WE PUBLISH LOCAL LEADING JAPANESE AND WORLD’S DAILY ON LATEST HAPPENINGS ISLAND OF HAWAII VOL. XXXV HILO, HAWAII, T. H. WEDNESDAY, JU LY 30, 1941 NO. 9011 General Hata Calls Map Shows Strategic Defense Outposts BLACKOUT TO Back Italian EmBassy FOREIGN SffiPS JAPANTROZEFDREIGN ASSETS NANKING, July 30 — General Shunroku Hata, Commander-in- BE SURPRISE Chief of the Japanese expedition­ IN SHANGHAI IS TOFACEFINiNCIAL BLOCKADE ary forces in China, yesterday aft­ ernoon returned the call of Fran­ a v n j A N S cisco Maria Taliani, newly-accred­ TO ited Italian ambassador to Nan­ STILL HELD UP WfflCH M S DIRECTED TO BER SIX SHORT BLASTS WILL SIG­ king government who on Monday SHANGHAI CUSTOMS OFFICE NIFY COMMENCEMENT paid Hata his first visit following PROHIBITS SHIPPING OF Times Says Financial Blockade She Faced OF BLACKOUT Italy’s recognition of the Nanking IMPORTANT MATERIALS government. Was Applied On Her Due To Jaint To make the next blackout SHANGHAI, July 30— Due to Defense of Indo-China ' something typical of those prac­ the action of the Shanghai cus- ticed in war times, a surprise ; toms office in prohibiting exports blackout will be conducted CENTRAL BODY of important materials on July 28. TOKYO, July 30 The Japan Times and Advertiser in throughout the Territory in the : loaded foreign ships here are at a near future of which no details as i standstill in Whangpoo river while an editorial captioned “temporary trials” declared that the to time and date will be released TO UNIFY ALL ! Anglo-American exporters and first effects of the freezing order against funds of American except for precautions. j shippers are facing a difficult si- and British nationals appear to be disconcerning But are be­ Another of the Hawaii County I tuation. ing accepted by foreign nationals in accommodating the Blackout Committee meeting was i TRADE ASS’NS I The British Butterfield Swire I spirit. held on Monday afternoon at 3 at i steamer, Hunan, 2827 tons, which the Chamber of Commerce rooms AUTOMATIC DISAPPEARANCE ! was scheduled to sail on July 28 The Times said that it is understood that designated na­ with J. H. Cowan, acting chair­ OF OTHER SUCH ORGANS ^ with a full load of cotton was for- tionals will be able to draw five hundred yen monthly in ex­ man, presiding. About 30 compris­ EXPECTED ! ced to unload the cargo while the With the subject of Western Hemisphere defense a leading topic cess allowance for rent and servant’s taxes without apply­ es the committee. ’ Jardine Matheson steamer, Foo- of conversation and debate these days, the above map should help clear Blaickout Signal HSINKING, July 30—The gov­ up some of the questions surrounding the topic. Indicated by American ing for a permit. shing, 2,284 tons, which was to sail flags are the points at which the U. S. has established bases for its According to plans worked out ernment announced plans to create for South China after entering armed forces to aid in the general defense strategy. Also shown are the “There are many large institutions which will Be tem­ by the committee blackout signals a central foreign trade control port with a load of chemicals on distances between various points of vital importance in considering the relationship of the United States to possible invasion by a European porarily emBarrassed including the emBassies, which have for the island of Hawaii, exclusive body to unify and coordinate con­ July 28 has been unable to leave. power. Since the occupation of Iceland by U. S. troops, the question large staffs to pay, But inasmuch as Japanese companies a- of those by telephone, will be six trol perations of foreign trade as- of whether or not to occupy the Azores and Cape Verde islands (owned short blasts, 2 seconds of inter­ sciations and firms throughout the by Portugal) has been brought to nublic attention. Broad are in the same plight, the impression prevails that in­ val, six short blasts, two seconds nation. The body will tentatively ! ternational scheme of accommodation will eventually ope­ of interval and six short blasts. be called the Mtnchurian Foreign ! Axis Dipolmats rate,” the Times said, adding “it will be necessary to exer­ These signals will be given by Trade Association. The jurisdiction cise patience until working efforts of new orders are made whistle, siren or horn. will extend to Kwangtung provin-’ THAILAND IS Flee from Chungking: NEI-JAPAN OIL In Kona and other country dis­ ce as well. HANOI, July 30—Italo-German apparent” and it must Be Borne in mind that the ministry tricts, however, continuous ring­ Practically all types of goods in­ diplomatic evacuees from Chung­ of finance was referred to for the flexiBility of regulations. ing of church bells will substitute volved in the nation’s foreign trade king including the German Char­ The Times again defended Japan’s application of freez­ the siren, whistle or horn. with the exception of articles un­ ge