Published by The Stationery Office. Useful 0870 600 55 22 organisations and Stress websites British Association for Counselling The British Heart Foundation neither and Psychotherapy endorses nor guarantees the suitability of 0870 443 5252 any organisation. Contact your doctor for www.bacp.co.uk specific advice on any medical problems. Centre for Stress Management 020 8293 4334 Back care www.managingstress.com Back Care, The National Organisation International Stress Management for Healthy Backs Association 020 8977 5474 07000 780430 www.backpain.org www.isma.org.uk Back Chat – BBC Online Mental Health Foundation, www.bbc.co.uk/health/backchat/ 020 7802 0300 www.mentalhealth.org.uk British Acupuncture Council 020 8735 0400 MIND www.acupuncture.org.uk Information line: 0845 766 0163 020 8519 2122 British Chiropractic Association www.mind.org.uk 0118 950 5950 www.chiropractic-uk.co.uk Mind Tools www.mindtools.com/pages/main/newMN_ Chartered Society of Physiotherapy TCS.htm 020 7306 6666 www.csp.org.uk Stress UK 0870 199 3260 General Osteopathic Council www.stress.org.uk and Osteopathic Information Service Weight management 020 7357 6655 www.osteopathy.org.uk Association for the Study of Obesity 020 8503 2042 www.aso.org.uk Scottish Chiropractic Association 01505 863151 BBC Online – Your Weight www.sca-chiropractic.org www.bbc.co.uk/health/yourweight Working Backs Scotland British Dietetic Association 0800 0192211 0121 200 8080 www.workingbacksscotland.com www.bda.uk.com Resources British Nutrition Foundation The Back Book 020 7404 6504 By K Burton. www.nutrition.org.uk Section 4 / 2 page 1 Eating Disorders Association (EDA) Arthritis Research Campaign Helpline: 01603 621414 01246 558033 www.edauk.com www.arc.org.uk Food and Drink Federation Association of Retired and Persons 020 7836 2460 50+ www.foodfitness.org.uk 020 8764 3344 www.arp.org.uk International Obesity Task Force 020 7691 1900 Asthma www.iotf.org See ‘National Asthma Campaign’. Nutrition Society Breast Cancer Care www.nutsoc.org.uk 020 7384 2984 www.breastcancercare.org.uk The Obesity Awareness and Solutions Trust (TOAST) British Allergy Foundation (Allergy 01279 866010 UK) www.toast-uk.org.uk 01322 619898 www.allergyfoundation.com Vegetarian Society of the UK 0161 925 2000 British Association of Cardiac www.vegsoc.org Rehabilitation 01420 544794 Health conditions/ charities www.bcs.com/affiliates/bacr.html Action Asthma British Heart Foundation www.actionasthma.co.uk 020 7935 0185 Heart Information Line: 08450 70 80 70 Age Concern Cymru www.bhf.org.uk 02920 371566 www.accymru.org.uk British Lung Foundation 020 7688 5555 Age Concern England www.lunguk.org 020 8765 7200 www.ageconcern.org.uk British Medical Association 020 7387 4499 Age Concern Northern Ireland www.bma.org.uk 02890 245729 www.ageconcernni.org British Red Cross 020 7235 5454 Age Concern Scotland www.redcross.org.uk 0131 220 3345 www.ageconcernscotland.org.uk Cancer Research UK 020 7242 0200 Alzheimer’s Society www.cancerresearchuk.org 020 730 6606 www.alzheimers.org.uk Diabetes UK 020 7424 1000 Arthritis Care www.diabetes.org.uk 020 7380 6500 www.arthritiscare.org.uk Diabetes UK Cymru 02920 668276 Section 4 /2 page 2 www.diabetes.org.uk/cymru/ Royal National Institute for Deaf People Diabetes UK Northern Ireland 020 7296 8000 02890 666646 www.rnid.org.uk www.diabetes.org.uk/n.ireland/index.html Royal National Institute for the Blind Diabetes UK Scotland 020 7388 1266 01413 322700 www.rnib.org.uk www.diabetes.org.uk/scotland/index.html The Stroke Association Epilepsy Action 020 7566 0300 01132 108800 Helpline: 0845 3033100 www.epilepsy.org.uk www.stroke.org.uk Institute of Cancer Research Sustrans 020 7352 8133 0117 926 8893 www.icr.ac.uk www.sustrans.org.uk Living Streets Government, health and general 020 7820 1010 contacts www.livingstreets.org.uk BBC Health Online Long Term Medical Conditions www.bbc.co.uk/health Alliance 020 7813 3637 British Chamber of Commerce www.lmca.org.uk 020 7654 5800 www.chamberonline.co.uk National Asthma Campaign 020 7226 2260 British Occupational Health Research www.asthma.org.uk Foundation (BOHRF) 020 7317 5898 National Heart Forum www.bohrf.org.uk 020 7383 7638 www.heartforum.org British Tourist Authority 020 8846 9000 National Osteoporosis Society (NOS) www.britishtouristauthority.org 01761 471771 (for general enquiries) 0845 4500230 (for medical queries) Business Link www.nos.org.uk 0845 600 9006 www.businesslink.org Parkinson’s Disease Society 020 7931 8080 Confederation of British Industry (CBI) www.parkinsons.org.uk www.cbi.org.uk Pre-Retirement Association of Great The Countryside Agency Britain and Northern Ireland 01242 521381 01483 301170 www.countryside.gov.uk www.pra.uk.com The Countryside Agency: Walking the Repetitive Strain Injury Association Way to Health Initiative (WHI) 02380 584314 01242 533258 