6D24 CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD-SENATE. JUNE 9, By Mr. BALDWIN: A bill (H. R. 7336) for the relief of set­ By Mr. DRAPER: Petition of nume:tous citizens of Danbury, tlerti on second indemnity lands of" the .Northern Pacific Rail­ Conn., Bangor, Me.: Chicago, Ill., Oakland, Cal., Elmira, N.Y., way - to the Committee on the Public Lands. Brookfield, Mo., Delano, Pa., and Albert Lea, Minn., for the By Mr. CHICKERING: A bill (H. R. 7388) providing for the passage of House bill 5801, an act to promote the safety of rail­ sale of a certain water lot in the village of Sacketts Harbor, N: road employes-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreig-n Y.-to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. Commerce. By Mr. PA'l"'TERSON: A jointresolution (H. Res.l90) to pro­ By Mr. FLYNN: Eight petitions of settlers in Cherokee vide I or the printing of the digest of laws and decisions relating Strip, Okla., asking for appointment of Congressional com­ to the appointment, salary, and compensation of officials of the mittee to investigate entries of land made by parties who en­ United States courts-to the Committee on Printing. tered from the Chilloche Indian Reservation-to the Committee By Mr. CULBERSON: A resolution assigning certain days for on the Territories. the consideration of bills reported by the Committee on the Ju­ By Mr. HICKS: Petition of H. A. Holiman, Walter M. Filler, diciary-to the Committee on Rules. and.18 othe~ members of the Royal Arcanum, of Altoona, Pa., By :Mr. STONE of Kentucky: A resolution foe the relief of agamst the mcome tax, and favorable to an amendment exempt­ Sarah E. Evans-to the Committee on Accounts. ing beneficiary and. fraternal societies from the operation of same-to the Committee on Ways and Means. · By Mr. HUDSON: Petition of citizens of Scammon, Chero­ PRIVATE BILLS, ETC. kee County, Kans., together with resolution of the Order of Under cl.ause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills of the following United. Workmen of McCune, Kans., favoring admission of fra­ titles were presented and referred as follows: ternal society and college journals to the mails as second-class By Mr. COFFEEN: A bill (H. R. 7389) for the relief of Mrs. matter-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Hoads. Hattie Phillips, deceased! of Uvn,, L':tramie County, Wyo.-to Also, petition of citizens of Cowley County, Kans., favoring the Committee on Claims. Government ownership of telegraph lines-to the Committee on 1 B.v Mr. HOUK: A billlH. R. 7393) providing for the improve­ the Post-Office and Post-Roads. ment of Pigeon River in Tennessee-to the Committee on Rivers By Mr. McDEARMON (by request): Petition of D. B. John­ and Harbors. son, attorney, and 14 othet·citizens of Dyersburg, Tenn., protest­ Also, a bill (H. R. 7391} providing for the improvement of the ing against fraternal beneficiary orders in any form-to ~he Holston River, Tennessee-to the Committee on Rivers and Committee on Ways and Means.' Harbors. B.v Mr. McGANN: Petition of the Evangelical Lutheran Also, a bill (H. R. 7392) providing- for the improvement of the Churches, St. Mark and Gethsemane, of Chicago, and the Evan­ French Broad Rive"r, Tennessee-to the Committee on Rivers gelical Lutheran school committee of Illinois, protesting against and Harbors. the passage of House joint resolution 120-to the Committee on Also, a bill (H. R. 7393} providing for the improvement of the the Judiciary. - Little River in Tennessee--to the Committee on Hivers and Also, petition of the St. Matthew, Zion, and. Trinitv Evangel­ Harbors. _ ical Lutheran Churches, of Chicago, Ill., protesting against the Also! a bill(H. R. 7394)providing for the improvement of the proposed change in the preamble of the Constitution of the Clinch River in Tennessee-to the Committee on Rivers and United States-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Harbors. Also, petition of the Trade and Labor Assembly of Chicago Also, a bill (H. R. 7395) providing for the improvement of the recommending the passage of House bill5107-to the Committe~ Tennessee River-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. on Immigration and Naturalization. Also, a bill (H. R. 7396) providing for the improvement of the Also, petition of Douglas Park Council, No. 17, Royal League Emory River in Tennessee-to the Committee on Rivers and Har­ of Chicago, relating to the income tax-to the Committee on bors. Ways and Means. By Mr. RICKS.: A bill (H . .R.. 7397) for the relief of William By Mr. O'NEILL of Missouri: Petition of H. F. Ballard, of H. lt'easter-to the Committee on Military Affairs. St. Louis, of the Ballard Snow Liniment Company, and of the Ry Mr. HOPKINS of Pennsylvania: A.bill (H. R. 7398)for the S. Pfeiffer Manufacturing Company, in relation to internal­ relief of