~ DURBAN MUSEUM NOVJTATES Issued by the Museum and ArlGaUery, Durban Vol. IV ISSUED 31sT DECEMBER, 1956 Parts XIX and XX A iLIHIEC}[ lLII§'j[' ([])IF §OIU'lI'1HI AIFlRilliLAN lLARillllINAlE (iL(!J)He(!J)Jl1lteli'sg d£li'!!lIl!l!lllDyciCll!'le) by The Rev. J. WESLEY HUNT, F.R.E.S. (RICHMOND, NATAL) and STEPHAN BREUNING, PH.D. (PARIS) No attempt has so far been made to catalogue the South African species of the Family Cerambycidae. Very little has been published ) in South Africa on these beetles since Peringuey and Distant made 2 1 their recordings. Many additions to the list of our species have 0 2 been made over the years, ~nd recent revisions of most of the Tribes d e composing this sub-family have assisted in -clearing much of the t a confusion which has hitherto existed. d ( r For the purpose of this list, the line formed by the Cunene and e h Zambezi Rivers has been taken as the northern boundary of the s i l South Africa region. It is, of course, recognized that such a line is b u purely arbitrary but it is used as a matter of convenience. Probably P e no natural boundary exists south of the desert regions of North h t Africa, but our insect fauna is at present too little known to define y b a more satisfactory line. d e It is thought that a list of South African Lamiinae would be t n welcome to workers in this country. Original descriptions only have a r g been quoted and synonyms recorded so as to bring the work as e much up-to-date as possible. Reference has also been made to the c n e particular parts of the region from which the species enumerated c i l have been recorded, thus giving as much information as possible r e within the limits of such a list. d n The following species appear to have been erroneously recorded u y from South Africa; no proof exists of their occurrence in the region. a Opsies capra Pasc., the type in the B.M. is labelled "Old Cal1>'ibar;" w e t Dul£chillnt bigibbosum Thoms., this is a synonym of Menton (s.g. a G Dulichium) Digglesi Pasc., and is a native of Australia; and Estola t e obscura F., which is a native of South America. n i b a [P/'/( C 10/- nettJ [329J S y b d e c u d o r p e R 330 A Check List of South African Lamiinae One species, Lagochirus funestus Thoms., a native of Mexico, has been imported into South Africa for the purpose of pest control and has become firmly established in the Uitenhage District of the Cape Province; it is, therefore, included in the appropriate place in the list. In the course of the text two new names are proposed, firstly, Eunidia Thomseni Dist. var. guttata nom. nov. pro guttulata Auriv. Guttulata is preoccupied by Sphenura guttulata Coqu., which is a species of Eunidia. We also propose Oberea pseudovaricornis nom. nov. pro Oberea varicornis Fahr., which is preoccupied by Oberea varicornis Pasco We will be grateful to have any errors or omissions pointed out to us, as it is our intention to issue supplements to this list when a sufficient number of species new to the South African region has been discovered. Use will then be made of any such information. Sub-family LAM I I N A E Linne, Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 1758, p. 399 Tribe PARMENINI ) Breuning, Longicornia, 1, 1950, p. 29 2 1 0 2 Gen. SPINOSOMATIDIA Hunt & Breuning d e Durban Mus. Novit. IV/XI, p. 153 t a obe8a Hunt & Breun. Cape d ( Durban Mus. Nm·it. IV/XI, 1955, p. 153 r e h s i Gen. STENAUXA Aoriv. l b u Ark. f. Zool., XVIII, A/9, 1926,.p. 6 P e"igua Auriv. .South Africa e h Ark. f. Zool., XVIII, A/9, 1926, p. 6 t y b d e t Tribe MORIMOPSINI n a Lacordaire, Gen. Col., IX, 1869, p. 289 r g e c n Gen. STENOP ARMENA Thoms. e c i Syst. Cer., 1864, p. 39 l r crinita Thoms. e Cape d Syst. Cer., 1864, p. 40 n u var. Cerruginea Auriv. South Africa y Ark. f. Zool., IX/8, 1914, p. 8 a w e t a Gen. NIPHOP ARMENA Auriv. G t Ark. f. Zool., I, 1904, p. 317 e n longicornis Breun. Natal, Zululand i b Festschr. E. Strand, V, 1939, p. 152 a S y b d e c u d o r p e R by J. Wesley Hunt and Stephan Breuning 331 Tribe PHANTASINI Hunt & Breuning. Description in print Gen. PHANTASIS Thoms. Class. Cer., 1860, pp. 22, 25 avernica Thoms. Southern Rhodesia Syst. Cer., 1865, p. 547 carinata Fahr. Cape, Transvaal Oefvers. Vet. Ak. F6rhandl., XXIX/2, 1872, p. 29 gigantea Guer. Cape Damaraland Icon. Regne Anim. Ins., 1844, p. 241 meridionalis Hintz South-West Africa Deuts. ent. Zs., 1906, p. 560 .mystica Dist. S. Rhodesia, Transvaal Ins. Transv., 1904, p. 127 spectrum Thoms. Lake N'gami Syst. Cer., 1865, p. 547 stupida Kolbe South Africa Stett. ent. Ztg., LV, 1894, pp. 14, 16, 18 terrenum White South Africa Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) II, 1858, p. 264 terribilis Thoms. Natal Class. Cer., 1860, p. 26 ) 2 Gen. ACANTHESTES Kolbe. 