d’affaires Baron von Plessen All local radio stations in the der government monopoly will Spinelli arrived here on the eve of ing regulations by stating that “this country was late in ap­ Territory will announce the black­ come under its control. JAPAN’S MDVES July 29, and immediately booked plying controls and only did so when some form of protec­ out and all clear times. The creation of this body will at the Hotel Metropoli. tion was needed against the financial Blockade aimed in ap­ The “all clear’ signal will be one ONLY PRO-BRITISH AND PRO- automatically dissolve the Man­ MEASURES TAKEN TO INSURE plying pressure on the Japanese nation as a result of the long blast of the whistle, horn or churian Importers’ Federation, the CHUNGKING FACTIONS FUTURE MISHAPS SAYS joint defense of Indo-China.” It also said that “there has siren. ARE SHOCKED Association of Kwangtung Foreign TREATMENTS BY REPORT Police Will “Flash” Trade Business Cooperatives, and been no desire on the part of this country unduly to dislocate Also participating in giving BANGKOK, July 30—Although PROF. WATANABE trade and commerce in private life and minimum restrictions the Kwantung Foreign Trade Bu­ TOKYO, July 30— Responsible blackout signals will be the police siness Cooperative Institute. metropolitan papers played up the GIVEN IN KAU have been applied.” dispatch of additional Japanese Netherlands East "’indies authori­ with red signal lamps, taking the By R. A. OTSUKA ties denied that the NEI govern­ In conclusion the Times stated same procedures as the sound sig­ forces to south French Indo-China, PAHALA, Kau, July 29—Prof, that the international financial Thailand public appeared to ac­ ment has .suspended its oil agree­ nals by flashing six short flashes Ittetsu Watanabe, widely-known ment with Japan as reported by disruption occasioned by the An­ in rapid succession and taking 2 cept the report calmly confident crusader for better health and the glo - American freezing order, V. S. BURTON that Japan’s latest move won’t af­ American correspondents on July seconds’ interval and repeating. STOCKS DROP which caused mild retaliation here, founder of the unique Ittetsu sys­ 28 and said that private contracts fect the existing amicable rela­ tem of healing, last night com­ is part of the development arising tions between Japan and Thailand. between Japan oil buyers and An­ BLACKOUT PRECAUTIONS CHIEF SPEAKER pleted the second of a series of glo-American or Dutch producers from v^orld trends toward com­ 1. Rubbish fires and all visible CONSIDERABLY plete government control of funds No official comment was yet av­ lectures-and-demonstration cours­ be carried out under the permit fires should be extinguished before ailable regarding the Japanese j es he is conducting on the Big Isl­ system as heretofore practiced, ac­ peculiar to Japan. dark. The burning of cane fields move but it appeared that pro- ! and at the Pahala language school cording to a report received by the after dark is a problem which will AT HCC MEET TOKYO, July 30— Restrictions British and pro-Chungking fac- i library. AT EXCHANGE Foreign Office from Consul Gen­ necessarily have to be worked out lions, holding positions of promt- I Several of his students afflicted regarding to transactions between HILO CENTER MATTER RE­ eral Yutaka Ishizawa in Batavia. UNCERTAINTY OF FUTURE by the plantations . nence in the Thailand government, with physical maladies are gratifi­ foreigners’ and Japan’s business CEIVES GENERAL DIVIDENDS OF STOCliS 2. Commercial and industrial es­ were shocked by Japan’s action. |ed over the marked improvements with the Japanese government’s SUPPORT WASHINGTON, July 30—Alex­ CAUSES SELLING tablishments must work out with Owing to the Japanese govern­ shown during the last two weeks. ander Loudon, Netherland minis­ freezing of British assets will be the Hilo Electric Light Company, ment’s assertion that it unharbors One woman in Naalehu who was applied to Borneo, effective today The second quarterly meeting of ter, told the press that oil wells SHANGHAI, July 30 — Quota­ the Kohala Sugar Company, or the territorial gains in Indo-China, stone deaf is now able to hear the the Finance ministry announced. the Hilo Chamber of Commerce and refineries in the East Indies tions of Anglo-American compa­ Kona Light and Power Company, Thailand people are viewing Jap­ ticks of an alarm clock at a dis­ was held tt the Hilo Hotel last ni­ would “be effectively destroyed” nies’ shares on foreign stock ex­ all necessary special details to con­ an’s action as purely of a defen­ tance of 86 inches while another PEKING, July 30— The Japa­ ght with about 60 members pre­ in case of extreme emergency change dropped sharply as Chinese trol all lights quickly in their es­ sive nature and designed for the young man in Pahala is capable of nese consulate-general and the sent.
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