The World Bank Report No: ISR16398 Implementation Status & Results Bolivia Lake Titicaca Local Sustainable Development (P101426) Operation Name: Lake Titicaca Local Sustainable Development (P101426) Project Stage: Implementation Seq.No: 14 Status: ARCHIVED Archive Date: 07-Nov-2014 Country: Bolivia Approval FY: 2008 Product Line:IBRD/IDA Region: LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Implementing Agency(ies): Fondo de Inversion Productiva y Social Key Dates Board Approval Date 20-Dec-2007 Original Closing Date 30-Jun-2013 Planned Mid Term Review Date 17-Dec-2013 Last Archived ISR Date 17-Mar-2014 Public Disclosure Copy Effectiveness Date 01-Dec-2008 Revised Closing Date 02-Feb-2015 Actual Mid Term Review Date 19-Dec-2013 Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The objective of the Project is to contribute to local sustainable development in the Recipient's side of the Lake Titicaca watershed. Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project? Yes No Component(s) Component Name Component Cost Basic Services 9.00 Tourism Support 7.00 Technical Assistance 4.00 Overall Ratings Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Overall Risk Rating High Implementation Status Overview The project is expected to disburse less than half of the loan on goods and works that will contribute to the overall objectives. It will however not reach its development objectives. The project was envisioned to undertake projects to improve tourism and basicservices in the Lake Titicaca Region including docks, rural water supply, solid waste management Public Disclosure Copy systems, urban water supply, drainage and wastewater treatment, tourist centers and signage for tourist areas. The implementation was delayed initially due to institutional deficiencies of the executing agency at the beginning of the project. A restructuring was undertaken to transfer the responsibility to FPS with a focus on the execution of the works. Under the new structure delays were encountered in contracting the pre-investment studies for the large urban water projects which did not allow these project which represent the Page 1 of 6 The World Bank Report No: ISR16398 largest portion of the loan to be executed in the time period of the project. In addition some of the other projects encountered delays in finalizing project preparation including identifying land acquisition and compensation arrangements, finalizing designs, identifying interested contractors and reaching community consensus. As of January 2014 an additional set of projects were considered in order to replace those that have had encountered these impediments in the design and bidding. These include drainage works, equipment for solid waste management systems, ecological sanitation facilities and rural water supply projects. To date the project has completed investments in signage in tourist areas; and rural water supply projects in two areas (Laja and Puerto Perez). 4 landfills (Copacabana, Tiwanacu, Achacachi and Tiquina) are under construction. In addition, rural water supply projects (in Achacachi and Santiago de Huata); ecological sanitation latrines (in Achacachi, Viacha, Santiago de Huata, and Huatajata) have recently been contracted. Additionally, equipment for solid waste management (Achacachi, Tiwanacu, Copacabana and Tiquina) and one urban drainage project (in Viacha) are in the stage of contract award. No other equipment or works are expected to be procured. For all works that would extend after that project closing date, local financing will be provided to cover that portion of the works. It is expected that a total of between 45 and 50% of the loan will be disbursed before the end of the closing date. In total, the project has disbursed 27% of the loan including the works executed and the previously executed pre-investment studies, small tourism activities and management costs. This represents and increase from 19% reported in the last ISR. Public Disclosure Copy Locations Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Viacha Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Tito Yupamqui Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Tiahuanaco Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Taraco Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Tacanoca Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Isla del Sol Bolivia Departamento de La Paz San Pedro Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Puerto Perez Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Puerto Acosta Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Pucarani Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Isla Pariti Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Nina Chiri Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Masaya Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Isla de la Luna Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Lacaya Public Disclosure Copy Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Kallutaca Page 2 of 6 The World Bank Report