-~. "' ..... : .......' ..~.........".' .....-,.-' .. ~.-;;}•. ~. - ....t' - ........ ,." -. ...'.~.Nr ... _ .. ...-~~~~.;ro; ..J,,~lr-~.~'~-.~~.,:;~~1;\.~~~~~~f~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ ' - 1,------ . All the News Home of the News of All the Pointes '. Every Thursday Morning :. * * * Call TUxedo 2-6900 rosse Corrtplete Ne'ws Coverage of All the Pointes ~V-;O~L-;U-;;M:-::E:-:I-':9-:-_--:-N-:-o-.-2-7--------E~-i-~~-ec-cf-~~-ts-~-!J-~~Wd--~-\-=-~~~t-~-:-:~t'i-te:-:~:-:-iC-:-h.-.------_--:'_-G-R-O-S-S-E"'--P....O-'-N-T-E-,-M-I-C-H-IG-.-A--N----,..:.-J-U-L-y-.-3":",-'-19-5-8-----------$-~~-50-p-~~-r:c-~-~-~r----1.....6-P-A-G--E-S----F-u-'-'y-P-a .-.d-C-i-rc-u-'a-t-io-n-'" ----<0',> HEADLINES Summer's Finally Here; Beaches Boom Once More IResidents AssU1"ed To Complete of the ;T ' en. Project By As Compiled by the reat at on.~,",,'rtsEarly Fall Grosse Pointe Nett's $600,000 Job Advanced Music Festival To Provide Employment Thursday, June 26 Of A WILDCAT STRIKE New Traffic Ligh}s tu against the Chrysler Corp. first of Series of Three To Be Given This Wednesday at Cut Jams Missile Plant was called off 8: 15 P.M, on Terrace of War Memorial Center Wednesday night when UAW , People of the Pointe .will be privileged to hear the The $600,000 Moross road Local 1245 voted to send its widening pro j e c t, being members back to work. first of a series gf three evening July concerts presented by the Grosse Pointe Summer Music Festival, on \Ved- done by the Wayne County The end of the walkout and Road Commission, is sched- nesday July 9, commencing at 8:15 p.m. The other two ~ubsequent mass and violent uled for completion months picketing came when 150 pick- will be given the successive Wednesdays, July 16 and ahead of time, according to ets were called from the plant 23-all to be held on the terrace of the War :Memorial reliable information, gates and herded into the local Center. (~>---------_._--- hall at 26237 Van Dyke. The opening program gives George Dang of 465 Kerby After heated argument the promise of a great musical road, fonner Farms council~ members decided by voice vote treat for the audience. Gordon Honored man, who is currently repre- to return to work. T.beir action Staples, Ass 0 cia t e Concert I :;enting the Farms on the was really dictated earlier by Master of the Detroit Sym-! Wayne County Board of Su~ UAW President Walter P. phony Orchestra, and Richard pervisors, said on Monday,. Reuther and Macomb County Roeckelein will perform a June 30, the. Commission has Circuit Judge James E. Spier. Sonata by G. F. Haendel on added workers to help al- * ,.. * the violin and harpsichord, to I leviate the unemployment be followed by a second i situation, and consequently, TWO MEN WERE LOST and ~. Sonata, written in 1956 by I the project is expected to be :35 injured early Wednesday Icompleted by October 15. when a freighter and a tanker Robert Evett. This, a first area performance, will be presented Originally, the project was not collided ii1 the East River in expected to be finished for at I by Paul Olefsky, Detroit Sym- I New York City. The fiery ex- least a year. plosion engulfed and damaged , phony !:ellist, and Mr. Roecke- the Manhattan Bridge, i lein. ' To Take Four Months I I Thousands of gallons of Also included in the July 9 : He said that Joseph W. Go~, gasoline covered the river for program will be a canta ta by , county engineer, told him that -Photo by Fred Runnells Scarlatti, Bertram Shapleigh's ; the job will take about four hours after the tanker sank. This scene at the Grosse Pointe Park municipal through June kept attendance figures, fairly low, but Ave Maria, and various arias I months. The V>7Qrkwas started The East River was closed to beach will doubtless have it counterpart at all of the hot weather brings out the residents in droves, as this presented by Marilyn Cotlow, : about three weeks ago, with all shipping for more than five community's lakefront recreation areas during the shot taken on Sunday illustrateR. soprano, apd Mr. Roeckelein. I the laying of new drainage hou~s. 'd h 526- t long holiday weekend ahead. The cool weather all The closing number will be a sewers along Moross, from WItnesses sal t e , ;)- on .. ~________ _ _ Kelly road, and already, pipes freighter knifed into the barge i work by Haydn. .in which Messrs. Staples, Olefsky, and have been laid up to St. John ~~~~:h~\';e~~~h~:~n Expect Atteildance Marks 31 Roeckelein will perform. Hospital. ~~~~~~.HomeSweet Exchange The Summer Music Festival REAR ADM. JACOBI Traffic has been shunted to The cause of the collision is T B B k B h S d is the fii'$t of its kind in the I one side O'f Moross where a being investigated by the Coast At a recent convention of' bridge is being constructed Guard. H.ome Rates . 