This phone feature can be managed 10-digit forward-to number. When To deactivate: dial *93, it’s still one physical line. online (see Business Online Manager, you hear two beeps, you’re set up. wait for the confirmation p.6), via your office phone (dial *53) tone, then hang up. To deactivate: dial *91, wait for the or through a Remote Access Number confirmation tone, then hang up. with PIN code. Work from Home? Long Distance While the calling features detailed in this guide are for companies Having a reliable, inexpensive and customizable long-distance plan is key to all businesses. For example, if you’re situated in commercial spaces, home-based businesses can still subscribe calling a certain country often, you could tailor your plan to match. For detailed information on Rogers Long Distance to many calling features specifically tailored for the business user. plans for small-business owners, visit rogers.com/business Besides being eligible for all Rogers Home Phone calling features, residental Business Phone also includes basic, essential services such as Emergency 911, service for hearing or speech impaired, businesses can add up to four lines, make use of the Directory Listing and sign NOTE unlimited local calling and access to extended local calling (in some areas, GTA includes Barrie). on to Business Online Manager (see p.6). Calling Features Call Rogers Live Agent at 1 866 727-2141 NEED HELP? to speak to a dedicated business consultant, 02 03 or visit rogers.com/business Message Centre Voicemail Broadcast Just like your email inbox, Message Centre allows you to Like sending a group email, voicemail broadcast Voicemail download voicemail messages and faxes. Listen, forward, lets you send a voicemail message to several people save or delete, just like you do with email. And when a at once. How do you take a trusted, reliable service and make it better? Configure it for the business user. new message comes in, you’re notified immediately. CREATE A VOICEmaIL GROUP DISTRIBUTION LIST GETTING STARTED WITH MESSagE CENTRE: FROM THE MESSagE CENTRE: Multiple mailboxes, Getting Started 1 Once you’ve activated your Business Voicemail account 1 Sign into Message Centre at rogers.com/messagecentre (see left), visit rogers.com/messagecentre Set up Business Voicemail in a few minutes. Here’s how: 2 Select Voicemail Settings, then choose Voicemail downloadable 2 Enter your phone number and voicemail password, then Broadcast. 1 Dial *98 from your business phone and enter your select the Voicemail Settings tab. (Don’t know your TIP 3 Click New Group, then tap Create Group. faxes and phone temporary password followed by #. (Hint: your password? Call Live Agent for help.) temporary password is the last four digits of your • Press # to 4 Choose a group ID number and select Create. messages, email phone number.) skip voicemail 3 Click Email Address, then click Add; type in your email greeting address, then click Submit. 5 Enter the phone number of a contact you want to 2 Follow the prompts by entering in your new voicemail add by clicking Add a New Member (no spaces notifications and • Press * to password (must be 4–10 digits); press 1 to confirm. between numbers). go back to LISTEN TO YOUR MESSagES FROM YOUR EMAIL INBOX: new-message 3 At the tone, record your company name (or your name) beginning of 6 Repeat Step 5 for each contac; once complete, tap message Once you’re signed up with Message Centre, all voicemail and fax then #; press 1 to confirm. Submit. alerts are only the messages will appear in your email inbox – in real time, indicated 4 Press 1 to record a personalized greeting (or press 2 by a special icon to distinguish them from other emails. To play, beginning with to choose a standard greeting). Follow the prompts to simply double-click the message; you can also forward as an YOU CAN ALSO CREATE A VOICEMAIL GROUP finish. That’s it, you’re finished. email, save, open in a new window, set volume and more. DISTRIBUTION LIST BY PHONE: Rogers Business How to manage your Message Centre settings: 1 Dial *98, then press 4221. 1 Visit rogers.com/messagecentre 2 A group number will automatically be assigned. Say the Voicemail. name of the group (e.g., “Project X”), then press 1 to 2 Enter your 10-digit phone number and voicemail password save (or 2 to change it). (same password used to access your voicemail over a phone). 3 Enter the phone number of a person you want to Multi-Mailbox 3 Once logged in, you can change your greeting or email include in the group, then follow the prompts to enter address, password and more. Create up to five separate mailboxes, each with a private subsequent persons. password. Once subscribed, here’s how to get set up: Voicemail broadcast only works for Rogers 1 Dial *98 from your business phone. TIP NOTE wireless or Rogers business phone numbers. 2 Press a key to select the desired sub-mailbox (0 for To call voicemail the main, or first one; 1–4 for each box). when you’re out of the office, dial 3 Enter your temporary password. (Don’t know your your business password? Call Live Agent for help.) number; once you hear your 4 Press # to begin the set-up process. Follow the greeting, press GOOD TO PBX FRAUD KNOW prompts and repeat the process for each mailbox. 9, select the mailbox you Private Branch Exchange Fraud is a global concern for all Change your default voicemail password as soon as want, then your businesses. Essentially a computer system used to route possible.
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