MelodyAll-starline-up! Maker OCTOBER 19, 1968 is weekly BLUES HEROES. BINGOIN Page13 TOM JONES SELLERS ON TOUR Page 7 POP TODAY FILM AND TOMORROW BEM-LE Ringo Starr has signed for his second major film role. He is to appear with Peter Sellers in The Magic Christian, which goes into production in Britain early in the New Year. Ringo will play Sellers' son in the film which is scripted by Terry Southern,who co -wroteCandyand wrote the script for the new Jane Fonda film Barbarella. Candy isthe book which was filmedin Rome last year with Ringo playing a Mexi- can gardener. This wasthe drummer's first screenactingrole away fromtheother Beatles. The filmstill has not been shown in Britain. The newfilm,whichhasnomusical content at all, will be made in Britain. Peter Sellers is making some contributions to the script over the nestfeu, weeks. The Beatles neu double album has now been completed but Apple's Derek Taylor saidon Mondaythatnotitlehad been decided. the four Beatles are scheduled to leave Britain on holiday this weekend. They are going to different destinations "for a rest." George Harrison andhis wifePattiareflyingto America to stay with friendsbuttheplansof theothers were notre- vealed. Armstrong'sBritish Concert Nothinghasbeende- visit cided on a venue for the iscancelled Beatles' projected live ap- pearance, but Tayloragain LOUISARMSTRONG'SEuropean confirmed that the group tour, whichwas to have taken-stillin hospital would olav alive concert ina two-week before Christmas. "But It's season at the Wake- in the leg- was respondingto treat- Justaslikelytobeat field TheatreClub, startingDecem- ment. TwickenhamStudiosas ber 1, has been cancelled becauseof " Ispoketohismanager,Joe theAlbertHallor even Satchmo's ill health. Glaser, thisafternoon," the Round House as has on Monday, "and said Perrin R INGO: signed been suggested," he said. LOUIS: good wish. On Monday,Jack Higgins ofLon- heconfirmedthat don's DavisonAgency toldthe MM: Louiswas gettingalonga lot better "The entireArmstrong All -Starstour than he hadbeen. of Britain andthe Continentis off for "He hashadtwo weeksof Inten- thisyear on account of hishealth. He sivecare andisnow feeling much is hospitalised better. Hewould lose and willnot be fit to friends to hear from his undertakeany engagements forthe in Britainbut, Joeadded, no JAZZ EXPO rest of the year." flowersandnofruit,justgood 'GS wishes." LesPerrin,Armstrong'sBritish startson page 17 Satch isin Room1161 of the Beth press representative, saidthat Louis' Israel Hospital, condition 16th andDt Avenue, -reported to be bloodclots New York,USA. Ad ver torment 1-MEI.OMMAKER. Member 14. 1961. FIFTHCOLUMN Page INNOVEMBER ALBUMALSORELEAEED PLUS TWO b.51,nugrner:,r.n.,,MsacaSgap(nu-rdlIeb!,,,titter, aboutVANGUARD. "Why don't youletifsknow what's been releasedsofar,"hesaidthe other day,betwembursts inthe Imust say he's gall FOLLO office-and Iona VANITY there -00a.1slh Idraignlhei adsolifie'tth'Vi:ANtgrhGt youknowwhatinavailable at rnornent-and etthismom. this 01 y 1 Ihums Apple MONT THOSE WERETHEDAYS Mary Hopkin, NEXT 1 III DUE his LP istitled "SKIP JAMES Casuals, Decca L 2 12)JESAMINE -eoT0.174 HEY JUDE Beatles, Apple ste playable mono).