0 e to en at eac .es tu en/is to. Grosse Pointe community. Sea- son tickets. for $5.00, or single the R~serve Officers Associa- over the Harper Expressway concert tickets, for $2.00 each, tion, held in Atlantic City, route. When the one side is LEBAN*O~ ~SKED the N.J .. REAR ADMIRAL. USNR, finished, Lang said, traffic will United Nations Wednesday to Poor Second_ In 'i\.ll Pointes on .Fourth Visit Poi'nte may be obtained by calling the Grosse Pointe War Memorial LEON JACOBI. of 729 Fisher be diverted to the completed seal off its land and sea Bees Make Res'ldence. Influx of Hot Weather Sends Residents Scurrying To Center, TU' 1-7511, or contact- road. was elected national half of the bridge, while the frontiers with armed force and In American Field Service president. work is done on the other side, stop the pumping oi Syrian Mount Vernon Road Recreation Sites on lake Front; Weekend ing any member of the Festival Arranged Bus Tour To Committee, of which Mrs. and Egyptian war supplies to Yertible 'Honey' of Figuers Were High , Admiral Jacobi is H gradmu- It was primarily through Show .Group Sections. Frank W. Coolidge is chaim1an. ate of the U., S. Naval 'Acad- Lang's efforts, that the Road: Lebanese rebels. a Place . I The rebels threatened the "Summertime, and the living is easy ... ". And Of Country' emy. and earned a Bachelor of I Commission authorized ~he . H . -- what's more, it really IS here. Statistics from the five Science degree in Mechanical I M?ross ro~d p.rogr.am WhICh ~~~~iC~~i;~~s~:~~I:s~ay O~~I~ Literally arid figurative- parks prove the Point(e). The warm weather, apparently A busload of American Court to Settle Engineering. He served, act-, WIll take In wldenmg of the Government officials feared it ly, Mr. and Mrs. Edward here to stay, has brought the previously failing attend- Field Service foreign ex- ively, in the U. S. Navy from road, paving, island construc~ 1917,to 1925 and was in the tion, new sewers, and so on, signaled the beginning of a' Specht of ~77 Mt. ':.ernon, ance figures back to their se'asonal par, change students will arrive Traffic Dispute Naval Reserve from 1927until from Kelly to about 1,000 feet maJ'or rebel effort to oust can lay claJm to havl.ng the This past. week-end, warmest0-------------- in Grosse Pointe for a 1940. He was on active 'duty east of Mack, or almost to C t t h th f h t .d t th d . 't J 1 4 Two motorists, each claim- President Camille hamoun. S wee ¥ e s om~e In e 0 t e year 0 date,' reSl 'en s Jar .quota of 10 lifeguar<is, they ree- ay VISl , on u y , from 1940-1946and earned the Chalfonte road. No Americans are at the hos- Pointe. Their's is a "h oney " crowded all the 1ocal beaches have hired two extra men to at'5 . p.m,. Th ere WI'11 be 31 ing het' khadedthe green light, . t . were Ie et by Farms police Bronze Star for Atlantic Fleet Will Be Interchange pital - the American staff of a place. and pIers 0 caI?aclty. supervise the waterfront, and students in all, representing on Thursday, June 24, follow- Service during World War II. moved to Beirut six weeks A swarm of bees was dis- Dave BeauvaIs, supermtend- another pair to help at the 14 countries. ing an accident a,t Mack and Moross will be an inter- ago. covered by the Sprechts inside ent at the 'Park pier, reports gate.. Ali of these young people ~lvin. The AdmIral ser\'~~ on the change for the expressway. " " ~ the eaves on the right side of that they had 3,200 sun spent the past school year .. Hoover Commission, and is the which is expected to reach have author of several technical en- Friday, June 27 thejr house, 8Jbovethe building worshippers on Saturday, 4.500 Far.~s Park supe~intelident livin with an American family I A pohc~ aCCIdent report g that intersection sometime in JOHN FOX, Boston law",'er entrance. Found, also, was on Sunday-and Monday, 3,754 Ed Lauers also reports a .busy. h N E 1 d Th showed that Clarence Buslepp gineering publications. He is 1960. 111 f and former newspaper pub- enough honey to keep the sch00 1-free res 1.d'ents swarme d week -.end Saturday he clocked '.
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