On Ancient Maps, 135, 144, 145 166 Grenacher, Franz, 27 Periods, 130 of Hecataeus, 134, 135 Grids, 505, 506

On Ancient Maps, 135, 144, 145 166 Grenacher, Franz, 27 Periods, 130 of Hecataeus, 134, 135 Grids, 505, 506

General Index Italic page numbers indicate that the topic appears in an illustration Authors are listed in this index only when their ideas or works are or in its caption on the cited page; the topic may also appear in the discussed; full listings of their works as cited in this volume may be text of that page. found in the Bibliographical Index. Aardenburg (Zeeland), 485 Aegean Sea, 133, 387 Agbaron, 265 Abbreviations and Buondelmonti's island book, 482, Agennius Urbicus, 217 on portolan charts, 402 483 Ager arcifinius, 218, 220 Roman, 215, 222 n.42, 223, 226 n.51 on Greek maps, 144, 145 Ager publicus, 222 Aberdeenshire, 82 periploi of, 237 Agisymba, 172, 179, 184, 189 Abraham bar Chiia, 494 on Peutinger map, 240 Agosta (Augusta), 382 Abravannos River, 193, 194 on portolan charts, 421, 438, 448 Agrarian law of 111 B.C., 210 Abu Salabikh, 107 Aelian, 139 Agricola, Gnaeus Julius, 178 Academicians, Platonic, 154 Aenon, 265 Agriculture Acanfora, Maria Ornella, 83, 90 Aerial Photographic Archive for Babylonian, 110 Accuracy Archaeology, 241 n.39 and constellations, 85, 92 of ancient maps, 276 Afonso V (king of Portugal), 315, 324 cultura promiscua, 79 n.119 and cartographic progress, 3-4, 10 Africa. See also Agisymba; Exploration, of and fear, 86 and cosmological maps, 507 Africa; Libya; North Africa Agrigentum, 236 and mappaemundi, 288, 342 Kamal's facsimile atlas for, 18, 294 Agrimensores, 212. See also Corpus of portolan charts, 371, 445, 446 on mappaemundi Agrimensorum Achaea, 328 legendary figures and races, 331, 332, survey methods of, 213-16 Achill Island, 407 n.278 333 Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius, 207, 253 Achilles, shield of, 131-32, 505 T-O type, 296, 297, 343, 344, 345 commentary of, 255 Acre transitional type, 299, 358 map of, 207-9, 243 n.53 on Carte Pisane, 404 n.253 Ptolemaic regional maps of, 190, 198, and Caesar's survey, 205 plans of, 473, 474, 475, 477, 478 270 and mappaemundi, 278, 309 Acta Cartographica, 5 n.31 southern and Ptolemy, 195 Actus, 214, 216 Bushmen, 86 n.161 reconstructions, 106, 286 "Ad Taum," 239 on Medici atlas, 448 and Theodosian map, 209, 259, 278 Adam, 332 rock art of, 57 n.ll, 63 Pliny on, 7 n.40, 106,207-8, 209, 242, Adam of Bremen, 321 western 243,254,255 Adamnan (abbot of lona), 340, 466 Agrippa on, 208 Agronomists, Roman, 85 n.148 Adela (countess of Blois), 339 on portolan charts, 372, 406 n.267, Aguiar, Jorge de, 433 Adige River, 479 411-14,415,440 chart of 1492, 374, 378 n.65, 396, 412, Adler, Bruno F., 46, 47, 66 n.62 Afterlife 433 and bone plaques, 54, 64, 65 Egyptian, 117, 119, 120-21 Aguja Point (Peru), 199 "Karty pervobytnykh narodov," 46 Etruscan, 201 Ahaygar, 63 n.54 Administration and government, 507 fear of, and cosmological maps, 53 Aigues-Mortes, 378 n.64, 382, 439 and development of map libraries, 8, 15 labyrinths representing, 68 n.74, 88 Aijalon, 265 n.38 and medieval local maps, 491-92, 493 in Plato's myth of Er, 138 Ailly, Pierre d', 287 n.l0, 332, 353-54 and Roman maps, 205, 210, 227, 252, and Scandinavian memorial