(VItThisjpo1 3 (3) Leapy Lee. MCA VANITYFARE'Sfollow-up the ic of a 66 -year-old Woes 4 (4)LITTLE ARROWS musisbitofinformation For The singer(this Tremeloes, CBS singleto"I Live 14 MY LITTLELADY is fur the uninitiated) who S (II) Remember) life LADY WILLPOWER..Gary Puckett and the UnionGap, CBS Sun " will be" (I althoughhe has spent his 6 (5) written travellingaround she States as 7 (14)LES BICYCLETTESDE BELSIZE EngelbertHumperdinck, Decca SummerMorning," hasnever Jack aprofessional singer 8 (12)A DAY WITHOUTLOVE Love Affair, CBS by MikeKent and recorded verymuch, justa few tracks onParamount, as far as 9 (10)THE RED BALLOON Dave Clark Five, Columbia Arthur. Hod out-anyway that's Bros. It will be released onNovember I can 10 (8)CLASSICAL GAS Mason Williams, Warner the sonof thri ouintg tothyartionshioo.11 AND THE UGLY Hugo Montenegro, RCA 8with "BettyCarter,"a group I11 (22)GOOD, BAD original,as theB side. LP release make it-because this HOLD ME TIGHT Johnny Nash, RegalZonophone album "The S n- VANITYFARE:first dealer tobuy 12 (6) The group's first really is one ofyesterday's ICE IN THE SUN Status Quo, Pye The Wind-And OtherThings " will be blues singerstoday 13 (IS) released onNovemberI. 14 (20)LIGHT MY FIRE Jose Feliciano, RCA a blues SouthAfrican BUDDY GUY 15 (24)LISTEN TO ME Hollies, Parlophone SOLOMONKING'S singeroftoday y beenfinalised. at that as you 16 126)WRECK OF THE ANTOINETTE BIG CHARITYGALA dateshave now opens on sensational one and Tich, Fontana TheAmericansinger canhear on" A MAN AND THE Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick in Johan- rn( 2 forsix days bpB,IL.uUyo.ESb LOVE YOU Doors, Elektra gala, December (9), 17 (18) HELLO I A SPECIAL charity nesburgfollowedbyPretoria playable 18 (28) ONLY ONEWOMAN Marbles, Polydor starring Matt Monro, isto be (10),Durban(II held at London's Westminster Pietermaritzburg Port theFolkBluesFestivaltours I SAY A LITTLE PRAYER Aretha Franklin, Atlantic 14),EastLondon(17), 19 19) Theatre on October27. to to Capetown and hasbuilt up a tremendous 20 (7)I GOTTA GET A MESSAGE TO YOU Bee Gees, Polydor Thegala,inaidof ex - Elizabeth(18) and on reputation Onthis album he is 21 (-) WITH A LITTLE HELPFROM MY FRIENDS prisoners' -social welfare,also from December19 to 23. backed byOTIS SP ANN piano, stars Simon Dee, Marty WAYNE BENNETT guitar, Joe Cocker, Regal Zonophone Wilde, John Walker,Long JACK MEYERSbass, DONALD Cliff Richard, Columbia John Baldry, BertWeedon AARON GORTHEN 22 (21) MARIANNE The roup play Blaises, "Southern Star"which starsHAWKINS, Beach Boys, Capitol and Anna Hamilton. Ursula Andress,GeorgeSegal and BOBBY FIELDS 23 (13) DO IT AGAIN London(October15);Middle will be TAYLOR and FREDDIE EarthRichmond(16);BBC- and OrsonWelles. He LONNY 24 (16) DREAM A LITTLEDREAM Mama Cass, RCA film'ssound- BELOW drums. This is TV's How ItIs(18); Round heardon the soln album with 25 (23)I LIVE FOR THE SUN Vanity Fare, Page One SUPREMES CONCERT House, Chalk Farm (19). track BUDDY'S first Amen Corner, Deram his ownblues band and by no 26 (19) HIGH IN THE SKY The record willbe released meanshis last-it'sgreat-this 27 (30) THE WEIGHT The Band, Capitol SUPREMES AND Beach Boys DEE DEE VISITS later as a single in this is Tom Jones, Decca are respectivelylined up for country. 