This story is based on The Grand Sophy by Georgette Heyer. The Potterverse, in all its heartbreak and glory, belongs to the inimitable JKR Red Hen Edition Copyright© 2006 by the Author Thou are not lovelier than lilacs, — no, Nor honeysuckle; thou are not more fair Than small white single poppies, — I can bear Thy beauty; though I bend before thee, though From left to right, not knowing where to go, I turn my troubled eyes, nor here nor there Find any refuge from thee, yet I swear So has it been with mist, — with moonlight so. Like him who day by day unto his draught Of delicate poison adds him one drop more Till he may drink unharmed the death of ten Even so, inured to beauty, who have quaffed Each hour more deeply than the hour before, I drink — and live — what has destroyed some men. Edna St. Vincent Millay 1 everus Snape entered the study of number twelve, Grimmauld Place with a certain amount of trepidation. The entire Wizarding world had been turned on its collective ear, and any summons from Albus Dumbledore most likely repre- sented a headache he could well do without. The headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry smiled at his Potions master, and gestured for him to be seated. “Sit down, my boy, sit down. I don’t have to ask how you’re doing, you look very fit. How are your lovely sisters?” Snape disposed his long limbs in the chair across the desk from Dumbledore and raised his eyebrows. “My half-sisters are in good health, Headmaster, and they will no doubt shorten my life span by fifty years.” Feeling that the proprieties had been observed, he said, “You implied that it was urgent?” The study door opened and a house-elfentered, 2 3 bearing a tea tray; Minerva McGonagall followed the house- riages and childbearing! It is outrageous!” elf into the room, indicating that she wished to have the tray Dumbledore tried a smile. “Scarcely to force us into placed on the desk. The elf complied and bowed himself out. anything, my dear. We are both past the ages specified in “Good afternoon, Severus,” Professor McGonagall said. the Law.” “I trust your sisters are well?” Snape muttered something, and Minerva looked over Snape closed his eyes in a gesture of long-suffering to him. “Well, Albus, you cannot say the same for poor patience and replied, “Blooming, Minerva, thank you.” Severus! He is certainly in the pertinent age group!” McGonagall seated herself next to Snape and began to Snape placed the teacup on the table between his and pour tea. “The oldest girl is subject to the Law, is she not?” McGonagall’s chairs. “My situation is in a fair way to Snape accepted a cup of unsweetened tea from the being resolved, Minerva.” older woman. “Skye is nineteen years old. She is indeed Dumbledore turned a sharp blue-eyed stare upon him. subject to the Law.” “In what way is your situation resolved, Severus?” Minerva passed a cup of tea, liberally sweetened and Snape sat up straighter in his chair. “I offered for Fleur Dela- lightened, to Dumbledore. “The war was a tragedy — a cour this morning. She and her family have accepted my suit.” travesty — for all of us. Why the Ministry felt it was nec- Dumbledore and McGonagall stared for a moment too essary to further complicate our lives — to intrude, and long before hastening to extend their congratulations. invade our privacy! — I will never understand.” Snape flicked his fingers impatiently. “Yes, thank you. Dumbledore surveyed her over the tops of his half-moon The wedding is planned for September.” His thin lips spectacles. “We lost too many of our best and brightest in tightened. “You asked to see me today for a particular fighting the Death Eaters, Minerva. The Ministry felt it reason, I believe, sir?” necessary to encourage those who survived to begin at Dumbledore put his teacup back on the tray and folded his once to heal the wounds we were dealt.” hands on the desk before him. “You know how we are situated Snape snorted behind his teacup, and Minerva imme- here, Severus. Minerva and I have six girls living here…” diately spoke in support of his incredulity. “To encourage Snape interrupted. “What became of the boys?” us to heal the wounds! You mean to force us into mar- McGonagall said, “Sirius was able to rent the house 4 5 behind this one; the back gardens are separated by a gated pants of the room the opportunity to see the small crowd fence. He and Remus are looking after the boys over there.” milling about in the hallway. Lupin was speaking quietly McGonagall was surprised to note that Snape could to Seamus Finnegan and Neville Longbottom in the sitting tighten his mouth even further. “Why isn’t