iü— °^ GERMAN-ENGLISH /s DICTIONARY ^ •* for ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS and PHYSICISTS With a Patent-Practice Vocabulary By BERNARD R. REGEN Researcher and Translator And RICHARD R. REGEN Physicist and Field Engineer Magnetic Analysis Corporation First Edition 1946 J. W. EDWARDS "» ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Copyright 1946 by Bernard R. Regen and Richard R. Regen This book or any part thereof must not be reproduced without the per- mission of the publisher Lithoprinted by Edwards Brothers, Inc. Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. To Nelson M. Cooke and John Markus, Authors of Electronics Dictionary n o t Uj LIBRARY PREFACE *+: if ASS 4> V "L'avenir de electricite, c'est dans le vi future of electricity lies in the vacuum.) This remark, made before the Academie a generation ago by a famous French physicist, has proved to be prophetic. For the world has witnessed amazing developments in that branch of electricity which is based upon the employment of a vacuum: ELECTRONICS. Yet in spite of these great developments (or possibly be- cause of them), and in spite of an increasingly urgent need for foreign-language dictionaries, students of electronics and allied problems have been forced to proceed without a lexicographical tool which brings together the terminologies of the two languages most vital to their work, German and Engl ish. The authors believe that this volume will be wel- comed by all electronics engineers and all physicists, not- withstanding certain limitations in size and scope which have been imposed by the war. It contains nearly 21,000 en- tries, representing most of the terminology current in 1939 and an appreciable number of terms introduced during the war years. Owing to a lack of earlier Ge rman- Engl i sh dictionar- ies in the general field of physics, the task of compilation has proved unusually difficult. The only outstanding refer- ence books hitherto available for consultation have been Sattelberg's Worte rbuch de r el ek t ri sehen Nach rich ten technik (1926) covering the signal art in general, and Austin M. Patterson' s famous German-English Pi c tiona ry f o r Chemi s t s (19 35). The bulk o~T the material Tri th e present vo lume has been drawn from magazines, scientific journals, books, and patent literature. The definitions gleaned from other books have in most instances been amplified and re-worded. A somewhat unorthodox policy has been followed by frequently adding explanatory annotations to the English- language expressions. This has been done in order to supply related terminology for the benefit of the reader who may be unfamiliar with a given subject. Ample cross-references have been inserted throughout. And for those who desire fuller information, source and reference books- - i eluding a number of outstanding works of British origin--have been listed in a bibliography. The authors recommend purchase of some of the items included in this list, particularly the El ect roni cs Pic tionary by Nelson M. Cooke and John Markus. Indeed, the authors are deeply indebted to these authors and their book for much valuable information. We also wish to express our gratitude to all those who have aided us in one way or another, especially to E. R. Weinmann, Arthur Worischeck, Walter Brunberg and Dr. G. Orn- sen who assisted in the proofreading. We shall be equally grateful to those who bring to our attention such errors, imperfections, and omissions as are inevitable in the first printing of a work which is a pioneer in its field. A re- vised and amplified edition is being planned for a future date, and correspondence with the authors is solicited from those wishing to co-operate in the compilation of a revised text. The Twelve Acres, Bernard R. Regen Stone Ridge, N.Y. Richard R. Regen and 55 W. 42nd Street, New York, 18, N.Y. August, 1946 f f . , BIBLIOGRAPHY Andretto, P. C. Principles of Aeronautical Radio Engineering. 1942. Chamber's Technical Dictionary. 1944. Cooke, Nelson M. & Markus, John. Electronics Dictionary. 1945. Drake's Cyclopedia of Radio and Electronics. 1943. Gherardi, A. A. Modern Radio Servicing. 1936. Jacobs, Donald H. Fundamentals of Optical Engineering. 1936. Keen, R. Wireless Di rec tion- indi ng. 19 38. Manly, Harold P. Radio and Electronics Dictionary. 1931. Olson, Harry F. Elements of Acoustical Engineering. 19 40. Patterson, Austin M. A Ge rman- Engl i sh Dictionary for Chemists 1935. Roget's Dictionary of Electrical Terms. 1943. Zworykin, V. K., and Morton, G. A. Television. 1940. Ardenne, Manfred von Handbuch der Funktechnik. 3 vols. 1935-1938. Kohlrausch, F. Praktische Physik. 1944. Sattelberg, Otto. Wörterbuch der elektrischen Nachrich- tentechnik. 1926. Schröter, F. Fernsehen. 