WEEKLY Candle-lighting/Shabbos ends Friday, November 14: 4:20/5:21 Vol. III No. 37 (#86) November 13, 2014 • 20 Cheshvan 5775 Free Reb Shlomo Carlebach’s ‘The Death Mike Huckabee 20th Yahrzeit Of Klinghoffer’: Guest Speaker Tribute Concert Facts And Opinions At Upcoming American Held In Manhattan Friends Of Bet El Jews from all backgrounds unite Dinner with today’s biggest Jewish music stars to remember one of the greatest Jewish songwriters of the 20th century R’ Shlomo Carlebach Rabbi Moshe Shur and son SEE STORY ON P. 63 SEE STORY ON P. 56-57 SEE STORY ON P. 61 Shabbos Inbox Blue And White As I See It Hooked On Healing Stories Of Greatness What We Better G-d Bless Just How “Seasonal” “Let His Neighbor Shidduch Crisis? Act Quickly The American Are You? Attest To Him” By Eytan Kobre By Shmuel Sackett War Veterans By Caroline Schumsky By Rabbi Dovid Hoffman By Cynthia Zalisky here is no shidduch cri- wo weeks ago I wrote ho cannot use a n the old cemetery in Kra- sis. an article in this news- mood booster, now kow, Poland, sits an un- T There, I said it. Tpaper that “a volcano t is a very tragic thing Wthat autumn winds Imarked grave with the fol- Now, calm down. It’s only was about to erupt,” and I that those brave men are blowing and nights are lowing words: “Here is buried partially true. Well, sort of. Let explained all about the ter- Iand women who have creeping up at, err..5 o’clock? the remains of an unknown me explain. ror that is growing daily in fought for our country in the Many of us hit a post-holiday man – Yagid alav rei’o (Let his Of course, there are many Jerusalem. I am sorry to state military do not get enough slump and need ways to sub- neighbor tell about him).” Ap- CONTINUED ON P. 11 CONTINUED ON P. 26 CONTINUED ON P. 25 CONTINUED ON P. 24 CONTINUED ON P. 6 SEE AD ON P. 66 See ad on p. 28 2 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] November 13, 2014 20 Cheshvan 5775 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 3 4 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] November 13, 2014 20 Cheshvan 5775 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 5 Stories Of Greatness R’ Dovid Hoffman “Let His Neighbor Attest To Him” CONTINUED FROM P. 1 The shammes was well on in years and next to the M’galeh Amukos. They had a and told him to distribute it to charity for in a moment of weakness, thought to deal, he accused, and he even paid mon- the benefi t of the young man’s soul. But parently, the “neighbor” in question is himself, “So what if I took the money? ey for the exclusive right. The shammes he would not consent to bury the young in the next grave over, that of the great I deserve it after all my hard work. And paid no attention to the dream, but it re- man next to the M’galeh Amukos. tzadik and author of M’galeh Amukos, besides, I am over eighty, and this young peated itself on the next night, and then “But what will I do now?” said the old Rabbi Nasan Nata Shapiro zt”l (1585-1633), man is not even thirty. By the time he on a third night. On the fourth night, man with fear. The Bach told him to go and the amazing story of this unique leaves this world, there will certainly be the deceased issued a warning that if the to the younger man’s grave and inform gravesite goes as follows: new board members, and at that time, shammes did not move him, he would be him that if there was to be a din Torah Many years ago, a young man ap- who will be able to get the money back summoned up to the Heavenly Court. in court, it would be here – in the rav’s proached the shammes (shamash, sex- home – rather than in Heaven. ton) of the Krakow chevrah kadisha with On the appointed day, the shammes a request that he wished to buy the plot “If your soul is really so great,” he said, came to the Bach’s house and saw that and be buried next to the M’galeh Amu- “then move yourself to the plot you want!” a partition had been set up in the study. kos. The young man was unknown to The rav and the shammes sat on one the shammes or the community and so side, and from the other side they heard he dismissed the request outright; how from me?” So he took the money. At this, the old man became afraid and the voice of the dead man as he argued could a simple, unknown man be buried It took fi fteen years, but as fate would he told the story to the esteemed rav of that he had bought the plot next to the next to one of the greatest sages of the have it, the young man passed away Krakow, Rabbi Yoel Sirkis zt”l (1561-1640), M’galeh Amukos and he wanted to be generation? But the young man did not while the old shammes remained alive. also known as the Bach. The Bach re- give up. He took the elderly shammes to The chevrah kadisha members, who did buked the old man for taking the money CONTINUED ON P. 45 the side and said conspiratorially, “Do not know about the secret deal with the not worry; I can afford to pay whatever old man, buried him in another part of Rabbi Dovid