06-07-08-684-Steph:03_DOSSIER SPECIAL 24/03/14 16:43 Page 6 IRLANDE DU NORD [88] B2-C1 NE U À LA i For Theon Greyjoy (Alfie Allen), more trouble to come. (DR) Ireland, North by North- DECORS NATURELS. A l’occasion du début de la saison 4 de Game of Thrones diffusée aux Etats-Unis et disponible en France sur OCS, nous vous proposons un article paru l’année dernière dans le quotidien The New York Times. La journaliste s’était rendue en Irlande du Nord sur quelques-uns des lieux de tournage, et avait tiré un parallèle intéressant entre l’univers de la série et cette belle région au passé tourmenté. THE NEW YORK TIMES BY STEPHANIE ROSENBLOOM he Dark Hedges are not easy to find. Ireland, North by North-Westeros You must follow a serpentine road along a bucolic stretch of Northern Ireland, past sheep and glens and Réf. au film d’Alfred Hitchcock North By Nor- yellow fields of rapeseed until some- thwest La Mort aux trousses et à Westeros where between the sleepy towns of continent imaginaire de la série télévisée amé- ricaine Game of Thrones Le Trône de fer TBallycastle and Ballymoney — if you keep your eyes peeled and your foot off the gas pedal — Dark Hedges allée de hêtres aux formes tor- tueuses, dans le comté d’Antrim, un des lieux you spot a shadowy lane flanked by centuries- de tournage de la série / serpentine tortueux, old beech trees. These are the Dark Hedges. sinueux / stretch étendue, bande / glen val- lée étroite, vallon / rapeseed graine de colza / Their sinewy branches twist toward the sky like to keep, kept, kept one’s eyes peeled garder les the many arms of the Indian goddess Durga. yeux grands ouverts, être très attentif / gas pedal (US) accélérateur / to spot repérer, aper- The highest boughs stretch across the lane to cevoir / shadowy sombre, ombragé / centu- the trees on the opposite side, their leaves over- ries-old séculaire / beech tree hêtre / sinewy tortueux / to twist se tordre / goddess déesse lapping, eclipsing the sun. / Durga Durga ou Devi, déesse hindoue, épouse 2. Locals say this place is haunted by a solitary de Shiva, pourvue de 10 bras / bough rameau, branche / to stretch s’étendre / to overlap se ghost known as the Grey Lady. chevaucher. But lately she’s had company. “No one ever used 2. to haunt hanter / ghost fantôme / lately to come here,” said David McAnirn, a tour ré cem ment, ces derniers temps. guide. i The Giant's Causeway near filming locations for the HBO series "Game of Thrones" in County Antrim. 6 • VOCABLE Du 3 au 16 avril 2014 (HAZEL THOMPSON/THE NEW YORK TIMES) 06-07-08-684-Steph:03_DOSSIER SPECIAL 24/03/14 16:44 Page 7 i In the Dark Hedges, where the HBO series "Game of Thrones" is filmed, a shadowy lane is flanked by centuries-old trees, in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. (HAZEL THOMPSON/THE NEW YORK TIMES) 3. deluge ici invasion / a handful of quelques / to snap prendre (une photo) / amid au (beau) milieu de / to chronicle raconter / fan- tasy fantastique / to suffuse se répandre sur, ici imprégner (de) / moody mélancolique, mys- térieux / latter dernier (d’une énumération) / magnet aimant, pôle d’attraction / to mas- querade as se déguiser en, se faire passer pour / to flee, fled, fled fuir / cart charrette / rocky rocheux / priestess prêtresse / cave grotte, caverne. 4. to entice attirer, séduire, ici convaincre / location lieu (de tournage) / profile notoriété, visibilité / Lord of the Rings Le Seigneur des h-Westeros anneaux / decade décennie / strife conflit(s). GoT poignant in the capital, Belfast, which for 5. sectarian sectaire (religieux) / fighting com- 3. The reason for the deluge? It was writ- decades had been synonymous with strife. bat(s), lutte(s) / loyalist protestant d’Irlande ten on the T-shirts of a handful of tourists 5. More than 3,500 people were killed in du Nord souhaitant rester au sein du Royaume- snapping photos amid the Hedges: “Game of the sectarian fighting between British loy- Uni / mainly principalement / nationalist par- tisan de l’indépendance / Good Friday peace Thrones.” Chronicling a war among dynas- alists (mainly Protestants) and Irish na- agreement accord du Vendredi Saint (égale- ties for an Iron Throne in the imaginary land tionalists (mostly Roman Catholics) be- ment appelé accord de Belfast) / set plateau, of Westeros, the HBO fantasy series is a cult tween 1969 and the Good Friday peace décor. hit suffused with intrigue, sex and moody agreement in 1998. The rest of the world, landscapes. The latter is making Northern including people in other parts of Ireland, 6. to operate gérer, diriger / coach autocar / to Ireland a magnet for fans who want to stayed away. “For most of my life scratch one’s head se gratter/se