Black living in room doorway, while Katie Bell fastened her cloak about his own home?” he inquired waspishly. her shoulders. Lupin looked around and spied the gather- “Sirius Black left this house when he was sixteen years ing in the study. Striding across the hallway, he entered the old and never wanted to come back,” Dumbledore said, room, smiling at McGonagall, and offering a handshake to in a tone of quiet reproof. “As you well know, Severus, it Snape. With the headmaster’s eyes upon him, Snape had no was a cruel punishment for him to be confined here for choice but to stand and shake the werewolf’s hand. months on end. He is much happier across the way.” “Severus! Good to see you. I hope your sisters are well?” Snape shrugged impatiently. “Yes, fine, good for Black. Lupin said in his hoarse voice. Why did you wish to see me, Headmaster?” “Why are all of the members of the Order so interested There was a knock on the study door, to which Dumble- in my half-sisters?” Snape demanded. dore responded, “Come in.” Lupin quirked an eyebrow at the affronted Potions master. The door opened, and a face framed in the unmistak- “Are we? Forgive us, Severus, but we never knew you had sis- able Weasley red hair peeked around the edge. ters until recently. We are anxious to meet them.” “Yes, Miss Weasley?” Dumbledore said. Snape scowled. “I hardly think it likely, Lupin.” “Pardon me, Headmaster. Katie and I were wanting to know Dumbledore spoke up quickly. “We don’t have any commis- if you or Professor McGonagall need anything from Diagon sions for you in Diagon Alley, Remus. Have a pleasant afternoon!” Alley? We have some errands to run there this afternoon.” Lupin took the hint and beat a hasty retreat, herding Ginny McGonagall spoke up. “You’re not going alone, Miss Weasley?” Weasley from the room, and galvanizing all of the young “No, ma’am. Professor Lupin is going with us — and some people out into the pleasant sunshine. McGonagall closed of the boys.” the door behind them with a snap, and turned to Snape. “Is Professor Lupin here now?” Dumbledore inquired. “We need your help, Severus.” The study door opened wider, giving all of the occu- Snape felt a sinking sensation, but offered a face of polite 6 7 interest to her. “How can I be of service to you, Minerva?” had the votes necessary to pass the Marriage Law. If our Dumbledore spoke up. “You know how important it is young people dn’t marry and reproduce, we will die out in for us to help the young people over this difficult time as less than four generations. It is unpleasant, but necessary.” much as we possibly can…” Snape glared down at him. “To make it a requirement McGonagall interrupted him, speaking forcefully. “We for all wizards between the ages of seventeen and seventy feel it is our moral duty to give them every chance to pair marry for the purpose of reproduction is barbaric!” off with a partner whom they can truly love — with whom McGonagall interpolated. “And don’t forget about the they can live happy, productive lives…” witches. All witches between the ages of seventeen and She cleared her throat, showing some discomfort. “It fifty! It is difficult for both the young men and the young is also our aim to keep them relatively chaste until they women, Severus.” have contracted a betrothal…” Snape struggled with himself for a moment. “I am still “Which means that you are closely chaperoning the girls at a loss to see what any of this has to do with you asking and allowing the boys to run wild?” Snape inquired nastily. to see me today.” Dumbledore smiled at him. “Something like that, Dumbledore smiled at him, and indicated with his Severus. You do understand that Minerva and I have been hands that Snape and McGonagall should sit down, which serving as the house parents for the young witches resid- they did. Dumbledore then busied himself pouring out ing here? It gives them the opportunity to attend the more tea for each of them. Ministry-sponsored social functions this summer, to “Severus, I must travel to Bulgaria for the International meet the young wizards in natural circumstances…” Confederation of Wizards Congress. I am requesting that you Snape stood abruptly. “There is nothing natural about bring your family here to live while I am away, so that you may this whole damnable business! I would like to see the assist Minerva with the young women and their courting.” Muggle government attempt something like this! There “That’s impossible, Headmaster. Since my father’s death, would be rioting in the streets!” the care of his wife and my half-sisters falls to me.
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