http://rsi.websitehosting- www.whi.org.uk services.co.uk/index.asp Section 4 /2 page 3 Department for Culture, Media and Health and Safety Executive for Sport (DCMS) Northern Ireland 020 7211 6200 02890 243249 www.culture.gov.uk Health Canada and the Canadian Department for Education and Skills Council for Health and Active Living at (DfES) 0870 000 2288 Work (CCHALW) www.dfes.gov.uk/index.shtml www.activelivingatwork.com Department of Health Health Development Agency 0870 1545500 See National Institute for Health and www.dh.gov.uk Clinical Excellence Department of Health NHS Plus The Health House www.channel4.com/health 020 7210 4850 www.nhsplus.nhs.uk Healthnews www.health-news.co.uk Department of Health and HSE Healthy Workplace Initiative: Signup HealthPromis www.signupweb.net http://healthpromis.hda-online.org.uk HealthPromis is the national health Department of Trade and Industry 020 7215 5000 promotion database for England. www.dti.gov.uk Health Promotion Agency for Northern Department for Transport Ireland 020 7944 8300 02890 311611 www.dft.gov.uk www.healthpromotionagency.org.uk Faculty of Occupational Medicine Heart Friendly Office 020 7317 5890 020 7224 4559 www.facoccmed.ac.uk www.heartfriendlyoffice.org The Federation of Small Businesses Institution of Occupational Safety and 01253 336000 Health www.fsb.org.uk 0116 257 3100 www.iosh.co.uk The Government’s Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme (For free International Labour Organization advice to organisations preparing a travel www.ilo.org plan.) 0800 585 794 Irish Heart Foundation www.actionenergy.org.uk 01 668 5001 www.irishheart.ie HAZnet (UK) – Health Action Zones 020 7061 3123 Managing Sickness Absence www.haznet.org.uk www.managingabsence.org.uk Health and Safety Executive 020 7717 6000 National Assembly for Wales Information Line: 0541 545500 02920 825111 www.hse.gov.uk www.wales.gov.uk National Cycling Strategy Information Section 4 /2 page 4 020 7944 2977 029 2034 7010 www.nationalcyclingstrategy.org.uk www.wtuc.org.uk National Institute for Health and Walk in to Work Out Clinical Excellence An intervention to encourage walking and 020 7067 5800 cycling to the workplace. www.publichealth.nice.org.uk 0870 1226 236 National TravelWise Association Walking the Way to Health Initiative (including Travel Plans) (WHI) www.travelwise.org.uk 01242 533258 www.whi.org.uk NHS Direct 0845 4647 World Health Organization (WHO) www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk (+41 22) 791 21 11 www.who.int NHS Health Scotland (formerly HEBS) 0131 536 5500 Resources www.hebs.scot.nhs.uk Securing Health Together Securing Health Together is a long-term Northern Ireland Office occupational health strategy for England, 02890 520700 Scotland and Wales www.nio.gov.uk 020 7717 6978 www.ohstrategy.net Occupational Health Services Available to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through NHS Plus Physical activity, exercise and 0800 092 0062 sport www.nhsplus.nhs.uk All England Netball Association Office for National Statistics 01462 442344 0845 601 3034 www.england-netball.co.uk www.statistics.gov.uk Amateur Athletic Association of Scotland’s Health at Work Scheme England 01224 551444 0121 4521500 www.shaw.uk.com www.englandathletics.org Scottish Health (on the web) Amateur Rowing Association www.show.scot.nhs.uk 020 8237 6700 www.ara-rowing.org Trades Union Congress 020 7636 4030 Amateur Swimming Association www.tuc.org.uk 01509 618700 www.britishswimming.org Transport 2000 020 7613 0743 Athletic Association of Ireland www.transport2000.org.uk 01 830 8925 Unison www.athleticsireland.ie 0845 355 0845 www.unison.org.uk Athletics Association Wales 01633 416633 Wales Trades Union Congress www.welshathletics.org Section 4 /2 page 5 www.bowls.org Badminton Association of England 01908 268400 British Cycling Federation www.baofe.co.uk 0870 8712000 www.bcf.uk.com Badminton Union of Ireland 01 839 3028 British Dance Council www.badmintonireland.com 020 8545 0085 www.british-dance-council.org Baseball Softball UK 020 7453 7055 British Deaf Sports Council www.baseballsoftballuk.com 01268 510621 www.britishdeafsportscouncil.org.uk Basketball Association of Wales 01443 771576 British Equestrian Federation www.hoopscymru.net 02476 698871 www.bef.co.uk/home.htm Basketball Scotland 01313 177260 British Gymnastics www.basketball-scotland.com 0845 1297129 www.british-gymnastics.org Bicycle Association of GB Ltd 02476 553838 British Judo Association www.bicycle-association.org.uk 01509 631670 www.britishjudo.org.uk Body Control Pilates Association 020 7379 3734 British Olympic Association www.bodycontrol.co.uk 020 8871 2677 www.olympics.org.uk British Amateur Rugby League Association British Orienteering Federation 01484 544131 01629 734042 www.barla.org.uk
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