creuser la tête visit places like the Dark Hedges, I was in a film set,” said McAnirn, / to figure out trouver / skyline perspective, which appear in the premiere of who was a teenager in Belfast horizon (profil des immeubles se découpant Season 2 when Arya Stark, a noble during those years. “And it was a sur le ciel) / deflated découragé. girl masquerading as a boy, flees horror movie.” in a cart from her enemies. Or 6. In the mid-1990s, tourism in- Cushendun, the rocky beach dustry pioneers like Caroline Mc- where, later in that season, the Comb, who along with her hus- priestess Melisandre gives birth in band operates McComb’s tours a cave to a supernatural assassin. and coaches, were scratching 4. The Northern Ireland Tourist their heads trying to figure out how to con- Board has been enticing viewers to visit these vince tourists that there was more to and other splendors with a “Game of Belfast than the Troubles, as the 30-year Thrones” filming locations guide on its blog period of fighting is known. “New York has (“Explore the real world of Westeros”). After its skyline,” McComb said. “Sydney has its Caroline McComb nous fait all, a film or television series can raise a coun- opera house. Everybody was deflated and découvrir l’Irlande du Nord sur la try’s profile. New Zealand has “Lord of the was like, ‘What do we have here?’” partie BASIC du CD de conversation. Belfast, la Terre du Rings.” Sweden has “Wallander” and “Mil- 7. These days, a lot. There’s the Titanic Milieu, le Titanic… Caroline vous lennium.” But the success of “Game of Belfast museum, which tells the story of dit tout ! Thrones” is particularly welcome and how Belfast once built the biggest ship h Du 3 au 16 avril 2014 VOCABLE • 7 06-07-08-684-Steph:03_DOSSIER SPECIAL 24/03/14 16:56 Page 8 NE U in the world; the recently restored S.S. No- 13. “It’s one of the most beautiful places madic, an original tender ship to the Ti- in Northern Ireland,” said Naomi Liston, tanic that transported the likes of Charlie who works in the locations department Chaplin and Elizabeth Taylor; and the vis- for “Game of Thrones.” When I asked her itor center at the Giant’s Causeway, a UN- why HBO chose Northern Ireland, Liston À LA ESCO world heritage site. said there were many considerations: Is it cost effective? Does the area offer evoca- 7. tender ship transbordeur / the likes of des Changes tive filming locations? Does it have studio gens tels que / Giant’s Causeway Chaussée 8. “It’s a real breath of fresh air to be space? “Northern Ireland,” she said, des Géants, formation volcanique composée able to look forward instead of back,” said “ticked all the boxes.” de 40 000 colonnes hexagonales juxtaposées McComb, who began proffering a private 14. Everything in Northern Ireland — past, (or gues basaltiques) / UNESCO world heritage nine-hour “Game of Thrones” locations present, future, fantasy — overlaps like the site site inscrit au patrimoine mondial de leaves of the Dark Hedges. The past casts l’UNES CO. tour. “People in Northern Ireland are all so eager to make tourism work for us.” a long shadow. But, here and there, light 8. breath inspiration, ici bouffée / to proffer 9. That’s not to say the past is buried. This is coming through. ● offrir, proposer / eager avide, empressé, très is a country of ghosts. And there are still désireux. sporadic clashes. But as the city looks to 9. to bury enterrer / clash affrontement / pain- the future, there is less reticence about its ful douloureux / The Troubles (autre nom du) painful history. “When we first started do- conflit nord-irlandais (recouvrant la période ing tours,” McAnirn explained, “people On the map allant de la fin des années 1960 à 1998) / jail said, ‘Don’t mention the Troubles.’ ‘Don’t While “Game of Thrones” is filmed in places like prison. mention Crumlin Road jail,’” he said, re- Morocco, Iceland and Croatia, home base is ferring to the prison that held both loyal- 10. neighborhood (US)= neighbourhood (GB) Northern Ireland. Here’s a fan’s guide to some ists and nationalists during that time. quartier / Crumlin Road Gaol prison de Bel- publicly accessible locations north and south of fast (qui fut utilisée de 1846 à 1996) / suppo- 10. Now tours of the neighborhoods at the Belfast, culled from details provided by the North- sedly soi-disant / hot spot endroit stratégique, epicenter of the Troubles are as common ern Ireland Tourist Board and Northern Ireland haut lieu / cell cellule / flogging flagellation as rain. And not only can you take a guided / yard cour / to rent louer / wedding mariage. Screen. tour of Crumlin Road Gaol, but there are NORTH OF BELFAST 11.
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