1 0 Stett. ent. Ztg., LV, 1894, p. 13 2 d amycteroides White Natal e t Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) II, 1858, p. 264 a d crispa 01. Cape ( r Ene. method., VII, 1792, p. 466 e h s Syn. carinata Brenn. i l b denticulata Thoms. u P e Gmelini Gemm. h t heros Pasco Natal y b Journal of Ent., II, 1864, p. 279 d Syn. tuberculifera Thoms. e t n hipporhina White. Natal, Zululand a Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) II, 1858, p. 264 r g Syn. brachydel'oides Thoms. e c n spinosa Breun. Natal e c Festschr. E. Strand., V, 1939, p. 154 i l r e d n u y Tribe PHRISSOMINI a Lacordaire, Gen. Col., IX, 1869, p. 290 w e t a G Gen. PHRISSOMA Cast. t e Hist. Nat. Col., II, 1840, p. 483 n i b erispnm F. Cape, Natal a Gen. Ins., 1776, p. 230 S y b d e c u d o r p e R 332 A Check List of South African Lamiinae Beiehei Thoms. Cape, Natal Syst. Cer., 1865, p. 547 lerrieolum Thoms. Cape Syst. Cer., 1865, p. 547 Gen. NEOPHRISSOMA Breun. Nov. Ent., fasc. 7, 1938, p. 52 faseiala Gilmour Zulu land Durban Mus. Novit., 1954, IV/X, p. 132 rOlundipenne Breun. Cape Nov. Ent., fasc. 7, 1938, p. 52 umbrinum White Natal Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (3) II, p. 265 Gen. ORIAETHUS Pasco lourn. of Ent., II, 1864, p. 277 longieornio Pa5c. Cape, Natal lourn. of Ent., II, 1864, p. 277 Gen. PARAVELLEDA Breun. Festschr. E. Strand., I, 1936, p. 278 nyaaoana Breun. Southern Rhodesia Festschr. E. Strand., I, 1936, p. 278 pulehra Breun. Southern Rhodesia Nov. Ent., fasc. 7, 1938, p. 52 ) 2 1 0 2 Gen. HEPOMIDION Thoms. d e Rev. Zoo!., (3). VI, p. 45 t a otygieum Thoms. Cape, Transvaal d ( Rev. Zoo!., (3). VI, p: 45 r e h Syn. Pascoei Pering. s i l b t'uftpeclus Qued. u P e Gen. BRIMUS Pasco h t y lourn. of Ent., I, 1862, p. 351 b HADdalli Dist. Cape, Transvaal d e Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) I, 1898, p. 372 t n a spinipennis Pasco Natal r g Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., (2) IV, 1858, p. 252 e c n e Gen. P ARABRIMUS Breun. c i l Festschr. E. Strand., I, 1936, p. 282 r e albosenlellatuo Breun. Transvaal d n Festschr. E. Strand., I, 1936, p. 282 u y a w e t Tribe AGNIINI a G Thomson, Syst. eer., 1864, p. 36 t e n i Syn. LAMIINI Lac. b a Lac. S MONOCHAMINI y b d e c u d o r p e R by J. Wesley Hunt and Stephan Breuning 333 Gen. MONOCHAMUS Guer. Dict. class. d'Hist. Nat., IX, 1826, p. 186 Syn. ANTHORES Pasco HERPETOPHYGAS Fahr. LOPHO!;,TERA Perro NOSEROCERA Bat. OPEPHARUS Pasco PENHAMMUS Kolbe PHYGAS Fahr. leaeOIllOh!lB Pasco Natal Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) IV,I869, p. 210 Syn. fasciatus Fahr. proumaa Breun. Southern Rhodesia, Zululand Fo!. zoo!. hydrob., VII, 1935, p. 246 speclobilie Perro Southern Rhodesia. Natal Ann. soc. linn. Lyon, (2) II. 1858. p. 355 Syn. asperulus White Fischeri Kolbe minor Kolbe ) 2 1 0 2 Tribe MESOSINI d e t Thomson. Oass. Cer., 1860, p. 35 a d ( r Gen. COPTOPS Servo e h s Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr.. IV, 1835, p. 64- i l b oedifi.,otor F. Througbout South Africa u Ent. Syst., 1/2, 1792, p. 275 P e h Syn. bidens WoIl. t y b fuscus 01. d e quadrisigma Fahr. t n a parallelus Servo r g e villicus 01. c n e c i l r e d Tribe ANCYLONOTINI n u Castelnau. Hist. Nat. Col., II, 1840, p. 450 y a w e t Gen. ANCYLONOTUS Cast. a G Hist. Nat. Col., II, 1840, p. 495 t e Iribulae F. Southern Rhodelia n i Syst. Ent., 1775, p. 170 b a S y b d e c u d o r p e R 334 A Check List of South African Lamiinae Gen. LASIOPEZUS Pasco Trans. ent. Soc.
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