The Monthly Magazine of Temple Emanu-El of Tucson | 225 North Country Club Road, Tucson, AZ 85716 TEMPLE(520) 327-4501 TIMES www.tetucson.org January 2020 - Tevet/Shevat 5780 Vol. LXVIII No. 5 Rabbi Albert T. Bilgray Lectureship Weekend With Rabbi Mary Zamore The Sacred Exchange: Creating a Jewish Money Ethic Thursday, January 16th - Sunday, January 19th A great time was had by all at the Hanukkah Spectacular! (photos by Libby Quinn and Lyn Henry) FROM RabbI MUSICAL NOTES APPEL’S DESK Learning Hebrew Even as we focus on winter in One of the questions visitors ask when Southern Arizona, including the they attend our services is, “Why is there visitors who are escaping the cold so much Hebrew?” (520) 327-4501 weather elsewhere, and anticipat- ing the Gem Show, our families are In Jewish tradition, Hebrew is Lashon preparing for summer for their stu- Kodesh, the holy tongue. According to the dents, including Jewish summer camp. most traditional understanding, the whole of the Torah was given to Moses at Sinai. Not only was the Torah delivered I have said it before and will say it again: There are in Hebrew, but in the story of creation, God calls all the not many gifts you can give your child that will have elements of the world into being, not in any language, but as positive an impact on their lives both as children in Hebrew. Just as God is eternal, the Hebrew names of ob- 2 and later as adults as sending them to camp. Chil- jects in our world contain the part of the eternal aspects of dren return from camp with new confidence, new God. The mystics take this notion even further, re-imagining Creation as an explosion of Hebrew letters that combine to www.tetucson.org friends and secure in their Judaism. Camp gives campers a lifetime of friends, a positive grounding create all that is in the universe. Students of Hebrew, even in Judaism, and a wonderful sense of independence. those of us with a less mystical view of the Jewish history, find the study of our both ancient and modern language to I always loved Jewish summer camp as a child and be extremely gratifying. there are many things that I learned about Juda- ism, about spirituality, and about myself from those At Temple Emanu-El, we have a robust Hebrew program summers at camp. When I was a child, there was for those who want to understand the prayerbook, under- somewhat of a range of programs for different in- stand the Hebrew of the Torah, and learn to speak modern terests, but not to the extent that there is in 2020. Hebrew. All classes have a common requirement: taking the There are now Jewish summer camps and summer Hebrew Marathon. programs for students who are athletes, students who are artists, students who are tech and science If it’s been a while since you were in Hebrew School, or if geeks, students who are interested in the environ- you’ve never been, you are invited to join me at the Janu- ary Hebrew Marathon, Sunday, January 12th from 1-5 pm, ment, students who want to travel to Israel, students th who want to do mitzvah work, as well as students and Monday, January 13 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm. Learn the Alef-Bet and how to read in less than eight hours! $45 for Staff portraits donated by Jon Wolf Photography by Jon portraits donated Staff who want a more standard camp experience. members, $60 for non-members. Call the Temple office at This year will be the second year of our Jewish Camp (520) 327-4501 to register. Experience held in conjunction with Congrega- tion Or Chadash. We are very fortunate that we Tu B’Shevat Seder and bring representatives from multiple Jewish summer Shabbat Shirah: the Gertrude, Fred, and camps in for our families to consider. The students Bernard Rosen Sabbath of Song will have the opportunity to experience different Friday, February 7th camp type activities during Religious School on Be sure and save the date Friday, February 7th for our an- Sunday, January 12 and families will be able to ask nual Tu B’Shevat Seder, and Gertrude, Fred, and Bernard questions about different programs and different Rosen Sabbath of Song. We’ll enjoy a seder inspired by the camps. (See the flyer on page 13 for more informa- Kabbalists celebrating the New Year for Trees, and enjoy an tion.) especially delicious Shabbat dinner. The dinner is $22 for members/$27 for nonmembers, the same as last year. This program is open to all families from South- ern Arizona looking to send their children to Jew- Following the Seder, we usher in Shabbat Beshallach with ish summer camp, so if you know of families who the Gertrude, Fred, and Bernard Rosen