Hoffman is the author of the popular “Torah Tavlin” book series, fi lled you ask!” the cemetery as they would any un- with stories, wit and hundreds of divrei Torah, including the brand new “Torah Tav- At fi rst, the shammes wouldn’t hear of known person in the community, and lin Yamim Noraim” in stores everywhere. You’ll love this popular series. Also look it. But then, on impulse, he mentioned the old man thought nothing of it. for his book, “Heroes of Spirit,” containing one hundred fascinating stories on the a large sum of money and the man in- That night, the younger man appeared Holocaust. They are fantastic gifts, available in all Judaica bookstores and online stantly agreed. In fact, he pulled the in a dream to the old shammes and de- at http://israelbookshoppublications.com. To receive Rabbi Hoffman’s weekly “To- money out of his purse and held it out. manded that he move him to the plot rah Tavlin” sheet on the parsha, e-mail [email protected] 6 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] November 13, 2014 20 Cheshvan 5775 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 7 PUBLISHED BY Queens Jewish Link, LLC Regular Features RABBINIC CONSULTANT As I see it – Cynthia Zalisky .............................................. 1 Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld Beauty briefs – Risselle Naimark ........................................ 59 MANAGING EDITOR Forecast Blue and white - Shmuel Sackett ..........................................1 Naftali Szrolovits Classifieds .......................................................... 49 Community calendar – Rebecca Wittert ................................... 41 SENIOR CONSULTANTS FRI • NOV 14 TUE • NOV 18 Yaniv Meirov Community corner – Susie Garber ..................................... 31-42 Community snapshots – Aharon Katz ....................................35 Cynthia Zalisky 45° 43° Helen Hoffman Delectable dishes – Estee Kafka .........................................55 Jennifer Jaffe 29° 32° Financially forward – Gerald Harris ...................................... 45 For what it’s worth – Warren Hecht ...................................... 43 ADVERTISING MANAGER Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny Yaakov Serle Frontlines ............................................................46 COPY EDITORS SAT • NOV 15 WED • NOV 19 The fun side – QJL Staff ..............................................64/65 Home healthcare corner – Tania Hammer .................................44 R’ Yisroel Benedek 45° 45° Rivky Bergstein Hooked on healing – Caroline Schumsky ...................................1 STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER 36° 30° House and home – R’ Gedalia and Sarah Newcomb ......................... 48 Aharon Katz Middle of the road – R’ Yehuda Oppenheimer ...............................27 Cloudy Partly Cloudy Rabbi’s musings & amusings – R’ Dani Staum ............................28 A Shabbat thought – R’ David Algaze .....................................14 SUN • NOV 16 THU • NOV 20 Shabbos inbox – Eytan Kobre ............................................ 1 147-24 69th Road 40° 37° The Shmuz – R’ Benzion Shafier ......................................... 16 Snippets of strange – QJL Staff ...................................... 19-23 Flushing, New York 27° 29° Socially savvy – Esti Berkowitz .......................................... 47 11367 Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny Stories of greatness – R’ Dovid Hoffman ................................... 1 [email protected] Style myths debunked - Meira E. Schneider-Atik ............................53 917.549.6145 MON • NOV 17 FRI • NOV 21 www.QueensJewishLink.com 43° 44° Special Articles Design by Design2pro.com Design & Production ‘The Death Of Klinghoffer’: Facts And Opinions - Shira Diamond .............57 MICHAEL KUROV • Art Director 33° 35° American Friends Of Bet El upcoming Dinner ..............................61 Distributed by Prime Media Distribution Rain Cloudy Reb Shlomo Carlebach’s 20th Yahrzeit Tribute Concert - Jennifer Jaffe ........63 8 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] November 13, 2014 20 Cheshvan 5775 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] 9 10 QueensJewishLink.com • 917.549.6145 • [email protected] November 13, 2014 Shabbos Inbox Eytan Kobre What Shidduch Crisis? CONTINUED FROM P. 1 deaf and mute (Avos d’Rebbi Nosson 26; Kiddushin 70a). One should not look stellar young men and women who, re- for beauty, fi nancial gain, power, or in- grettably, have a dickens of a time fi nd- fl uence because such things easily can ing their life’s partner. I don’t question dissipate, or, as Rabbeinu Bachaye put not dependent upon a [transient] thing, mand. Again, values crisis. that this trend has reached crisis pro- it, “grow wings and fl y heavenward like will never cease” (Avos 5:19).
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