www.ukrweekly.com eroc СВОБОДА^УОВОВyfмГнсмгии ЩОАІННМК тЩИг uiiiimmi ttuАv Ж w - - ХЖ- - vw UkrainiaENGLISH-LANGUAGnE WEEKL Y EDITIOWeekN l У Jbz, VOL LXXXVII. , No. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 17, 1980 25СЕІm Samvydav document reveals fate Oksana Meshko pens appeal of Rivne oblast church on behalf off her son HELSINKI — A samvydav docu- hinted that the committee would rule in , ment detailing the futile efforts of the the church committee's favor. They villagers of Khynochi, Rivne oblast, to promised an expeditious response to the prevent local civil authorities from church committee's recommendations. shutting down their church and a In the meantime, the issue was also bureaucratic struggle which spanned 11 taken up by the village council, which years and culminated in the razing of allowed only three-,church committee the church, was recently released here representatives to participate in its by the Smoloskyp Ukrainian Infor­ hearings on the question. The council mation Service. upheld its original decision to close the Friction between villagers and local church, overruling objections by the party officials first developed in 1963, committee members thatafmalresolution when the church, which also served the could not be reached before the oblast faithful in the neighboring villages of executive committee had ruled on the Stepanhorod and Radyzhve. was orde- matter. І ' ' red to close. The nearest church was in The church committee members the village of Voronky. іve kilometers returned to Moscow, but were unable to away and some distance from existing meet with any officials for religious bus routes. affairs, i- . lit 1964, church committee members Tne church committee, made up of Oleksander Serhiyenko and his mother, Oksana Meshko 20 parishioners," first learifed?ol fhe ventured to Riyne to confer with the closing when it tried to pay the pre­ oblast executive committee. They, were HELSINKI -Oksana Meshko has which a patient is accorded, remarks scribed yearly tax, which the authorities told that the decision to close the church written a letter in which she appeals on Meshko. must have been made by the church `es^refused to accept. The decision to close behalf of her son, the political prisoner It seems that because Serhiyenko committee itself, and therefore, there gave an unfavorable appraisal of Dr. the church had already been made by was little point in discussing the need to Oleksander Sefhiyenko who has become civil administrators and the parish seriously ill while serving his sentence of Leskov`s abilities, he was duely pena­ reopen it. Once again, the question got lized by being sent to prison for 15 days, priest. In a breach of procedure, they bogged down in official wrangling, and internal exile in the Khabarovsk Terri­ did not consult with trie church commit­ tory. A copy of the letter has reached the confined in a ceil with a drunkaid.one M. the issue remained unresolved and the Rudiak, who beat Serhiyenko and tee, which is empowered by law to church remained closed. West, reports the Smoloskyp Ukrainian participate in official discussions pertai­ Information Service. assaulted him with a knife. On October In 1972, nine years after the initial 11, on orders from the Ministry of ning to religious and church matters. decision to close'the church, the villa­ The letter is addressed to: Minister N.A. Shelokov of the Ministry of Interior, Serhiyenko was to be sent for Ignoring vehement protests by the gers, unhappy about what they percei­ a medical examination to Khabarovsk. church committee, the village council ved as official stonewalling in the face of Internal Affairs; Attorney-GeneraJ. padlocked the church doors and placed their demands, painted the outside of Rudenko, the Public Prosecutor and to In a letter dated November 28, 1979, the icons in storage. Moreover, the the church blue in an effort to call atten­ Minister Petrovsky of the Ministry of Meshko informs that upon Serhiyen- secretary of the council vowed that the tion to their demands that the church be Health. ko's return to Aian, he was transfered church "would never'reopen during his "reopened. In her letter Meshko expressed con­ from a clinic to a prison to complete the tenure. Following the incident, the head of cern for the condition of her son who, in remaining 13 days of confinement, Faced with a renitant village council, the local militia accompanied by a violation of regulations concerning contrary to regulations. representatives of the church committee representative of the regional executive exile, is serving his entire sentence, three In her letters Meshko refers to Serhi- traveled to Kiev to meet with authorized committee visitied Khynochi and laun­ years of internal exile, on the border yenko`s first visit to the clinic at the representatives of the office of religious ched a full investigation of thepainting