Serving the Clark Hill Reservoir RecreationArea! A Profile of (:hennaull LINCOLN WTWA LAND McCOMIC THOMSON, GEORGIA is lo- J' 7 McCormick cated on Interstate 20, con- U.inb_ Clark /Jaií necting Augusta . 35 miles li:nle 1'r' I lle /IcsFrvorr /r to the Southeast and Atlanta, 125 miles to the Northwest. It Lincolnton _.,.,',, New Ho is 12 miles from ClarkHill letall< 1.10=1.1 WashinItotte \Wno1l Radio Reservoir, a vastrecreation th ake Code \ 'rcrnne WILKES area for fishing, hunting, camp- IJttle 111111Pi ing and boating. r?rver <onia / s EDGE - GaC j THOMSON's leading industries 51/line. I'hini.y FIE! .1) RaylnNn include UNIROYAL (canvas `TALIAFFRRO Appling Savannah footwear) THOMSON CO. Shinrvm MCDUFFIE EvanRiver N. A.: usta(men's trousers), NATIONAL I 1 COLUMBIA Marlines/ Crawfordville HOMES (pre-fab modular and { Gil.. Rmk\ Lewiston - \te.en: Augusta mobile homes), DEERI N G- .,,,,,,d MILLIKEN, synthetic fabrics, /¡ (':i nal. Gordon plus six major woodworking / White Plains \Hart m// PaineCoil A u tt plants,large construction in- Warrenton."ThomIsnon óllége 1'owIllun ( arin Fort dustry. (r)rdOn Grave% I HANCOCK Arr v WARREN Reservation 1leldv.ihah The Thomson/McDuffie Coun- Culverinr,Mayfield Oeecheever Blythe' ty is a relatively wealthy mar- JrNell CLASCOCK / \1r1kan RICHMOND ket unto itself. However, be- Gibson /Stapletonl cause of its proximity to Metro i MatthewsIKevsvdleI Sparta .Wrens Augusta,no marketing -sales /5 I B(URKE planforGreater Augustais era Nell:nrlle \\ complete without the effec- WAS/ II NGTON JEFFERSON I. tive Radio coverage of WTWA. 40 Wart Coverage Contours by: FREDERICK A. SMITH, Grange WTWA RADIOisobserving 1 Consulting Engineers Welch 1972 its 25th Year of service with I Charleston, South Carolina 19 years under the same con- 1 Videos, tinuous home -townmanage- Louisville ment. We know who is listen- ing, when and where . WTWA RADIO isheavy on local news, augmented by local ASSOCIATED PRESS sports coverage plus personali- ties. Member GeorgiaAssociation of Broadcasters WTWA FEATURES adult per- 0.25 . Irv. btu* MUMd, U$ Market Data: 0.5 M V/M MV/M sonalities . contemporary COVERAGE COVERAGE pop and country music alter- Population 82,720 375,090 nates throughout the day .. Thomson, Georgia and the time segment 7-10 PM Households 28,930 112,830 is reserved for SOUL music by Radio Homes 28,300 112,360 our own local soul jockey. 1240 KHz Auto Owners 36,880 153,820 Farm Homes 3,310 6,340 1,000 Watts Day Spendable Income $193,996,000 972,736,000 Total Retail Sales $ 99,312,000 633,772,000 WTWA BASE RATES: 250 Watts Night Food Stores $ 26,118,000 133,995,000 60 -second spots @ $ 3.50 Unlimited Hours Drug Stores .5 3,829,000 22,143,000 30 -second spots @ $ 2.00 Department Stores . $ 11,802,00095,228,000 10 -second spots @ $ 1.50 HICKORY HILL Apparel Shops $ 2,903,00028,119,000 National and Local Rates Same. BROADCASTING COMPANY Homefurnishinge $ 4,909,00027,190,000 Rates Net to WTWA Radio. Auto Sales.. $ 19,293,000 152,913,000 P. O. BOX 591 Service Stations $ 12,003,00046,333,000 Prepared by: PHONE 404/595-1561 Q Gross Farm Income. $ 53,119,00082,826,000 IADO ®limited THOMSON, GEORGIA 30824 Source: SRDS Consumer Data 1972? Pueblo, Colorado "SOUTHEAST GEORGIA'S FRIENDLY GIANT" , VAYI ¡Wrens , 0.25 MVM 1 JEFFERSON./ yyay esboro WASHINGTON \- BURKE andersville Louisville'I 1 ...i-.' Tennile r Irwinton wj JENKINS ~SCREVEN Y o > / \ Millen , \ WILKINSON / \, .J'.'NNSONi EMANUEL\\ Sylvania Jeffersonville, . (LAUR ENS y' tS ' ,." SwainsboroO \\ v ,'BULLOC`.' `-lG G Dublin / Statesboro `-C \ Sopertan 1 EFFINGHAM % Métter 0 Cochran \0.5 MVM '1REUTLENt` y CANDLER Springfield //K . `y' ` },,- > _ .