Da.vid T. Hayton-to the Committee on Military Af­ revenl.le taxes as proposed in House bill 4864-to the Committee fairs. on Ways and Means. By Mr. MEREDITH: A bill (H. R. 7399) for the relief of Isaac By Mr. POST: PetitionofW. H. Sewardand8otherlegal voters· Mcinturf-to the Committee on War Claims. of Truro Township, Knox County, Ill., against any change in By Mr. WEADOCK: A bill (H. R. 7400) for the relief of Capt. the rate of postage on newspapers, serials, and periodicals-to William E. Cummin-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. POST: A bill (H. R. 7401) for the relief of Prentiss B. .8y Mr. SIPE: Petition of 60 citizens of Philadelphia, Pa., Reed, Louisa Reed Carson, Diana Reed Hepworth, and Lucretia praying for governmental control of telegraphic system-to the H. Reed Regnier-to the Committee on Pensions. Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. SHERMAN: Petition of Edward Dedick and 43 other citizens of Dolgeville, N.Y., protesting M"ainst the income tax- PETITIONS, ETC. to the Committee on Ways and Means. o . Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, the following petitions anJ papers By Mr. WHEELER of Alab:1ma: Petition of the heirs of Mar­ were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: tha Byrd, deceased, Lawrence County, Ala., for relief-to the By Mr. BELTZHOOVER: Petition of citizens of Shippens­ Committee on War Claims. burg, Pa., in favor of exempting fraternal beneficiary societies By Mr. WRIGHT of Pennsylvania: Petition of L. B. Avery from bxation under the income-tax act-to the Committee on and other citizens of Wyoming County, Pa., against increasing ·Ways and Means. postage on newspapersandperiodicals-totheCommittee on the By Mr. BROSIUS: Petition of citizens of Lancaster County, Post-Office and Post-Roads. Pa., in favor of restricting immigration-to the Committee on ImmiP"ration and Naturalization. By Mr. BURROWS: Petition of Board of Trade of the city of Detroit, protesting against the Hatch antioption bill-to the SENATE. Committee on Agriculture. SATURDAY, June 9, 1894. Also, petition of Board of Trade of the city of Detroit, urging cevtain amendments to the interstate-commerce law-to the The Senate met at 10 o'clock a.m. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. By Mr. COOMBS: Petitiqn of members of fraternal organiza- On motion of Mr. TELLER, and by unanimous consent, tho tions and of the Franklin Council, No. 253,Royal Arcanum, both reading of the Journal of yesterday's proceedings was dispensed of Brooklyn, N.Y., protesting against the income tax-to the with. Committee on Ways and Means. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS. By M.r. DALZELL: P etition of sundry citizens Pittsburg-, The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica- Wilkinsburg, and B1·addock, all of Pennsylvania, against the in- tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, recommending that an come tax as affecting· benefieiary societies-to the Committee on additional clause be added in the sundry civil appropriation bill Ways and Means. to the item making. appropriation for the enforcement of the By Mr. DONOVAN: Petiti.on of Is.1.iah Leist, jr., and 8 other I Chinese exclusion act; which was referred to the Committee on citizens of Napoleon, Ohio, t·e~uesting the ad.option of an amend.- Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. ~ ment providing for certain exemption from th-3 provision or the He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Sec· income-tax feature of the tariff bill-to the Committee on Ways retary of the Tre::tsury, recommending th:1t an additional clause and Means. _ _ 1 be added in the sundry civil appropriation bill for the protec- 1894. CONGRESSION:AL RECORD-SENATE. 6025 tion of the salmon fisheries of Alaska.; which, with the accom­ a.s second-class matter; which were referred to the Committee panying paper, was referred to the Committee on Appropria- on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. tions, and ordered to be printed. · · He also presented a memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco, Cal., remonstrating against the passage of House PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. bill No. 6338, relating to the United States Coast and Geodetic Mr. CALL presented a petition of the Auditors and Deputy Survey; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. Auditors of the United State3 Treasury Department, praying He also presented the petition of A.M. Elston and sundry that House bill No. 7097 be so amended as to increase their sal- other citizeJ!S of Elston, Cal., praying for the enactment of leg­ aries to $2,500 per annum; which was referred to the Committee islation to suppress the lottery traffic; which was ordered to lie on Appropriations.
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