No: ISR16398 Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Huarina Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Guaqui Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Desaguadero Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Copacabana Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Catavi Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Carabuco Public Disclosure Copy Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Batallas Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Aygachi Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Avicaya Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Ancoraimes Bolivia Departamento de La Paz Achacachi Results Project Development Objective Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Urban Environmental Sustainability Index for Text Value Copacabana # 4 2 key communities Achacachi # 3 2 Tiquina # 4 2 Tiwanaku # 4 2 Viacha - 4 2 Date 20-Nov-2007 01-Nov-2012 02-Feb-2015 Comments Will not update this indicator until the end of the project due to the effort needed in measuring it. Intermediate Results Indicators Public Disclosure Copy Page 3 of 6 The World Bank Report No: ISR16398 Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Number of rural towns provided woth improved Text Value 0 20 20 water and sanitation services Date 20-Nov-2007 30-Sep-2014 02-Feb-2015 Comments 20 completed (Laja and Puerto Perez). An additional 5 are scheduled to be completed under the project. Number of Tourism Studies - COMPLETED Text Value 0 3 3 Date 20-Nov-2007 30-Sep-2014 02-Feb-2015 Comments Public Disclosure Copy New piped household water connections that Number Value 0.00 0.00 are resulting from the project intervention Date 20-Nov-2007 30-Sep-2012 02-Feb-2015 Comments All connections in the rural Target not able to be water supply projects are determined as the designs communal. None of the were not finalized for the urban water supply projects household water supply in will be completed. urban areas. Number of other water service providers that Number Value 0.00 2.00 6.00 the project is supporting Date 20-Nov-2007 01-Nov-2012 02-Feb-2015 Comments Puerto Perez, Laja Puerto Perez, Laja, Tiwanacu, Copacabana, Achacachi and Tiquina. Number of people in rural areas provided with Number Value 0.00 0.00 access to Improved Water Sources under the Date 20-Nov-2007 30-Sep-2014 02-Feb-2015 project Comments Populations of Puerto Perez Completed- (both Puerto Population estimates will be and Laja were targeted. Perez and Laja) confirmed for Laja and Puerto Perez as part of project closure. Number of people in urban areas provided with Number Value 0.00 0.00 access to Improved Sanitation under the Date 20-Nov-2007 01-Nov-2012 02-Feb-2015 project Comments No sanitation facilities have Population target will be been completed. confirmed as part of project closure. Number of people in urban areas provided with Number Value 0.00 0.00 52000.00 access to regular solid waste collection under Date 20-Nov-2007 30-Sep-2014 02-Feb-2015 the project Comments All projects are under Public Disclosure Copy construction. Page 4 of 6 The World Bank Report No: ISR16398 Number of cities with adequate solid waste Text Value 0 4 3 services Date 20-Nov-2007 01-Nov-2012 02-Feb-2015 Comments All projects are under construction. Number of urban communities provided with Text Value 0 0 3-5 adequate wastewater services Date 20-Nov-2007 01-Nov-2012 02-Feb-2015 Comments None will be realized as designs were not complete. Direct project beneficiaries Number Value 0.00 Date 20-Nov-2007 01-Nov-2012 02-Feb-2015 Public Disclosure Copy Comments Population of water supply Numbers will be updated and projects of Puerto Perez and confirmed before project Laja have benefited. closure based on projected projects accounting for design changes. Female beneficiaries Percentage Value 0.00 Sub Type Supplemental Communities with improved tourism Number Value 0.00 0.00 31.00 infrastructure Date 20-Nov-2007 21-Jun-2013 02-Feb-2015 Comments Note that many communities have benefited from improved signage but they have not been counted here. Data on Financial Performance (as of 29-Sep-2014) Financial Agreement(s) Key Dates Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date P101426 IDA-43790 Effective 20-Dec-2007 11-Feb-2008 01-Dec-2008 30-Jun-2013 02-Feb-2015 Disbursements (in Millions) Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P101426 IDA-43790 Effective XDR 12.80 12.80 0.00 3.46 9.34 27.00 Disbursement Graph Public Disclosure Copy Page 5 of 6 The World Bank Report No: ISR16398 Public Disclosure Copy Key Decisions Regarding Implementation The project is planning for closure in February 2, 2015 as planned. A date of October 31, 2014 has been set as a deadline for all bidding processes to be completed, and counterpart funding confirmed. After that time, it is planned that the remaining portion of the loan will be canceled and these resources will be used for other investments in Bolivia.
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