.-,'~ * TODAY: ~NC PL~NS ·FREE;' HEALTH.CARE *' A RA FAT ,PLEDGES PEACE *. MOREHANGINGSJIN NORTH * 11~" parli!mentary .contested: The fourth presidential con- Continued on page 2 Cop lifts lid on former security • ns COP ON STAND ... "It was unlikely that Anton Lubowski ever worked for the SADF as a spy," Warrant Officer Linus Neumbo told the Lubowski 'Lubowski's every move monitored' inquest yesterday. He had also been involved in two undercover TYAPPA NAMUTEWA operations with the codenames WHIt and WHlO. This had involved the monitoring of telephone Koevoets desperate A MEMBER of Nampol's Special conversationsandtheinterceptingofpostaddresse~ Branch formerly known as the Security to people in whom the Security Branch had been Branch' yesterday told the High Court interested. ' . B h h d I t According to Neumbo. who IS now one of the to return to Namibia hQW the then Security ranc a po· investigating officers in the Lubowski case, ted to discredit and undermine the late Lubowski's telephone at home as well as at work Anton Lubowski. had been tapped. TOMMINNEY These are among thousands offormer Warrant Officer Linus Neumbo also said it was Other individuals and organisations whose te!- fighters which th~ SA Defen~e Force unlikely that the Swapo activist had worked as a spy ephones had been tapped were: The N amibian, ~e FORMER members of Koevoet took to South Afnca for servIce at the for the SADF. CCN, Swapo, the AilGams Centre, then CCN chIef and other South African-com­ time of Namibia's independence. This, as well as details of phone tapping activities Dr Abisai Shejavali, Swapo-D, the Damara ~aad, manded military units are press­ Hoebeb said a few former Koevoets by the former Security Branch,emerged in Neumbo's Eliot Hiskia, The Namibian's editor Gwen Llster, had approached him who were demo- testimony to the Lubowski inquest in the High Court Dr Bjorn von Finkenstein, Swapo's Danny ing to come "home" to Namibia bilised in Rustenberg area west.ofPre- yesterday. Tjongarero, Niko Bessinger and Frans Kambangula, as they are worried about their toria.Manyfoundprivateworkm.clud- Neumbo told the court he had joined the SWA KuzeekoKangueehi, VekuiiRukoroandNoraChase future in South Africa. ing as security guards and ar~ trymg to Police in 1982 and had been seconded to the Secu- . Namibia's Pretoria representative, Joshua Hoebeb, said yesterday he had b~~~ththeloc~~~~tiO~He added at Schmidtsdrift, north- r~ri~~~D~~~~~~~n~~as~h~e~w~a~s~fl~u~e~n~t~~~s~e~~~r~a~ll~a~q~u~a~g~e~L~~~~~~c=o=n=t=m=u=e=d=0=n~p=~~e=~2~~~~ a list of 550 men and was told they west of Kimberley, some 5 000 have 1 100 women and children Bushmen live in tents in a military­ dependents. style camp. Many are also keen to Probe pinpoints prisoner problems The people told Hoebeb they live at come home after seeing video evi­ adisused mine at Rooiberg in northern dence that friends they were told had release yesterday that a board of inquiry was set up Transvaal and are to be evicted at the been murdered by Swapo are alive and CHRIS NDIVANGA to look into the circumstances surrounding end of the month. "It is a matter which well. Kanguinja's escape from the cells. General Pool, MOST OF the police officers who were under inves­ should not drag on for long, it must get Attorney-General Hartmut Ruppel Commissioners H Mootseng and M Meuwessen tigation after the escape ofProtasius Kanguinja from yesterday clarified the legal and Consti- were the members of the board. high-level attention," he said, adding the Windhoek police cells were junior officers. Two officers had been arrested for physically it is a question to be handled between Nampol's Deputy Inspector General Martin Pool Continued on page 2 aiding the prisoners to escape. The case against them governments. told The Namibian that negligence by two or three was continuing. senior officers also contributed to Kanguinja's es­ Andima said that besides negligence on the part of cape on Sunday March 13. WATCH OUT FOR OUR NEW CHESS the officers, "the main contributing factor is the fact Pool said the negligence started with the Friday that police cells are overcrowded to the extent that shifts and culminated on the Sunday of the escape. COMPETITION IN THE WEEKENDER within the space and facilities available, it is virtu­ Kanguinja was being held in connection with the , ~. ,', ,., " TOMORROW. ' murder of Gobabis farmer Daniel van Niekerk and ally impossible for the officers on duty to control . " '. ' , • I _. ;' .' _ . '. .'., .. ': 'I;;) . ~ his assistant Willem Rooinasie . prisoners properly". N$100CAN BE WON EVERY WEEK! ·· Inspector-General Raonga Andima said in a press Continued on page 2 .: .... , _ •••. -" ~'. ~ '. ,;~.' •. -- .• \i'.".-, ... ' ... ,::"" ..\".J' ...... ~J::I .. '-:~ ..