zone in the Aiano-Maisk region of the begining of his exile. The doctor who affairs in Ukraine. Officials assured the of the church. Khabarovsk Territory. examined Serhiyenko did not grant him group that the matter of the church The following year, the secretary of Meshko fears that although her son a leave of absence and diagnosed him as closing would be taken up by the oblast the regional executive committee out- has only served one year out of the three being in "good health." executive committee in Rivne, and (Continued on page 12) year term, preparations are under way Meshko seriously questions the cor­ for a new "case" against him in order to rectness of this diagnosis, citing that her extend terms of the sentence which he son was exiled after 7 years of forced Pyotr Rumachik, Baptist activist, was given last year. labor, noting that out of this number a Meshko refers to the situation her son total of 5 years was actually spent in found himself in August 1979. At this prison. arrested in the Soviet Union time, although seriously ill, he was not Furthermore, while in exile Ser­ The arrest of Rumachik is part of a given leave from work. The administra­ hiyenko was on a so-called dry rations ELKHART. Ind. -^ Pyotr Vasile- diet. For the length of the trip from vich Rumachik, vice president of the renewed wave of": repression against tion of the establishment where he Christian denominations in general.; worked duely preceded to dismiss him Ulan—Ude to Aian he was given three independent Baptists of the Soviet herrings; and then faced a 4-hour flight. Union, was arrested on August 5 in and the Baptist Church in particular. from work under article 33 of the Labor Code which pertains to malingerers. He was in a state of exhaustion, extre­ Dnipropetrovske. according to the mely pale and undernourished. International Representation for the The number of independent Baptists The medical report of the Aian clinic ^Council of Evangelical Baptist Chur­ in prison has doubled over the past six dated August 13, writes Meshko, is not (Continued on page 12) ches of the Soviet Union, Inc. months. Sources estimate that as many only important as a document but it is -- Rumachik. 49. was previously impri­ as 70 independent Baptists are currently also valuable in that it exposes the soned for II years for .his active serving sentences in Soviet prisons or - lawlessness which prevails and which is INSIDE: participation in the Council of Evange­ labor camps for their religious convic­ specifically exemplified in the case of lical Baptist Churches of the Soviet tions. Serhiyenko. Ш Final part of an interview with Union (CEBC). an independent Baptist The medical examination was con­ Leonid Plyushch by Ika Koznarska group which insists on the separation of Georgi Vins. secretary for the CEBC ducted by a group of doctors-therapists, Casanova — page 3. church and state. abroad and who represents the Soviet among them Leskov. Tzentzov and Ш Dr. Roman Solchanyk reports Since his release in 1977. Rumachik Baptists, has urged all Christians to Dehal who noted that the patient had on Demographic problems in Ukrai­ had been forced to continue his work unite in prayer for the persecuted "symptoms indicative of mental distur­ ne - page 7. with the council in secret:. ..л.,–.v. v believers in the Soviet Union. bance..." This is the type of treatment 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 17, 1980 SO. 12 Gleb Yakunin's wife allowed to visit Letter sheds new light him in Lefortovo prison on Dudko confession WHEATON. III. - Father Gleb ' WHE-ATON. III. - In an open letter in which I found myself involved and Yakunin's wife was allowed to see him to Patriarch Pimen. the head of the which I now" sincerely repent. God's in Lefortovo prison where he has been Russian Orthodox Church. Father work is done meekly and quietly, herd incommunicado since November Dmitri Dudko. the activist priest who patiently and humbly, not in the way I L. 1979.1 reports the Keston News Ser- was arrested January 15. once again imagined." vece. admitted to being guilty before the Father Dudko also goes on to ask the Church and the State, according to the Patriarch's forgiveness, not only for his Father Yakunin.a Russian Orthodox Keston News Service. "insults" to the Church, but also for his priest and founder-member of the lack of patriotism and respect for Christian Committee for the Defense of The letter is dated June 5 and was authority. Believers' Rights in the USSR, is facing therefore written just over two weeks "Forgive me for all my folly, all my charges under Article 70 of the Criminal prior to Father Dudko's startling "con­ insults, for the sorrow I have caused you Code of the RSFSR ("anti-Soviet fession" on Moscow television on June as well as my spiritual children and all agitation and propaganda") which 20.
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