Sabbath of Song, an might be interested, please invite them to join us especially musical Shabbat. Look for more details in your that morning. Temple weekly email. I hope that you will join us in our celebration of Jewish music. Rabbi Batsheva Appel Marjorie Hochberg Cantorial Soloist Executive President’s Director Corner Membership Resilience. I like the word. It Please welcome the following new fami- means the strength to adapt in lies who have joined since October 2019: the face of adversity. It brings up images of a strong, well- (520) 327-4501 Richard and Anna Nedlin and daughters balanced individual, or organi- Danielle and Lara zation, making its way forward even as roadblocks Wayne Peate enter the path. Isaac Rothschild and Tanya Miller and son, Zev Rabbi Arnold and Judy Task Is each of us resilient? Many of our friends and colleagues in the Jewish community are, to varying degrees. Cemetery Plots and Memorial Plaques 3 Pricing Temporarily Reduced Is Temple Emanu-El resilient? Yes. It has stood Temple offers two beautiful and affordable places for burial for 109 years, with a rich history of Jewish worship www.tetucson.org in consecrated ground: our new section at Evergreen Ceme- and learning. It is awake and alive, reflecting the tery on Oracle Road and Sha’arei Shalom Cemetery (part of remarkable energy of the families that comprise it All Faiths Cemetery on Avenue Los Reyes on the southeast today. side). There is also an Urn Garden at Evergreen for cremated remains. Images of our resilience, of the spirit and vitality of our temple, are of great interest this year. Soon, we For three months, beginning January 1st through March will begin a project to collect more pictures of our 31st, we are temporarily reducing the price of all cemetery congregation. Our search will be for photographs plots to our members. Cemetery plots will be reduced by that reflect you, your family and friends in Jewish $150 per plot. Sale prices for cemetery plots begin as low as activities, celebrations, and everyday life. We will $1,450 per plot. invite you to share a copy of your photographs, ones that you welcome temple showing within and out- If you haven’t purchased your cemetery plots, ensure your side of our congregation, to the larger community. peace of mind and the peace of mind of your loved ones by purchasing them now. For help making arrangements, More information will be coming soon. please contact me at the Temple office, (520) 327-4501. May 2020 bring you many more pleasant and mean- ingful experiences. Remembering… Thank you. We also have Memorial Plaques located in our main lobby which can be purchased in memory of loved ones who have passed away. Names are acknowledged (and plaques are lit) Scott Arden President in perpetuity at Shabbat Services on the anniversary of each death as well as at the four Yizkor services during the year. Our Memorial Walls are almost full. We are looking for a donor or donors for a new Memorial Wall at Temple. If you are interested or know someone who might be interested, please let me know. B’Shalom, Donna Donna Beyer Executive Director Ambassadors’ Progress Chai Campaign Report: Moving Forward in 2020 Temple Emanu-El’s Chai Campaign is an annual opportunity to supply the needs of The calendar year of 2019 was significant for our our congregation. Your gift adds great en- synagogues and a pivotal time for our collective fu- ergy to our mission and value to our com- ture. During this season of reflection and celebra- munity. (520) 327-4501 tion, we hope you had a Happy Hanukkah and a safe secular New Year celebration. We are so grateful for everyone’s support during #GivingTuesday and beyond. Temple Emanu-El couldn’t do During January the Ambassadors will prepare a what we do without our community, and many of you have Memorandum of Understanding between our two stepped up to the plate. You have shown your commitment congregations that will outline the elements of a to the sacred community that we all have created at Temple merged congregation and the steps to be taken to Emanu-El. Thank you! move us to this new entity after approval by both 4 We hope that you will continue to be a part of this com- congregations. After seeking advice from our re- munity for as long as it brings joy into your life, as long as it spective legal counsel, we will present the document teaches your children, as long as it helps you find your circle to our Boards and our congregations. www.tetucson.org of friends, or gets you through tough times, or helps bring you closer to God.
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