stones, Imago Mundi, 287 n.l0, 353, 354 n.29 278, 507 91 Ainu sand maps, 45 andVenetianmap~439, 480 Agathemerus, 243 Aisne River, 207 Adrianople, 477 on Anaximander, 134 Ak River, 158 Adriatic Sea, 387 and charts, 381 Akhbara, 265 on Greek maps, 152, 157, 195 on Dicaearchus, 152 Akkad, Akkadians, 107, 113 islands of, 483 on Hecataeus, 134 Akrotiri, 132 on portoIan charts, 421 on Hellanicus of Lesbos, 134 Alba, 478, 480 Cornaro atlas, 438 on Sicily, 209 Alba Fucens, 191 flags, 401 on Timosthenes, 153 Albani, Villa, 171 Medici atlas, 402, 421, 439, 448 Agathodaimon of Alexandria, 190, 266, Albania, 237 place-names, 372, 421, 425 271-72 Alberti, Leon Battista, 495 559 560 General Index Albertinischer plan. See Vienna, scale plan Americas, the Aparcias (Aparctias, Septentrio), 248 of and Alexander von Humboldt, 17 Apeliotes, 144 Albertus Magnus, Saint, 321 and Antilia, 411 Apennines, 201 Albi map, 301, 347, 348 Amida (Diyarbakir), 244 Apollo Albion (Britain), 192 Ammianus Marcellinus, 193 n.84 in art, 171, 248 Alboran Sea, 387 Amun, 123 Delphic oracle of, 135 n.25 Alcibiades, 139 Amyctyrae, 330, 331 temples of, 139-40, 239, 276 Alcuin, 306 n.99 Analemma, 232 n.66 Apollonius (Egyptian administrator), 128, Alexander (explorer), 198 Anati, Emmanuel, 75 n.96, 89,90 129 Alexander III, the Great, 149-5° Anatolia. See Asia Minor Apollonius Rhodius, 154, 158 and Aristotle, 144, 145, 149 Anaxagoras, 136 Apostles, 330 and Gog and Magog, 332, 333 Anaximander, 134 Apulia, 495 and India, 149, 330 globe of, 134, 136 Aqaba, Gulf of, 241 and western conquest, 151 n.24 map of, 134, 135 Aqua Crabra, 210 mentione~ 241,277 Strabo on, 134, 137, 152 n.27 Aquae, 239 Alexander III (Pope), 333 n.231 texts lacking, 13° Aqueducts Alexander Polyhistor, 199 n.l07 Ancona, 374, 432,433, 434,437 and Forma Urbis Romae, 227, 229, 230, Alexander romances, 330, 333 n.229 Ancyra (Ankara), 237, 239 232 Alexandretta (Iskenderun), 427 n.383 Andree, Richard, 45, 47, 54 Frontinus's treatise on, 232 Alexandria Andres, Juan, 13 individual use of, 210-11, 252 as cultural center, 148, 159, 161, 201, Andrews, J. H., 36 plans, 210-11, 230, 232 258,261 Andrews, Michael Corbet, 295, 296, 403-4 Aquileia, 239, 241 Eratosthenes' measurements at, 155 Andronicos II Palaeologus, 268 Aquitania, 191, 243 and Heron's distance measurement, Anemoscope, 248-49 Arab flags and insignia, 386, 399, 401 232 n.66 Angelus, Jacobus, 316 Arabian Gulf, 189, 261 latitude of, and Farnese Atlas, 143 n.71 Angers, 493 Arabian peninsula, 243 Library, 7 n.38, 148-49, 154, 173 Anglo-Saxon map. See Cotton"Anglo- Arabic cartography map and chart production in, 106, 149, Saxon" map charts, 374, 381 437 Angola, 438 and Europe, 11 n.86, 279, 283 mathematics at, 234 Animals, spatial consciousness of, 50-51 grid maps, 496 medieval plan of, 477 Ankara (Ancyra), 237,239 Lelewel's work on, 293 meridian of, 155, 156, 167, 169,505 Annaba (Bone), 420 n.333 and mappaemundi, 286, 316, 325, 337, Ptolemy's use of, 183, 184 Antarctic 354 on portolan charts, 427 n.383, 428 monstrous races placed in, 316 orientation in, 208 n.34, 276, 337 Ptolemy's residence in, 181, 198 and Ptolemy, 197 n.97 and Ptolemy, 177, 189, 268, 278 on Roman maps, 208, 239 Antarctic Circle, 147,248 signs in, 326 table of tariffs for, in