-, . Hawkinsvillc" Vidalia M.' Vernon T . ,-, r Claxton ,,,,,,,,\,, \ "The Mighty 97' -,n :,'1 p PULASKI s' Lyons i'' - DODGE WHEELER1 1EVANS BRYAN Z TOOMBS I WILCOX r tp I Reidsville- _ Serving ,`McRae', Abbeville c¡, t TATTNALL SOUTH EAST TELFAIR /-, ,. .. `1 hT^Z..v.`y..n: / l GEORGIA Rochelle1/ ,n !1`1 Hazlehurst ; APPLINGZ rf t k . LIBERTY BEN HILL '. -{'JEFF i "N.0 970 KC 1 Ludowici - DAVIS Baxley Fitzgerald i , `Z_J- `--TBACON -+n LONG / * 5000 * 7 ., . I / i Jesup Y * Watts * IRWIN J Douglas C Y 0 Ima fr" .,1/ WAYNE McINTOSH Rich Farming Region _t COFFEE - j PIERCE `, Large Shopping Area A Pearson 1 WARE Blau shear t. GLYNN Key Tobacco Markets ATKINSONWaycross'_ 1 BRANTLEY, Represented by CONTINENTAL RADIO SALES * * In Atlanta: Harry J. Cannon 0.5 MVM 0.25 MVM MARKET DATA: Coverage Coverage Population 217,900 426,800 Households 54,560 108,390 Radio Homes 47,910 92,430 Automobiles . 61,600 119,270 vop Spendable Income (CSI) . $217,067,000427, 540,000 "THE VOICE OF PROGRESS" RETAIL SALES: Vidalia, Georgia Food Stores $ 47,266,000 91,058,000 Drug Stores . $ 6,552,000 12,639,000 Gen'I. Merchandise $ 14,782,000 30, 576,000 NEWS . UPI, Local, Mobile Units Apparel Stores . $ 9,650,000 15,835,000 WEATHER . Accurate, Complete Reports Home Furnishings $ 7,538,000 12,741,000 MUSIC . Planned for All Tastes! Automobiles . $ 44,929,000 78,759,000 Service Stations . $ 23,110,000 41,849,000 `Total Retail Sales $192,219,000359,082,000 FARM DATA: WVOP Farm Population . 60,700 116,100 Gross Income (1962) $106,593,000217,518,000 H.L. Dorough, General Manager Fred Tippett, Commercial Manager SOURCE: SRDS Consumer Data1963. P. 0. Box 391 Phone (Area 912) 537-3305 Prepared by Market Data Associates VIDALIA, GEORGIA QUALITY 1240RADIO WWNS WWNS WC. P. O. Box 958 Statesboro, Georgia Office and Studio East O11iff Street Statesboro, Georgia Telephone 912-764-5446 1 240 KC 1CC10 Wcr.-rsDc. -7 250 Wc.s Southeastern Representative: SOUTHEASTERN REPRESENTATIVES 1365 Peachtree Street N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 United Press International Radio Press International Mobile Unit CAR 124 ~cm,t_ V.Nbs/'i .s .r_a_..m ~ado (CAR 124) MePke Dec WWNS forW C©vor ©zQAL'Qc 1240 Radio Bulloch Coverage Area QZle:Gfty (Statesboro) STATESBORO, GEORGIA Population (1960) 24,263 96,139 29,587 Home Of: Farm Population (1960) 8,274 5,541 22,363 Rockwell Manufacturing Co. - (meters) No. Families(1960) Agricultural Products Sold (1960) 11,215,000 36,762,000 (Gulistan carpets) A. & M. Karagheusian Co. - Bank Deposits (1963) 16,218,000 53,270,000 A. M. Bras" '1 FoodProducts - (juice -Rite, preserves) Retail Sales (1963) 32,153, 580 112,419,380 Robbins Packing Co, - kmeat products) of Statesboro, based on surveys The latest estimated population Statesboro C uiC'issica - (children's