Report No 1170/08 ANGUS COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS COMMITTEE - 2 DECEMBER 2008 DELEGATED APPROVALS REPORT BY THE DIRECTOR OF INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Abstract: This report recommends that the Committee notes the applications detailed in Appendix 1 of the report determined by the Head of Planning and Transport in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation detailed in Standing Orders. 1.0 RECOMMENDATION 1.1 The Committee is asked to note the applications, detailed in the Appendix, determined under delegated powers. 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 In terms of the Scheme of Delegation to officers, the Head of Planning and Transport is authorised to approve planning applications in accordance with the Development Plan, the Local Plans or established policies and where there are no objections, except those which raise a general issue affecting a large area, or are of major land or economic development significance. The Head of Planning and Transport is further authorised to refuse minor planning applications that are clearly contrary to planning policies (e.g. illuminated signs, satellite antennae, certain householder applications, etc). 3.0 DELEGATED DECISIONS 3.1 Attached as an Appendix is a list of 46 applications determined under delegated authority during the period 4 November 2008 to 25 November 2008. 4.0 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 4.1 There are no financial implications. 5.0 HUMAN RIGHTS IMPLICATIONS 5.1 There are no Human Rights issues arising directly as a result of this report. NOTE No background papers, as defined by Section 50D of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, (other than any containing confidential or exempt information) were relied on to any material extent in preparing the above Report. P&T/IM/KW 25 November 2008 Eric S. Lowson Director of Infrastructure Services Uniform\DCDELGAT Report No 1170/08 ANGUS COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS COMMITTEE LIST ‘A’ - DELEGATED APPROVALS Application No. Promoter Location 08/00765/FUL Mr J Lascelles Conversion of Steading to Form Two Dwellinghouses and Garages and Conversion of Bothy to One Dwellinghouse (Re- Application) at:- Land at Former Pitreuchie Steading Forfar Angus Conditions 1 That the development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. 2 That no alterations or amendments be made to the details contained in the approved and docqueted plans unless so indicated by conditions attached to this consent or agreed in writing with the Planning Authority. 3 That the building(s) subject of this permission for conversion shall be retained to eaves height and there shall be no downtaking or demolition of the building or any part of the building without the prior written approval of the Planning Authority. Any repair, infilling or reconstruction shall be undertaken in stone to match the existing building and the completed building shall be roofed in natural slate all to a specification approved by the Planning Authority. 4 Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, the agricultural buildings to the north and to the east of the steading be demolished and the site reinstated to the written satisfaction of the planning authority. 5 Prior to any works commencing, the developer shall secure the implementation of an archaeological standing building survey Level 1 of the extant structures, to be carried out by an archaeological organisation acceptable to the planning authority. The scope of the archaeological standing building survey will be set by the Aberdeenshire Council Archaeology Service on behalf of the planning authority. The name of the archaeological organisation retained by the developer shall be given to the planning authority and to the Aberdeenshire Archaeology Service in writing not less than 14 days before the survey commences. Copies of the resulting survey shall be deposited in the National Monuments Record for Scotland and in the local Sites and Monuments Record upon completion. 6 That no works shall take place on the site shall until such a time as visibility sightlines of 3m x 120m have been provided on each side of the proposed access at its junction with the B9128 public road to the written satisfaction of the planning authority. 7 That the above visibility sightlines shall be defined by the re-erection of the existing field boundary enclosures along the rear of the sightlines to the written satisfaction of the planning authority. 8 That within the above splays nothing shall be erected or planting permitted to grow to a height in excess of 1050 mm above the adjacent road channel. Uniform\DCDELGAT Report No 1170/08 9 That the verge crossing at the proposed access shall be improved to form a new bellmouth junction with a kerbed radii of 6 metres and a minimum throat width of 5.5 metres. The access shall be constructed in accordance with the standards of Angus Council prior to the commencement of any other development. 10 The access between the site and the public road shall be improved in accordance with Angus Council's Development Standards Advice Note 17 - Miscellaneous Planning Policies prior to the commencement of any other development. 11 That samples of the proposed external materials (including natural stone, wetdash, timber and profile sheeting) be approved in writing by the planning authority prior to their use on site and only the approved materials shall be used. 12 That no development takes place until there has been submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority, a scheme of landscaping, including, where appropriate, an indication of all existing trees and hedgerows on the land and details of these to be retained and cleared, together with the measures for their protection in the course of development. 13 That all planting comprised in the approved details of landscaping be carried out in the first planting season following the completion of the development or at earlier stages and any plants or trees which within a period of five years from the commencement of the use die; are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased, shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species. 14 That prior to the commencement of development hereby approved, evidence of technical approval from Scottish Water for the proposed water and wastewater connections shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. Thereafter, the development shall remain connected to the public water and sewerage system in perpetuity. 08/00854/FUL Linda Arbuckle Formation of a Driveway at:- 29 Knowehead Kirriemuir Angus DD8 5AL Conditions 1 That the development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. 2 That no alterations or amendments be made to the details contained in the approved and docqueted plans unless so indicated by conditions attached to this consent or agreed in writing with the Planning Authority. 3 The footway crossing at the proposed access shall be formed and constructed in accordance with the standards of Angus Council. 4 Prior to the commencement of the formation of the footway crossing, turning space shall be provided, within the garden ground at 29 Knowhead, to allow vehicles to enter and leave in a forward gear. Uniform\DCDELGAT Report No 1170/08 08/00888/OUT Janette & Clive McKay Outline Consent for Erection of a Dwellinghouse at:- Knowhead Cottage Kilry Angus PH11 8JA Conditions 1 That the approval of the details of the siting, size, height, design, drainage and external appearance of the building(s) and the means of access thereto, shall be obtained from the Planning Authority before any development is commenced. 2 That the application for approval of the reserved matters specified herewith shall be made to the Planning Authority before:- (a) the expiration of three years from the date of the grant of outline planning permission; (b) the expiration of six months from the date on which an earlier application for reserved matters approval was refused; or (c) the expiration of six months from the date on which an appeal against such refusal was dismissed, whichever is the latest. Only one application for approval of reserved matters (under (b) or (c) above) may be made after the expiration of a three year period mentioned in sub-section (a). 3 That the development hereby approved must be begun not later than:- (a) the expiration of five years from the date of the grant of outline planning permission; (b) if later (under (b) or (c) in the above condition) the expiration of two years from the final approval of the reserved matters or, in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last matter to be approved. 4 That the application site shall be restricted to one dwellinghouse only and this dwellinghouse shall be sited within the northmost area of the site, as indicated cross-hatched on the approved plan. Thereafter the site shall not be subdivided and shall remain as one cartilage associated with the house hereby approved. 5 That the building(s) be single or one and a half storeys in height. 6 That the roofs be clad with natural slates 7 That, prior to the commencement of building operations, the existing sheds shall be completely removed from the site 8 That, as part of an application for reserved matters, details of proposed improvements of the access track from the public road to the site shall be submitted for the approval of this planning authority. Thereafter, the track shall be improved in accordance with approved details prior to the occupation of the new dwellinghouse 9 That the design, materials etc. of the proposed house(s) comply with the criteria laid down in the Council's policy as contained in Advice Note No.
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