Cornaro atlas, 444 Anthropological Society of Berlin, 64 Arabic numerals, 268 technicians in, 271 Anthropology. See also Ethnography Arabic science, translations of, 304, 306 Algeria, rock art from, 69, 70 and archaeology, 49 Aragon Algiers, 386, 428 and cartographic history, 47, 48, 49 ordinance regarding charts, 440 Allegory. See also Symbolism and gesture, 52 on portolan charts, 393, 399, 400, 405, in Byzantine mosaics, 263 Antichrist, 332 424 n.361 of Fortuna, 339 Antigonus Gonatas, 141 Aragon, prince of, 439 and mappaemundi, 263, 334, 339 Antilia island, 410, 411 Aramaic language, 115 Almagia, Roberto, xvi n.8, 419, 421, 430, Anti-Meroe, 184, 186, 187, 188 Aratus of Soli, 141-42, 171, 172, 255, 277 432 n.424, 441 Antinous, 214 n.9 criticized by Hipparchus, 164, 165 Alpen, 236 n.13 Antioch, 258, 330 and Farnese Atlas, 143 Alps Paolino Veneto's plan of, 474 revised by Planudes, 268 on Etzlaub map, 497 on Peutinger map, 238, 239, 240 Arausio. See Orange Ligurian, 75, 78, 90 Antiochus I of Commagene, 166 Araxes River, 253 in Notitia Dignitatum, 244 Antipodes, 163, 164,263,300,304,319, Arcesilas of Pitane, 154 prehistoric maps from, 62 n.49, 80. See 321,332,357 Archaeology also Bego, Mont, petroglyphs; Antiquarianism and Achilles' shield, 131 Valcamonica and cartographic history, 6-12, 63-68 and anthropology, 49 Aluion (Britain), 192 in medieval maps, 492-93 and prehistoric art, 57-58, 63 n.55 Alveus Oceani, 300, 353. See also Oceans, Antiquarium Comunale (Rome), 225 and prehistoric maps, 45, 47, 49, 68, 80, equatorial Antoikoi, 163 81 Amalfi, 383, 384 Antonine itinerary, 235-36, 237, 254, 309, Archania, 414 Amat di San Filippo, Pietro, 294 348 Archimedes, 136, 159-60 Amber, sources of, 150 Antoninus. See Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus Architects, plans by Ambracia, 242 n.44 Anu, "road" of, 114 Greek, 139-40 Ambrose, Saint, 301 Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 10, Roman, 225 American Geographical Society, Research 19 Architecture Catalogue, 31 Anxur, 218 manuals, 217 n.19 General Index 561 medieval, symbolism of, 340 mentioned, 7 Asia Archives Ark, Noah's, 313, 318, 330, 335, 505 Carpini journey to, 304 ancient, 6 n.38 Arles, 383 on circular Greek maps, 135 photographic, 37 n.306 Armenia, 112 East, on Greek maps, 179 Archivio di Stato (Florence), chart of 1487, Armenia Minor, 400 Herodotus on, 136 396 Armignacco, Vera, 402, 435 "Jerome" map of, 288, 289, 292, 299, Archivio di Stato (Venice), chart fragment, Armillae, 168 322,324,325,505 374,423 Armillary spheres, 141, 159, 167, 168, on mappaemundi, 358 Archivo de la Corona de Aragon 171 n.66, 188 Catalan atlas, 315 (Barcelona), Caja II, 419 Armiraio, 434 Gog and Magog in, 333 Archivo General de Indias (Spain), 19 Arms, coats of, 394, 435 T-O type, 296, 297 Archytas, 137 n.44 Arno River, 195, 427 on periploi, 237, 238 Arctic Circle, 151 n.22 Aroura, 125 Polo maps of, 315 as boundary of oikoumene, 151, 156, Arquivo Nacional (Lisbon), Portuguese on portolan charts, 394-95 162 chart, 402 on Ptolemaic maps, 189, 190, 198-99, on Crates' globe, 164 Arrian, 149 n.9, 254 270 on Pesaro wind rose map, 248 Arrotrebae, 243 in Ravenna cosmography, 260 solstitial day at, 168 Art.

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