~ .. ,.,"""': 2 Thursday May 19 1994 THE NAMIBIAN ~ • .e:LL-'! _. L.L -.!t iL _ ---------"---- _ .J----"----li:. ~ _.. .. , tl t- ,' ,'ufo." H} f t -~"--~7T~ ~~~~J1f ~~ - l w " ... ~ · 'i ... a..r~ • •_ \ ~ ·.. .,.l ..... f'·'...... · f<" ... ~ • • J:.. ~ ~ - I-\.... -.u ·-•., w . 1I!. .-.r IC'~ ..i' ~ ...·..... _ ..: w ...:~ ..· . tL:v.,. .... · eLu; • ..,.,.·..... ~ ..• • • ft.~ , ... ......: . ,,__ k __~ . ......Il .. J:r ..... 't·i~.. _~~ ..... · , ...~~~:tII' .:":f' ......~~ ... ~;.. _ ... •..... , ~ ,:;;~ .. 'l_! ~'II~,.,..~::JoI. " ~~~..,.r'_~ 4j . ""~ .....I:!I,OIQ""' _ ~, Malawi polls From page 1 to vote "freely for the Banda proclaimed him­ His detractors have candidate of their self president-for-life dubbed him Muluzi Six tender, Kamlepo Kalua choice." five years later, and has Pounds and His Excel­ of the Malawi Candi­ IfMuluzi confinns his left a stamp of fear on a lency the Thief, alluding dates from minor parties winning trend he will repressed nation where to the six-month jail sen­ were all faring badly. bring a complete change women are not allowed tence he served 25 years Banda has not allowed of sty le to the presidency. to wear trousers and men ago for stealing six television into the coun­ - Banda, officially 88 are forbidden to grow pounds sterling. try, but results were but rumoured to be at their hair long. But it is water off a broadcast on national least 93, has surrounded Muluzi, 51, is the an­ duck's back to Muluzi, radip throughouttheday. himselfwithasycophan­ tithesis, even in his fail­ who has all but erased Commonwealth ob­ tic court and rituals wor­ ings. Jovial and GhubbS, the memory of the six servers in the capital thy of an absolute mon­ Muluzi is an unashamed years he served in the Lilongwe told a news arch. populist who would Banda administration as I I conference that President since Ma­ never shy from a walka­ one of the president's I Malawians had been able lawi became a republic, bout among his people. aides. - Sapa-AFP ! ..:' :1 Lubowski inquest Escape probe MKU case From a e 1 a spy for the SA govem- the one who had had the' Lubowski had been killed. If ' P g ment or that he provided photographs put in The next day Neumbo board which would be The tna 9 nme workers ., of Swanu, the NUNW, any information to Lubowski's post box. said he had found a writ- From page 1 implemented. They were fromtheMKUfumiture :"1 Tusnelde Goses, Wemer SADP'. N.eu~bo a~so recalled ten report by Ria~n Smit Pians are underway to confidential for'obvious · factory at Okah~dja ac- Neef, Peter Kalangula, HenotedthattheSecu- an mCldent m 1986 or (a colleague) statmg that se t theadm'n'stra- reasons. cused~fmurdenngman: Gerson Veii and many rity Bra~ch had be~n in- 1987 when Major Lubowski had phoned ti:~~~k from ~~ de- Pool added that the ager Sllvano Zapparoh .J others. volved m a campaIgn to Crawford had told them from the Swapo office and .e . invest' at'on was an in- on Septem~r 24 1993 Telephone con versa- discredit and undermine that Lubowski was hav- had told somebody that tamee block, .sald P~1. Ig I.. .. and attemptmg to mur- .i tions had been recorded Lubowski and gave ex- ing financial problems he had to pick up Michaela A second pohc~ statIon temal admmlstratlve .IS- der three of the office and a report written on amples. One had been and that they (police) (Lubowski's girlfriend) for ~entra.1 Wmd~oek, sue. .N0~ally such m- staff,hasbeenpostponed information thought to be when, between 1987-88, should try and exploit the and go out for dinner with possIbly sItuated m the vestlgatlOns were not to Friday. of importance- Cor "secu- the Security Branch had situation and break HageGeingob,nowPrime southern industrial area, madepublicbu~bec~~se Yesterday, two doc­ rity purposes". This had taken photos of the late Lubowski financially. Minister. He had found was a future solution. of a number of mqUlnes tors testified on injuries been circulated amongst Lubowski with a woman This,Crawfordhadalleg- this report about the din- The police said cer- it was proposed that a sustained by those who police members involved with whom he had been edly told Neumbo and oth- ner strange as it had been tain recommendations report would be released, were allegedly attacked in operations to which the having an extra-marital ers, should be done by the type of information had been made by the said Pool. by the workers. J J information could relate. affair. He had seen the influencing the State At- they would not normally I-------.:......-------------I----:~------- Neumbo testified he photos in the office of Ma- torney not to brief have written a report on. had been involved in jor Crawford, who had Lubowski, thereby de- Neumbo added that Koevoets press to come home monitoring telephones been his commander.
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