19 37. Magazines covering radio, sound-film, television and relat- ed physical sciences and technological arts; foreign- literature reviews regularly appearing in some of them. Abstract journals such as Science Abstracts (A & B) Physikalische Berichte, etc. Patents. ABBREVIATIONS a-c; a.c. alternating current 1 dspk ac. acousti cs a-m amplitude modulation AF; a- audio frequency avc automatic volume con t rol c.-r.;CR t. cathode-ray tubes cer. ceramics chem. chemistry cr. crystallography d-c; d. c. direct current d. f. di rection- finding el. engg. electrical engineer- ing el. opt. electron optics f-m; FM frequency modula- tion a.a.O. in the place cited, loco ci- rays or a beam, blanking or tato, quoted reference. blanketing means. Abänderung change, alteration, modi- Abblendung, Iris- irising out. fication, amendment. abbreiten stretch out, flatten. Abänderungspatent re-issue patent. abbremsen decelerate, retard, brake abarten vary, degenerate. (electrons, etc. ). Abbau decomposition, disintegration, Abdeck-aufzeichnung masking record- degradation, attrition. Frequenz- ing, matting, -blende shutter, frequency division, f .submultipli- mask, shutter m. -doppel zacken- cation. -mittel disintegrant. spur duplex variable -area track -verhinderndes Mittel anti-disin- -einfachzackenspur unilateral tegrant, stabilizer. variable-area track. abbiegen bend off or away, bend an- abdecken (cf .abblenden) diaphragm, gularly; turn off. mask, eclipse (beam or pencil, by abbilden image, focus. shutter, etc.), occult (a lens); abbildende Ringelektrode focusing uncover; cover; provide a resist • ring (el. opt.). coat (in metal etching). Abbildung imaging, imagery, image Abdeck-f lligel masking or shutter formation; f igure(Fig. ), illustra- blade or vane. - sehe i be shutter tion, drawing, sketch, cut. disk with spiral slot, stop disk Abbildung, geteilte split focus with spiral slot cyclically co- (Walton method of scanning). -, operating with quadruple-spiral image. -, komatische comatic kon- scanning disk apertures (telev. ). forme conformable representation. -seite masked side (m.p.). -, punktförmige point image. -, -streifen squeeze unit, barrier punktuelle point focal vision or (m.p. film). imagery. Abdeckung, Einfachzackenschrift mit Abbildungs-fehler defect of image, unilateral variable-area track aberration ( opt. ). -gegenständ im- made with single-vane shutter. aging object, -optik imaging "op- Abdeckverfahren shutter mask meth- tic", focusing o. -vermögen re- od. solving power (opt., micr.). abdichten seal, pack, provide abblättern scale (off), shell, chip glands or peel off, descale, defoliate, Abdichtung tight seal, packing, exfoliate. hermetic plumbing. Abblendekapotte dimming cap. Abdrift drift (off course, of air abblenden (cf .abdecken) mask off, plane, etc.). -visier drift me- stop down (with masking dia- ter. phragm), occult, diaphragm, gate, abdrosseln throttle, choke. blank, dowse (a beam), wipe, dis- Abdruck copy, impression, print, solve, fade or black out.. cast, counterpart, replica. Abbl ender, Strahl- means to mask, Abdruck, Kontakt- contact print stop, occult or eclipse dowse, (phot.). Probe- proof, p. print, p. sheet. 62190 . abdrucken abgezweigt abdrucken print, reproduce or copy Abflugszeit outward flying time (by printing or impression); (away from airport, in ZZ landing). stamp. Abfluss leak path (for grid current). abdunkeln darken, cut off or dim -hahn discharge cock, drain c. (light), occult, eclipse, obscure, -ventil discharge valve, drain v. blanking or gating of spot (in abfressen corrode, eat away or up. telev. ). Abfühl nadel pecker, selecting nee- Aberkennung abrogation, abjudica- dle. tion, deprivation. Abfuhr outlet (e.g., in water-cooled Aberration, Flächen- zonal aberra- tube ) tion. Abführung, Wärme- heat dissipation, aberregen de-energize, de-activate. h.loss, h."abduction", effect of Aberregung, Relais- de-energization carrying or conducting away heat. of a relay. abfüttern case, line. abfachen classify; partition, form Abgabe import duty, tax, fee, royal- compartments. ty; emission (of radiations, elec- Abfall drop, fall, droop, decline, trons, etc.). descent; waste, scrap, refuse, Abgabefläche, Elektronen- electron discard. emitting area. abfallen fall or drop down or off, Abgangswinkel angle of departure. slope down, droop, release (a re- abgeflachte Spannung flat-topped po- lay). tential(wave). Abfallprodukt by-product, waste p. abgegl ichen balanced, equalized, abfangen capture, catch, intercept; aligned; flush. pull (an airplane) out of a dive abgehender Strom outgoing current. and level off. abgehende Wirbel bahnen trailing vor- abfasen chamfer, face. tices(airfoil). abfasern lose fibers, fuzz. abgekantet chamfered, beveled, abfassen frame, draft, prepare canted. (text), write, draw up (a specifi- abgeklungene Emanation emanation cation, etc.). with diminished or decaying radio-
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