28 (26) HELP YOURSELF Palla- Anno'ihheerrs g'regasti-blues albumis 29 (17) ON THE ROAD AGAIN Canned Heat, Liberty at the London DEE DEE Warwick, sister of ThelastfilmsongMatt "THE IMMORTAL MISSIS- dconcertsium this winter. singer Dionne Warwick, recordedwas"BornFree " JOHN HURT" (SVRL 30 (-) SUNSHINE OF YOURLOVE Cream, Polydor Supremes, who blew up a arrives in Britain today SIPPI which won an Academy award 19005stereo,playable mono) storm at London's Talk of the (Thursday) for a twoweek forhismanager DonBlack Town restaurantlastFebru- These are theremaining tracks © LONGACRE PRESS LTD., 1968 promotional visit A new who wrote the lyric. fromthesessionwhich gave ary, return for concerts at the single"I'llBeBetter London Palladium on Sunday, us"MISSISSIPPI JOHN HURT" willbereleased on October 6079 doom only) top twenty altrums November24.Theprevious 25. (Fontana TFL day (23), they play concerts at She appears at Liverpool's BABERO° SIGNED The new LPfeatures talcs like I IIIHOLLIES GREATEST HITS 12(11) A MAN WITHOUT LOVE the Free Trade Hall, Manches- MardiGrasandVictoriana SINCE I'VE LAIDMY BUlir Hollies, Parlophone Engelbert Humperdinck, Decca ter. DEN DOWN,STAGOLEE,and clubs tomorrow (Friday); TO THEE.. 2 LIVE AT THE TALK OF THE 131131 ARETHA NOW TV dates for the Supremes BIRMINGHAM'S Bakerlou NEARER MY GOD 121 Town Hall, Walsall and album TOWN Seekers. Columbia Aretha Franklin, Atlantic -Diana Ross,CindyBird- LondonFlamingo onSatur- Blues Line has been signed to The productionofthe song and Mary Wilson - may an agencycontractbythe wassupervised by singerPAT- 3 13) BOOKENDS 14 1191 JUNGLE BOOK day (Is) and Clouds, Derby on has done a Simon and Garfunkel, CBS Soundtrack, Disneyland henegotiated,but atpres's- Sunday (20). Harold Davison Organisation. RICK SKY and he time a spokesmanforthe great job becausethis album is 181 BOOGIE WITH CANNEDHEAT 151161 THIS IS SOUL She will be appearing here They are on John Peel's Top 4 groupsaid it was "doubtful" until November 4. Gear on Sunday (20). greatmemorial to JOHN Canned Heat, Liberty Various Artists, Atlantic ifTVdates would be finalised. HURT. Torn (ones, Decca 16 117) JOHNNY CASH AT FOLSOM Also on the Supremes dates ThegroupplaysHenry's 5 0'0 DELILAH Getting away fromhlues, the 6 OF FIRE (Double PRISON , Johnny Cash, CBS are America's Fantastics, plus MATT TO RECORD Blueshoose, Birmingham on 161 WHEELS new JOAN BAEZ album is . Tuesday (22) and the follow- Album) Cream,Polydor 17115) THE GRADUATE a 32 -piece orchestra. something to be listened to;it's 71101 IDEA.. Bee Gees, Polydor Soundtrack, RCA Beach Boysare provisional- MATT MONRO isto record ing week (29) the club lyset for the London Pulls- the title song for thenew film features Jethro Tull. called" BAPTISM-A Journey 8 INSEARCH OFTHE LOST I ) SONGS OF LEONARD COHEN 171 - dium on Sunday, December I. Through OurTime" (SVRL CHORD Moody Blue, Deram Leonard Cohen, CBS mono) album "Outsideinside" are 19000stereo,playable 9 151 THE SOUND OF MUSIC 19 117) IMMORTAL OTIS REDDING released to coincide with the This LP is somethingof ade- Soundtrack. RCA Ofis Redding, Atlantic visit parture from her usualmaterial, 101121 WAITING FOR THE SUN 20 I-) THE GOOD, THE BAD AND the difference being thatshe in- Doors, Elektra THE UGLY Soundtrack, cludes many poems onitto ranging fromWilliam 11 191 MR. WONDERFUL United Artists BLUE CHEER DUE writers Fleetwood Mac. Blue Horizon (two titles tied for 17th position) BlaketoWalt Whitman The Ideaforthe album came from of SAN FRANCISCAN group Maynard Solomon, the boss u.s.top ten I Blue Cheerwere duetofly VANGUARD RECORDS and into London must sayit'sturned out beau- 11 Beatles, Apple 6 161 MIDNIGHT CONFESSIONS on Tuesday for HEY JUDE their first British visit.
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