dresses) of the records of the GeorgiaPower Company and the within a three mile radiusand Ei et Georgia Peanut Co. -(peanuts) Telephone Company, is 15,003 11,500 for the city limits ofStatesboro and thosesubdivisions C:lude Howard Lumber Co. -(lumber) immediately a';ricent to the _icy proper.This does not include ,t':y enrolled at GeorgiaSouthern College. Also Un:ts c,í 7,500 cruder.. -u-- DKg Camp P ,ler Corp. The ectim_aced per capita incomefor Statesboro based on a1963 ,.urvev is 44,1vv. nitinenra, C.to 1 -7-7/15 is M y /3L1.57- ,70 y7/MC OT7'r1-/ - wIl v op 1000 Watts-ClearChannel-1520' L/4l. 1+: e ,Iw 111.41 te.o+ 0.5 MVM THE DAIRY LAND'S FAVORITE SOUND Eatonton, Ga. EATONTON WXPQ Serves.... The thriving area of Putnam, WXPQ Radio Jasper, Greene, Jones, Mor- Monticello 1000 Watts gan,Hancockand Baldwin Counties. Milledpevil WXPQ Serves The State 4-H Center, loca- ted just 7 miles from Eaton - tonthatattracts thousands of visitors each year. OGordon WXPQ Serves LakeSinclair, the summer home of thousands of Geor- 0.25 MVM gians and features facilities for boating, swimming, fish- ing and picnicing. SERVING- ABC l3ADI0 WXPQ Serves Gray Milledgeville Plant Harllee Branch on Lake Sinclairin Putnam County, GreensboroMonticello one of the major power sta- tions in Georgia. Madison Sparta WXPQ Serves.... PutnamCounty, one of the Market Data: leading Dairy Counties in our 0.5 MVM .25 MVM state, and is known for it's annual Dairy Festival. Population 87,917 211,817 WXM Households 19,150 51,710 Radio Homes 16,470 45,190 WXPQ Serves.... -Pte. bkitht ~1 06 Spendable Income $270,760,000 $2,111,060,000 Eatonton, thebirthplaceof Joel Chandler Harris crea- Eatonton, Ga. RETAIL S.\LES: tor of the UncleRemus stories. Food Stores $ 17,940,000 50,832,000 Drug Stores 2,244,000 5,460,000 Gen. Merchandise 6,302,000 14,942,000 WXPQ Has Apparel Stores 2,772,000 10,421,000 Home Furnishings 3,062,000 8,378,000 Modernandexciting pro- Automobile Sales 11,892,000 36,382,000 gramming, pop music, coun- Serv. Sations 9,575,000 21,665,000 try and western and top tunes are our music. News is sup- plied by American Contem- F:\R\I DATA: porary Radio Network. Wire 't152,f)ON THE DIAL Population 10,300 31,000 service is from United Press. Gross Farm Income 32,022,000 54,665,000 We carry all big local sports EATONTON BROaDC.1.STLti0 CO. events and many National at- P.O. BOX 88 SOURCE: SRDSConsumer Data exclusively. EATONTON, GA. tractions. rv1n\T` 1A1.101lA^1 o Crandall ue / Liayron,m I /Fo oTunnelHill oRoc4 png o Eton Blairsville RABUN oTiger GILMER FANNIN C ngll Fawn Dalton p mChatsworth UNION 0 Tallulah Falls WHITFIELD Robertstown linwoodp, Spring Place .®. Ellijay °° Helen) La Fayette T.lror° MURRAY HABERSHAM` East Ellijay Diamond o WHITE /ALKER Careers o Cleveland ©Clarkesve Sugar Valley UMPKIN ó: o Habersham' eTrion o Ookrnc' 0 Da hlon leal o Demorest CH ATTOOGA Menlo ®,Summerville .Ó.C° ..n o PICK ENS CorneliaoMount Airy Ranger GOR N o Alto STEPH Berryton Fairmount Baldwin lyerly anville Tate ()Marble kitll o ellton FR Armuchee Dawsonville Murroyville 01 BANKS Adairsville HALL Mount Berry Shannon BARTOW New Ho rid @Homer Carn -Alto Parkin oCelanelse VIII.
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